Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 01, 2015 04:39PM I have spent the past week refinishing our bedroom furniture (so yes, quite a bit of heavy lifting, sanding, scraping, bending at odd angles ext...). However, I don't think I banged my legs into anything and am not sore at all (like muscles or anything like that). This morning I woke up and I have numerous dime-quarter sized bruises all over my legs! They don't hurt, and are not super dark, but definitely a few that are really dark on my knees. It was a little more physical exertion than I normally do, but I'm a really active person in general and have never had this kind of issue after lifting heavy things or bending at funny angles ext...
I have been almost 100% raw for over 2 months now, but I do supplement B-12 and vitamin D. Lots of fruits, greens and a moderate amount of fat (avocados, some nuts+seeds). Wondering if I may be deficient in something that is making it more easy to bruise? Any ideas what that may be? I read possibly vitamin K, but am not sure. Any other ideas about this kind of issues? Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 01, 2015 06:49PM Could be an iron or folic acid deficiency.
For iron, about 1/2 cup hemp seeds and 5-10 grams of chlorella taken with coconut water (vitamin C enhances iron absorption) would bring iron levels up significantly. Folic acid (vitamin B9) is found in various foods, including romaine lettuce, red bell peppers, spinach, sprouted sunflower seeds, etc. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 02:14AM easy brusing could be caused by the body not being able to produce collagen. To make collagen, the body needs dietary protein, which in turn is made of aminoacids. One of those aminoacids is lysine. Maybe increase your dietary protein with nuts and seeds.
Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 07:35AM Hempphilliac moderate, you sound like. Some grow out of it. The real damage is not the bruising but internal bleeding, like around the head or something. Or going to the dentist. You just cant stop bleeding. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 01:26PM I would find it near impossible I would be deficient in vitamin C. I start out my mornings with a glass of 4-6 juiced oranges (and have for many, many years, long before I started transitioning to raw last year). I love oranges, which are one of the best sources of vitamin c out there! I have been eating lots of romaine, lots of darker greens (mostly spinach and kale) and lots of orange and red peppers too.
Though fat/protein might make sense. I haven't been eating (what I feel) is very much fat trying to see how a low(er) fat diet works for me. I don't feel as good in general on the low fat, even though I am keeping my calorie count up with more fruit and veg. Perhaps I will eat more hemp & chia seeds and avocados. Not all people do well on the same diet, and perhaps low fat just isn't ideal for my body.
I don't think I'm a hemophiliac. I'm a woman and isn't it only males who can get hemophilia? Also, I have never had bruising problems before. This happened after some extra strenuous physical activity, and given that I haven't done this kind of project in the past year I've been transitioning to raw, I suspect I am lacking something in my diet. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 02:24PM "Not all people do well on the same diet, and perhaps low fat just isn't ideal for my body."
That's certainly a possibility and low-fat diets are not ideal for most for many reasons. Fat is absolutely vital for our brain and hormones and there are plenty of raw foodies out there walking around with suboptimal hormonal levels and cognitive functioning. Also, most low-fat diets seem to be extremely bland, almost always incorporating large amounts of dates and/or bananas, which restricts one's phytochemical intake. Another thing is that many who follow this diet are constantly eating throughout the day and eat 5-6 meals daily because they're always hungry, suggesting potential deficiencies. When you eat a lot of food but are still hungry all the time, your body is usually calling out for something it's missing. It could also suggest blood sugar issues. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 03:39PM Kiwibird, many many women who's menstrual cycles are long and/or heavy eventually end up with iron deficiency anemic. This would be a very good time for you to get blood tests! Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 04:27PM > there are plenty of raw foodies out there walking around with suboptimal hormonal levels and cognitive functioning.
