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The Love Thread - Positive Posts from the Past…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 10, 2014 04:34PM

This Thread is brought back to life in the hopes that it can be duplicated and since this Thread was fairly long, I’ll break it up into several Posts.

Here is Post 1 of 5:

A Special Thanks To Art
John Rose (
Date: 05-18-01 02:40

Hey Art,

I've been meaning to thank you for all of your positive and knowledgeable contributions. Both you and Ron sure have been a positive addition to these message boards. Several months back we had several posters who were not even into raw food and they only came here to push buttons. Unfortunately, their behavior was beginning to rub off on others. I always tell people that diseases are not contagious, but attitudes are. Once again, both you and Ron are rubbing off on others and are truly making these message boards a much more pleasant place to visit. Thanks again for being a positive influence to a very special place in my heart.

Btw, have you been eating any of those huge cantaloupes from your area? Here in Houston, we've been getting these huge 5 to 7 pound cantaloupes from Edinburg that are almost as good as the Pecos cantaloupes. Since I'm juice fasting right now, these cantaloupes sure are a blessing...cantaloupe juice tastes like a vanilla shake to me.

On a final note, we're trying to organize a raw food community here in Houston and sure would like for you to come and visit us. We'll keep in touch to see if you can break away. I know that we're in the same state, but we're still about 360 miles away. Let us know if that's too far or if you're headed up here anytime soon.

Peace and Love............John
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: A Special Thanks To Art
John Rose (
Date: 05-18-01 08:37

After I turned off my computer last night I realized that I really should thank everyone on this message board. Everyone is so loving and caring, and I just want everyone to know how much all of y’all mean to me.

Peace and Love.......................John
Hey John!!!/ Thanks!!!!!!!!!....xox Ron
Ron (
Date: 05-18-01 14:44

Thanks from the bottom of my heart!! It was very interesting...that on or about the first day Art signed on...he and I got in a little bit of what some interpreted as a heated discussion. I was fairly new to the board also ...but fairly active!! On that particular night, Dave Klein signed on and it seemed like I was in a battle against Art and Dave. Truly it wasn't my intent nor do I think it was theirs. I literally lost sleep over it because as I'm sure all the regulars that read my posts have noticed, I wear my heart on my sleeve!! I really am a very emotional person. At the end of that thread I had made enough comments to let both Art and Dave know that my intentions were good and that I was really trying to interact on a peaceful and positive note. Somehow that seemed to turn the tide and by the next day Art and Dave had become great new friends. We've interacted on many occasions since then and I've exchanged some even more personal things with both of them thru private correspondence! I am a DC and also have 2 Masters degrees in health but I usually still write from and operate out of my heart. Art is the true scientist and usually writes in the language of a scientist but has a heart of gold. Dave Klein also exhibits these same attributes. They have both positively impacted my life. Many of you have also had a profound and positive impact on my life as well. I truly think of you all as family. I don't know if I can take any credit for helping to turn the tone of these boards or not but I certainly have tried to have a positive effect. I know I've written some threads and hit the POST button and almost immediately wanted it back... A girlfriend WAY BACK in high school once said that her mother told her: "we act in haste and repent in leisure"...How true.!! I may soon have to hit the POST button because if I stop and reevaluate this I may not send it.. Don't know if that would be good or not!?!.. I'm rambling from the heart and not from the head so I'm not sure how I'll come across. But since I'm with family and you all have forgiven me before, if need be, you will again I'm sure!

With Love and Respect to all!!
:<>} Ron
Thanks, Linda!!! Is TGIF...Thank God I'm Female????
Re: A Special Thanks To Art
Art Baker (
Date: 05-18-01 16:25

Thank you, mucho appreciated.

Yeah, I' ve been eating tons of melon, including watermelon and honeydews. They are greaaaaaaaaaaat.

Keep me posted about the raw food scene in Houston that you're organizing. I am interested, but it all depends on my schedule which is up in the air right now.

Re: A Special Thanks To Art
Linda (
Date: 05-18-01 09:16

Ditto!!!........... good going everyone!


