Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 26, 2015 06:18PM He will speak this afternoon and evening. I just signed up. It was simple. It is live streaming now. The audience is meager, both in person and online. We should support this.
[therealtruthabouthealthconference.com] Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 26, 2015 06:40PM Gabriel's talks:
EST 4-5:30 Lecture 28 — There Is a Cure for Diabetes and new information on Radiation, Diabetes and Fukushima 7-8:30 Panel 29 — The cause and solution for diabetes — Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 26, 2015 06:50PM There is an excellent speaker now, Jeffery Smith, about GMOs and Roundup. Shocking information.
It makes sense that Hippocrates Health Institute is putting this free conference on because HHI is mainly teaching people to take responsibility in order to heal. Natural healing is so tied to patient education. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: May 26, 2015 08:46PM THANKS TAI!!! ![]() Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: May 26, 2015 09:19PM Love Gabriel and love Jeffery Smith. I get so many emails each week from them that they all go to my junk box these days. Will try and find my code and listen to both speakers. It is recorded for a later listen isn't it?
Jeffery also has a GM book out that is sold through HHI. Haven't bought it yet. He has been associating with HHI for the past year. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 26, 2015 09:59PM Gabriel Cousens' snippets from radiation talk:
He just said that radiation can raise blood sugar: cell phones, smart meters, etc. Type 1 diabetes increased 200% after Chernobyl. IQs drop during nuclear testing. Take antioxidants during airplane flights, due to increased radiation exposure. Animal foods have 30% more radiation, like dairy products. 28% of kids are born with thyroid disorder on the west coast of US due to Fukushima. competitive inhibition type of iodine is good to take. Buy it from Cousens' website. 95% of Americans (?) are iodine deficient and therefore are susceptible. Kelp is radioactive off coast of California. Radiation remedy is a homeopathic remedy that Cousens recommends to help for intracellular radiation (also sold on his website store) Radiation increases depression. There is no safe level of exposure to radiation. PERIOD. Less sugar consumed, less diabetes in WWI and WWII. Protein raises insulin, same as carbohydrate. 0.25 lbs of beef raises insulin as a 0.25 lb of sugar. The more veggies, the fewer chronic disease. He just said that cancer cells like fructose more than sucrose. (Tai's comment: yes, but consider that certain fruits really astringe and cleanse the lymphatic system, which often can speed up healing of cancer through detoxification. We can't ignore programs like the Gerson program which used fruit as part of the program to heal cancer. We can't only look at what cancer cells eat without considering how fast specific fruits and fruit juices (like citrus) can mobilize waste out of the body. Once a bunch of waste is out of the body, then it's easier to heal cancer.) He said fructose is metabolized in liver and can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. His point is speaking against high fructose corn syrup. Fructose is worse than glucose. Disturbs fatty acid metabolism. Fructose leads to obesity by blocking XXX? hormone to cause us to stop eating. Fructose inflames glial cells, he says. He said it doesn't matter if it's fruit or high fructose corn syrup. 25 grams a max per day. I am just taking notes, I don't really believe that. He is saying cholesterol doesn't relate to heart disease. Really? Tell that to Esselstyn. He says worry if you have too low of cholesterol. Suicide risk increases. Parkinson's disease increases. Premature delivery if cholesterol is under 150. Program to reset epigenetics: Green juice fast for one week Spiritual course Conscious eating program phase 1 low glycemic diet Different herbs, minerals, proteolytic enzymes. Meditation, yoga All raw vegan organic live foods lack of sleep causes endocrine disruption. A third of diabetics have gum problems. Kirt Tyson, NMD, was just about cured of type 1 diabetes using this program. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: May 26, 2015 10:23PM I re-registered and was about to listen to Gabriel until my computer went down. Now l try getting into his talk and it is impossible. It asks me to register over and over again and when l do l can no longer get into any talks. This lecture series is far too difficult for my brain to get working and l will not be bothering with any of their videos/livestreams anymore until they can simplify the process because it is simply not worth it fooling around. I would rather do the research myself or stay ignorant instead of trying to work out technical issues, because spending more than 5 minutes on technical stuff is never worth my time. In my experience...for each minute l spend on technical computer issues, my lifestyle greatly decreases.
