Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
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Date: July 17, 2009 08:59PM Day 6...not very hungry in the morning. Lost another lb. for a total of 9 lbs lost so far. Made some juice this morning from kale I picked from my garden. One was dino kale, the other was some basic green kale. Took awhile to prepare it to juice tho...as I had green worms all over them. Yuck!
Im gonna probably dust my kale outside with some diatomaceous earth, and spritz it with some garlic water (water blended with garlic) to get rid of the bugs. I have heirloom tomatoes on the way. They should be ready by the time my fast is done! Also have corn plants growing that should be ready to harvest by then too!!! Im excited! Theres a lemon tree from the neighbors hanging into our yard (meyer) and a hot pepper plant...so I could just buy an avocado and make some guacamole/salsa from the garden, with corn! Yay! Today I think im gonna go see the new harry @#$%& movie, and bring along some melon juice as a movie theater treat (just a tiny bit!) Transformation.
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 07:03AM It always amazes me....at how transformative fresh raw juices and raw foods can be....and how quickly they work. For better or worse...when I gain or lose weight, the first place to show it, is my face. On the upside...in doing this cleanse...Im seeing results right away. Literally, in 6 days...I look like Ive taken a few years off. Im only 26, but I know I wasnt looking all that great. My skin was breaking out, my eyes sagged etc...but in just these few days...my skin has perked up, my eyes are bright, when I shave my razorburn is minimal and fading (normally...or should I as AB-normally) I get HORRIBLE razor burn. But not now...
I just look fresh, and younger. I couldnt even get this look with makeup (i often wear natural based makeups to cover blemishes etc...) As soon as my voice comes back, and I get my bike fixed so I can bike to work....the transformation will be unyielding in positive LIGHT! I affirm this for myself...and all others on this path! Namaste! Love and Light! John aka SHekinah Love! Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 19, 2009 05:41AM Voice got a little better today...yay! Just a little, but it was noticeable!
Made some pineapple juice tonite, for something different. Came out very frothy....darn thing wasnt as sweet as it shouldve been ![]() Goin to the farmers market in the morn....cant wait!!! Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: July 20, 2009 04:52AM So...today was a good day....Day 8!
I got up and went to the farmers maket....got 2 different kinds of cukes. Also got a treat of some blueberries (and got strawberries the day before) I made a juice of both when i got home and mixed them together and diluted with some water. Was delicious! I dont know if it was all the walking I did today, mor the juice, but shortly after getting home and making the juice, I got incredibly tired....like....eyes cant stay open tired. So I took a 2 hour nap. Then I made some pure green juice. Felt like I needed to get back on the green. Cucumber mostly, with some celery and spinach! Speaking of which...as I was cleaning the creamed spinach out of the juicer blades...I was thinking I could probably make a pretty good raw indian dish. Ya know..the creamed spinach paneer.... I could blend some spinach up with some water, a little coconut oil, some indian spices, and add chunks of nut cheese to it! I think it would be delish! Ooh Im too much of a masochist thinking about these things right now! Now Im getting hungry! Actually...today was my *hungriest* day yet.... But Im doing all right now. Im gonna do some housecleaning and laundry in a bit. :-) Shekinah Love ![]() Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: December 04, 2009 04:10AM Very interesting...cute new look. how are you doing these days? You make me smile. I feel different these days. I wish you the best. Re: 30 Day Juice Fast Underway!
Posted by:
Date: December 14, 2009 05:29AM I had candida (systemic) which really affected my vocal chords. The 'candida diet' fixed it! And...oregano oil. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.