Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: May 25, 2015 12:31AM On page 69 of Elizabeth Baker's book "Does The Bible Teach Nutrition", "The bitterness in herbs is a white crystalline substance that becomes oxygen in the body, oxygen being the blood purifier, the greatest healing element."
I've never read or heard of this before, and I haven't been able to confirm it. Has anyone else read or heard of this before? In the meantime, this is part of what I currently have in my file on Bitter Foods: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "All of the liver herbs are very bitter. Just the bitter taste when we taste it in our mouth starts stimulating the liver and will absolutely excrete bile from the liver through the gallbladder. ...The bitter greens stimulate digestion. ...If we were to go out into woods and sample most of what grew, the predominate taste in Nature is bitter. And unfortunately, in the grocery stores the predominate taste is sweet and salty. ...So, we’re just not eating enough bitter." -Dr. Richard Schulze [see videos from "Save your Life Herbal Video Collection - see JR’s diary 6-19-00] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The bitterness in herbs is a white crystalline substance that becomes oxygen in the body, oxygen being the blood purifier, the greatest healing element." -Elizabeth Baker - "DTBibleTN", p. 69 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Foods of bitter taste (spinach and other leafy greens) are cooling, light, and dry. Foods of bitter taste balance kapha and pitta but may tend to aggravate vata. Bitter-tasting foods dry and purify secretions and increase appetite, which is perfect for kapha. Bitter foods tend to amplify dissatisfaction, criticism, and grief. Mild dissatisfaction may be a stimulus to change and thus is good for balancing the complacency aspects of kapha. These same qualities of bitterness bring out insecurity and fear in vata because it enhances the tendency to change and enhances the dry sadness of excessive dissatisfaction. p. 82 "Bitter foods act upon the heart and small intestine. Bitter foods are also said to reduce fever and induce diarrhea." p. 83 -Gabriel Cousens - "Conscious Eating" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spinach, like any other vegetable, varies in its nutrtional content according to the soil fertility it grows in. In low soil fertility it has an excess of oxalic acid that will bind calcium in other foods consumed with it. In high soil fertiltity there will be an excess of calcium over oxalic acid so that the spinach will contribute calcium to the diet. How do you tell if the spinach was grown in high or low soil fertility? The taste is a good guide. Bitter spinach was grown in low soil fertility and sweet spinach was grown in high soil fertility. Spinach is a good crop for farmers because it can be grown in low soil fertility. Always remember, farmers are concerned with economic losses but not with losses in biological quality. -Chi [www.living-foods.com] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modern selective breeding - are domesticated plants 'better', 'worse', or essentially no different? In the wild, selective breeding tends to happen in reverse - at least from the human point of view. All animals tend to favor the most pleasant and palatable of plants (even grazing animals like cattle and sheep are quite selective), and so these individuals in the plant population tend to be eliminated from the breeding stock. The most unpalatable individuals tend to be left to pass on their 'unpleasant eating' genes. That, of course, is evolution at work. With the evolution of culture, part of which is agri-culture, we very quickly learned to 'keep the best' for replanting. Suddenly, selective pressure was thrown into reverse (from the plants 'point of view') and only those plants with the least amount of nasty, bitter, or toxic chemicals survived to pass on their genes. So while our liver, our organ of detoxification, had to be able to some degree deal with a very wide array of low doses of toxic plant chemicals in its evolutionary journey, it now finds itself on a permanent holiday (or it would if not for alcohol and 'never in our evolution encountered' man made environmental chemicals). Modern selections of the few plants we eat generally have much lower concentrations of unpleasant plant chemicals than the wild forms. This is a tremendous advantage, because we can now eat far more vegetative material than our ancestors and still not reach the level of possibly toxic plant chemicals intake that our ancestors livers would have been daily challenged with. The great irony is that most Westerners actually now eat only a fraction of the amount of vegetable matter we ate as a wild living animal (not the number of kinds, altho' this is also true, but probably irrelevant). However, lowering the amount of 'bitter principals' in the plants we have happened to domesticate can be taken too far. Part of the chemical composition of Brussels sprouts, for example, is a chemical called 'sinigrin', whose breakdown product is 'allyl isothiocyanate', and causes the rather strong smell of sprouts. Which is bad. The allyl isothiocyanate has been shown to destroy pre-cancerous cells colon cells - scientists suspect that occasional meals of brussels sprouts exert a powerful anti colon cancer effect. Which is good. Scientists are interested in breeding sprouts with lower levels of sinigrin so they are not so bitter, and so more people eat them. But is that good or bad? In some cases, protective chemicals can be enhanced without enhancing bitterness and unpalatability at the same time. For example, another isothiocyanate is 'sulphoraphane', which also has powerful anti-cancer effect (by stimulating the body's 'phase II enzymes' to block the cancer). Fortunately, sulphoraphane doesn't cause an unpleasant taste, so it is a candidate for 'ramping up' for its protective effect. Broccoli is an excellent source of sulphoraphane, but the amount present varies with the particular variety. The variety 'Trixie', for example, has 150 micromoles per gram of plant, whereas 'Emperor' has about 70 micromoles per gram of plant. By going back to the wild seaside cabbages our distant ancestors ate, scientists hope to find and introduce genes for higher sulphoraphane content. (Broccoli is a derived form of the wild sea cabbage.) Recently (year 2000), they have succeeded. A wild Sicilian Brassica species has been crossed with broccoli to develop breeding lines with up to 100 times the sulphoraphane content of existing broccoli varieties, and with unchanged palatabilty! At days end, modern vegetables are more palatable, less woody, have lower oxalic acid, and in general, are pleasanter to eat. On the other side of the ledger, some vegetables, such as cabbage, are not as deep green as their wild precursors, may have reduced amounts of protective chemicals, and suffer loss of nutrients in storage - but that is a different issue. Only cauliflower can be fairly said to be inferior to its wild progenitor. The white 'curd' contains only a few micrograms of vitamin A - a big difference from the ancestral cabbage. But plant breeding can change this. Recently a cauliflower has been bred with orange heads, and good amounts of beta - carotene. What humans have done, can be undone. We may have a dramatically reduced inventory of species to eat, but we have a dramatic increase in availability year round, and some of our domesticates are absolutely outstanding in their nutritional and protective profile. ... [www.naturalhub.com] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Research Shows That Foods That Taste Bad Are Good For You The phytonutrients in foods that have been found to be so beneficial to health are responsible in large part for the "bad" taste of many of the foods high in these important nutrients, a new research review from the University of Washington (UW) reports. Despite the fact that these phytonutrients have been associated with cancer prevention and other health benefits, the food industry has devoted decades of work to removing them, due to the fact that these trace chemicals taste bitter, acrid or astringent. They achieve this through methods such as selective breeding and a variety of debittering processes. Researchers note that when it comes to phytonutrients, the demands of good taste and good health may be wholly incompatible. "Many people don't like to eat vegetables - and the feeling is mutual," Dr. Adam Drewnowski, director of the UW Nutritional Sciences Program said. "Plants protect themselves against being eaten by secreting natural pesticides and other bitter-tasting toxins. In small amounts, the phenols, flavanoids, isoflavones and other chemicals are proving to be good for us." Unfortunately, a dislike of these flavors has been ingrained in most people by nature. Humans and other animals have long associated bitter or sour flavors with spoiled or poisonous food. That is why food manufacturers routinely remove these compounds from plant foods through selective breeding and a variety of debittering processes. The solution, he says, is in using the wisdom found in Mediterranean cuisine, where for generations, cooks have coped with bitter vegetables by seasoning them lightly with salt and dashes of olive oil. The oil in particular blunts the bitter flavors of phytonutrients. Debittering foods, either chemically during processing, or by breeding bitterness out of such things as broccoli and zucchini, has been a focal point of the industry for decades. Unfortunately, this focus on taste may be coming at the expense of our health. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, December 2000; 72, 1424-1435 and University Of Washington ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR. MERCOLA'S COMMENT: I am fond of telling my patients the opposite. If it tastes good you had better spit it out as it is not good for you. Actually this is a humorous exaggeration, but there is an element of truth to it. I have found though the best way to "spruce vegetables up" is to juice them. The additional ingredients I add allow the mixture to be more palatable and I can crank down nearly three pounds of vegetables a day that way. [www.mercola.com] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Taste genes determine the foods you crave. In taste experiments, scientists use a test substance called PROP (6-N-propylthiouracil). About one in four people can taste its bitterness very strongly. These people avoid