30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 12, 2009 11:20PM Hey Folks! I just started the amazing journey of the 30 day Juice Fast! I'm excited...and I can't wait to feel/see my transformation!
I have a few goals in mind. One is to clean out my body and heal myself. I've been struggling with excess mucous and severe post-nasal drip lately...and it's totally my fault! My life basically revolves around eating....always has to a certain degree. So my goal is to find other meaningful things to do and look forward to. Id also like to start exercising more, and start biking to work every day! First I need to fix my bike tho. The brake pads are rubbing on the tire....not sure if its the pad adjustment or if the rim is bent....so if anyone lives in SF and wants a massage in exchange for fixing my bike...Im a pro! I do swedish, deep tissue, reflexology, reiki, an touches of other styles. As for my juice today...I made a mostly green blend. Cucumber, Celery, Dino Kale, a couple Carrots, Parsley, Cilantro, a small piece of red Beet...and thats it! Came out pretty tasty. I would like to add some ginger/garlic too, to help get over bronchitis (pretty sure thats what it is...yellow phlegm in the lungs from the nasal drainage) I feel fine otherwise tho...just my voice is hoarse and I have that *heavy* feeling in the chest from the mucous. Well.... Later Ill make another juice, probably some fresh grapefruit mid day before my evening veggie juice, just as a booster. For those who are joining me on the fast...welcome! Lets support each other as we fill ourselves with nutritious juice, and heal our bodies! Im also going to load some videos to my youtube page [www.youtube.com] and post on livejournal. Blessed Love! Namaste John aka Shekinah Love Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
The Fruit Faery
Date: July 12, 2009 11:47PM Hi veganreikiangel
I practice similar therapies. I live in the UK, a bit far for a swap! Enjoy the next 30 days. ffx Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 12, 2009 11:49PM John....I can feel your excitement.....also from a couple
of your videos. 'Jesus Hair' seemed like fun for you, but I think you're better Au Natural. Good Luck with your Juice Diet. Keep us informed. Are you trying to lose weight, or is it for Spiritual reasons?....WY Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 13, 2009 12:22AM Its both physical and spiritual. Yes Id LOVE to lose some weight. Id also love to improve my health, and deepen my spiritual connection.
![]() Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 13, 2009 12:28AM There...just added a pic to my signature!
Shekinah Love ![]() Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 13, 2009 01:00AM veganreikiangel,
Have you been to the Juicing Forum here? I seem to recall kwan posting a continuous thread about her own long term juice fast, in which Wheatgrass Yogi participated, and which may help you in your own fast. Happy journey to juice-fueled wellness! Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 13, 2009 01:19AM I have been to the juicing forum. Ooh....Im gettin hungry now! Made my juice awhile ago...but now the hunger hits...
It doesnt help that the neighbors downstairs are making yummy smelling popcorn!!! Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 13, 2009 08:42AM Ok...so...end of day one. Was a pretty easy day overall. Did get a little hungry in the afternoon, but quenched it with some grapefruit juice. Also a little later juiced 3 apples, shortly followed by my evening green drink (about 20 minutes after)
This time I did the same as this morning, but added some baby bok choy I hadnt eaten, plus ginger and garlic, and sans the cilantro or parsley. Peed about 50 million times! I did some organizing and found some photos back when I weighed around 155 (currently Im about 202) so that was inspirational! About 2 hours after doing my green drink I took the internal drawing formula (by healthforce naturals) that has activated charcoal/bentonite/flax/slippery elm to help lubricate and cleanse the intestines from auto intoxication. An hour after that I did an enema, took a shower, and now here I am! This morning I forgot to mention I also went to the farmers market and got ten lbs. of cucumbers. I also took a walk with my roomate this evening for some exercise (only about a mile) Tomorrow I work an 8 hour shift..so we'll see how that goes. Im gonna do my green drink an hour before work (so I can do my 50 million pee trips before work) and Im gonna bring some carrot/apple juice to work with me for later. Id bring green juice, but I find it doesnt keep very well..... When I get home from work Ill do a light green drink. I also in the morning will probably add some vitamineral green to my juice, since I dont currently have any wheatgrass or a WGJ. Ideally Id start the day with 4 oz of wheatgrass....but in liu. Next week I may buy some E3LIVE as well. I weighed in at 202.60 something or other. So thats my starting weight. Im definitely feeling less mucousy tonite as well....so hopefully in a couple days Ill be feeling back to normal, with my voice back to normal as well. I posted a video on my youtube page I made this morning. Shalom Namaste Shekinah Love [www.youtube.com] Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 13, 2009 05:36PM And now its morning....I feel quite refreshed! My voice has gotten worse tho....probably from mucous drainage....so this morning I gargled with sage tea and salt, and did a neti drainage. Seemed to have helped a little. Im not craving any juice yet, tho I hafta make and drink it soon because of work.
