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Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Date: May 21, 2015 10:14PM

I am glad Tai said it about suffering being neccessary to get rid of karma, this world was designed for suffering to give us an opportunity to dissolve the karma so we can have more virtue as people. Nice one. I was going to bring up some points but decided button my lips, but when l think about it l am glad Tai said some things because it is an essential concept to come to terms with because many don't even seem to believe in karma yet.

Many foul people come into this life with many health problems, but you notice many of the people with really horrible diseases are very humbled and softened. Their heavy suffering has dissolved lots of their karma and has brought on great virtue where they have become good people. There are no innocent parties in this world.

I have had lots of suffering in this life brought on purposely by myself too. Had years of harsh tasting meals most people on Earth wouldn't be able to stand, also do meditation where l ache instead of doing other things. I put up with mean comments, and anyone who wishes to yell in my face is more than welcome to do so. l don't argue back etc....why?...because that is the price l pay to develop great virtue. If you want to call me all the names under the sun and yell in my face all day, l say, bring it on, l don't mind. I will just smile and think feelings of love.

Re: Complex topics require complex and lengthy answers
Date: May 21, 2015 10:36PM

Tai Wrote:
> I don't want to betray Lou COrona's confidance,
> but I think his life is a perfect example of what
> I am trying to share, especially so John Rose can
> understand. We all know the story of how the
> Light Being came to visit Lou and told him to eat
> raw living food and abstain from flesh to heal
> himself. We know that part happened when he was
> 21 years old. But the story that is very key that
> is rather private is that when he was 16 years
> old, he had a healing miracle. He was already a
> Christian since he was a kid, and at age 16, he
> was in a terrible motorcycle accident. The
> doctors said he couldn't walk. But one day this
> amazing energy came to him and healed his leg and
> he could walk again. He had already learned to
> pray and it was at that time, that he started to
> have glimpses of the purpose of his life and what
> he was supposed to accomplish. That is for him to
> share fully one day. John Rose said that healing
> miracles take away personal responsibility and the
> feedback mechanism, in my own words to paraphrase
> what I understand him saying. But in Lou's case,
> you can see how healing miracles are in total
> harmony with personal responsibility. Lou was
> taught to take personal responsibility with diet,
> lifestyle and mental and emotional wellbeing. But
> in other instances, Lou received protection and
> help. And that accident was not the only time.
> Some things are beyond our control and for some of
> us who believe, it's nice to get some higher
> help.

I really hope John Rose starts to become more open to the spiritual stuff, because as soon as he does his message to the world will be so much stronger. John is right on many things at a basic level and has a lot of potential, but his message is very limited in who it can touch because the depth behind the message isn't very well developed because he lacks the big part of the picture which is the spiritual element, so he is going to be greatly limited on how he can touch lives and miss impacting many people who will resonate on a spiritual level.

It's important to give messages properly that go to the heart and avoid a cardboard cutout approach. We are spiritual by nature, so if you develop an understanding of the spiritual side you will go so much further John, because at the moment you are greatly limiting your message and your greatness for helping others.

John, people only mention these things because they believe you have something great to offer, so why not talk to us instead of tearing us down all the time. You have the beginnings of greatness, but it needs lots of refinement, but when you tear people down you take away almost everything from your message and become your own worst enemy because you put yourself in a bad light. You want to draw people to you, not repel them when you dissagree.

John, people want to help and see you become what you were born to be. Talk to people. No more truth 101 because that is not going to save peoplefrom anything because it is all theory, lets do truth 909 and something more can do it. I am not saying l am the big guru,l am just saying that there is important aspects of the truth that you haven't realised yet, and people are hinting at it because they know you will become more rounded and better at what you expand your thinking and move past the brick wall you have before you. Once you remove the brick wall you will fly high, but if you continue on like normal you will always be behind that wall teaching truth 101.

Hey John....want to go over the wall?...want to open your mind to new things? Put away the pride and think about it John.

No more fighting and bashing John, lets all be friends and work togeather to help each other.

John, if you were just a regular dummy l wouldn't even bother to write this message. None of us are Gods, so we can help each other to pass on systems and knowledge to help each other advance further. My message is not the most gentle and well written, but l am giving you some hints here that extend deep from my compassion. You can throw it back in my face, or you can ask me what l am on about.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/2015 10:45PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Date: May 22, 2015 02:33AM


Sorry to come across as so condescending in my recent posts to you. I normally can speak to people sensitively and write well, but we have a lot of karma in our interactions between us both so things come across as very awkward. Regardless of how bad my recent posts to you have come across, my heart is in the right place. I don'tsee you as the enemy, l see you and myself as trying to help people become aware so they improve their lives. We have different ideas, but we are trying to do good things.

Hope you accept my apology.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: tezcal ()
Date: May 22, 2015 03:38AM

wow, thanks for sharing that post, tai.

I knew there was a reason i still check back here...

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 22, 2015 12:12PM

In the next few Posts, I would like to share some snippets from my file on Suffering.

“Naomi’s Breakthrough Guide 20 Choices To Transform Your Life”
by Naomi Judd

• “Suffering makes sense if you can step back and view it in a larger context.” p. 5
• “Our everyday challenges offer the possibility of coming up with a new purpose for living.” p. 208
• “Pain is inevitable in life, but suffering is optional.” p. 209
• “We’re here not just to survive but to thrive, to become more and more high-functioning. One way we can do this is to extract some meaning from suffering. We are here not just to survive the trials that have befallen us but to find our deeper purpose through them.” p. 209
• “They distanced themselves from their suffering by responding to a stronger purpose.” p. 209
• “When we evolve and choose to find some new purpose, we help ourselves move not merely to acceptance, but to transcendence. We don’t just put up with the way things are, we triumph because we find our greatest meaning through it. After all, our peace of mind is the ultimate goal.” p. 210
• “You can use your dilemma as your stepping-stone to enlightenment.” p. 210
• “You won’t find your purpose by asking for directions from the guy at the gas station. Purpose is found when each of us comes to understand our gifts and passions (see Choice #9) and what deeply matters to us, given the sufferings of our lives.” p. 211

"Science Of Mind", December 1992,
An Interview With Jacquelyn Small by Penny Tupes Jennings

"Science Of Mind: In your book "Awakening In Time: The Journey from Codependence to Co-Creation." I understand you to say that in addition to our own personal challenges, the very times we live in are a call to transformation. Will you comment on this?

