Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2009 03:57AM juicerkatz,
You make perfect sense! However sometimes the food sensation caused by temps don't always match. In one of my workplaces this woman was always so hot, even with the airconditioning. She also was drinking ice water all through the day. One summer I did that, trying to 'keep cool',even rubbing pieces of ice on myself. I wasn't so senstive to my body at the time, but that actually made me feel hotter. The next summer I drank room temp water, and I ate mostly melons, and some mung beans, and some baked beans. I didn't feel discomfort at all even with 93 degree weather. That was very baking for most people in the Pacific northwest, but somehow I wasn't bothered by it. The boss was handing out ice cream bars, which I refused, he asked about three times to make sure I didn't want it, he couldn't believe I would refuse. Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2009 12:28PM Interesting points about the heat;
My brother & I used to fish, quite a few years ago. He would sit out on the boat in 95* weather drinking hot coffee & beer all day. I would be chugging down gatorade (YUK!!!) :0 all day. He didn't have any problems at all with the heat. It did seem odd to me, especially since coffee/beer is a diuretic. Guess all the damage was happening on the inside... Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2009 01:58PM juicerkatz,
I used to go fishing, thinking that it was fun. But I can't think of anything more miserable now. And even now looking back, even then I wasn't really having fun. Was your brother urinating a lot? That is a potential way of getting rid of excess heat. That sounds really revolting, coffee and beer. For outdoor activities I find berry picking more enjoyable, or gardening. I do more passive gardening, using compost, planting crops. but no digging, very minimal watering just to establish plants, minimal weeding. Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
Date: December 02, 2009 02:26AM I'm so excited, my partner seems to be getting interested in raw food, or at least cutting out certain foods. Today, he cut out cheese on his salad, requested olive oil and vinegar instead of the ready made dressing. But, before putting it on he had me taste a drop of the oil. I thought it didn't taste right. It turned out it was a blend of canola and olive oil! So, he had the salad without it. He ate a few candied nuts, but I can live with that for all the progress. He had some raw marinated fish. I didn't approve of that, but he said 'he needed protein'. I didn't challenge him on that, because that might have been just too much for him at this time. Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
Date: December 02, 2009 05:11AM Tonight, when I asked my husband if he wanted the last serving of pasta and cole slaw for dinner, he said, "No, I'd like to have a salad like you're having."
Over the past few months he has been supportive of my food choices, has tasted things I've made and has complimented me on my progress. Sometimes I'd make him a serving as a side dish of what I was having as a main dish. He liked everything raw I gave him, except one. A couple of nights I've made him a substantial salad for supper. I have never criticized his food choices. (We are both pretty positive people and criticism is rare in our relationship anyway.) Lately he's been saying, "You look so healthy!" and "Are you getting younger?" I know that acceptance and modeling have made the difference. ![]() My favorite raw vegan Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
banana who
Date: December 04, 2009 04:56AM One of the things that jumped out at me from your post was when you said 'six months' you had been into the raw foods thing (at least in a big way). If so, you are a novice and often, novices feel insecure and tempted to go back to their old habits, so they become very overbearing in shoving their trip down others' throats. It's very similar to someone who gets involved in a spiritual/religious path and starts being preachy. No one likes to be lectured at, even 'for their own good.'
The best way to show how great the raw food lifestyle can be is to model it through your behavior, not words. If they see your glow, it will be better than 1000 admonitions to change. Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
Date: December 14, 2009 05:19AM i'm right there with you, for 5 years my family did not want to change but with my husbands diagnosis of MS ...now they are ready! It is sad but that is the way some of us are wired. Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
Date: December 15, 2009 01:52AM My partner seems to be in competition now for my FOOD! I should be excited about it, but sometimes I am a little impatient. He thinks I am wrong about raw and living foods, but he always wants my food over his! Who could blame him? Hes been buying these microwaveable veggies to try and improve his eating habits.(brussel sprouts, and soggy peas and carrots) He gets gas and wonders why! I think he thinks that its evidence that the 'diet' doesn't work, but I have very rare windows of opportunity to tell him that its not raw! so he can't say that it causes gas! I don't know if its sinking in or not, probably not. Re: How to help someone "get on board" with raw food...
Posted by:
Date: December 20, 2009 03:01AM I'm so excited! I got the book "Conscious Eating" by Gabriel Cousens from the library. My partner scanned some sections of it, and is interested in read it, although he is quite skeptical. He liked what he read about fasting, and is interested in doing a fast this spring! He was critical of me doing a two day fast a few weeks ago, but I think he saw the improvements in me, so maybe hes interested. So, I am just so excited.
Being a good example is probably the best way to get someone interested! Also being open to degrees of raw is also helpful, as it is a new concept for a lot of people. I am often afraid of telling him all the bad things and bad foods out there, I think that is rather discouraging for him. It seems like telling him 'you can't have any fun'. But he is becoming more open, I can tell! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.