I am happy to pay someone money to work computer stuff out for me, but l am not prepared to spend more than a few minutes myself because l am simply not interested in trying to work out technical issues. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2015 10:28PM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 26, 2015 11:04PM Hi TSM,
I had no problems getting online. Maybe you got on during a break. The panel is now starting. Maybe you thought it was not working, when they were just having a dinner break. Check back and it should be playing. Cause and cure of diabetes Location: Date: May 26, 2015 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm GABRIEL COUSENS, M.D. HANS DIEHL, DrHSc, MPH, FACN JOEL FUHRMAN M.D. BRIAN CLEMENT Ph.D., L.N. BRENDA DAVIS, R.D. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 26, 2015 11:09PM now here is the funny part !
I posted the information for this talk a couple weeks ago and was greeted by a chorus of boos from the sproutarian man and the ogress and perhaps other people, i don't recall . and now, magically, due to Tai's chi , the sproutarian man is ON BOARD! kirt tyson was also discussed here previously. thanks for the summary tai, sounds like mostly rubbish from cousens so far. keep the fructose low, so you can't actually do anything except meditate...perfect for some i guess. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 26, 2015 11:24PM Fresh:
thanks for the summary tai, sounds like mostly rubbish from cousens so far. Tai: Yes, that is why they are now having a panel of 5 practitioners discussing this. Hippocrates Institute recommends a low fat diet. But it is nice to have options, both high (up to 45%) and low fat, because some people live in cold, snowy climates in the winter and may not have access to many fruits and veggies. So, Cousens protocol is worthwhile to know, even if one doesn't have to use it. Thanks, Fresh, for the link two weeks ago. It was because of you that I remembered to check back. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: May 26, 2015 11:29PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Hi TSM, > I had no problems getting online. Maybe you got > on during a break. The panel is now starting. > Maybe you thought it was not working, when they > were just having a dinner break. I was thinking that and l think you may be right. I got onto Gabriel earlier near the end of his lecture, but l was able to rewind the live video and watch near the start. Unfortunately the computer went down and l was then unable to get into his talk. Don't have time to get into things at the moment, but l will check the site at lunch time. Surely we should be able to get into archives and play these videos later. Gabriel and Jeffery Smith are the ones l really want to listen to, especially Gabriel. I notice `sproutman' in on the list too, but he covers more basic intro stuff usually. Lots of intersting speakers. May check a few others out at a later date if l have the time. Thanks for the link Tai. late edit: "Fructose inflames glial cells, he says" he does say that, but l have been unable to find that in the literature, nor can l find it being directly related to high fruit consumption. If Gabriel is going to be saying these things he better show some solid research. No-one has been able to show solid evidence against fruit because all the studies are from isolated sugar extracted from fruit. This simply will not do. Brian Clement even mentioned a study where he concluded fruit was no good, but the study didn't even mention whole fruit at all. These folks need to do much better than that when bashing fruit. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2015 11:35PM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 27, 2015 12:40AM Plastic and pharmaceutical drugs are in every drop of drinking water today, quotes Brian Clement from top marine scientists (if I heard the source correctly).
Tai: this is why I only like drinking distilled water that I make myself. Brian is the best speaker hands down. Whatever he eats and takes for his brain, it is working and the other speakers should take note. Viruses are still alive in chicken, even after cooking, says Virginia Livingstone, according to Brian, and these viruses cause cancer. "By 2048, all the major fish will be fished out. Einstein said we will have 5 years to live after that" (sic). Lobster prices have plummetted, because cod is overfished and so lobster overgrows. Brian wrote a new book, called Dairy Deception. Brian agreed with Gabriel that a higher cholesterol is okay as a vegan. Tai's comment: I never met a true vegan with a cholesterol over 200. One time I met one, but I later learned that she ate goat cheese weekly and a raw egg at least once a month. Have any of you met a long term vegan with a higher cholesterol? Cholesterol in eggs is very bad for diabetics, says Fuhrman. Fuhrman says low cholesterol is fine in vegans. He and his wife both have a cholesterol of 130 each. ldl 85-90 Hans Diehl said Chinese cholesterol was like 90-110. He said some Chinese would think 140 would be too high for themselves. Gabriel doesn't think there is a difference between cholesterol of 160 to 260 for heart disease and cancer. Gabriel cites the Bronx as those with a low cholesterol had more heart issues. Gabriel's diet eaters will often have a cholesterol of 159. Fuhrman points out that low cholesterol can lower from cancer and other diseases, so he is taking jabs at Gabriel's logic. This talk was not about diabetes at all. It was about veganism. They mislabeled it. That was a let down. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
banana who
Date: May 27, 2015 12:47AM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > He will speak this afternoon and evening. I just > signed up. It was simple. It is live streaming > now. The audience is meager, both in person and > online. We should support this. > > [therealtruthabouthealthconference.com] > ule/ Is it free? Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 27, 2015 12:54AM yes, it's free. They give you an option to donate or to hit the free button. Yes, it's totally free.