So thats what Ill be off to do in a few! I do notice the *well-rested* feeling this morning that I havent had in a LONG time! Its quite a difference! Well...ttyl folks! Namaste SHekinah Love Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 14, 2009 06:29AM Day 2...
Morning was good. I woke up refreshed and all that. Went to work. Had my apple/carrot juice which I added some vitamineral green too (i found it was actually tastier with the vmg in it!) Towards evening my throat started to get sore and had a headache...probably from coughing. I cant wait to get rid of this sickness! When I woke this morning my voice was actually worse than in 2 weeks, tho I felt really good otherwise. Anyone have any tips? I am adding ginger to my juice (and sometimes garlic) I just cant wait to get my voice back. I hear bromelain in pinapple is good. Maybe I should juice a couple pineapples? Of course Id hafta make sure theyre in season (when are they?) and organic pina might be hard to find...hmmm Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 15, 2009 02:00AM Hi John!
I came across this forum and was delighted to see your post. I, too, will be embarking on a juice fast tomorrow! I bought a beautiful juicer yesterday and I am going shopping for lots of fresh organic veggies tonight. I'm a little scared because I have tried water fasts before and I was sooo sick and weak from them. But I've been reading about juice fast and I'm told it's not the same as a water fast at all. I've been feeling really sick lately---tired, cranky, irritable, depressed and anxious. A lot of that has to do with the fact that for the past year, I have been undergoing fertility treatments and my poor body has been bombarded with drugs. That, and the fact that I gained 35 pounds in the last two years. I want to heal very badly. So I am prepared to embark on this journey. I'm so glad to have found you on this board! I'm hoping we can support each other through all this. How did today go? How are you feeling? Blessings, Talinka Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 15, 2009 05:57AM Hey Talinka! It is indeed an amazing journey! What amazing things did you get to juice? I can tell ya...a juice fast is MUCH easier than a water fast! As others have pointed out here...if ya do it right, it truly is a FEAST! But....small note on that...I know the term juice feasting was coined from a popular juicing book. I read some info on the book...and to *juice feast* as opposed to *juice fast* it requires drinking at least a gallon of juice every day...among other things...added supplements, oils etc...which Im not doing. Im probably doing about 40 oz of juice a day...give or take 10 oz. or so...and drinking herbal tea. And lemon water. I am adding vitamineral green to my midday juices, as I dont juice greens to bring to work, because they dont keep well...so I add it to my carrot juice.