Small: Yes, I believe that each of us is a vehicle that Spirit moves through for changing the consciousness of all humanity. For at the most expanded level, we are all one Human Soul. Each of us has come to earth at this time for a reason -- to become involved in a global shift that will radically restructure our conditions and our felt experience as a species. We take on the conditions here -- such as abuse, megalomania, etc., and we each undergo what we must in order to heal from our egoistic ways. By taking on all this suffering and pain, and through the dysfunctional families many of us were brought up in, we learn from the inside out how to heal our world. Because we vary in the predicaments we take on, we all serve the whole, each being a vital tool for the transformation of humanity’s negative conditions such as disease, addiction, and neurosis. This I believe, is the sacred purpose of our suffering. In other words, our suffering not only breeds compassion, but also prepares us for our specific life’s work and true sphere of influence. We serve others by "doing our being." As each of us does our own inner work, humanity and the world will heal. In this manner, we all together, along with our Higher Power, co-create a new world. p. 31

JR Insert from my “Ken Wilber” file…
JR’s Notes and Recaps from “No Boundary”...

“The ultimate metaphysical secret, if we dare state it so simply, is that there are no boundaries in the universe. Boundaries are illusions, products not of reality but of the way we map and edit reality. And while it is fine to map out the territory, it is fatal to confuse the two. It’s not just that there are no boundaries between the opposites. In a much wider sense, there are no dividing boundaries between any things or events anywhere in the cosmos.” p. 31

“Throughout mankind’s history, various shamans, priests, sages, mystics, saints, psychologists, and psychiatrists have tried to point out the best ways to live suffering correctly so as to live beyond it.” p. 86

JR: We are not supposed to live beyond suffering…we are not supposed to suffer and as soon as we do we have to correct the mistake that caused it.

“We cannot endure our suffering with fruitful results unless we know what it means, why it is occuring. And we don’t know what it means because we have no doctor of the soul whom we can truly and completely trust.” p. 87

JR: Suffering is part of our survival mechanism and its purpose is to warn us that we are doing something wrong. The reason why we get sick is because of what we did or did not do. Everything we do affects us and if we are suffering from a mental or physical illness or ill-behavior, then all we have to do is look in the mirror for the source of our problems. When we take responsibility and evaluate our choices in life, we might discover a whole library of knowledge that can help us make better choices in life. This library of knowledge is not taught to anyone who is in a position to solve any of our problems. We do not need a doctor of the soul, we just need knowledge of how to live. Since choices have consequences, it’s obvious that some of our choices are less than ideal. The real meaning we should get out of our suffering is that we are doing something wrong and we have to make better choices. Choices have consequences, we reap what we sow and if we do not like what we got, we got to change what we’re doing. No one else can do this for us once we have the knowledge. So, if our choices in life are less than ideal, then our lives will also be less than ideal and suffering occurs as a warning that we made a mistake. …we have no one else to blame but ourselves and no one else can make better choices for us. Indeed, the consumption of foods that are less than ideal are our number one stumbling block for all levels to overcome.
End of JR Insert from my “Ken Wilber” file…
End of JR’s Notes and Recaps from “No Boundary”.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 22, 2015 12:19PM

Here is another snippet from my file on Suffering.

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: THeSt0rm
Date: August 04, 2013 10:07PM

Well.. I don’t really believe in reincarnation. So as to "having earned our place here".. I’m not so sure of that.

I’ve heard of another reinarnation theory where we indeed do reincarnate, but never to the same biokind twice. Once we die, that's it for humanity, we go to another biokind on another planet.

So really, I don’t know.

As for "deserving" this... well? I mean, perhaps even if the above theory is true, we still could have karmas that are 'repaid' in the next life that would be equal to what we did in the previous life even if we go on to another biokind on another planet? I don't know.

Or is it that we all just have to accept things as they are because one way or another, we are all one, and everything is balanced in the long run, these are just cycles etc.

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: THeSt0rm
Date: August 04, 2013 10:11PM

And also... just because we may have 'memories' of previous human lives... does that Really mean that was us? Maybe it could have been a subconscious overlaying, maybe the memories are part of the body but not the spirit, ie like genetic memory. Who knows what our memories are, maybe they're implanted into us. Maybe we are meant to experience the "memories" for a certain goal or purpose for this life... rather than see it as our soul's past life.

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: THeSt0rm
Date: August 05, 2013 11:16PM

I’m sorry but I cannot take much of the new age stuff too seriously. Esp. when it comes to these higher/lower levels, why people are suffering etc. It seems like I'd have to give up my power, to accept the suffering we all go through as being purposeful. I don’t agree with it.

I don't rationalize at least much of the suffering people go through as being with the purpose to help them "grow".

When people do something evil to another, they don't do it with the intent to help the other person grow. They do it to destroy him/her and nothing else.

This isn't 'reality' here, we're not living in tribes with rites of passages where we'd have to go through an obstacle course to prove ourselves worthy. This life is not even real, so what "growth" do we require? Why do I have to give in to the lie that people have to suffer? So what they can become trapped into reincarnation cycles to pay off 'karmas' given to them by 'higher' dieties that abuse their power?

This stuff just seems to me like Lucis Trust and the United Nations / Agenda 21.

The spiritual doctrine devised by the illuminati for their "new age" for their "new world order".

And it's all apathetic too like, people don't really care for each other, they'll just say "that's your karma, you're being negative, you're not good enough/high level enough, it's all in your mind". Well that's one aspect of it.

If I'm wrong then forgive me.

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: THeSt0rm
Date: August 10, 2013 08:46AM

I’m sorry but I think my attitude on this thread and others lately has been a bit uncalled for. I'm still going through some of my own issues that I need to deal with.

However that doesn't mean I still don’t have a bit of skepticism. That's mostly also because it seems that I either attract shills or I've just been shilled/trolled/targeted/gangstalked a lot. I think that also comes with the auric sacrifice of addictions I've had for a while now.

As for New Ageyness... yeah. I just can't really agree with some of the things discussed on the threads lately like 'karma' 'reincarnation', and 'positive thinking'. I'm sure some of it can be true, and maybe I'm just not aware enough... but I know if anything many of these concepts have been bastardized. Spirituality has been bastardized and I'm very skeptical of most of it these days. I've been misled a lot and I do run across a lot of people who will sprout new age things and talk about these things like it's genuine spirituality. I don’t even like the word "spiritual" as it may be inaccurate and 'unscientific' maybe.