To be Continued…

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: The Love Thread - Positive Posts from the Past…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 10, 2014 04:35PM

The Love Thread Continued…

Here is Post 2 of 5:

Solar Flare in the heart
Emily (
Date: 05-18-01 17:52

I feel like Linda. When I read the exquisite thread of Love and agreement between you most wondrous men, I almost lost it! This current of love and devotion to something most beautiful that you share is so precious to me, so rare, so needed. Thank you and bless you, each and every one. And Ron, you aren't a very emotional person - you just have a responsibility for making sure that the heart of God is revealed through you on this earth. And that requires a HUGE capacity of heart to do the job. I know - I come from the same "tribe.” We have to feel so darned much!
I DO feel that you have had a primary responsibility for setting the gorgeous tone of Love which is present here. That many men have come into agreement and alignment with that Tone - well, I'm just blown away. I could just bawl in sheer in sheer release. But I guess I’ll take all that love that is in my heart and go lovingly wash the rainbow of fruits and veggies I just bought.

In Love and deep appreciation for the quality of collective mind and heart on this board,

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Solar Flare in the heart
Art Baker (
Date: 05-18-01 20:06

Beautiful, thank you for sharing Emily. Let’s celebrate with that rainbow diet.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Solar Flare in the heart/and tears running down my cheek
Ron (
Date: 05-18-01 20:39

Hi Emily...And you expect me not to be a in a puddle of tears after that?? Wow!!! It's truly wonderful to know that we can make a difference!! To take the extra minute to let each other know, that we appreciate all those little things is really special! I had a general sense that things had improved but after ALL these Positive threads have surfaced, I'm 100% sure it isn't my imagination!!.......To think that much of this surfaced as a result of the Watermelon Man thread really shows once again that we can turn our scars into stars!!:... {a phrase borrowed from Rev.Robert Schuller.!}
I wish Alan {watermelon man} my sincere best wishes for the realization of all his dreams. If You should read this Alan, and or Christine, please know that you are welcome back on board with us anytime!! I'm totally sincere in that and I know my brothers and sister on this forum would agree!.........
Blessings and Peace to all and once again THANKS!!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Solar Flare in the heart/and tears running down my cheek Art Baker (
Date: 05-18-01 20:49


There is a gift that all have to offer including watermelon man, which was to spawn all of this (even though many times we are unaware of what we contribute)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RE: Right and How beautiful, Art
Emily (
Date: 05-19-01 09:09

that you are able to see his gift beneath the brambles. H2Omelon man certainly has a love for the Truth, it's just that he hasn't yet learned how to deliver it. He still thinks that Life's way of delivering Truth is to attack what has come before. That isn't Life's way at all. When a tree is pulsing to deliver its new growth, just as powerfully as Alan was pulsing - it doesn't chop down the trunk to get new leaves. It honors from whence it came, and still the new forms, the leaves - which look totally different from the bark - grow.

In our country, particularly, we have this belief in adolescent rebellion. We think that the only way we can differentiate into our "own" is to rebel against what "brung" us. We have accepted that as real. It isn't. It's totally destructive. When cells mitose, the new cell doesn't kick its source in the belly. When the time is right, it simply, quietly, divides. And then there are two cells, standing side by side, serving the same body in unified radiation, each doing a slightly different job or covering a slightly different part of the territory in our service to the body.

I have a quiet prayer in my heart that one day we will see this. (And it starts with me - I've got to do it in my own life). Then growing up - differentiating - bringing into the world what we were commissioned to - won't take such an unnecessary toll upon what Life is trying so hard to create through us - one body of people in service to Life, to God, to Design - whatever you wish to call it.

And I would not wish it this way - but I predict, that because Alan seeded his new project on this vibration of unrighteous, violent and rebellious indignation - we will ultimately see that coming back to haunt him from those he attracts to his new board. It always works that way. That's Life.

I so pray that my own life may increasingly reveal the marriage of Love and Truth. Love without Truth is impotent. Truth without Love is vicious and destructive.

In the spirit of that union, and apologizing for the off-topicity,

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Emily...Dickinson!! How poetic!!!..
Ron (
Date: 05-19-01 09:40

That was BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks Emily...You have reminded us of our task!! You are a shining example!! I truly don't think you were off topic. Yes, we may have temporarily sidestepped talking about bananas and flax crackers but I think our digression has helped once again to unify us in the BIG picture of life. We are all here because we want our life and the lives of those around us to be as great as we can make them. IMO these recent threads have helped to facilitate that!!
We'll be back discussing raw fruits and veggies soon enough and if we can all remember some of the beautiful things that have once again come to the surface, we can enjoy our rainbow salads to the fullest!!!
Love Health Peace and Happiness!
:<>winking smiley Ron

To be Continued…

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: The Love Thread - Positive Posts from the Past…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 10, 2014 04:35PM

The Love Thread Continued…

Here is Post 3 of 5:

You are GORGEOUS, Ron!
Emily (
Date: 05-19-01 10:39

My heart is filled to the brim with thanksgiving. I have explored so many nutritional pathways - and in that - touched into many of the bb's surrounding those particular philosophies. This is the first cyberplace I have EVER found where "the big picture" was welcomed and seen as important - the top branch from which it's all hung and the root from which it all grows. I must be home and among my own true kin. Yippeeeee!

