Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 02:35AM Hey Folks!
I was hoping to get some support here... I've been off and on raw foods for several years...but mostly waning the past few years due to lack of support/community (and the financial aspects of keeping up a raw diet without an ample garden) My health has also been off and on the past couple years, and Ive been getting chronic bronchitis like I did when I was a kid as a result, every few months....and I'm OVER it. I just want to clean my body out, drop a few pounds, get back to a more spiritual focus, and get my life on track, including my career. I went to massage school back in 05, but haven't actually gotten my SF city massage permit yet simply because I can't afford it. Its around 305 dollars JUST to get it initially, and my current job has hacked away my hours, so now I can't even save for it. So....Im forming a plan. Im starting with a 30 day mostly green juice fast. I want to do much more than just fast though. I want to change my life (again). I want to get back to daily meditation. Join a meditation/spiritual group in the city. Make some new friends for suport, and get my carreer on track! I also wouldnt mind finding some singing buddies to join me for karaoke once and awhile....or perhaps write some songs! I LOVE singing! Anyways...Im here in San Francisco. Id ideally like to start my fast this weekend...probably saturday or sunday. If anyone would like to join, that would be awesome! Im open to meeting new friends as well...would be awesome if I had some in-person support in addition to anyone wanting to join here online as well. Anyways...let me know! Sincerely With Love, John aka Shekinah Love Namaste Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 05:55PM Anyone? Join me for a couple days, a week, the whole 30. Send messages of support? I see 38 views and not one response...
Sigh. Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 09:37PM Hi John. We're all happy to support and encourage you, regardless of whether we decide to join you in the fast or not. We definitely support you, and you just might find some fellow juice-fasters here eventually. I like how Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch call it "Juice Feasting" instead of fasting. Good luck and keep us posted with your progress and experience. ***************************** "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." —Thomas Jefferson Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2009 10:38PM You could also check the juice fasting section on this forum, there is usually always someone juicing.
I just juicefeasted for 45 days in May. Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
The Fruit Faery
Date: July 09, 2009 10:48PM Hi john
Pleased to see your post. I was preparing to start Monday, but am happy to bring it forward. I will join you online on Sunday. I have some fruit to get through before i start my juice fasting/ feasting. I have booked a week off work. Just worked through a period of intense high pressure and stress. I am planning to redress the balance. I am planning to work on my yoga practice, rest drink veggie juice and take long walks with my daughter and my dogs. It will be a pleasure to join you (for the a week initially, see how things go) ffx Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Utopian Life
Date: July 09, 2009 10:54PM I prefer high fruit, low fat for cleansing -- actually, for my daily diet so I dont need to cleanse. ![]() But welcome and good luck! Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2009 05:32AM Hey folks...thanks for your supportive responces! I certainly dont expect everyone to fast with me! Im sure most of you are already in a pinnacle of health! :-) FFX, join whenever ya like....if ya like. Being a day off is no biggie. Im gonna start posting some videos on youtube about it every day too....as further motivation to keep myself on track. I cant wait!
Namaste John Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2009 07:37AM Small voice...could you not call it a 'Juice Feast' instead?
A juice diet is not a fast. Fasting is abstinence from food. Been that way for thousands of years. Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2009 08:16AM Honey....with the way I eat, trust me.... for me...ITS A FAST! LOL Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2009 10:09AM In any case....you know very well that *juice fast* is a vernacular term, that while not in the pure 100 perent literal meaning is a *true* fast....its still a valid term. One can fast from food and just consume juice. One can fast from food and water (a dry fast) One can fast from watching television, fast from too much sex...etc etc etc...
End of discussion. I really dislike nitpicky literalists! (if thats even a word! haha!) Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2009 03:15PM Whatever term you call it - have at it - have fun - and keep us posted !!! We're cheering you on !!! =) ***************************** "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." —Thomas Jefferson Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 10, 2009 06:58PM Thanks...Im gonna need it. Im gonna start getting some supplies today. im gonna try and make it mostly green juice, but I am gonna do some carrots with it....so Im gonna go get a 25 lb. bag today! Ive also got some dino and other kale in my garden thats ready to pick and juice! I cant wait. Im still getting over what I believe is bronchitis (with copious amounts of phlegm that just wont stop)
I was almost back to normal then the past 2 nights the post nasal drop re-filled my lungs with phlegm. Its really frustrating...but the juicing should take care of it (along with some homeopathy) John Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 05:18AM I got a 25 lb. bag or organic carrots today....got some celery, cucumber, 2 kinds of kale (dino and regular) and have some in my garden too! ANd some ginger, garlic, parsley, apples etc...