Things are just really crazy here on Earth.

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: THeSt0rm
Date: August 14, 2013 03:36AM

Here are some thoughts I had about Satanism.

Some people associate themselves with Satanism simply because they want to oppose the ruling order, be rebellious, oppose the popular religions etc. etc. But I think it's a mistake. They'll have a personal opinion as to what Satanism means to them, maybe they're not "Traditionalists" I dont know. Sure they may not have "evil" intents but I just see Satanism as the other side of the coin to the popular religion mentioned previously. Usually it seems these people are overly concerned with appearing dark or mysterious, occult/esoteric, being obsessively analytical and then support darwinism and social darwinism. As well as commercial science, being too much in their heads... often I'll sense some kind of lack of awareness they seem to be missing. I can rebel the 'popular order' and still not call myself satanic, I can still be 'spiritual' yet still not be satanic.

Maybe I'm generalizing... but IMO Satanism is still Illuminati/NWO. Same with Luciferianism. I choose not to associate myself with Satanism/Luciferianism due to the fact that the label still can be used for negative influences, division etc. The origin of the word should say it all.. and regardless of what one's personal opinion of what the word means I feel it can still end up leaving a person open to that original meaning's influence.

This just shows how limiting our language can be that it can confuse a person so easily.

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: THeSt0rm
Date: August 17, 2013 06:45AM

Friend sent me this last night:

"When the group consciousness came together to create the earth experience as a flow of Creation, the freewill element within the framework was given particular emphasis with the desire to allow the creative element to be given free rein. The hope was that this special emphasis would allow a blossoming of what you might term a utopian experience within the Universal Laws. It was not contemplated that the opposite would be created within the context of this focus. The joy of abundance was seen as a result of the proper placement of those laws at the center of experience. Instead, the result was that the abundance of materiality became the focus and the concept of "the end justifies the means" became the framework of the distorted use of the Universal Laws."

"We find it interesting that the forces of evil are putting forth a dual effort. The ethnic and racial differences between individuals and groups are being stressed and agitated while at the same time you are being forced into a "one world government." This, of course, is not without planning. It is for the purpose of creating chaos and confusion within the psyche. In actuality, this serves our purposes also. It is a great deal easier to create change from chaos than it is to bring it about within a stable, static environment. There are a great many planets that are highly developed within the adaptation and adoption of the Universal Laws. If this is such a wonderful state, then the question is why focus the opportunity of transcendence of such magnitude as is being hinged upon this process through a planet that is in the gross experience of this one. The answer is that it is the chaotic energy that offers the greatest potential for this particular process. That which you call God has not "created" your dilemma, but it is His Creation and he certainly can participate in the potential that it offers, much to your benefit we add."

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: John Rose
Date: August 17, 2013 08:31AM

This has been a really interesting discussion and I’ve been wanting to chime in, but there was so much I wanted to check out before I could.

First of all, I would like to thank la_veronique for starting this thread and I agree with the article she posted that we are “Dis-Connected from Nature” and that we need to “relearn the life skills that allow us to shed our dependence on civilization.”

I would also like to thank The Sproutarian Man for posting that link that goes into detail about how “we are all victims of a curse from the lie.” I love studying what other people think are the solutions to any of our problems, however, the Fog Index in that Video you posted was off the charts as it came in at a 38th Grade Level in some places! Lawyers write contracts, like Insurance Contracts, with an extremely high Fog Index, usually around a 26th or higher Grade Level, to make sure you don’t know who is doing what. There are so many clauses within one sentence that most people don’t know they’re getting screwed. In just 1 sentence alone, there were 6 pronouns and it was very difficult to know for sure if “they” referred to the Parents, the State or the Babies. One thing I will say for this guy is that he did Pile Drive a lot, but he did it so much that he could have said everything in less than 5 minutes instead of ~50 minutes!

And finally, I really resonated with what THeSt0rm had to say. I have a lot of problems with certain philosophies that don’t understand the real purpose of Pain and they think that we’re supposed to Suffer to help us grow. Pain is part of our Feedback System to Warn Us that we’re making Mistakes. I would also like to comment about your last Post and the idea of Free Will. Most people don’t know that we really don’t have Free Will because our Free Will is limited by our Experiences, our Belief System and for some, their Imaginations and Conceptualizations. However, Necessity is the Mother of Invention, so there is a lot of potential that can come out of Chaos provided we can Correct our Mistakes and get “Re-Connected to Nature” and the only way we can get “Re-Connected to Nature” is with a Raw Vegan Diet!!!

Peace and Love..........John


Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: THeSt0rm
Date: August 20, 2013 06:53AM

Here's a thought about our language.

Take a sentence: life is merely varying degrees of suffering. On another note life leads to suffering. But it also means that life means suffering or life is suffering.... or life is also non suffering, life is also not suffering. Etc etc etc. The language is a curse in a way (why is it called cursive?) ? Anyeays... see as soon as we say we are one there is also a two. As well as zero. As long as good exists so does evil. But if neither exist there also exists the possibility of both because we are still trapped in the same system, just as there is a zero. So oneness isn't always really oneness because that's just like saying "we 10,000 are One". But zero is also a number.
In trying to be balanced we say "it’s all about balance so try to seek the middle path...." but the middle path requires creating both sides also So we can travel that middle path to stay "neutral". Ie good and evil Or bad/right and wrong. Ok so what shall we do then say that there is no Good and evil? In saying so it’s also hypocrisy just by virtue of being bound by the system in which language itself recognizes the existence of good and evil.

Anyways... i just made all that up. There are probably better ways to explain. But this pretty much goes to show that the new world order oneness religion is a sham. At least to me. Hope this was understandable.

What is life? What is death? What is the system that we live in (or out of once we move on?)

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: John Rose
Date: August 20, 2013 07:30AM

<<<as soon as we say we are one there is also a two. ... As long as good exists so does evil. ... Ok so what shall we do then say that there is no Good and evil?>>>

Hey Storm,

Once again, we're on the same page. This is one of my pet peeves when people discount the Law of Cause & Effect, which is an Ordered Pair, by saying that Duality fades into the Oneness of Everything. Of course, Evil and Suffering are Negative Effects from making Mistakes, both of which we are Causing!

I wrote about this in one of my recent Posts, but it was a very long Post and it was not the major focus of my Post. Anyway, here is what I wrote...