I was hiking alone in the mountains yesterday, just talking and listening to It All, and it kept occuring to me that the raw and alive foods were the highest vibrational nutrtion available to us on the planet at present- so, naturally, those who would be seriously drawn to level of ingesting and blessing of earth substances would not be those who inhabit the largest part of the bell curve, but would be of a more refined heart. This is certainly proving true.What a fine collection of people.

Bless you, Ron, Art, and each and every one. This collective of folks will certainly be in the quiet blessing place of my heart today.

In Love,

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOVE IS THE ANSWER
John Rose (
Date: 05-19-01 12:11

Obviously, everything is interconnected, and if our food is unnatural than we too will be unnatural. Unfortunately, this is not a well-received message by those who inhabit the largest part of the bell curve. I'm convinced that the only way for our message to get out to the masses is with love. For this reason, I've included some of my many favorite quotes below...I hope that y'all enjoy them as much as I.

Peace and Love............John

"I observe myself and so I come to know others. -Lao-Tzu

"Above all things, reverence yourself." -Albert Schweitzer

"To love one’s self is the beginning of a lifelong romance." -Oscar Wilde

"I celebrate myself and I sing myself." -Walt Whitman

"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"God did not make us to be eaten by anxiety, but to walk erect, free, unafraid in a world where there is work to be do, truth to seek, love to give and win." -Joseph Fort Newton

"By having reverence for life, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the world." -Albert Schweitzer

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." -Mother Teresa

"We must change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden." -Goethe

"Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still." -Chinese Proverb

"We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don’t. -Frank A. Clark

"Here is a mental treatment guaranteed to cure every ill that flesh is heir to: sit for half an hour every night and mentally forgive everyone against whom you have any ill will or antipathy." -Charles Fillmore

"Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The more I can love everything - the trees, the land, the water, my fellow men, women, and children, and myself - the more health I am going to experience and the more of my real self I am going to be." -O. Carl Simonton

"Man is surrounded with every form of the truest and noblest wealth - wealth, or well-being, for the body, wealth for the mind, wealth for the heart." -Horace Mann

"Soul and body, I suggest react sympathetically upon each other. A change in the state of the soul produces a change in the shape of the body and conversely, a change in the shape of the body produces a change in the state of the soul." -Aristotle

"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." -Hippocrates

"The body never lies." -Martha Grapheme

"When we begin to trust ourselves more, the body begins to renew itself and becomes healthy and filled with life energy." -Shaki Gawain

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. -Helen Keller
Ron (
Date: 05-19-01 12:42

I'm delighted to be in that special corner of your heart!!!
Thanks again!!
:<>} Ron

To be Continued…

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: The Love Thread - Positive Posts from the Past…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 10, 2014 04:36PM

The Love Thread Continued…

Here is Post 4 of 5:

What has happened to this board??
coconuts (61.12.128.---)
Date: 05-19-01 10:27

It seems like there is less and less talk about raw food and more and more postings from certain key figures that seem to follow some other agendas?

e.g. the ridiculous bickering of recent pages

know what i mean?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RE: Maybe it's ascending just
Emily (
Date: 05-19-01 10:43

as the vegetables and minerals we eat have the opportunity to do through us if we ingest them through a thankful heart. Isn't that the ultimate movement of every thing - to keep being refined, lifted up. why should this board be different.

Just my thought anyway,

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RE: Maybe it's ascending just
Ron (
Date: 05-19-01 12:28

needless to say...I'm with you!!!!!!!
:<>} Ron
RE: What has happened to this board??
Art Baker (
Date: 05-19-01 10:58

it must be all the fruit

;>winking smiley

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: What has happened to this board??
Ron (
Date: 05-19-01 12:28

and or NUTS!!!!!....PEACE BRO!!!!!!!!!!!.............:<>} Ron
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fruity orgasms
Dave Klein (
Date: 05-19-01 13:06

yes! This is what I've been waiting to see on this forum for 3 years! : ))))))
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If the Grand Master....
Ron (
Date: 05-19-01 14:20

