chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 10:35AM Hi Everyone,
I just wondered if you had any advice on this. I seem to have had weird chest pains last night. It felt as though it was directly on my heat. It sort of came then went then came then went. this morrning I felt really tired. Any suggestions of what it could be. Yesterday I ate 1 whole punnet of strawberries 500g 6 bananas salad bowl with nuts and seeds 2 avacodos 3 bananas fresh pea salad lettus salad with cucumber 2 bananas Then the chest pains started about 1/2 hour after I ate the 2 bananas. ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 10:37AM oh and I had a whole punnet of black berries as well in the morrning ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 11:49AM oh yea again, 1 whole tub of olives. Maybe I eat too much?? ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 03:48PM tirdness is still there. I went out of the store and felt much better. I had some more bananas and didn't get the pain, except when i took a large breath I then got the pain. HMMM I dont know. I guess I ll eat a bunch of cherries.
I guess I just need to post this so I can make it through today. Sorry for my winging ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 04:01PM Hellokitty,
This has happened to me a few times, I think from acute stress. It occurred to me the last time that it might be an electrolyte thing, so I took two fast-dissolving capsules of magnesium and ten minutes later, my heart rate was fine. Since then, I make sure to get enough magnesium in my diet and this hasn't happened again. I'd advise you to try eating some leafy greens other than lettuce, like kale, or chard, or nettles, and to get more rest. You have admitted that you are a worrier; this can actually cause physical stress to the heart. Getting lots of good, deep sleep, on your right side so that the heart isn't under pressure, can help it to maintain a regular rythm. Keep us posted. Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 18, 2009 04:07PM HelloKitty, I believe it was the nuts and seeds that did it. Maybe the olives a little.
Nuts don't really want to be eaten. Fruit does want to be eaten to propagate. Nuts may have nutrition in them as measured in a lab, that doesn't mean your digestive system will be able to process it all. Also remember that if you were primitive you'd have to crack open each one individually to eat it, can you really see yourself doing that??? I can't. Nuts are definitely not my friend, fruit and vegetables and leafs are. I ate 150grams of macadamia nuts recently (a lot but I was out and about and wanted a "quick fix" ![]() It's fine though HelloKitty, I'm sure our paleoanthropic ancestors also sometimes ate something that made them sick. It might be stretching it to say it might actually be good for our system... but definitely not too bad as long as it was raw. On the other hand maybe your chest pain has nothing to do with raw foods, I don't know what it could be then. But I almost DIED from a health problem being on the normal diet... so whatever it was, be glad you were raw when you had it!!! Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/2009 04:10PM by SuperInfinity. Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 06:20PM keep an eye on it.... all I can say really
hmm..have you thought about simplifying your eating?? Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 06:27PM is it possible you combined some food that didnt agree with you>? im sure any nurses here could tell you how many people end up in Emergency thinking they are having a heart attack and it turns out to be acid reflux type issue or severe heartburn .. both can manifest and feel like one is having a heart attack apparently ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 07:06PM Ok thanks you guys. im not quite sure what it is. I ate nearly 200 g of cherries and the same thing happened. I don't know if it is the food really or just something else. Its a deep acing(cant spell sorry) pain in the heart. I can really feel it there. but it comes and then goes. I thought if it was a heat attack it would stay and I would be feeling really sick. I don't know. Ive had a lot of starge pain since I went raw so maybe my body is getting use to things.
The good news is Im not on any UC meds and I don't seem to be having any trouble with that. Its like UC has never even been there. ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
EZ rider
Date: July 18, 2009 07:24PM rawdanceruk
I agree, simplifying meals really works for me. Complicated food combinations are harder to digest. Also letting a little time pass before eating more helps. Ideally waiting for a slight return of hunger signal is the best way to time eating as it uses the body's own signals for timing. Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 08:10PM Hellokitty,
That's great to hear that you're not having any more trouble with the UC! For me, eating bananas after a salad will cause some problems. Some fruits seem fine after a salad, like citrus. And they're kind of like a nice dessert. But bananas, apples, grapes and possibly cherries (haven't had cherries in a long time - shucks!), and many others might cause problems after a salad. Better to wait at least an hour or more. You might try experimenting with that to see how it is. Also, it does seem like a lot of fat, with the avocados and nuts and olives and all. If all of that is bound up due to mixing the wrong stuff together (for you), that could add to a problem. A small amount of nuts/seeds/avocado has always been helpful for me, I believe because of their nutrient/energy value. But a large amount is not so good. Olives are not a part of my diet at all. It may take a little time to feel comfortable about reducing fat, while staying raw. Best to go at your own pace. For me, eating more fruit helps to reduce consumption of nuts/seeds/avos, and I also need enough greens to feel satisfied. Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 08:37PM Yea I think i do need to simplyfy it. I always seem hungry all the time. I feel like I just eat all through day. I love olives I love fatty food. I think simplyfing it may give me more engergy as well.
Maybe I should make a smoothie in the morrning. Will that last me until the afternoon? ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 09:10PM Depends on what's in the smoothie, on what your body feels it needs at that time, and how much physical or stressful work you're doing that day.
One smoothie in the morning may be enough one day, and not enough the next, especially while you're still adjusting. For me, usually lots of fruit (equivalent to a great big smoothie), and a handful of nuts or seeds or a half avocado lasts until mid-afternoon or later, but not always. If I feel lacking, I'll eat more fruit and maybe more nuts/seeds/avo too. I feel fine mixing nuts/seeds/avo with fruit. Some people don't though. Also, make sure you're getting enough exercise. The more, the better, as long as you're not straining yourself, of course! Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 10:12PM I feel ok if I mix avocado and fruit but if I have nuts I feel better if I have them with a salad.
I the morning I have 1 whole melon and then 5 bananas that I try to make last till the afternoon but it never does. I did have the bananas after the salad yesterday. I just had dinner with spinach lettus and bean sprouts and I feel better than yesterday. less heat ache. still tied though ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 18, 2009 10:18PM Hellokitty Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I feel ok if I mix avocado and fruit but if I have > nuts I feel better if I have them with a salad. > > I the morning I have 1 whole melon and then 5 > bananas that I try to make last till the afternoon > but it never does. > > I did have the bananas after the salad yesterday. > > > I just had dinner with spinach lettus and bean > sprouts and I feel better than yesterday. less > heat ache. still tied though Well just keep eating then. ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 19, 2009 06:39AM Ive had the same problem actually...the *heart fluttering* feeling. I feel mine is related to improper breathing and stress. I feel that *heart flutter* sometimes....tho I havent for a few weeks now. Strange. Ive also had chest pains, but the 2 dont usually come together. Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 19, 2009 10:34AM SuperInfinity Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Hellokitty Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I feel ok if I mix avocado and fruit but if I > have > > nuts I feel better if I have them with a salad. > > > > > I the morning I have 1 whole melon and then 5 > > bananas that I try to make last till the > afternoon > > but it never does. > > > > I did have the bananas after the salad > yesterday. > > > > > > I just had dinner with spinach lettus and bean > > sprouts and I feel better than yesterday. less > > heat ache. still tied though > > Well just keep eating then. ![]() > yourself eating ever, it's not natural and would > never work over the long-term anyway. I'm light > myself without an ounce of effort, but since I > started eating 100% raw I lost over a stone in > weight easily. Trust me on staying off all nuts > and seeds, they don't satisfy me no matter how > much I eat of them. Ive never noticed a problem with nuts. I have always eaten them even before I went raw I used to get a bag of peanuts to eat on the way home. Love them. I can see why you would say there not good and if i eat them with fruit I will get acid reflux, but with salad I never seem to have any problems. What problems to you experience with them? I was also told to soak nuts before you eat them. This makes digestion easier ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 19, 2009 10:39AM veganreikiangel Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Ive had the same problem actually...the *heart > fluttering* feeling. I feel mine is related to > improper breathing and stress. I feel that *heart > flutter* sometimes....tho I havent for a few weeks > now. Strange. Ive also had chest pains, but the 2 > dont usually come together. This is true for me. My heart rate seems fine. I never get the pain and heart fluttering together. I do do alot of work. Like this week my days off are just going to be work. I have a company dinner to go to (on my day off) then on my next day off I have a company fun day. So all day next sunday i need to be running around doing egg and spoon races with the other managers. ![]() Re: chest pain
Posted by:
Date: July 20, 2009 05:18AM Grr...that just reminds me...I completely forgot...tonite was an unnoficial work dinner for me as well. A coworker of mine is leaving the company and was having a dinner at a tex-mex place. I was gonna join and bring my juice...but I forgot! (i took a nap instead!) Oh well... Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.