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Moderation Kills…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: March 22, 2013 05:46PM

“Moderation kills.” Joel Fuhrman, M.D., “Eat To Live” p. 147

“Moderation, however, does not mean it’s okay to poison ourselves, abuse our body, and then feel guilty. Moderation means recovering quickly when you have slipped up.” Joel Fuhrman, M.D., “Eat To Live” p. 193

“Moderation is the buzzword for people who really aren't sure what the best thing to do is.” -Gary Orlando

“Moderation is the buzzword for people who really aren't sure what to do.” -John Rose

“There is no moderation when almost everything we consume is unnatural!!!” -John Rose

“I'll be the first to admit that "everything in moderation" appeals to my sense of logic and at one point in my life I used to subscribe to it. However, I now understand that this philosophy only works with a certain level of knowledge. Herein lies the problem. Most of us lack this knowledge, which is why I quoted Dr. Campbell. Campbell discovered first hand that ‘The entire system--- government, science, medicine, industry and media---promotes profits over health, technology over food and confusion over clarity.’ As a result, most Americans are so confused that 93-100% of their food is unnatural, which blows the concept of "moderation" right out the window. There is no moderation when almost everything we consume is unnatural!!!” -John Rose

“Moderation is the mating call of the herd animal.”
“There is no such thing as moderation, only excess.”
“Moderation has no meaning when all cooked foods are harmful.” -Arlin-Dini-Wolfe - “Nature’s First Law”

“Moderation?” He leaped on the desk, like an evangelist. “It’s mediocrity, fear, and confusion in disguise. It’s the devil’s reasonable deception. It’s the wobbling compromise that makes no one happy. Moderation is for the bland, the apologetic, for the fence sitters of the world afraid to take a stand to live or die. Moderation is lukewarm tea, the devil’s own brew!” -Dan Millman, “Way of the Peaceful Warrior”

“Moderation is for the mediocre.” -Brian Smith

"Being traditional" as a philosophy is just as dangerous as "everything in moderation" and the absolute right of "free speech." I would suggest to those who espouse the senseless words "everything in moderation" have a snack of arsenic (but not too much).” -Nigel

“If you are tired of the crumbs and ashes of life, if a mediocre existence has become a burden upon you, then take this book to heart and read it deeply.” -David Wolfe

How about........"All good things in moderation, cut out the bad." -Chris Dove

“Moderation leads to mediocrity, since you'd end-up having a situation where: "I can have whatever feels good, no matter what the results (and even if it's addictive), as long as I limit the quantity." [To me, it's sounds like a lose-lose situation, no matter how I'd look at the situation of "moderation"]

"Good", "bad", "right" & "wrong" are all perceived concepts, and you'll always have all kinds of people contradicting each other on what is right/good or wrong/bad (and they all have "good/right" and "bad/wrong" reasons, depending on how you look at it).

Results always depend on perceptions, situations, points in time ("worked before, but not now", or vice-versa), the people/animals involved, etc. So it's more about what types of results you want and what does actually work for you, in your life; and not necessarily "this is 'good', this is 'bad', and all 'good' things must be limited by a specific 'one-size-fits-all' value of quantity, time, situation, etc. (moderation)"

If you don't want mediocrity, and want an absolutely great life than you, or anyone else, could ever imagine, then go for 100% pure results. And forget about "moderation".” -Pierre Groulx

"I also advocate abstinence from schools and universities. Modern education is an indoctrination program for the development of mediocrity and set up for the lowest common denominator. I didn't become an intelligent, successful person until I quit going to college. " - Stephen Arlin

"Moderation" is the buzz word used by the talking heads on the payrolls of the processed food industry, agri-chemical companies, meat and dairy industry and the medical complex. It is used to skew debates (what fair minded person can oppose "moderation"?) and is used as a blunt instrument to get us to open up and consume whatever packaged abomination they want to sell us.

“Note to the talking heads: A moderate amount of poison is still poison. Is there a good amount of poison to consume?” -Ricthuse

“Meadow, forgive me this is not personal but "everything in moderation" always makes me chuckle. People in my church (LDS) are very fond of that saying, and I tell them...Everything? adultery, murder, moderation??? How about meat and dairy in moderation (since this is a vegan board). I can go along with good things in moderation, I suppose.” -Leslie

"Well-meaning institutions are not exempt from such closed-mindedness. The American Heart Association recommends a diet for heart disease that favors moderation, rather than scientific truth. The National Cholesterol Education Program does the same thing. These organizations pitch moderate diets with trivial changes as being healthy lifestyle “goals.” ..." -T. Colin Campbell, PhD, “The China Study” p. 131

"Our health institutions are intentionally misleading the public about heart disease, all in the name of "moderation." -T. Colin Campbell, PhD, “The China Study” p. 132

“If your friend had been a smoker all of his or her life and looked to you for advice, would you tell them to cut down to only two cigarettes a day, or would you tell them to quit smoking all together? It’s in this way that I’m telling you that moderation, even with the best intentions, sometimes makes it more difficult to succeed.” -T. Colin Campbell, PhD, “The China Study” p. 244

“I'll be the first to admit that "everything in moderation" appeals to my sense of logic and at one point in my life I used to subscribe to it. However, I now understand that this philosophy only works with a certain level of knowledge. Herein lies the problem. Most of us lack this knowledge, which is why I quoted Dr. Campbell. Campbell discovered first hand that ‘The entire system--- government, science, medicine, industry and media---promotes profits over health, technology over food and confusion over clarity.’

As a result, most Americans are so confused that 93-100% of their food is unnatural, which blows the concept of "moderation" right out the window. There is no moderation when almost everything we consume is unnatural!!!” -John Rose

“It is not enough to practice moderation in all things, he (Sylvester Graham) claimed, because some things are simply not good, either for spiritual or physical reasons, or both.”

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: Moderation Kills…
Posted by: Panchito ()
Date: March 22, 2013 05:58PM


"Argument to moderation (Latin: argumentum ad temperantiam; also known as [argument from] middle ground, false compromise, gray fallacy and the golden mean fallacy)[1] is an informal fallacy which asserts that the truth can be found as a compromise between two opposite positions. This fallacy's opposite is the false dilemma.

As Vladimir Bukovsky puts it, the middle ground between the Big Lie of Soviet propaganda and the truth is a lie, and one should not be looking for a middle ground between disinformation and information.[2] According to him, people from the Western pluralistic civilization are more prone to this fallacy because they are used to resolving problems by making compromises and accepting alternative interpretations, unlike Russians who are looking for the absolute truth.

An individual demonstrating this false compromise fallacy implies that the positions being considered represent extremes of a continuum of opinions, and that such extremes are always wrong, and the middle ground is always correct.[1] This is not always the case. Sometimes only X or Y is acceptable, with no middle ground possible. Additionally, the middle ground fallacy allows any position to be invalidated, even those that have been reached by previous applications of the same method; all one must do is present yet another, radically opposed position, and the middle-ground compromise will be forced closer to that position. In politics, this is part of the basis behind Overton window theory.

It is important to note that this does not mean the middle ground position is a bad strategy, or even incorrect; only that the fact that it is moderate cannot be used as evidence of its truthfulness."

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Re: Moderation Kills…
Posted by: mindy66 ()
Date: March 22, 2013 09:58PM

Excellent John!


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