Re: What are the roots of the belief that all people who are on 100% or high-raw diets should be in unqestioned lockstep agreement with the Democratic party?
Posted by: John Rose
Date: August 07, 2013 02:06PM


Now here is my File Preview from my file on Collectivism…

…File Preview…


• So when we look at Collectivism and Individualism, we are looking at 1 of those Dualities that does fade into the Oneness of Everything. However, Ordered Pairs and Polar Opposites are 2 forms of Two-Valued Logic where Duality does Not fade into the Oneness of Everything. Two-Valued Logic has nothing to do with the Oneness of Everything. There is Two-Valued Logic and One-Valued Logic, but to say that Duality fades into the Oneness of Everything is a Common Mistake that many people make, especially Eastern Philosophers, because it Negates the Law of Cause & Effect, thereby, taking away our Responsibility.


Peace and Love..........John

Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: THeSt0rm
Date: August 20, 2013 09:29AM

John Rose Wrote:
> <<>>
> Hey Storm,
> Once again, we're on the same page. This is one

> Peace and Love..........John

Yep. Thanks for your reply.

What would you say to people who tell you that Life is What you make it, and that suffering only exists in the mind, and that we choose whether to see life as suffering or enjoyment? I feel that this is just plain deception and people are really shutting themselves off from true feeling and are submitting to pain and suffering and a horrible life by putting on rose colored glasses. I've seen people with severe cases of this and then they'll often be hypocritical, unaware, and they often will suffer one way or another once it all comes back to them because they've repressed their true feelings. They can't run away forever. They seem to think they can always change their perceptions of suffering. So what are they sociopaths? Eventually they will end up having to process everything they've neglected to look at, and I've seen this happen countless number of times. I feel like this is one big deception part of the New Age deception, the 'oneness' 'new world order' religion.

What do you think?
Re: Humans : Self Domesticated Animals - Sickness
Posted by: John Rose
Date: August 20, 2013 11:30AM

Hey Storm,

I wrote this Post before I read your Post above and just goes to show that we think a lot alike.

<<<What would you say to people who tell you that Life is What you make it, and that suffering only exists in the mind, and that we choose whether to see life as suffering or enjoyment?>>>

Hey Storm,

I would tell them that they are in DENIAL!!! I would tell them that Life is an Illusion and that whenever we Deny the fact that Suffering does indeed exist, we are only Fooling ourselves so that we can cope with being in Hell instead of figuring out how to get out of Hell. Unfortunately, most people don’t have the answers or they don’t know how to get out of Hell, so it’s a matter of Learned Helplessness and Unrealistic Optimism. Since they don’t know how get out of Hell or since they don’t have the answers, they feel Helpless so they Run to Denial to avoid those unwanted aspects of ourselves and society, which Carl Jung called our Shadow and they Run to Denial by Shutting Down their Frontal Lobe, which is called Unrealistic Optimism and when they Shut Down their Frontal Lobe, they have a Mental Processing Error where they simply don’t process the Truth.

What they do is the same thing most Religions do - it’s all a matter of coping with being on the Wrong Path or with being in Hell. Once again, they don’t know what to do, so they just say there is No Right or Wrong or there is No Suffering or we’re Born of Sin and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Interestingly, a lot of this Eastern Philosophy ties into the I Ching and the I Ching uses what I call the One Tool Mentality where the only Tool you have is a Hammer and every Problem you see is a Nail. The I Ching is based on 8 trigrams that form 64 hexagrams and all 8 trigrams are based on our Environment and our Environment is only One of our Essential Needs. Our other Essential Needs are based on the Law of Cause & Effect and this is the Piece of the Puzzle that they are all missing. I also call the One Tool Mentality - the One Branch Approach. It’s like they found One Branch off of the Tree of Knowledge and they think they found the whole Tree. Quantum Physicists do the same thing - they think we can think our way out of everything and be eating hot dogs at the same time. Once again, they only found One Branch or One of our Needs, be it our Mind or our Environment, and they think they found all of our Essential Needs.

So a lot of people think the way they do because of a Belief System that is designed to help them cope with the one thing they are taught to Deny - our Suffering. It’s also interesting that Denial strikes twice, so to speak, meaning that Denial can keep us from finding the Knowledge we need and Denial can also keep us from Applying the Knowledge we need. The key here is that most of us are Ignorant and we don’t know what to do, so the best we can do is cope with the nightmare we’ve been given.

Unfortunately, no man is an island, so unless the masses Wake Up to this reality, all of us Suffer. On the positive side, if we all do Wake Up and are Willing to Correct the Mistakes that make us Feel Dis-Connected to everything around us, we could transform this world so fast that none of us will believe where we were and what we were doing in as little as 10 years. Indeed, we will look back in horror and disbelief that we could have been so incapable of figuring out that there really is a simple solution to put an end to all of this needless Suffering.

So what do we say to those people in Denial?

Indeed, how do we tell people who are in Denial that they are in Denial?

How do we tell the Heroin Addict that their Lives are an Illusion and that some of their short-term Pleasures are the Cause to most of their Problems?

Likewise, how do we tell the Cooked Food Addict that their Lives are an Illusion and that some of their short-term Pleasures are the Cause to most of our Suffering?

Unfortunately, Addicts Run to Denial to Protect their Pleasures just like the vast majority of us Run to Denial to avoid those unwanted aspects of ourselves and society - our Individual and Collective Shadows.

Indeed, the few of us who are AWAKE have our work cut out for us. All we have to do is reach the Tipping Point or Critical Mass and once we do that, within as little as 1 year the rest of us will be AWAKE and then, we can turn this Hell back into the Paradise it was meant to be and we will finally become the Guardians on this planet that we were meant to be.

Peace and Love..........John

PS The fact that most people will probably not even read this because it’s so long makes me think that there might not be any hope for us as a Species. Please tell me I’m wrong and that some of y’all want to make a difference.


Peace and Love.......John

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: May 22, 2015 12:56PM

Never doubted that rose and thestorm were on the same page. My only question is which of them will go postal first?

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 22, 2015 02:48PM

Has anyone else noticed that "Oozy Sue Z" disappears whenever we start talking about good things only to surface again so she can create more DISHARMONY?

Hey Anon 102,

"Oozy Sue Z" - that's a good one as it really does describe this sad excuse for human being.

In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, an ooze is a type of creature. This category includes such monsters as slimes (such as green slime within the world of the game), jellies, deadly puddings, and similar mindless, amorphous blobs. They can be used by Dungeon Masters as enemies of the player characters.