feel free to produce a SHRED of EVIDENCE of hormonal levels and cognitive functioning, and that does not include your ESP powers. >Also, most low-fat diets seem to be extremely bland, not even close to bland >almost always incorporating large amounts of dates and/or bananas, which restricts one's phytochemical intake. provide your food logs over a one year period, from these people you have surveyed. with their phytochemical intake. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 05:01PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Kiwibird, many many women who's menstrual cycles > are long and/or heavy eventually end up with > iron deficiency anemic. This would be a very good > time for you to get blood tests! That could be possible. I used to supplement iron (as a long time vegetarian before going raw) but haven't in some time. Perhaps not a bad idea to start again, though when I was iron deficient before I always had cravings to chew ice. I actually haven't been to a doctor in years. I haven't looked into any good naturopaths where I now live I could go to either (which I prefer to a regular GP) and would have to save up $$$ since I don't have insurance of any kind. I just really hate seeing doctors in general and kind of avoid/make any excuse not to see one if at all avoidable. I don't trust them. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 05:06PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Kiwibird, many many women who's menstrual cycles > are long and/or heavy eventually end up with > iron deficiency anemic. This would be a very good > time for you to get blood tests! Sorry, I meant to type "iron deficiency anemia". Iron deficiency anemia could very likely be at the root of other problems you have mentioned suffering from. It's nothing to take lightly because it can really throw a wrench into the works. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 05:48PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Kiwibird, many many women who's menstrual > cycles > > are long and/or heavy eventually end up with > > iron deficiency anemic. This would be a very > good > > time for you to get blood tests! > > Sorry, I meant to type "iron deficiency anemia". > > Iron deficiency anemia could very likely be at the > root of other problems you have mentioned > suffering from. It's nothing to take lightly > because it can really throw a wrench into the > works. I have had low iron levels in the past (when I used to be on my parents insurance, I did get dragged to the doctor by them). However, I don't have money to see a doctor at the moment. They cost a lot, especially when they start running tests. And I also don't appreciate the lecture they all give about not eating meat or animal products. All they want to do is throw pills at you and get you out of their hair as quickly as possible with no genuine regard for your health. I prefer naturopaths (NMDs, not witch doctors) but don't know anyone who could recommend a good one in this area. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 07:31PM Kiwibird, you can get blood tests kits online and have the blood drawn locally to be mailed back with no need of having to consult any middlemen.
... "Other times this may be due to iron deficiency. Regardless, anemia means there are fewer red blood cells and a reduce ability of those blood cells to carry oxygen to your brain, which will definitely reduce metabolic activity in your brain that will be associated with fatigue and reduced mental capacity. Remember, thyroid is controlling the rate at which your cells use oxygen. If less oxygen is getting to your brain how can thyroid do its job in your brain? Anemia often reflects a lack of iron. It has been known for a while that many of the genes within cells need iron in order to follow the directions of thyroid hormone. In other words once biologically active T3 tells the DNA in your cells how fast to go, following those management instructions requires iron. Not enough iron is like not enough workers. Mangers like thyroid can scream and yell all they want, nothing much is going to get done. The point I am making is that anemia for whatever reason is going to have an impact on thyroid metabolism in general and your brain in particular. Here is a new twist on this issue. Your red blood cells are manufactured inside your bones. You need to keep making these as your blood cells need to be recycled on a regular basis as they lose their functionality. In fact, all of your red blood cells are generally new every 6-8 weeks. The production of red blood cells relies on a signal that is actually coming from your kidneys called erythropoietin. And as it now turns out this signal is dependent on stimulation from thyroid hormone. In a just-published study scientists now believe that anemia may be the first sign of hypothyroidism, an issue they also document for subclinical hypothyroidism. In the past I have always viewed anemia as a thyroid disrupter. The question now arises, is anemia the chicken or the egg in terms of a thyroid problem?"... [www.wellnessresources.com] Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 02, 2015 10:43PM "Online blood work: No doctor’s visit required"
[www.foxnews.com] [www.directlabs.com] [www.wellnessfx.com] Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 03, 2015 12:54AM jtprindl Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Could be an iron or folic acid deficiency. > > For iron, about 1/2 cup hemp seeds and 5-10 grams > of chlorella taken with coconut water (vitamin C > enhances iron absorption) would bring iron levels > up significantly. Folic acid (vitamin B9) is found > in various foods, including romaine lettuce, red > bell peppers, spinach, sprouted sunflower seeds, > etc. Really? First thing I thought was rutin/bioflavonoids. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 03, 2015 10:40PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > "Online blood work: No doctor’s visit required" > > [www.foxnews.com] > ood-work-no-doctors-visit-required/ > > > > [www.directlabs.com] > > > [www.wellnessfx.com] Thanks. I will look into these labs. I never knew one could get blood tests without a doctors visit, and they are much more reasonable than seeing a doctor AND getting labs done. Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 03, 2015 11:02PM Kiwibird Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > "Online blood work: No doctor’s visit > required" > > > > > [www.foxnews.com] > > > ood-work-no-doctors-visit-required/ > > > > > > > > [www.directlabs.com] > > > > > > [www.wellnessfx.com] > > > Thanks. I will look into these labs. I never knew > one could get blood tests without a doctors visit, > and they are much more reasonable than seeing a > doctor AND getting labs done. You're welcome, Kiwibird! Re: Multiple bruises/bruising easily? Deficiency?
Posted by:
Date: June 04, 2015 11:05PM I love phase contrast dark field microscopes. Get live blood analysis done and post the video here so we can see Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.