As for today...I woke up...not feeling quite as refreshed as the day before....but still felt decent. Had some phlegm in the throat still (Im getting over being sick) but at least my voice is SLOWLY starting to recover. This evening I got more sinus drainage tho...which is making me cough and bringing on pounding head pain when I cough. Otherwise I feel fine tho. I just got home from work and made watermelon juice (with the rind) I usually would only have one sweet juice a day....but I did have a TON of vitamineral green today, and this morning was almost exclusively greens. Plus with the rind and all...it helps to balance it out. Very refreshing! I dont think I could actually stomach more green juice tonite....too filling! I laugh at people when they ask if Im always starving while juicing.... I say...only when I think about eating....more of a habitual thing than an actual real hunger. Otherwise Im pretty full most of the time. I really cant wait for this sickness to go away tho. Im tired of having little voice and coughing up phlegm. I did get a homeopathic formula of goldenseal which helps stop post nasal drip as well. I tell ya...sometimes I feel really angry at the powers that be, for creating the human body as it is with the opportunity for the sinuses to drain directly into the lungs!!! But, I then remind myself that If I was living divinely, the way Im supposed to, it wouldnt happen. Still sucks tho. Anyways...thats all for tonite. Gonna relax, watch a movie, take some internal drawing formula, then clean out my colon! And sounds awesome about supporting each other in our fasts!!! Blessings and Love! Gnite! Shekinah Love ![]() Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 15, 2009 06:02AM John i think it was last year or maybe further back i had really bad throat problems .. it was suggested to me that a small water fast and lots of rest and a verbal fast (vow of silence lol? ) would serve me the best .. and well honestly after 4-5 days i was back up an chattering up a storm ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 15, 2009 07:28AM Yeah...I try not to talk as much as possible...unfortunately Im working a retail job right now that requires me to talk ALOT...but Im trying to get my coworkers to do most of the talking. A water fast isnt realistic for me right now because Im working...but since I started juicing I am getting better. :-) Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 15, 2009 07:37PM Thanks for sharing all this great info, John. Sounds like you are really an expert at this! I still haven't started the juice fast. Officially starts tomorrow. I'm nervous but excited as well. I really want to feel better. I'm going to get all my veggies tonight and prepare them for tomorrow morning.
Take care, Talinka Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 15, 2009 08:04PM yep i hear ya john sometimes its hard to force everything else to take a backseat to your health ![]() ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 15, 2009 11:40PM Que sera sera Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 16, 2009 03:15AM Ok, I finally got my veggies! Organic carrots, beets, kale, onions, garlic, celery, Italian parsley, and Persian cucumbers. I also got this vegetable that I've never seen or heard before....can't remember now what it's called. It looks like a small fresh beet but is purple! Tried to find organic red peppers at three different places but no luck there! I reluctantly got hothouse red peppers instead. Hope it doesn't ruin those first few batches.
My juicer is all propped up in the kitchen and ready to use for tomorrow morning! Yeah!!!! T. Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 16, 2009 05:13AM Talinka..you can always make your juice with the more bland items first...and then taste it and set most of it aside...then throw in the spicy things like garlic and peppers and taste it...and if its good...mix it all together! I used to juice more garlic etc...but now I find i dont palette it well.
Good Luck in your first day! Its day 4 for me and Im goin strong! I am feeling a little more headachey/voice out tonite tho...but thats from this stupid lingering cold Ive had. Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 16, 2009 05:37AM veganreikiangel Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > .......but thats from > this stupid lingering cold Ive had. What's the Essene Way here? My spirituality tells me to Bless (and respect) everything....even a most reverent Cold....WY Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 16, 2009 10:34AM hi vegan reiki angel
are you the guy in the video or the picture that you have as your signature if you are both that is uhh... not sure what to make of that Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 16, 2009 03:53PM LaV john is both John and Shekinah ![]() ![]() John has the unique ability to embrace all aspects of his and hers sexuality and presents them openly ![]() ![]() either way .. John yer a nice looking fella and a beautiful woman and im glad yer around here sharing your journey ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2009 03:54PM by Jgunn. Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 16, 2009 05:24PM Thanks for the tip, John. It's funny you should mention it because I am just now sipping a cup from my first batch of juice and I realized I put in a whole lot of garlic. I mean a WHOLE LOT!!! It is so powerful! At first I thought "Oh, shoot, I messed it up!." But as I'm drinking it now I'm really enjoying it. Of course we'll see if I still feel the same way tonight after several more glasses!! lol.
The great thing here is I've been reading about all the amazing healing properties of garlic. But I think what you said makes a lot of sense. I'll keep in mind next time. So sorry about your headache but the fact that you are getting stronger is great! Very, very inspiring to me and is what will help me keep going with this. Are you hungry at all? Talinka Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 17, 2009 05:36AM Wheatgrass yogi...I will not bless the cold! that is not the Essene way! The Essene way would be to fast...which Im already doing...albeit on juice not water. (which is not feasible for me right now. I will however ask for lung, vocal, and whole being blessings!