grapefruits and never go near black coffee. Although their acute taste sense is generally an advantage, the downside is they may avoid healthy vegetables, such as broccoli or cabbage, that have a hint of bitterness. If this group includes you, you'll want to find ways to flavor these healthy vegetables so you will include them in your routine. Another one in four people cannot taste PROP and are called "taste blind." Their problem is they may tend to overeat, making up in quantity what they are missing in taste. If this includes you, and you tend to be indiscriminate in what you're eating, you'll want to take care to emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, and to be very cautious about fatty foods and their hidden calories. Genes do influence our size and shape, but studies clearly show that if you change your diet and lifestyle, you can override hereditary effects to a great degree. Contrary to popular understanding, genes are not dictators; they are committees. They do not give orders; they make suggestions. You can counteract your fat genes and boost your thin genes. " -Neal Barnard, MD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Numbers 9:9 (KJV) And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Numbers 9:10 (KJV) Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD. Numbers 9:11 (KJV) The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Numbers 9:12 (KJV) They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rabbi Danziger explains the three major Pesach symbols: 1. The roasted lamb bone on the Seder plate reminds of the the lamb the Israelites ate for the first Pesach in Egypt. They painted the blood of the lamb on the door posts of their houses, so that the angel of death would not kill the first born child. "It is the sacrifice of the Passover unto the lord, who did Pass Over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when He punished the Egyptionas for their cruelty." 2. The Matzah we eat reminds of the flat, unrisen bread our ancestors ate as they fled from Egypt. "They baked the dough they had taken out of Egypt into cakes of Matzah. In their haste to leave Egypt, they did not wait for the dough to rise..." 3. Why do we eat Maror, a bitter herb (usually horseradish), on Pesach? "The Equptians made their lives bitter with hard labor, with mortar and brick, and with every kind of work in the field. All the labor which the Egypians forced upon them was harsh." Maror reminds us of the bitterness of slavery, and to care about other people. [uahc.org] ************************************************************************ JR: Interesting, did the Israelites eat unleavened bread and bitter herbs for health reasons or for the reasons stated above? The above explanation (and below) seems to be a common belief. ************************************************************************ Bitter Roots of Anti-Semitism by Rabbi Shraga Simmons Why is eating the bitter herbs one of the 15 steps to freedom? At the Seder we say: "In every generation they rise against us to annihilate us." The Egyptians broke our backs and our spirits. The Romans destroyed the Second Temple and rivers of Jewish blood flowed. And so it was in every generation: Crusades, Inquisitions, Pogroms, Holocaust, Arab terrorism. Intense and irrational hatred has stalked our people to every corner of the globe. Why the hatred? The Talmud says the Hebrew word for "hatred" (sinah) is related to the word "Sinai." At Mount Sinai, the Jewish people acquired the legacy of morality and justice -- a message that evil cannot tolerate. We taught the world "to beat their swords into plowshares." We taught the world "to love your neighbor as yourself." We taught the world equality before justice, and that admiration belongs not to the rich and powerful -- but to the good, the wise, and the kind. Hitler said: "The Jews have inflicted two wounds on mankind -- circumcision on the body, and conscience on the soul." How right he was and how much more work we have to do. Throughout the generations, the forces of darkness have sought to extinguish our flame. But the Jews have somehow prevailed. We have God's promise that we will be the eternal nation. For without our message, the world would revert to utter chaos. At the Seder, we eat the bitter herbs -- in combination with matzah -- to underscore that God is present not only during our periods of freedom (symbolized by the matzah), but during our bitter periods of exile as well. He will never forsake us. [aish.com] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maror – Bitter Herbs Take the bitter herbs and the lettuce, to remember the bitter times in Egypt, dip into the Charoset mix (you got it, that cement look-alike paste!) make a blessing and eat. If the bitter herbs are too bitter, eat only the lettuce. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the eating of maror. Baruch Ata A-d-nai El-H-enu Melech Haolam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Ve-tzi-va-nu al achilat maror. [www.chabad-centers.com] Peace and Love.......John ![]() Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: May 25, 2015 12:42AM This Post is for everyone who has to deal with the elephant (suez) in the room and hopefully, even the elephant can use it to heal herself.