I cant wait! I also got an intestinal drawing formula by the company that makes vitamineral green...to cleanse my colon too....Ill also be doing daily pure water enemas. I cant wait to feel all clean and healthy!!! Yay! Shekinah Love Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 06:35AM 'I really dislike nitpicky literalists'
I really don't feel that remark necessary. I do not see 'juice fast' as a 'vernacular' term. I see it as a 'I want to say I'm fasting, as that sounds groovy, as if I'm doing something really hard, but real fasting is too difficult for me' term. I shan't say any more on this, as my original comment was quite gentle, and I realise that a lot of people like to use the term (inaccurately), and have only commented as I feel your reply was unnecessarily defensive. As others have said, best wishes to you, whatever you'd like to call it. PS If anyone here is interested in true fasting, suggest start with a 24-hour one. This article could be helpful: [debbietookrawforlife.blogspot.com] Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2009 06:41AM by debbietook. Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 07:01AM I realise the above may sound as if I'm knocking juicing.
On the contrary. I juice daily and there can be lots of benefits from short green juice diets (BTW, juice IS food :-)) Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2009 07:01AM by debbietook. Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 07:20AM And just to prove it, here's an article on juicing as well!
[debbietookrawforlife.blogspot.com] And now I'm gone! Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 07:50AM Jesus CHRIST! A juice fast IS a fast! It is fasting from SOLID Food! I dont give a flying rotten avocado if you think its a fast or not! Wah! Obviously you feel like you need to be *holier than thou* and *right*....otherwise you wouldnt have bothered posting over and over again. Its really irritating! Wah! All I just wanted to post about doing a fast and getting support...not to be belittled!(and yes...saying juice fasting isnt a real fast IS belittling)
Seriously.... Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 08:03AM Furthermore...if you read your post again...youre knocking me. Youre saying juice fasting isnt hard....and that someone who does it cant handle a water fast. Thats not fair. Juice fasting may not be hard for you, but it IS for some people. Im a compulsive emotional overeater. I have been my whole life. Eating in moderation is HARD for me...let alone consuming nothing but juice and water for a month! So have some respect! Ya know...this is why Ive stopped chatting in alot of forums. Each one has their share of issues. Most mainstream forums people are rude and belittling about anything alternative or natural...and unfortunately, in raw food forums like this one...theres too much *holier than thou* wars, Everyone wants to prove how *pure* they are. I saw a post belittling someone because they had only done raw foods for a few weeks....and Ive seen other posts proclaiming how raw a person is etc...
Seriously...is all that even necessary? I mean, in casual conversation and all...its fine. But....some people wear their *rawness* or anything related as a badge of perfection. Anyways....Im just looking for support. Im making a change I NEED to make..and doing what I need to do for my body/mind/spirit. What Im doing is valid for ME. It doesnt need to be, for you debbie. This debate is OVER. Bryan. Please close it. Ill start a new thread on sunday when I start. I want to post everyday to keep myself on track. Sincerely, Shekinah Love Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 12:59PM veganreikiangel,
First, I totally support your juice "fast"(NOT using the quotes sarcastically, btw), and think you will meet with success and wish you good luck with it. However[: )]: Debbie Took does not belittle. She explains. Articulately and politely. Note her first post in this thread: "Small voice . . . could you not call it a "Juice Feast" instead?" This indicates timidity, right? Not reproachfulness. In the Raw foods world, it is typical to "fast" on water or nothing. This is a true fast, as any religious ascetic will confirm. You are using "fast" in the SAD vernacular, not the Raw vernacular, and there is sometimes confusion about this. You can call it whatever you wish, of course, and there is no real fasting police. But in raw foodism, fasts are fasts--no sustenance period. And you are going to be consuming huge amounts of luscious liquids. I call that a feast. A yummy, liquidy feast. Arduous, perhaps, whether one has food issues or no, and very commendable. But . . . Please do not infer insult where none is intended. People here are generally kind, even when they they may come off as a tad curt. Assume that a post from someone who isn't usually a jerk isn't jerky. Peace to you. Re: Join Me for an Extended Juice Fast!
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 01:36PM Veganreikiangel asked me to close this thread, as this discussion about "real" fasting was not feeling supportive to him in his attempt to get back to a raw diet again. He will be starting a new thread, looking for support only rather than what he felt was conflict and criticism toward him. Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed.