Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 04:43PM I have a bad cold and crud
in my lungs and no matter how hard I cough it wont come out. I have a lot of energy though and im not weak. Ive been fighting this now for almost 2 weeks! I am getting better though. People keep saying go to the doctor,get medicine. I dont go to doctors and I dont take drugs. Colds are natural. I was just recommended hot peppers,onions,and garlic to get the crud out. Also fasting and rest but I have to work. Any ideas? Thank You, Rob Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 04:53PM I've made a warm ginger cayenne lemon drink (with optional agave), followed with a soup consisting of miso, avocado, garlic, hot pepper, spirulina, and optional sprouts and veggies (like carrots and green onions), and it kicked it in the butt within an hour. Make' em strong, and good luck!! Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 04:57PM I forgot to mention that I dont mind taking herbs, but drugs,prescriptions etc, no thanks,LOL!
Also, if I mix up a big bowl of peppers,onion,garlic etc is it ok to put avocado in there? or just fresh juiced lemons, or both? Im just wondering if maybe avocado may CAUSE mucus? Like bananas I heard are mucus forming. Rob Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 21, 2009 04:58PM LOL. When I first read this I thought of Crude Oil.
The Crud will come out with natural, raw diet. Just give it a little time. One Rule I use is the Colon Test....how quickly will it move through? Several raw foods on most everyone's list fail the test....WY Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 05:07PM LOL, Im sorry, I meant Crud, not Crude! Thats the spell checker on my phone, it likes to put words in there for me!
Hey WY, which raw foods fail the exit quick test Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 07:11PM roadrunner,
You've been raw for a while now; how often do you get colds? If it's seldom, are you willing to have an X-ray? Two weeks is a long time to be fighting this off. Hope you get better soon, beep-beep! Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 08:18PM Well yea i was raw for 2 years but christmas 08 I fell back to SAD.
My diet @ work since then has been Doritos and Dr. Pepper! I think Im overloaded on toxins now dont you? I know thats the problem. Im currently working on getting back to raw but the soda and chips is hard to let go. Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 08:27PM i think the more you get hydrated the more crud will loosen up and be expelled last time i had really bad cough i was really dehydrated ..wheni started drinking more water i started expelling more mucus till it was gone ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 08:28PM RR--
If you're eating Doritoes and soda, I wouldn't worry about a little avocado, especially if you have to work and not rest. You could probably use the energy that the avo gives you. Or not -- if you feel like you don't want or need it, don't eat it. Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 08:36PM Other bad things Ive been eating are microwave burittos, ramen noodles,
drinking coffee etc so yea all this for the last 7 months Im sure Im toxic and my body is trying to expel it with avengence! The Crud in my lungs hasnt been there 2 weeks but the cold has. The Crud im my lungs has only been a week Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2009 08:37PM maybe try these instead ![]() Raw Coca Cola Submitted by ladycgreen on March 13, 2009 - 1:27pmjuice party treats Juicer Average: 0 Servings: 2-3 This is so crazy, I made this juice this morning and it tastes like Coca Cola with just a little more thickness and without the bogus corn syrup. This drink is a party pleaser and with anyone out there who is living with room-mates and or significant others on the SAD diet, they will be pretty surprised when they taste this Raw Coca Cola that is actually good for them. Smile Please read the notes section Ingredients: 2 Green Pears 2 Red Bell Peppers 5 Collard Greens Green leafy tops of of two Beets Little bunch of parsley 1/4 Teaspon lemon 1/4 Teaspoon of Ginger Preparation: Please Note: I juiced lemon and ginger in my juicer first and made a gingery lemonade and cleaned out the pitcher, but not the juicer so there was probably some residuals of the lemon and ginger in my juicer when I juiced the rest of the ingredients. That is why I called for such a little amount of ginger and lemons. If you would do me the favor and juice everything but the lemon and ginger and see how it tastes without it first and if its not at your desired taste then add the lemon and ginger, to see if you really need these ingredients. I hope you enjoy the thick raw coca cola drink Juice everything and either drink right away or let flavors sit for two hours together in fridge Doritos Cheese Submitted by rawclaire on February 28, 2008 - 9:48amparty side Dehydrator Blender Average: 0 This will turn that bright orange color of Doritos, and it tastes really cheesy. One time I made a full dehydrator’s worth and ate it all in 20 minutes. That’s how good it is. Ingredients: 1 cup chopped red bell pepper 2 teaspoons lime juice squeezed fresh from a lime 3 dash salt 1 cup raw macadamia nuts, soaked 24 hours or more Preparation: First, puree the red bell pepper in your blender until totally liquified and pureed.Add everthing else, and it should be a thin orange cream. Spoon little blobs on to a teflex sheet, and faltten into little cookies. Dehydrate at 110 degrees for 20 hours. They should be crisp. Dive into cheese! Crumble into yiur favorite salad, or good with sandwiches! ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 22, 2009 12:15AM As someone who has been using herbs for myself and family for the last 25 years, I first try to avoid allowing virus infections from "taking hold," and most of the time am successful -- so successful that I've had just one full-blown cold in the last decade (but lots and lots of occasions of cold symptoms).
My current preferred approach after all this experience is to hit it it hard with Elderberry (from the healthfood store) -- I like NOW's Elderberry and Zinc lozenges, or NOW's Elderberry extract, or just about any elderberry. I always add echinacea for any infection, and I prefer Echinacea purpurea root over others. I also use a blend of therapeutic grade essential oils -- which means not the typical EOs sold in most healthfood stores. The blend includes lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, rosemary and the next "batch" I put together I'm going to also include oregano because I find myself adding that alongside, after. Might as ell make it part of the brew. The way these are used is a couple of drops on each foot, a couple of times (or more) each day while the infection is going strong. If I had continued throat or chest infection, I would add a drop or three to a teaspoon of good quality (organic!) vegetable oil and apply directly to those areas. If it stings, I add more oil to dilute it. For clearing out mucous, I like the combo of marshmallow and fenugreek, though there's a combo of fenugreek and thyme which a lot of people use for respiratory problems, and I might use that if I thought the infection was still going on since thyme has some antibiotic properties. Ginger, too, helps clear mucous from the (entire) body. Finally, there are two more "heavy hitters" that I will drag out if needed, both pf which have been/are controversial. One is chaparral, which I tincture myself. It was taken off the market for a while (thanks, FDA), and I think it's back, but I'm not sure if anyone has it available commercially. The other is colloidal silver which I also brew myself. Good luck with moving that mucous and getting rid of the infection. Are you sure it's not swine flu? That is known to take a firm hold of the lungs. Althion Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 12:45AM Make an herbal tea using Fenugreek. Use about 1/4 teaspoon of Fenugreek seeds in one cup of hot water and drink at least 3 times a day. You can use your favorite non-sugar sweetner if you wish.
Make an herbal tea with Feverfew. This is the one herb that saved me when I was detoxing so badly with a cold. I kept spiraling down in my health and once I started to drink it, I stabilized and started getting better. The coughing will also subside and the mucus will still be released. This is also great if you have bronchitis, too. I had it for 3 weeks and once I started drinking Feverfew tea, it went away in about 5 days. Drink hot water with fresh squeezed lemon to alkalize your body and cut the mucus. Feel better. Therese Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 03:14AM I had the SAME EXACT PROBLEM recently...just getting over it now. I was eating junk food too...tho no microwave burritod or doritos...lol. the only thing that helped me was juice fasting. I'm also taking mucolytic enzymes that break down mucous. Avoid junk food like the plague and eeek stay away from the hot peppers unless its cayenne. Spicy things just bring more mucous! So eat healthy bland raw foods or juices....olive leaf extract helped me too. Still got some to go, but at least I have my voice back! ![]() Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 04:50AM Yea I lost my voice a couple days last week too!
I noticed today and for a few days now when I eat apples or oranges I feel much better but as soon as I grab a bag of Doritos the flem comes back. I know its the processed junk. What is the name of the mucolytic enzymes youre taking? Tonight I can actually breathe without wheezing. I got 25 lbs of apples tonight and spent the rest of my money I have for food and so now I can ONLY eat apples because I have no more money for food till next friday. I also got a case of arrowhead so I have apples and water for the next 10 days.An extended apple fast will do me good. Hopefully by then I will not want chips and soda anymore! Check this out this girl has lived exclusively on apples for the last 20 years. Thats cool. [www.mid-day.com] Re: Getting the crude out of my lungs...
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 12:51PM Wow, she's like a bendy leg action toy! I have gone off apples the last few months, but I guess I should get back to them : ) Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.