Many oozes dwell underground, and most secrete an acid from their skin that dissolves flesh and other materials rapidly.

Oozes are essentially blind, but more than make up for that with an ability called "blindsight", which allows them to discern nearby objects and creatures without needing to see them visually.

I've never played "Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game" and know absolutely nothing about it, except when I did a quick search to see if "Oozy" was an accurate description for Mrs. T__D and sure enough, it is!

Here are a couple of clips that also portray the ELEPHANT in the room or in this case, the ELEPHANT on and is so SICK that the only way she can be happy is when she POLLUTES everything and everyone around her...



“Whoever feels pain in hearing a good character of his neighbor, will feel a pleasure in the reverse. And those who despair to rise in distinction by their virtues, are happy if others can be depressed to a level of themselves.” -Benjamin Franklin

“With any kind of mean girl, or anyone who bullies anyone, there's always a reason for it. There is that sadness in them or insecurity that makes them feel like they need to act out or hurt other people.” -Maiara Walsh

Peace and Love.......John

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: Anon 102 ()
Date: May 22, 2015 03:09PM

That's true, JR. The Relic, Oozy Suzy, does dwell underground only emerging to create disharmony. It is well known that she secretes an acid from her skin that dissolves flesh and other materials rapidly. She is blind. She also wears Depend.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 22, 2015 03:21PM

Tai wrote:

<<<Well, only people who comprehend the totality of existence beyond this physical life appreciate the significance of karma/sin. ONly those who believe that humans have souls who continue to live on after this body perishes actually respect the concept of karma/sin.>>>

Hey Tai,

I have no problem with having a Soul that extends beyond this physical realm - see The Death Flash below, however, I DO have a problem with every version of Reincarnation I've ever studied as NONE of them make any sense. The same goes with Heaven and Hell.

This is a really old Post of mine and it comes from James Nolan who is that guy who designed that Personality Test.

"The Stream of Consciousness"
Posted by: John Rose
Date: 2-18-01

<<<Maybe life originates with consciousness. We can't deny consciousness, and I believe consciousness is so connected with all other consciousness, that overall, it takes on this God-like super-consciousness. It seems to me that life has been created by it's own consciousness, much like a baby forms and creates itself, in communion with the mother... Could these higher selves, which are all united, be jointly responsible for the origin of life as we know it? I wouldn't exclude that evolution plays a part later on, in addition to genetic manipulation, but it is my guess that this is the ultimate origin of life in the world as we know it.>>>

Benjiman, I think that you may enjoy what James Nolan writes about this stream of consciousness:

"My hypothesis is that this stream of consciousness which is the link between physical and mental reality is a form of electromagnetism which endows each of us with a unique personality. Since Maxwell's time, more and more has been learned about electromagnetism, and one finding which could have major significance relates to the death flash. At the time of death, organisms send forth an electromagnetic flash that is up to 1000 times stronger than the normal level of radiation. This is the finding of a Polish scientist, Janusz Slawinski, who believes that death separates "electromagnetic consciousness" from the physical body. Further, he hypothesizes that this "death flash" may enter a dimension beyond space and time, carrying with it an individuals personality, emotions and subjective experience.

With the announcement of this discovery, the scientific basis for the immortality of the human spirit takes another step forward. Tied in with the research of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ["On death and Dying"] and Dr. Raymond A. Moody, Jr. ["Life After Life"] and others, with the second law of thermodynamics which postulates the conservation of energy in a system, and with Einstein's theory that electromagnetism is more basic than space and time, there is an increasing body of evidence to give credence to the universal longing for eternal life--the idea that life continues on in some form after death.

The death flash is not an unexpected phenomenon since all living organisms emit low-intensity light which physicists have measured either as particles or as electromagnetic waves. In fact, each person's brain produces its own electromagnetic field which can be measured with magnetoencephalograms.

Consciousness as an electromagnetic force is the link between life and death. Further, if modern physicist are to be believed, consciousness is the vital link for understanding quantum reality. This being true, quantum physics is a subject which deserves our attention if we are to understand ourselves and the nature of human nature.

How this stream of consciousness becomes manifest and focused in you and me, as well as other personality types, is the focus of the following chapters. ..."
Ben, have you ever studied William James who coined "the stream of consciousness" as a metaphor to understand psychological reality?

Here is a more recent Post on The Death Flash...

Re: what do you think happens when we die
Posted by: John Rose (IP Logged)
Date: August 01, 2008 10:45AM

I found this very interesting when I first read it some 18 years ago...

The Death Flash

"My hypothesis is that this stream of consciousness which is the link between physical and mental reality is a form of electromagnetism which endows each of us with a unique personality. Since Maxwell's time, more and more has been learned about electromagnetism, and one finding which could have major significance relates to the death flash. At the time of death, organisms send forth an electromagnetic flash that is up to 1000 times stronger than the normal level of radiation. This is the finding of a Polish scientist, Janusz Slawinski, who believes that death separates "electromagnetic consciousness" from the physical body. Further, he hypothesizes that this "death flash" may enter a dimension beyond space and time, carrying with it an individuals personality, emotions and subjective experience.

With the announcement of this discovery, the scientific basis for the immortality of the human spirit takes another step forward. Tied in with the research of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ["On death and Dying"] and Dr. Raymond A. Moody, Jr. ["Life After Life"] and others, with the second law of thermodynamics which postulates the conservation of energy in a system, and with Einstein's theory that electromagnetism is more basic than space and time, there is an increasing body of evidence to give credence to the universal longing for eternal life--the idea that life continues on in some form after death.

The death flash is not an unexpected phenomenon since all living organisms emit low-intensity light which physicists have measured either as particles or as electromagnetic waves. In fact, each person's brain produces its own electromagnetic field which can be measured with magnetoencephalograms.

Consciousness as an electromagnetic force is the link between life and death. Further, if modern physicist are to be believed, consciousness is the vital link for understanding quantum reality. This being true, quantum physics is a subject which deserves our attention if we are to understand ourselves and the nature of human nature.

How this stream of consciousness becomes manifest and focused in you and me, as well as other personality types, is the focus of the following chapters. ..." -James R. Nolan, "Red, Yellow, Blue and Green"

Now here is a snippet from my file on Biophotons...