[inspiyr.com] How To Deal With Bitter People by Laura Kronen “Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” This familiar expression is one of the best analogies in describing an uncomfortable emotion – bitterness. The word bitter comes from the ancient Greek meaning “sharp or pointed.” Anyone who has been on the receiving end of a bitter person with a predisposition for ‘sharp-tongued’ remarks knows that words—especially carefully crafted by a wordsmith’s hateful, scornful mouth—can often cut quite deeply. Truth be told, bitterness can destroy relationships. You can never take back words once they are said. Following are the top seven characteristics of bitter people. What All People Who Are Bitter Have In Common 1. They desire to make someone else suffer A bitter person might spew their inner hurt and anger by saying and doing things that hurt the feelings of others, exhibiting ruthless verbal and emotional cruelty. Somehow, it makes the bitter individual feel better for a minute to see someone else suffer as they perceive themselves to be unfairly suffering. 2. They are full of vindictiveness Frequently on the lookout for perceived slights, bitter people often invent ways to get back at those they view as having neglected, mistreated, disrespected, or ignored them. Vengeful and spiteful, they seek to cause torment in the lives of those whom they view as being inadequately caring or inattentive towards them. They almost loathe and have feelings of hatred toward the person who is the subject of their wrath. 3. They wade in self-pity The bitter person often feels cheated by others and short-changed by life in general. It’s almost impossible for such a person to experience genuine gratitude because of how much they feel they’ve been denied their due. They often feel so sorry for themselves that it’s very hard for anyone else to feel compassion for them. 4. They are looking for a fight When a person is chronically bitter, they’re often in an antagonistic mindset and looking for a fight. If they can’t find one, they will think nothing of putting up their dukes and provoking one. They’ll say or do something to start it up. After it’s over, they will feel a little better, while almost everyone else feels terrible. 5. They have sociopathic pride From the bitter person’s point of view, it’s the world that’s done them wrong and deserves the full expression of their blameless wrath. Bring their hateful behavior to their attention in the wrong way, and attempt to get them to see how it’s led to their alienation from others, and you’ll probably find out even more how uncaring, insensitive, hurtful and harmful that person can be. 6. They are drowning in animosity and resentment A bitter person will find it hard to experience happiness at the success or well-being of others. Instead, the bitter person views the good fortune of someone else as more evidence that they have not been given a fair chance themselves. In their opinion, it’s time to mercilessly take their subject down a notch. 7. They are narcissistic The bitter soul simply cannot see beyond their immediate wants. It’s all about them and they are inherently emotionally needy. The intensity of their neediness severely impairs their capacity to be cognizant of the needs and emotions of others. They are detached and selfish, only caring about what’s in it for them. Why Does Bitterness Happen? Bitterness settles in when someone focuses on anger over an emotional “violation” that has happened to them in the past. Many times, however, the bitter person’s perception of damage and the extent of their vengeful response to the original slight seem exceedingly out of proportion to the reality of what happened, but once bitterness settles in, it is all consuming with someone who does not have the tools in place to release it. It makes us do and say the most irrational and self-defeating things. Yet, despite how much we are better off without it, once bitterness takes hold, it’s grip is like that of a boa constrictor. When you are bitter, you believe that someone else has the problem. Not you. So how can you convince a bitter person that something might be wrong with the way they are thinking, especially given the characteristics that bitterness suggests as listed above? As you might imagine, it’s a very touchy subject. Walking on eggshells is a better description. How To Help A Bitter Person As difficult as life is for those in relationships with bitter people, it’s way worse for the person that swallowed the bitter pill. Life for the afflicted individual can’t really begin until they find it in their heart to let go of what’s been eating away at them. If you’ve been dealing with a bitter person, and you really care, try mustering the courage to lovingly, thoughtfully and firmly confront the bitterness head on. After all, the bitter person is not your enemy. The bitterness itself is the real offender — for both of you. Don’t expect a warm and fuzzy reception or an immediate resolution. Just like the bitter person needs to deal with his stuck in time anger, you also have to just let that go too. A person harboring bitterness needs to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean pretending everything is “OK.” It doesn’t mean forgetting the hurt either. Forgiveness is simply the act of surrendering our desire for revenge; that is, our desire to hurt someone for having hurt us. Forgiveness is the gift we give ourselves that enables us to stop picking at the scab and start making a plan for healing. If the bitterness won’t let go even after you’ve tried your best, it is time to seek professional help. Working with a life coach, for instance, can help you see possibilities that your pain has blinded you to and give you new tools to heal the wounds that are holding you back. The Takeaway Bitter people can be hard to deal with, and bitterness can be difficult…but not impossible to overcome. If we stop dwelling and retelling the story to ourselves (and to whomever will listen) and instead put our focus on what we can do today to take a step towards a solution, we will feel more in control and less a victim of circumstance. [inspiyr.com] Peace and Love.......John ![]() Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2015 01:29AM Poor rose would much rather project than look in his dreaded mirror. That's what happens to old bitter men when they start to realize they've missed the boat in life.
