Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 12:38PM I really want to send my husband to the Raw Health Center out in Arizona (Tree of Life? I think?) for his diabetes, but our personal do not correspond with their spiritual instructions at the center. I am hoping they would accept people of all faiths (or non-faiths) to come to their center and not require them to take part in any particular activities that are contrary to personal belief, however, it would be easier to find a Raw Health Center that is Christian-based. We have many of these types of health and lifestyle centers within our church, however, none of them are 100% RAW, to my knowledge. Most of them are 100% Vegan on varying therapeutic levels. I would welcome any suggestions or ideas. Thank you. ***************************** "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." —Thomas Jefferson Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 01:16PM plainlydressed,
This is the only expressly Christian raw foods spa I know of:[www.totalhealthinstitute.com], but I cannot attest to their program. Please look into them further to make sure this is what you and your husband are hoping for. Good luck! Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 03:56PM Optimum Health Institute (OHI) is in San Diego and Texas. I recently recommended this to a friend with Diabetes. She loved it and was very successful.
Here is the link: [www.optimumhealth.org] I hope it helps! Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 11, 2009 04:36PM plainlydressed Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > ....I would welcome any suggestions or ideas. Healing Clinics, Centers, and Institutions are for people who are sick, and don't know what to do (or are too sick to do it.....growing Wheatgrass....Juicing....etc). Since you, Plainlydressed, are so knowledgeable, I'd suggest that your husband heals right there at home, under your supervision....WY Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 07:44PM Well......Tree of Life is Essene Based, which many consider to be the original Christians. They do differ from what many people consider christianity now. Dont know of any centers that really do follow that. Good luck tho. Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 11, 2009 11:26PM Wheatgrass Yogi Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > plainlydressed Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > ....I would welcome any suggestions or ideas. > Healing Clinics, Centers, and Institutions are for > people who are sick, > and don't know what to do (or are too sick to do > it.....growing Wheatgrass....Juicing....etc). > Since you, Plainlydressed, are so knowledgeable, > I'd suggest that your husband heals right > there at home, under your supervision....WY That's a lovely suggestion, WY, but He needs to be in a controlled environment with third parties giving guidance and direction. It's like trying to tell your family to do something and they are unwilling to listen, but when it comes from a third party, suddenly they see the light. He is willing to go, but finds it hard to manage here at home when I try to structure his dietary changes. He is also severely insulin-dependent diabetic, and I would feel safer having him under medical supervision that supports natural health principles. Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. It gives me more to look into. ***************************** "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." —Thomas Jefferson Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 12, 2009 12:34AM [www.halifestylecenters.com]
I am not sure if they are a "healing" center or more of an education retreat. But I just thought I would throe that out there, since you wanted suggestions... Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 12, 2009 03:36AM Plainly-dressed,
That's wonderful that you've never tasted meat! I hope your husband has a successful recovery. Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 12, 2009 03:42AM - Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2009 03:46AM by Omega. Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
The Fruit Faery
Date: July 12, 2009 07:07PM Could your husband receive what he requires for his healing and simply leave what he considers superfluous?
Sending Healing and contentment. ffx Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 12, 2009 08:16PM I would think a 'Christian-based' Health Center wouldn't
provide the best care. He has a bad reputation here at this Forum (and I didn't like the way he handled the issue of DZM), but if I had a serious Health problem, I'd be heading to Brian Clement's 'Hippocrates Health Institute' in West Palm Beach, FL....WY Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
juicin' john
Date: July 13, 2009 02:39AM Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: July 13, 2009 01:25PM juicin' john,
The facility that you sent the link for doesn't seem to do raw food regimens for diabetes, but their adjunct cancer treatment protocols look outstanding. I hope people dealing with cancer check out this thread. Thanks for posting the link! Re: Suggestions for Christian-based Raw Health Center ??
Posted by:
Date: August 02, 2009 06:40PM I would suggest a consult with Dr. Doug Graham, there is also a supervised fast he offers once a year. As a runner up there is the Puerto Rico Anne Wiggmore institute. In the short run a high fat or high fruit approach works, but in the long run he is better off with the high fruit. Cousens even says 80 10 10 is the optimal ratio in his cure diabetes in 30 days videos. They also wean the people back onto cooked food at TOL. Spiritually, it is most likely a very open atmosphere, and very Christian friendly. Doug Graham has no spiritual agenda at his programs, his focus is mainly Health and everything as it relates. Perhaps check out the 80 10 10 diet and Doug's site, he has helped many with Diabetes. You can tell him Eric you sent you.
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