Are humans really beings of light?
Dan Eden for

Death Transmission via the Paranormal "Light" Channel

Some extremely interesting experiments were performed by V.P. Kaznacheyev et al regarding the paranormal transmission of death by light inter-organism communication.

Briefly, two groups of cells were selected from the same cell culture and one sample placed on each side of a window joining two environmentally shielded rooms. The cell cultures were in quartz containers. One cell culture was used as the initiation sample and was subjected to a deadly mechanism - virus, germ, chemical poison, irradiation, ultraviolet rays, etc. The second cell culture was observed, to ascertain any transmitted effects from the culture sample being killed.

When the window was made of ordinary glass, the second sample remained alive and healthy. When the window was made of quartz, the second sample sickened and died with the same symptoms as the primary sample.

The experiments were done in darkness, and over 5,000 were reported by Kaznacheyev and his colleagues. The onset of induced complementary sickness and death in the second culture followed a reasonable time -- say two to four hours -- behind sickness and death in the primary culture.

The major transmission difference between window glass and quartz is that quartz transmits both ultraviolet and infrared well, while glass is relatively opaque to ultraviolet and infrared. Both quartz and glass transmit visible light. Thus glass is a suppressor of the paranormal channel, while quartz is not.

In 1950, Western researchers found that cells could be killed in darkness with ultraviolet radiation, kept shielded from visible light for twenty-four hours or longer, and then if radiated with visible light the cells would start reviving by hundreds of thousands even though they had been clinically dead.

Specifically, every cell emits mitogenetic radiation in the ultraviolet range twice: when it is born and when it dies. The UV photon emitted at death contains the exact virtual state pattern of the condition of the cell at death. The healthy cells are bombarded with death messages from those that are dying, and this diffuses the death pattern throughout the healthy culture, eventually kindling into the same death pattern there.

[V.P. Kaznacheyev et al, "Distant Intercellular Interactions in a System of Two Tissue Cultures," Psychoenergetic Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 1976, pp 141-142.]


Peace and Love.......John

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 22, 2015 03:41PM

Living Food wrote:

<<<John - do you believe we can live forever in perfect health?>>>

Yes, we are NOT supposed to fall apart when we get older, unless we lived poorly or were given horrible genes. Unfortunately, very few us started out in life knowing how to live and those formative years are extremely important as Dr. Joel Fuhrman points out in “Disease-Proof Your Child”!

In all honesty, I really don’t know what to expect as our telomeres reach the end of their existence and perhaps there will be some symptoms at that point. However, everything else that everyone else is suffering from is NOT because they’re running out of telomeres and has NOTHING to with Aging, but of Time Poorly Lived.

Peace and Love.......John

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 22, 2015 03:48PM

Hey Brian/TSM,

I sincerely hope that the day comes very soon that you realize that you are being DECEIVED and that everything that you’ve been told about this “Low Level Planet” is DESIGNED to take away your RESPONSIBILTY to help the Masses! We need your efforts NOT for the FEW, but for the MANY!!!


Peace and Love.......John

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: May 22, 2015 05:30PM

Ha, ha, ha. rose will "help" the masses with his bag of stupid tin foil hoaxes such as his tricks borrowed from quacks and fake doctors like his suggested "cleanse" of drinking pineapple juice and the ridicules and potentially dangerous Epson salt gallbladder and liver flush.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Date: May 22, 2015 09:55PM

John Rose Wrote:
> Hey Brian/TSM,
> I sincerely hope that the day comes very soon that
> you realize that you are being DECEIVED and that
> everything that you’ve been told about this
> “Low Level Planet” is DESIGNED to take away
> your RESPONSIBILTY to help the Masses! We need
> your efforts NOT for the FEW, but for the MANY!!!
> []
> kKcuSvQZr0Sm0CyM64&t=1072
> Peace and Love.......John

John, we can only help the masses when they are ready to help themselves. Most worship the system far too much to be able to be saved at this point in time (it was carefully planned that way by evil people/beings who know humans better than most know themselves,that is why it is hard to escape). People work too hard and are too drugged up and too brainwashed to do anything. We need to find the people who are looking for a different way.

Yes, the system is designed to take away our responsibility, but it is also designed to take away our beliefs in God and former spiritual masters who still have the ability to save beings to this day (lots of testimonies out there). The replacements for people's God is now money and false spiritual paths given to us by new agers that lead to satanic ideas. The computer world is also people's God, and so is lust and deceptions.

The craziest idea these new age demonic crowds tell us that we are God. What garbage. That takes our responsibility away too. How can we be God when we continue to abuse each other, worship money, lie, think lustful thoughts etc. We are far from being a God in our current state. That'sthe problem...they tellus we have all these powers and tellus we are God, and then they lead us into satanic meditations that give us demonic powers of the false God called the devil. Oh yeah, the dark side is not supposed to exist either according to many of them. These new agers and system is such a joke....they have conned nearly all of mankind. Many still don't even believe in the spiritual, that is instant death right are not even a human with any hope until you acknowledge the spiritual.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2015 10:05PM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Date: May 22, 2015 10:22PM

John Rose Wrote:
> I DO have a problem with every
> version of Reincarnation I've ever studied as NONE
> of them make any sense. The same goes with Heaven
> and Hell.

That is one of the only things which does make sense actually. Don't give up on the idea John, keep on looking into it.

Remember when l made a comparison between the Garden of Eden and the cosmic system? The basics are one of the same. We leave the big home (Garden of Eden/Heaven) through ignorance and we have to enlighten in order to come back home again. We didn't appreciate what we once had, and all beings are entitled to perfection until the first sin is done. It's all to do with reincarnation and heaven and hell. Study the Buddha school some more John...l don't mean the religion, l mean the Buddha school of thought which has a wider scope.

Try not to rubbish this idea. Study some more.

As you slowly enlighten you move closer to truth, and this causes a higher more pure state when the heart is pure. It is the journey back home. Unfortunately many have completely lost their way and are heading backwards because they live with no consequence or responsility to their position in the cosmos.

The highest principles of the cosmos is truth. Another one is being unconditionally kind. Another one is unconditional compassion and seeing one's current level in the cosmos. When you have those things you have the ingredients of a high level being. See...the system takes us away from all of that.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: May 23, 2015 12:22AM

If you happened to be living in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in 1945 and you got nuked and you were either killed, maimed or had family etc. killed or maimed, was that karma, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Was that your karma, the ruling classes karma, or the collective karma of the Japanese?