Young men and women - don't let that happen to you. If you want to write a raw food book for instance - write a book and publish it before what you have to say becomes stale beyond all attempts to freshen it up. That is if you want anyone to read it. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2015 04:25AM John:
Another one in four people cannot taste PROP and are called "taste blind." Their problem is they may tend to overeat, making up in quantity what they are missing in taste. If this includes you, and you tend to be indiscriminate in what you're eating, you'll want to take care to emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, and to be very cautious about fatty foods and their hidden calories. Tai: Wow, I never knew that. I have met people who lost their sense of smell and hence couldn't taste very much. Good post about bitterness (minus the direct mention of SueZ). Some of the pain, blood purifying and anti-pathogen herbs are very bitter. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2015 04:29AM by Tai. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: May 25, 2015 11:54AM Yes suez, I am the one who is bitter and it's not YOU who everyone knows has a serious problem. How is it that I wake up every morning and bounce out of the bed with the vigor of a child? How is it that I spend every waking moment of my day helping people and have been doing so for over 25 years? How is it that I have coached THOUSANDS of people and I’ve helped them to be the best that they can be! How is it that I play tennis with kids half my age and run circles around them?!?!?!
In contrast, YOU only think about yourself and YOU are in so much PAIN that you try to make yourself feel better by insulting EVERYONE else, except those who you SUCK UP to hoping they will join your alliance and will support you. Yes, I must be the bitter one - NOT!!! Tell me suez, have you ever thought of anyone else but yourself? Of course NOT, you are in so much PAIN that the only one you can think about is YOURSELF! And then, you are so delusional that you actually think that I look like worse than those who you TORTURE in those Nursing Homes. Please show me one picture of anyone who looks as good as I do for my age!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here's something that I'm sure you, suez, have NEVER thought about... “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” -Philo of Alexandria Peace and Love.......John ![]() Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: May 25, 2015 12:35PM “All communication is either a loving response or a cry for help.” -“A Course In Miracles”
So tell us suez, you've been coming here for 1.5 years and YOU'VE BEEN CRYING FOR HELP EVERYDAY!!! One of my many things I do to help people as a Wellness Consultant is to throw their SHADOW in their face and I've tried very hard to throw your SHADOW in your face, sueZ, and yet, you insist on suffering. Don't you think it's time to forgive whoever hurt you and be happy? Remember, forgiveness is for you and not the other person. This part of the article I posted above was intentionally for you... "A person harboring bitterness needs to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean pretending everything is “OK.” It doesn’t mean forgetting the hurt either. Forgiveness is simply the act of surrendering our desire for revenge; that is, our desire to hurt someone for having hurt us. Forgiveness is the gift we give ourselves that enables us to stop picking at the scab and start making a plan for healing." Here are a few more for you... “Forgiveness is not for the person who offended you. It is for, and all about, you.” -Naomi Judd, “Naomi’s Breakthrough Guide 20 Choices To Transform Your Life” p. 91 “Your emotions are the most present-centered thing you have. An emotion is a thought linked to a sensation. The thought is usually about the past or the future, but the sensation is in the present. p. 185 ...Stripped to the basics, emotions arouse two sensations--pain and pleasure. We all want to avoid pain and pursue pleasure; therefore, all the complicated emotional states we find ourselves in are the result of not being able to obey those basic drives. Psychiatrist David Viscott has reduced emotional complexity to a single cycle that gets repeated countless times in everyone’s life. This cycle begins in the present, where only pain and pleasure are felt, and ends up with complex feelings centered exclusively in the past, such as guilt and depression. The cycle of emotion is as follows: • Pain in the present is experienced as hurt. • Pain in the past is remembered as anger. • Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety. • Unexpressed anger, redirected against yourself and held within, is called guilt. • The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression. What this cycle tells us is that stored hurt is responsible for a wide range of psychological distress. Buried hurt disguises itself as anger, anxiety, guilt, and depression. The only way to deal with these layers of pain is to find out what hurts as the pain occurs, deal with it, and move on. Living in the present means being honest enough to avoid the easy emotion, which is anger, and expose the hurt, which is harder to confront. When hurt is not resolved in the present, the vicious buildup of anger, anxiety, guilt, and depression can only grow worse.” Deepak Chopra, “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind” p. 186 Tai wrote: <<<Good post about bitterness (minus the direct mention of SueZ).>>> Thanks. How do you help people with their SHADOW? Do you ignore it or do you really want to help them and if so, what is your approach? As I mentioned above, I believe that the best way to help people with their SHADOW is to simply throw their SHADOW in their face or "Name the Drama" as James Redfield suggests we should do in The Celestine Prophecy. Once again... How do you help people with their SHADOW? Do you ignore it or do you really want to help them and if so, what is your approach? Peace and Love.......John ![]() Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2015 12:43PM by John Rose. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2015 03:34PM As I said elsewhere, and you ignored ...
"The lighting doesn't allow for showing your major skin damage in this, your all time favorite thread, but it shows up plenty in several of your other videos where the lighting is less flattering. I almost believed you and nunative with your talk of the sun not damaging skin but can now see that Arugula was right all along - the UV from the sun must be terribly damaging. NOBODY I know of who is in their early 60's has sun damaged as bad as can be seen in some of your videos. There are a few people in the nursing home I visit who do but they are in their 90's. If you can't see your skin is very damaged and that you have way more liver spots that the but one on your nose you claimed to have I would suggest you go to a dermatologist for a damage evaluation since you obviously don't believe me. Dermatologists have lights that will illuminate the damage so you can get objective knowledge on the subject. It also may save you from developing skin cancer if you learn to be proactive about your UV exposure. Your skin damage will only get worse if you continue your denial and stay reckless." Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2015 04:11PM excellent! suez is talking about liver spots!
thank you for FINALLY being specific suez! "Age spots are very common in adults older than age 50. But, younger people can get them too, especially if they spend a lot of time in the sun. Although age spots can look like cancerous growths, true age spots are harmless and don't need treatment. For cosmetic reasons, age spots can be lightened with skin-bleaching products or removed. However, preventing age spots — by avoiding the sun and using sunscreen — may be the easiest way to maintain your skin's youthful appearance." is that to say that JR might currently have any skin issues that are NOT harmless? no. but, what is your point? he said he has less dark spots than you can now see? so what? can you possibly write up a statement of truce with JR that he can sign? (if jtprindl and i can do it, you can too. we don't even meet for lunch anymore.) Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2015 10:14PM John Rose:
How do you help people with their SHADOW? Do you ignore it or do you really want to help them and if so, what is your approach? Tai: I just try to be nice and show by example. If someone has come to me for help and has asked for my advice, I speak the truth in a kind way. Otherwise, I try to show by example. For those who are ready, I share some helpful texts. John, you said true psychopaths can't change, but here's one who did (he had been officially diagnosed): [www.youtube.com] I am deep into eastern thinking, but I think that would be too foreign for you all, so I am sharing things that you should already know about as westerners. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2015 10:33PM That seems a bit patronizing. Why don't you try your high-falootin,' fancy-shmancy eastern thinkin' on us here hillbillies. We just might git it!
Tai Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > John Rose: > How do you help people with their SHADOW? > > Do you ignore it or do you really want to help > them and if so, what is your approach? > > Tai: > I just try to be nice and show by example. > > If someone has come to me for help and has asked > for my advice, I speak the truth in a kind way. > Otherwise, I try to show by example. For those > who are ready, I share some helpful texts. > > John, you said true psychopaths can't change, but > here's one who did (he had been officially > diagnosed): > [www.youtube.com] > > I am deep into eastern thinking, but I think that > would be too foreign for you all, so I am sharing > things that you should already know about as > westerners. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2015 11:11PM "7. They are narcissistic"
rose has outdone himself in projecting today - that's for sure. For example (I'm not going to spend time pointing out more of the obvious and ridiculous puffed up knuckle headedness he's put on display here) but really, just count them - fourteen cherry picked pictures of himself posing he's put up in but one fractured fairytale post in this thread alone!!! Lol. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: May 26, 2015 04:18PM Tai wrote:
<<<I just try to be nice and show by example. If someone has come to me for help and has asked for my advice, I speak the truth in a kind way. Otherwise, I try to show by example. For those who are ready, I share some helpful texts.>>> Remember Tai, the thing about our Shadow is that we have a very Selective Memory, so NO ONE is going to ask for our help!!! Here is a snippet from my file on "Shadow - Unwanted Aspects of Ourselves": Per Audio Tape JR# B-27 - 09:44 made 8-9-08: … 3:56 MM This is an interesting case history on LM. So far, she has lied to me 3 times…she has not returned my last 3 emails nor my last 3 phone messages and every one of those was just a reminder that I still had not received her check yet because she asked me and, of course, to check in on her to see how she’s doing. Instead of giving up, I decided that I was going to stay on the job and help LM confront the shadow side of her behavior. I realize that I could do this in 1 of 2 ways. One is I could politely explain the shadow and the dark side to our behavior and how we run to Denial to avoid that part of our personality of who we are. But I also realize that it’s really extremely difficult to get people’s attention who are in Denial. For some people, the only way to get to them is to actually shake them out of their comfort zone. I like to use what I’ve learned from the Celestine Prophecy where you name the drama. And in this case, you name what people are doing to you. Why are you hitting me? Why are you stealing from me? Why are you lying to me? Call them on it…name the drama. Throw the dark side of their behavior…throw their shadow right in their face. Make them confront it. For some people, that’s the only way they’re going to realize what they’re doing. And it is for their benefit. It’s not what they want to hear, but we know it’s what they need to hear and they’ll admit to it also if they ever come to this realization. How do you get someone’s attention who is in Denial? Well, 1st of all there are 2 ways to be in Denial. You can be in Denial about something that you already know is bad for you or you can be in Denial about something that you don’t know is bad for you. Is it possible to be in Denial about something that you don’t know about or is there another name for that…Ignorance? For example, most people do not know that we are making 5 major Lifestyle Mistakes. Some do know that we’re making the 5th Mistake and some also know that we’re making the 4th Mistake. But very few people know about the 3rd Mistake and the 2nd Mistake and practically no one knows about the 1st Mistake. And since most people do not know about these Mistakes, most people do not want to know, so they run to Denial to protect their Pleasures, just like we run to Denial to get away from our shadows or to get away from the dark side to our behavior. We don’t want to know that we have a dark side to our behavior…we don’t want to know that we have to give up something we love…we’re addicted to these things we love…we’re addicted to our Mistakes…1 of the 20 main reasons why we don’t know that we don’t know. 7:03 MM So, it’s extremely difficult to get someone’s attention who is in Denial about something they don’t even know is bad for them. We must 1st educate that person to let them know that what they’re doing is bad. 7:20 MM . 7:30 MM The truth should be easy to explain. If I use my Quadrant System, everyone should be able to understand this and that’s where my Quadrant System comes into this whole part of the discussion. So, how do you get someone’s attention who is in Denial about something they don’t even know is bad for them? Well, 1st of all you have to educate them to help them understand that we are making these 5 Mistakes and show how that fits into the big scheme of things. Use the 4 Quadrant System to explain that these 5 Mistakes have to do with Cause & Effect and the problems we have are the Effects. And again, use the Quadrant System to go into detail and explain all of this. . And then for those who are in Denial about things that they already know are bad for them, the best thing to do for these people is to name the drama. Get in their face and ask them: Why are you hitting me? Why are you lying to me? Why are you stealing from me? Why are you doing all of the things that you’re doing? So, you name the drama…you shock them… you bring their shadow back from their unconsciousness and throw it in their face because they know it. They run to Denial because they don’t want to know about the bad things they do. So, throw it in their face…make them say it so they can’t deny it. 8:35 MM … 9:10 MM So, how do you wake someone up who is in Denial about something they already know about that’s true? You get in their face…you rattle their cage…you name the drama…you ask them why they do the things they do. And for those who are in Denial about things they don’t know about, educate these people…help them understand by using a simple 4 Quadrant System that can be used to evaluate and solve all of our problems, as well as evaluate all of the various protocols that are out there trying to solve our problems. [End of B-27 9:44] [XXX words] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …see “Problems & Mistakes - 2” file… Once again, the thing about our Shadow is that we have a very Selective Memory. That’s what Denial is all about. It’s a Defense Mechanism to make sure we don’t go crazy because if we could remember all of the stupid things we do, we’d blow our brains out or go crazy. So the Big Question is - How do you get someone’s attention when they’re in Denial? What is the best way to help people in Denial? Is it even possible to help these people or do they have to hit rock bottom like Drug Addicts in order to Wake Up and smell the coffee? <<<John, you said true psychopaths can't change, but here's one who did (he had been officially diagnosed): [www.youtube.com]; Hey Tai, I just got around to watching that Video this morning and this guy is still a Psychopath!!! When I went searching for more info on this guy, I found this website where this guy clearly has an Agenda and seems to be part of Controlled Opposition as he is trying to stir up HATRED against the Muslims. Here is a snippet from my File on "Illuminati": • 1871: An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the Illuminati by Guissepe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. • The first world war is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war. • The second world war is to be used to foment the controversy between facism and political zionism with the slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom. • The third world war is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion. • Pike, who having been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry's Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for 32 years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry," in which he candidly states the following, • "LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!" Remember, Psychopaths Rule the World and this guy is still a Psychopath!!! Peace and Love.......John ![]() Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 27, 2015 06:20AM HH:
That seems a bit patronizing. Why don't you try your high-falootin,' fancy-shmancy eastern thinkin' on us here hillbillies. We just might git it! Tai: Ha ha! It will happen soon enough. John Rose wrote: so NO ONE is going to ask for our help!!! Tai: Really? People ask for my help all the time. But I agree that some people either are too shy or don't know better to ask. Someone very lost may not realize there is any help. John Rose: Hey Tai, I just got around to watching that Video this morning and this guy is still a Psychopath!!! Tai: I didn't watch his other videos, but I would call him a reformed psychopath. He fully understands how a psychopath thinks and understands how atheism led him there. If I were his dad, I wouldn't want to spend the night under the same roof with him again, but his thinking truly did change. Even if the highest thing he did in life was to reform prisoners in jail, it would be worthwhile. And the video shows he wants to help people genuinely. Regarding the Albert Pike stuff, yes I am familiar with that. But you can't call Americans who believe in the official story of 9/11 as anything but duped. Americans are not bad for believing it. They are just deceived. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: May 27, 2015 10:56AM Some of us have tried the Eastern thinking here, and Tai is right, the Westerners usually don't get it. At least the Westerners understand raw foods, it is a good start. ![]() I am a Westerner and have lived among Westerners all my life and have posted on raw forums for years, so l can make that comment. It is not meant in a negative way, it is only an observation. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: May 27, 2015 12:47PM JR wrote:
"Remember Tai, the thing about our Shadow is that we have a very Selective Memory, so NO ONE is going to ask for our help!!!" Tai wrote: <<<John Rose wrote: so NO ONE is going to ask for our help!!! Tai: Really? People ask for my help all the time. But I agree that some people either are too shy or don't know better to ask. Someone very lost may not realize there is any help.>>> Really? I've never had anyone ask for my help when it comes to their SHADOW as very few people are even aware of their SHADOW because of their DENIAL! However, I soon realized after I posted that comment that there are some people who had other people throw their SHADOW in their face and are now looking for help, so I was wrong by saying NO ONE. <<<I didn't watch his other videos, but I would call him a reformed psychopath. He fully understands how a psychopath thinks and understands how atheism led him there. If I were his dad, I wouldn't want to spend the night under the same roof with him again, but his thinking truly did change.>>> Tai, this guy was born a Psychopath and I do NOT believe for one minute that he has changed. His story is contrived so that "Christians" will believe it and then, he has an obvious AGENDA to get other people with a "moral compass" to HATE the Muslims. The idea that “Atheism somehow leads to Psychopathy” is absurd and I can’t believe you either believe this or think that's what happened to this guy! You do NOT need to believe in God to have a "moral compass"! According to M. Scott Peck’s 4 Stages of Spirituality, Skeptics, like Atheists and Agnostics, are in Stage 3 and “Christian Churchgoers” are in Stage 2. Tell me Tai, you said that "If I were his dad, I wouldn't want to spend the night under the same roof with him again" but would you? By the way, when I searched my 250 page file on Psychopaths for Atheism, the only result was the Video that you posted that I added to my file. I just did a quick Google search and I found this Article that was linked to this Article and now, thanks to you, my file is 256 pages. ![]() Here is a small snippet from the 1st Article… Voltaire (1694-1778) is reported to have said to his mistress, Marguerite, “Whatever you do, don’t tell the servants there is no God or they’ll steal the silver.” A rational psychopath could run with the atheist worldview and not only steal the silver but cut out the owner's heart and feed it to the dogs. Who ultimately is saying that it's morally wrong? Here is a small snippet from the 2nd Article… “How many psychopaths go to a psychiatrist for mental distress, unless they’re in prison? It doesn’t happen,” says Hare. Peace and Love.......John ![]() Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: May 27, 2015 05:43PM John Rose:
The idea that “Atheism somehow leads to Psychopathy” is absurd and I can’t believe you either believe this or think that's what happened to this guy! Tai: I am only relating what he said. He explained in detail what was his belief system before the attempted murder. He explained the rationale behind his psychopathy. Then in prison, a Christian deconstructed his belief system, and he changed. He was unable to understand right and wrong before, and now he understands. I get it that you don't believe his explanation or believe that he changed. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
banana who
Date: May 28, 2015 04:28PM John, this post is so true it's uncomfortable. These people are energy vampires. For some reason, they are envious of others' Light and seek to sully it and bring down the good vibes so they can feed off the dark energy that is generated. What makes them particularly dangerous is that they can have a good side which they use to lure in their prey for another feasting on darkness. I consider myself an optimistic person and I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and multiple chances but what I have discovered is that a lot of these people are lost souls. Their lack of humility does not allow them to admit that they are malicious and bitter and so it is almost impossible for them to change in this lifetime. Their soul needs a re-booting. I refuse to waste any more time trying to convince them of anything or to explain myself to them. One of their MOs is to always try and put another person on the defensive by falsely accusing them. Eff that noise. They can pick on someone else and as Edwena Gaines said: "I don't hang around anyone that doesn't have a high opinion of me." ![]() Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2015 04:29PM by banana who. Re: Bitter Foods & Bitter People...
Posted by:
Date: June 01, 2015 01:12AM John you are amazing. I am so impressed. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.