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True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 21, 2011 01:44PM

It's not the mercury that's doing it folks...

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: January 21, 2011 03:35PM

Somewhat informative; I find myself imagining endnote numbers even when there aren't any in the text, just for fun, ha! Not sure that contributor Paul Fassa, credentials unknown(though his blog is pretty dire), understands the biological effects of vaccine antigens in the human body . . .

I would never advise a parent to not immunize their child for common contagious diseases with something demonstrably efficacious and safe. What if your kid runs away to the Peace Corps at twenty? Yes, conventional vaccines are filthy, can cause a host of disorders later in life, and are frequently duds. But there is no evidence that homeopathic remedies, for example, are effective in infants long term. Not to say they aren't, just that this needs to be better evaluated clinically. And until then, it is not responsible to recommend alternatives besides nontoxic vaccines for very young children, IMO.

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: WorkoutMan ()
Date: January 21, 2011 05:01PM

Id rather be in jail than get a vaccine!

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 21, 2011 05:11PM

I haven't vaxed the kids. If we go to another country we'll obviously have to revisit this but until then we stay needle free. It's crazy to inject tiny babies with that toxic soup, what chance do their immune systems have of developing normally with that sort of interference? No. If this is such a dangerous world why don't menonites and the amish die off from tetanus etc in droves?

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: January 21, 2011 06:34PM

Bill Gates is promoting reduction in world population through the use of vaccines.

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: January 21, 2011 11:23PM


The Amish and the Mennonites don't go anywhere and they marry generally within their own communities, remember?

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: WorkoutMan ()
Date: January 22, 2011 03:47PM

Prana Wrote:
> Bill Gates is promoting reduction in world
> population through the use of vaccines.

Im sure Windows Vista caused a few suicides as well!

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: WorkoutMan ()
Date: January 22, 2011 03:52PM

Without going into great detail, I think anything, (such as a vaccine) that prevents you from getting sick (cleansing process) such as colds or flu, is not something I would want to put in my body. Your body is supposed to be able to get sick so it can get stronger. And then they wonder why the flu mutates into h1n1 and ravages us. When will people learn to stopping fighting nature.

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 24, 2011 03:38AM

Tam, tetanus is found in barnyard animal feces so why aren't those who live on farms with animals and don't do the modern medicine trip dying from tetanus infection? This is baffling to me, if it's so darn dangerous how are they immune from it?

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: January 24, 2011 02:23PM


Maybe they're careful? When I was thirteen, I cut my knee open on a rusty disused inground sprinkler head that I'd fallen on while on a walk with friends. I remember that at the emergency clinic, the nice doctor explaining that my tetanus shot from childhood was expired and that I should get a booster. She was very adamant about this. We were not a pharma-happy household, so I was leery. My mom and I talked it over and she suggested that we go home and wash the wound out really well and bandage it and keep it antiseptic and see what happens. So that's what I did; no infection occurred. That's how we dealt with most things of that kind around here,and I guess that's how the Amish or whoever deal with it. On the other hand, we weren't some farming sect out in the country--we lived in a suburb and played in the alleys at our granparents' houses in the city and went to schools with all kinds of people. My mom was not big on vaccinations after toddlerhood, and back then the series was small and limited, and the vaccines were safe. However, her feeling was that infants are necessarily vulnerable to pathogens and there is no reason to hobble their chances for survival further by exposing them to more dire pathogens than their little systems can take. What I am quibbling with in the article is that the contributor is arguing against intervention without apparently knowing anything about child biology. I'm just concerned that people are gonna read that article and think, I breast fed my child--nothing can touch him now. And there are people that will.

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 24, 2011 02:39PM

People will think all sorts of things of course. People are generally idiots I've come to see, it's sad but true. Breast feeding is great but it's just food, it's not a miracle.

I know with my own children that when they were very small they were the least prone to injury etc. I carried them both for months and months and then you just don't take them to a lot of places and where you do take them you just don't take your eyes off them for a second. Maybe kids that go to daycare early on are more suseptible to illness etc but for attachment parented babies it's a different story. Not that this is a for sure thing but nothing is in this life. I weighed the risks, I read the books, etc and I decided that the risk of vaccinations at that young vulnerable age were far greater than the risk of what they were to prevent. Chicken pox is inconvenient but it's not that big of a deal. My mom had mumps as a child, it wasn't a big deal then. Measles can't be comfortable but again, not really an enormous deal. I can see polio if you live where it's prevalent. And tetanus if you live near farm country. It's not really all that horrible to catch a common contageous disease unless your immunity and health in general are poor. In fact, I suspect it may be good for you.

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: January 24, 2011 07:00PM


Agree with you about most of what you say. I just think the children today are less hale right out of the womb, what with people not eating properly while pregnant and then daycare, as you mention, which can be an earthly Purgatory. I guess what I'm saying is, there are germs and then there are germs and it's up to the individual parent to monitor their child's health and decide whether or not to intervene medically.

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: merry ()
Date: January 25, 2011 03:29AM

Smallpox (and others) is no longer a threat in the world because of vaccinations.....I guess even if vaccines aren't that great for the body I have to be grateful for that....

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Prana ()
Date: January 25, 2011 04:30AM

Most of the diseases that are now gone which were attributed to vaccinations disappeared because of the changes in the hygiene practices of society, the advent of modern sewage systems and toilets, the availability of clean (mostly) untainted water and food.

So these vaccines get credit for stuff they didn't solve, but if fact were solved by the understanding of creating conditions for healthy cities and densely populated areas.

Injecting anything directly into the blood is dangerous, bypassing all the body's immune systems. Vaccines contain preservatives and other chemicals that don't belong in the human body, as well as viruses and bacteria grown in the labs. To vaccinate is a personal decision, and one should get as much information as possible to make their choice, rather than just listening to the media about the availability of the vaccines that the local drug store.

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 25, 2011 12:58PM

Polio is administered via the mouth, I remember they would put drops on sugar cubes for kids at school. They were pink too, always so tempting to a girl. Now they have a nasal spray flu vaccine.
Still, not in my body. I shudder at the thought.

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: merry ()
Date: January 25, 2011 02:19PM

Well I agree also that I wouldn't want to give most of the vaccines that are pushed on children ...same time I find it hard to believe prana that vaccines have had no part in stopping the spread of certain disease and its only due to better hygiene - just wondering where you learnt that....
I guess most people if bitten by a street dog in a foreign country would opt for a rabies vaccine as the lesser of two evils so to speak...I think vaccination is really overdone and for some disease unecessary but I dont want to rule it out as fully bad because I have no doubt that it has saved a lot of lives at the same time....and those vaccinated people protect the unvaccinated...

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Re: True immunity is the body`s task.
Posted by: merry ()
Date: January 25, 2011 02:20PM

having seen people with the lifelong crippling effects of polio I am really happy I got vaccinated against it too....I am sure whatever harm the vaccine did me is less than the disease....

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