What about the Indian ocean Tsunami where 1/4 million people were killed in Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka? Was it their karma, or was that an act of nature?

If you walk under a tree and a branch breaks and falls on your head and breaks your skull and kills you, is that karma, or an act of nature?

If you're born with downs syndrome or with deformities is that your karma or your parents karma, or is that just genetic?

In past times there were only millions of people living on planet earth. Now we have billions. Were the extra 5 or 6 billion people sent here to work off their karma, and where were they before?

How far does karma reach? Surely this isn't the only habitable planet in the universe.

Once we reach enlightenment where do we go? Seems like we have too many unenlightened people as the population is growing exponentialy here on planet earth. Is planet earth the new Australia? For those who don't know, the British sent their convicts to Australia. Are the other planets sending their sinners to planet earth?

Once we reach enlightenment, do we go to a spiritual heaven, or is it also a physical heaven ? Do we eat in spiritual heaven? Do we have sex in spiritual heaven, or do we spend all our time studying the religious books and patting each other on the back and saying how great it is to be enlightened?

Believing in karma doesn't solve any of the planets problems. Whose karma is it when rhinos and elephants are killed just for their ivory? Where is god and the spiritual masters? They are helpless and hopeless when it comes to solving the worlds real problems.

You don't need to believe in karma to have a moral compass.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: May 23, 2015 12:22AM

If you happened to be living in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in 1945 and you got nuked and you were either killed, maimed or had family etc. killed or maimed, was that karma, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Was that your karma, the ruling classes karma, or the collective karma of the Japanese?

What about the Indian ocean Tsunami where 1/4 million people were killed in Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka? Was it their karma, or was that an act of nature?

If you walk under a tree and a branch breaks and fall on your head and breaks your skull and kills you, is that karma, or an act of nature?

If you're born with downs syndrome or with deformities is that your karma or your parents karma, or is that just genetic?

In past times there were only millions of people living on planet earth. Now we have billions. Were the extra 5 or 6 billion people sent here to work off their karma, and where were they before?

How far does karma reach? Surely this isn't the only habitable planet in the universe. Are we connected to the other planets?

Once we reach enlightenment where do we go? Seems like we have too many unenlightened people as the population is growing exponentialy here on planet earth. Is planet earth the new Australia? For those who don't know, the British sent their convicts to Australia. Are the other planets sending their sinners to planet earth?

Once we reach enlightenment, do we go to a spiritual heaven, or is it also a physical heaven ? Do we eat in spiritual heaven? Do we have sex in spiritual heaven, or do we spend all our time studying the religious books and patting each other on the back and saying how great it is to be enlightened?

Believing in karma doesn't solve any of the planets problems. Whose karma is it when rhinos and elephants are killed just for their ivory? Where is god and the spiritual masters? They are helpless and hopeless when it comes to solving the worlds real problems.

You don't need to believe in karma to have a moral compass.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Date: May 23, 2015 02:13AM

BJ Wrote:
> If you happened to be living in Hiroshima or
> Nagasaki in 1945 and you got nuked and you were
> either killed, maimed or had family etc. killed or
> maimed, was that karma, or being in the wrong
> place at the wrong time? Was that your karma, the
> ruling classes karma, or the collective karma of
> the Japanese?
> What about the Indian ocean Tsunami where 1/4
> million people were killed in Thailand, Indonesia
> and Sri Lanka? Was it their karma, or was that an
> act of nature?
> If you walk under a tree and a branch breaks and
> fall on your head and breaks your skull and kills
> you, is that karma, or an act of nature?
> If you're born with downs syndrome or with
> deformities is that your karma or your parents
> karma, or is that just genetic?
> In past times there were only millions of people
> living on planet earth. Now we have billions. Were
> the extra 5 or 6 billion people sent here to work
> off their karma, and where were they before?
> How far does karma reach? Surely this isn't the
> only habitable planet in the universe. Are we
> connected to the other planets?
> Once we reach enlightenment where do we go? Seems
> like we have too many unenlightened people as the
> population is growing exponentialy here on planet
> earth. Is planet earth the new Australia? For
> those who don't know, the British sent their
> convicts to Australia. Are the other planets
> sending their sinners to planet earth?

Hi BJ, I think it's best to become enlightened so you can answer those questions yourself. There is no point me or other people using the words of common man to explain high level spiritual concepts, such attempts will simply not do.

> Once we reach enlightenment, do we go to a
> spiritual heaven, or is it also a physical heaven
> ? Do we eat in spiritual heaven? Do we have sex in
> spiritual heaven, or do we spend all our time
> studying the religious books and patting each
> other on the back and saying how great it is to be
> enlightened?

It depends on many factors apparently. Different realities are at different levels in the heavens. Same goes for Earth...our perceptions completely change as we reach higher levels. What l see through my eyes is going to look differemnt to what you may see through your eyes, and what we both percieeve is going to be worlds apart.

> Believing in karma doesn't solve any of the
> planets problems.

Very true, but becoming more virtuous as a group of people can. None-the-less, karma plays an important role whether one believes or not, and when one enlightens somewhat one can use karma to their advantage.

> You don't need to believe in karma to have a moral
> compass.

Very true, but the moral compass of a person who is good by human standards is different to the moral compass of a divine being who is highly enlightened.

For eg, most humans may not have a problem with romance novels or dating sites, but if one enlightens somewhat one will see a problem with such things. The problem is that it can plant ideals of `intention' and `agenda' in one's mind. These ideals bring us from the highest cosmic truth and brings us to low world ideas where we try to enforce a different reality from the great cosmic plan. I can't really find words to explain this concept well because the entire concept is far bigger than words used at low levels. One must enlighten to these types of concepts to really understand them. So what l am saying is that it is not enough to just have a good moral compass at a human level, it is important to enlighten to high levels. The main purpose for being on Earth is to become enlightened.

Doing spiritual healing using outside powers (spirits) is seen as good deeds by ordinary human standards, and intervening in fights is also seen as good deeds by average human standards, but from a higher level that is not necessarily so. Why are the high level beings allowing killing to occur and bad behaviour?....there is a reason, but one must enlighten to the reasons themselves because that is how it is supposed to be. The reasons why things occur are far deeper than most probably think, that's why we need to become enlightened so we are no longer restrained by manmade language and manmade thinking.