{who doesn't see himself in that capacity...but has justifiably gained the LOVE, RESPECT, and ADMIRATION of us all}, feels like we are progressing...I'd say we are on the right track. We all have role models and Dave Klein is certainly one of mine. He talks the talk and walks the walk!!! Glad to be of some assistance in creating those FRUITY ORGASMS!!!!!!!! Speaking of the big O, time for some durian!! :<>}
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE: What has happened to this board??
Ron (
Date: 05-19-01 12:40

It was my understanding that this board was shut down because of serious hostlity at one time, and I think the only intent of recent threads was to serve as a reminder that we're all in this together and we are here to assist each other on the journey. I think the mission was accomplished without too much digression from fruits and nuts. BTW, I've missed seeing posts from you for awhile now until your thread today! Hope you've been here all along , but if you've been away for awhile you might have caught a few things out of context! Hope we haven't offended you, and I for one sincerely relish your contributions on a more regular basis. I'm off to go have a coconut, ccoconuts!!!
Love and Best Wishes!
:<>} Ron

To be Continued…

Peace and Love..........John

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Re: The Love Thread - Positive Posts from the Past…
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: February 10, 2014 04:37PM

The Love Thread Continued…

Here is Post 5 of 5:

It may not be raw...but it is good...&
Ron (
Date: 05-19-01 21:02


By Bob Perks, *Professional Speaker, Author, and vocalist, member National Speakers Assoc. and National Writers Assoc.

Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together. They had announced her departure and standing near the security gate, they hugged and he said, "I love you. I wish you enough." She in turn said, "Daddy, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Daddy." They kissed and she left.

He walked over toward the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, "Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?"

"Yes, I have," I replied. Saying that brought back memories I had of expressing my love and appreciation for all my Dad had done for me. Recognizing that his days were limited, I took the time to tell him face to face how much he meant to me. So I knew what this man was experiencing.

"Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?," I asked.

"I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead, and the reality is, the next trip back will be for my funeral," he said.

"When you were saying good-bye I heard you say, "I wish you enough." May I ask what that means?"

He began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone." He paused for a moment and looking up as if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more.

"When we said 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them," he continued and then turning toward me he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory:

"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish enough "Hellos" to get you through the final "Good-byes."

He then began to sob and walked away.

I wish you enough...
PEACE and LOVE !! :<>} Ron
A RAW... "tongue sticking out smileyrescription For Peace"..
Ron (
Date: 05-20-01 09:50


Is it difficult for you to forgive? To let the past be past? It is for me. Nearly impossible sometimes. I'm a little like the elderly Virginian woman who lived to see her beloved Richmond occupied by Union troops after the American Civil War. The matron was walking down a Richmond street when she tripped over a step and fell. A Union soldier courteously helped her up.

"How very kind of you, young man," she said acidly. "If there is a cool spot in hell, I hope you get it."

Maybe it was still a bit early for her to let go of those deep-seated resentments. But angry and bitter lives are never happy lives.

A beautiful legend tells of an African tribe that ritualizes forgiveness. When a tribe member acts irresponsibly or unjustly, he/she is taken to the center of the village. All work ceases and every man, woman and child in the village gathers in a large circle around the accused. Then the tribe bombards the rejected person with affirmations! One at a time, friends and family enumerate all the good the individual has done. Every incident, every experience that can be recalled with some detail and accuracy is recounted. All their positive attributes, strengths and kindnesses are recited carefully and at length. Finally, the tribal circle is broken, a joyous celebration takes place, and the outcast is welcomed back into the tribe.

What a beautiful ritual of restoration! They replace hurt with happiness; pain with peace. Once again they are family. The rejected one is restored and the village is made whole. Paul Boese has said, "Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future." As brothers and sisters in our global village, is letting go of those resentments really an option?


Peace on your journey ... !!! I believe THIS IS LIVING FOOD and belongs on this board.... I feel MOST of you will agree. XOX :<>} Ron
RE: A RAW... "tongue sticking out smileyrescription For Peace"..
Captain Detox (
Date: 05-20-01 13:56

Thanks Ron! That is a great story and very helpful living food. I'm glad you posted it.
Here is a forgiveness Mantra that helps me, especially if I say it every day:

I AM forgiveness acting here.
Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free
With wings of cosmic victory.
I AM calling in full power
For forgiveness every hour;
To all life in every place
I flood forth forgiving grace!

Peace and Love..........John

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2014 04:45PM by John Rose.

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