Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: December 04, 2009 04:42AM Hi, all!
I am sure that most of you are aware that almonds from CA are all pasteurized now. It's bogus, but that's another issue for another day. Question: do you know a source for truly raw almonds, other than the Internets? I have written to Whole Foods because they were selling their non-roasted 365 brand with the label 'raw' and now it just says 'almonds.' What is truly odd is that apparently "they" haven't cooked other nuts and seeds (I still purchase raw pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds...). Thanks! Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Date: December 04, 2009 12:00PM Hi banana who,
In California anyone can buy truely raw almonds from roadside stands up to something like 100 lbs per day legally. That may be how the internet dealers are getting them... Maybe network with Californians or find an excuse to visit the state? ps Just for example here's a grower's comment back in 2007 regarding there crop -- "We are almond farmers and we have unpasteurized almonds from our 2007 harvest for sale. You can purchase our unpasteurized almonds at the Sebastopol, CA Farmers Market on Sundays through the end of November, 2007. We have packages of 1 pound, 2 pounds & 5 pounds...$7.00 per pound. We also have 50 pound boxes for those who want a bulk order. For bulk orders, you need to notify us in advance. Under the regulation, we can sell 100 pounds per person per day. Angelina & John McKinsey Nut-N-Other Farms" Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2009 12:14PM by loeve. Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Date: December 04, 2009 12:34PM There is also a supplier in Canada that sells them. I don't remember who it is but maybe someone will. Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: December 30, 2009 08:34PM Does anyone know if Trader Joe's almonds are really raw? I think they get them from Spain but I am not sure. I would write to them but it's quicker to do it this way! Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Date: December 31, 2009 01:52AM Trader Joe's Almonds are not truly raw.
Unless one is buying them locally in CA directly from a farm, any distributed almond in the US has to be pasteurized due to the law. The difference is the way it is pasteurized. This company only pasteurizes the skin and the meat is still raw. Ignore that they say last year's crop, they currently have stock as I recently wrote them. [www.california-almonds.com] Since I don't live in CA, I have to either buy the thoroughly pasteurized almonds in the store or order from D&S Ranches above. I don't know of any other companies that have unpasteurized almonds. Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Date: December 31, 2009 03:52PM hello banana who.
i live in northern california and purchased 100 lbs of raw almonds from a farmer in lodi last sept. they are so good....especially when sprouted and dehydrated. really almondy! i'm willing to part with up to 10 pounds if you're intestested. i paid $6/lb so thats what i'm asking. plus shipping of course. they are stored in my fridge in gallon ziplocks. let me know if you're intestested! jennifer ![]() Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: December 31, 2009 09:03PM Hi Jennifer!
Are they organic? I am just curious; for six bucks a pop, even non-organic ones are a good deal. Of course, one has to factor in shipping...Another question I have is how you know for sure that they are not zapped. From what I had gathered, it is a law in CA that all almonds are pasteurized. What is truly bizarre to me is that they are picking on almonds yet what about all the other nuts and seeds? I am a tin-foiler, so please excuse me, but I guess almonds are so good for us that they had to be treated. Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Date: January 01, 2010 02:20PM "From what I had gathered, it is a law in CA that all almonds are pasteurized."
banana, I've looked into this as far as reading the actual text of the laws of California and there are several exemptions from the pasteurization rule. California almond growers are allowed to sell truely raw almonds at their personal roadside stands, from their own booth at a farmers market or at their farm, in each case up to 100 lbs per person per day. Another exemption is that overseas sales need not be pasteurized. Nice offer Jennifer! Happy New Year everyone! Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Date: January 01, 2010 05:00PM hi and happy new year!
my sister (who farms tomatoes) referred me to the almond farmer. i asked a couple of questions before i went to lodi for the almonds as it's a couple hours away from where i live. 1. are they sprayed? no 2. have they been pasteurized? nope...just picked and shelled (they were still very slightly damp) i guess i don't know for sure if what he told me was true. i just had to take his word for it but he seemed very honest and i like to believe that he was telling me the truth. i have no reason to think otherwise. the taste tells me everything! i've soaked/dehydrated them and put them through my blank attachement on my juicer a few times. i made the best butter! super creamy and full of the best almond flavor! it sure is cheaper than buying the raw almond butter...have you priced that lately? sheesh! 20 bucks a jar! ahh..it's nice to live in california! the taxes way too high..but the almonds be good! jennifer ![]() Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: September 16, 2010 06:26PM Hi Jennifer:
I just join here today. I live in Fremont. I am interested to get some raw almonds, do you still have some almonds to part with? If not, can you let me know where the farm is located? So I can buy myself some. thanks Nancy Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: September 16, 2010 07:15PM Living Tree Community Foods sells the most delicious raw almonds and nuts you can buy! I don't work for them, I'm just a huge fan. Check them out!
www.livingtreecommunity.com Re: Raw almonds, people! Where to find them?
Posted by:
Date: September 17, 2010 03:15AM I was driving on the 220-108, on my way towards yosemite and you pass all the almond groves. They have places you can pick off the tree. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.