Yeps...thats me in the video and me in the picture! Im a morphing genderqueer Goddess! Thanks Jodi for the compliments!!! Anyways....Day 5 now. Im feeling good...except STILL this damned subdued raspy voice! I cant seem to get the mucous off them! I was getting better day by day VERY slowly....but way too slow. In desperation I took a generic mucinex (guifenisin) which helps to break up mucous by drawing water into the bronchioles...loosening it so you can cough...but when I woke up this morning my voice was the worst its been yet. I could barely talk. Even after 4 hours at work I still hadnt hacked enough to be able to talk without cracking in and out. Now....several hours later...Its much better....tho still nowhere near normal. I dont know what to do! Im not taking anymore guifenisin tho! I bought some stuff called Mucostop which allegedly has an enzyme called mucoloase which helps digest mucous and get rid of it....but I dont know if itll help me...in the vocal chord area.....and it was 27 bucks (and im on a budget!) So I havent opened it yet. I may return it tomorrow. Tho if it worked it would be worth every penny! What do you guys think? I also got some more herbal tea and am sipping that (throat coat) and some olive leaf extract for any remaining infection (the mucous Ive had is yellow...that I cough out of the lungs) From my sinuses its totally clear tho. And I feel great otherwise...just the darned voice! That aside...in general I feel pretty good. If only I didnt hafta talk! Im really not hungry, Talinka. In fact I think this is the easiest juice cleanse Ive ever done. Usually I am hungry....but I guess Ive just kept busy enough and with the vitamineral green added to my lunch juice....Im doing well. I gotta cut the fruit juice tho. I bought a watermelon the other day, and worked late the past 2 days so when I got home I juiced that...instead of greens. Oy Vey! Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 17, 2009 05:40AM Ohh...and speaking of hunger....I have this really bad tendency to watch videos on delicious recipies when Im fasting! I start planning all the yummy things Im going to make when Im done juicing! THAT makes me hungry! I also watched a cute movie the other day on netflix, called The Ramen Girl...and all I could think about was eating friggin ramen! I dont even eat ramen! I do love a good soup tho...and hate to say it, but there are very few raw soups I truly love. Alas...Raw soups to me are just spicy juice. Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 17, 2009 05:54AM veganreikiangel Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > .............I bought a > watermelon the other day, and worked late the past > 2 days so when I got home I juiced that...instead > of greens. If you buy Organic, you can juice the rind for chlorophyll. About the 'stupid' Cold....I wouldn't tease you if I didn't like you. BTW, pictures of Shiva always display the feminine characteristic of his nature....WY Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 17, 2009 06:15AM Oh yes...I always juice the rind! Heh...I knew you were teasing me... ;-) Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 17, 2009 10:10AM Well...I got the answer to my *to keep or not to keep* the mucostop stuff.....as luck would have it (or the universe/law of attraction) ONe of my friends with benfits called me and wanted to have some fun tomorrow...I said Im not sure because I cant talk.....but I got talked into it...and got offered to be paid to give a massage too! So i made the money back plus some, from the supplement cost....woohoo!
Go Universe! Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 17, 2009 05:10PM John, from what I've read, isn't all that mucous a sign that your body is detoxing?? It would appear so, especially since you were sick recently. It's great that you are feeling good, although I have to say you are very brave for watching those recipe videos!! I don't think I'd have the stomach( or is it too much stomach?/ ;-)) to do that.
Well, I had to dump what was left of that batch of juice I made yesterday. The first two glasses were okay, but by the time the afternoon rolled around, I swear I had made pure garlic juice with just a little of the veggies for "taste." That stuff is so unbelievable. I thought I would puke! But I think it really cleansed out my system because I feel really good and refreshed today. This morning I cut out the garlic completely and just made some carrot, parsley and celery juice. Added a small lemon. Much much better! T. Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 17, 2009 05:18PM hehe yer welcome John ![]() T, next time dont dump the juice , jump in the shower and dump it on yer head and get all jiggy with yer juice inthe shower ![]() ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.