Wheatgrass on empty stomach
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Date: July 13, 2009 08:54PM How long after taking wheatgrass on an empty stomach can you eat anything else? I ate cucumber/zucchini/tomato/spinach salad relatively soon after a 2 oz shot of wheatgrass along with my sister and it made us both feel quiiiiiiiiite ill. I was amazed. Both knocked out for a couple of hours to let it pass. How long should we have realistically waited to eat anything at all? Re: Wheatgrass on empty stomach
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Date: July 14, 2009 07:13AM Usually you should be fine within about 15 minutes after having a shot of wheatgrass....as it will have absorbed by then. When I do WG I do it on an empty stomach.....and then wait 15 before eating or drinking anything else...even water. (except for maybe a tiny sip to wash the grassy taste away...)\You may just be experiencing detox tho... Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.