The topic is now on GMOs. Scary stuff. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: May 27, 2015 02:11AM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > > The topic is now on GMOs. Scary stuff. Thanks Tai. I have rewound the lecture and will listen to it over lunch. Tai Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Plastic and pharmaceutical drugs are in every drop > of drinking water today, quotes Brian Clement from > top marine scientists (if I heard the source > correctly). > > Tai: this is why I only like drinking distilled > water that I make myself. Yes! I also write about this in my book. Eventhough oxidisers are used to destroy the drugs, only about 85 - 90% are neutralised. So yes, filtered water etc are still loaded with drugs unless household pay tens of thousands for a water filter. I suspect spring water is the same, and water from the south pole etc is still the same. > > Brian is the best speaker hands down. Whatever he > eats and takes for his brain, it is working and > the other speakers should take note. Brian is the best speaker ever!!! I couldlisten to him speak all day and have often had him on loud speaker all weekend. > > Brian wrote a new book, called Dairy Deception. Yes, that is next on my list to buy. > > Brian agreed with Gabriel that a higher > cholesterol is okay as a vegan. Fantastic! I agree 100% from the research l have done. . > > Cholesterol in eggs is very bad for diabetics, > says Fuhrman. Fuhrman says low cholesterol is > fine in vegans. He and his wife both have a > cholesterol of 130 each. ldl 85-90 Can't say l have ever resonated with Joel. One of the most cringeworthy health speakers l have ever come across....hardly agree with anything he has ever had to say., > Gabriel cites the Bronx as those with a low > cholesterol had more heart issues. Yes, various things don't add up about the cholesterol ideas commonly pushed. We are missing something, and l think l have come across what it is according to the latest medical papers. . > > Fuhrman points out that low cholesterol can lower > from cancer and other diseases, so he is taking > jabs at Gabriel's logic. Yeah, but his research seems decades behind the times. Some of his research is almost 25 years out of date. If he bothered to read the latest research he wouldn't be saying such silly things about enzymes not being to survive the stomach environment and many other things. I could have a field day with Fuhrman....he'd be easy to sink l reckon. He says some of the craziest things online that make me gasp. www.thesproutarian.com Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: May 27, 2015 03:06AM A scary post l made on GM foods a while back with science.
GM foods kill your kidney cells and contribute to gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease [www.rawfoodsupport.com] www.thesproutarian.com Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2015 03:07AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
banana who
Date: May 28, 2015 05:37PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > yes, it's free. They give you an option to donate > or to hit the free button. Yes, it's totally > free. > > The topic is now on GMOs. Scary stuff. I didn't get there in time. Is it archived somewhere? I enjoy Cousens' lectures. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: May 28, 2015 06:36PM Banana who:
I didn't get there in time. Is it archived somewhere? I enjoy Cousens' lectures. Tai: I think if you sign up and follow the right prompts (where they give the bonuses), then you will be able to access the lectures after they are over. I think in order to do that, I had to give it a thumbs up with either facebook, google or something else. When I followed the steps with google, I didn't want to give private info, so I exited before hitting enter and I still got the bonus access password. Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: May 28, 2015 09:15PM Personally l didn't find the GM speakers very interesting. It was all very basic stuff. It was one of the sessions l was most looking forward to. www.thesproutarian.com Re: Gabriel Cousens will speak today
Posted by:
Date: June 08, 2015 01:35AM Thanks Tai he is an amazing man. He really is I am blessed to have met him.
A beautiful experience. ![]() Doesnt eat onions or garlic. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.