Giving people an full instruction book on the answers to everything isn't possible because the concepts are so much bigger than low level words and everyday thinking. There is no short cuts to gaining wisdom, one must enlighten to it because that is how the system is set up.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2015 02:19AM by The Sproutarian Man.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: jtprindl ()
Date: May 23, 2015 05:55PM

"The craziest idea these new age demonic crowds tell us that we are God. What garbage. That takes our responsibility away too. How can we be God when we continue to abuse each other, worship money, lie, think lustful thoughts etc. We are far from being a God in our current state."

To me, this idea has always been highly questionable and never made any sense. For one, like you said, if we were all God, we wouldn't live in a world with such negative energy. Secondly, if we were God, we wouldn't need somebody else to tell us that we were God. Or tell us anything, for that matter.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Date: May 23, 2015 08:40PM

jtprindl Wrote:
> "The craziest idea these new age demonic crowds
> tell us that we are God. What garbage. That takes
> our responsibility away too. How can we be God
> when we continue to abuse each other, worship
> money, lie, think lustful thoughts etc. We are far
> from being a God in our current state."
> To me, this idea has always been highly
> questionable and never made any sense. For one,
> like you said, if we were all God, we wouldn't
> live in a world with such negative energy.
> Secondly, if we were God, we wouldn't need
> somebody else to tell us that we were God. Or tell
> us anything, for that matter.

Exactly. Then we have the new agers telling us how to become Gods and enlightened while preaching love and compassion, and the next minute they are abusing people calling them names. They also want fame and money because that is their God. I won't mention any names.

A friend of mine said many of these new ager people seem to have schizophrenia. I said no, they are demonically possessed. Many are not crazy, they regularly drawn to low standards by temptation, that's why they seem to have personality transplants at times. But calling out possession goes much further than that, it's pretty easy to tell when the 3rd eye is activated because one can feel it strongly.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: May 24, 2015 05:42AM

Living Food, I thought it was pretty cool that you were open-minded about another perspective (Tai's)!

Here are some thoughts on the subject (presented as possibilities, since who can really know?):

Maybe there's no such thing as bad karma - just lessons that all of us must learn (including earthquake victims; bomb victims; the severely disabled; the healthiest, smartest, and kindest among us; the rich; the poor; the dying - all of us, and none excluded. Maybe the lessons we must learn are not so much a reflection of who we are as separate individuals, but more of a mandatory requirement applied to all of us (at one time or another) in moving forward spiritually as one.

And/or maybe, if a person is sick, hurt, dying, trapped in a burning house, clinging to a branch at the edge of a cliff, that's their karma. But if we as individuals refuse to help another who asks for our assistance, then maybe our response (or lack of) becomes our karma, and then maybe we're the next person who is sick, hurt, dying, trapped in a burning house, or clinging to a branch at the edge of a cliff - or whatever it takes to learn the compassion we (all of us) may have previously lacked.

Either way, we all may carry equal responsibility.

And/or maybe each individual learns every and all lessons (to infinity), but for different reasons that are unique to their individual existence. For instance. Maybe one person becomes ill because they lacked compassion for others who are ill. And maybe another person becomes ill because at some point in the future, they will be called upon for intense self-sacrifice to help save others (like in a war zone perhaps), and they must acquire the final ounce of compassion and bravery necessary to answer that call. Could be this person was called because they'd already developed an advanced potential for such intense compassion - unlike many of the rest of us. Apart from a person's superficial lifestyle choices (which always have many deep-seated origins), we can't know about them and their responsibility for their illness. How could we possibly?

I think I'm trying to say that at a given point in time, maybe we as individuals can only know about our responsibility. And maybe learning (possibly karma's purpose) comes not only from suffering, but also from the helping hand offered by another.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: May 24, 2015 05:45AM

BJ Wrote:
>> You don't need to believe in karma to have a moral
> compass.

Definitely true.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: May 24, 2015 05:09PM

Just read this quote this morning, and it seemed relevant:

"That we humans can help each other is one of our unique human capacities." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: May 24, 2015 05:48PM

Actually animals can do that too.
When a baby animal loose her mother other animals will step in even sometimes other species.
So it is not just a human thing, it is life itself that is self preserving

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: May 24, 2015 05:52PM

RawPracticalist Wrote:
> Actually animals can do that too.

So true RawPracticalist. Thank you for the reminder!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2015 05:54PM by suncloud.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: John Rose ()
Date: May 24, 2015 06:09PM

Here is a snippet from my file on Epictetus...

To Epictetus, all external events are determined by fate, and are thus beyond our control, but we can accept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately. Individuals, however, are responsible for their own actions which they can examine and control through rigorous self-discipline. Suffering arises from trying to control what is uncontrollable, or from neglecting what is within our power. As part of the universal city that is the universe, human beings have a duty of care to all fellow humans. The person who followed these precepts would achieve happiness.

No wonder suez is so UNHAPPY!!!

“Whoever feels pain in hearing a good character of his neighbor, will feel a pleasure in the reverse. And those who despair to rise in distinction by their virtues, are happy if others can be depressed to a level of themselves.” -Benjamin Franklin

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: RawPracticalist ()
Date: May 24, 2015 06:58PM

suncloud Wrote:
> RawPracticalist Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Actually animals can do that too.
> So true RawPracticalist. Thank you for the
> reminder!

Here is a beautiful story []

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: SueZ ()
Date: May 24, 2015 07:26PM

SueZ Wrote:
> Ha, ha, ha. rose will "help" the masses with his
> bag of stupid tin foil hoaxes such as his tricks
> borrowed from quacks and fake doctors like his
> suggested "cleanse" of drinking pineapple juice
> and the ridicules and potentially dangerous Epson
> salt gallbladder and liver flush.

Luckily, though, even his still wet behind the ears simpleton marks at the local produce stands, etc., will be able to determine, by getting a load of him and his videos, that something must be going really wrong with his cobbled together "health plan" design or he wouldn't look at least 15 years older than he really is. Unless rose pulls the perennial health huckster faked age trick out his fake medical bag and tells them he's 80.

Re: The root of all diseases, and why we should NOT cure others' illnesses
Posted by: suncloud ()
Date: May 24, 2015 11:32PM

RawPracticalist Wrote:
> suncloud Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > RawPracticalist Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Actually animals can do that too.
> >
> > So true RawPracticalist. Thank you for the
> > reminder!
> Here is a beautiful story
> []
> on_n_5128566.html

Oh my gosh RawPracticalist. I'll be thinking about that article for some time to come!

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