the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 21, 2015 05:10PM are they real? do you drink coffee, or would you if it was raw?
[www.naturalnews.com] [www.naturalnews.com] Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 21, 2015 05:50PM I don't think the coffee is raw just because it's cold-brewed. The beans themselves are still roasted before brewing. And no, even if coffee was raw, I would not drink it.
I find it best to avoid addictive substances completely. While coffee isn't like alcohol or drugs, it's still a stimulant and still has negative health implications when done to excess. I actually went about 4 years without touching caffeine (after I became obsessed with those energy drinks in high school), but my naturopath suggested having a cup in the morning for adrenal fatigue. Within a few months I was up to like 6 or 7 shots of espresso a day and still dragging tired. I quit coffee shortly after I started transitioning to raw and this time, no more caffeine for me EVER! Fresh juice and some fruit is a MUCH better energy booster ![]() Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 21, 2015 06:55PM what would happen if you gave coffee to a bird
how do you think it would react? there you go there is your answer Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 21, 2015 06:56PM The Health Ranger is a media sell out. He is often promoting fear based information, like the title of a recent article of his, "It's already too late to save humanity... our mass extinction is inescapable, says prominent scientist... population out of control"
It sounds to me like he is living in fear. Not to judge him, as most of the population of the world is living in fear. Oh, where is the love? ![]() Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 21, 2015 07:22PM I agree about the coffee. I am wanting to go off it. It latches onto you easily. Very addicted but a "soft" drug in that it's out of your system very quickly and doesn't cause incredibly crazy behavior. But it's still sapping your energy like crazy. I know it's doing it to me but I haven't kicked the habit as of yet. I have set a date and plan to stick to it...unlike the gazillion other times, LOL Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 21, 2015 08:26PM
Sadly, people do give coffee to birds (pet parrots). They think it's "cute" to see them drink it (same with offering them sips of beer or wine, and yes, they will get drunk ![]() ![]() To my knowledge, caffeine is toxic to most (if not all) creatures, and just because humans have the intelligence not to consume it to acutely toxic levels and build up a "resistance" over time, it doesn't mean it's not still a toxin in the body. And while it may have some arguable health benefits, do they outweigh the risks? Probably not. Heroine won't necessarily kill you either and if you do it for long enough, you can take massive doses and be 'fine'. It may even (arguably) have some valid reasons to use, like pain management or something. Doesn't mean it's not still toxic, or that the "benefits" outweigh the risk and it just isn't something you should be putting in your body. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/21/2015 08:33PM by Kiwibird. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 21, 2015 10:51PM You can get all the same health benefits from consuming foods that aren't addictive. Coffee never got me hooked but I know some people who are horribly addicted. They also lead the sort of high-pressure work lifestyle that coffee is suited for. If people didn't have to work/slave for most of their lives there would be no need for coffee. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 22, 2015 07:36AM ,, Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/2015 07:36AM by la_veronique. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 22, 2015 09:50PM i have kicked coffee addiction a few times. it was really bad several years ago when i worked in a coffee shop. i'd drink a large coffee with two shots of espresso added three times a day, sometimes more. ice coffees inbetween just for the heck of it.
it's been a few months since i quit all forms of caffeine, but i do miss it. i feel brain fog occasionally which i never felt while dosing daily with either coffee, yerba, or cacoa. i miss the taste, how sharp my mind seemed to feel, seems to make my skin glow. maybe it was just a coffee high. i suppose i should stay off of it now that i've completely kicked it. ; Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 22, 2015 09:51PM la_veronique Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > what would happen if you gave coffee to a bird > > how do you think it would react? > > there you go > there is your answer i wouldn't want to do that to a bird. nor am i a bird, so i'm not certain how relevant such an act would prove anyway. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 24, 2015 09:53AM tezcal says
<<i wouldn't want to do that to a bird. nor am i a bird, so i'm not certain how relevant such an act would prove anyway.>> i'm really not certain either.. what the relevancy is i mean, i have an idea.. but not too certain so... that makes two of us two uncertain people but maybe you are more certain than i am of the uncertitude of comparing bird's consumption of caffeinated products to humans whereas i am just partially uncertain you know .. it takes all kinds of uncertain people to rule this world ![]() Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 24, 2015 09:07PM Coffee a health food?
![]() Coffee is raw? Prana I see your point. Lets live in love and read love news. And love health news. Any today? I notice he is not on Alex Jones anymore. How does one turn into a sell out, because I love money and it helps me take care of so many people. I am reading over the article now. To be fair Mike used to be one of us. I met him at raw spirit. He is cool dude, closest guy we have on our side in the mainstream. He wields alot of power. Is he saying it is raw coffee? The title is Love coffee but not the toxicity? Minimize health risks with these tips Learn more: [www.naturalnews.com] He describes the many ways coffee is made and what is bad about it. He is not saying it is a health food or raw. He mentions most coffee has acrylamide? And he is stating that if you drink coffee you may want COLD BREWED. Maybe you guys just jumped to conclusions, I think he meant well. Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2015 09:13PM by suvine. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 24, 2015 09:36PM Prana Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > He is often > promoting fear based information, like the title > of a recent article of his, "It's already too late > to save humanity... our mass extinction is > inescapable, says prominent scientist... > population out of control" > > It sounds to me like he is living in fear. Not to > judge him, as most of the population of the world > is living in fear. Cool, Bryan, that you agree that the 'Man-Made' Global Warming Alarmist articles promoting fear-based information are fear-mongering, as is the media who publish such articles, and that those who 'believe in' Man-Made Global Warming are living in fear ![]() *********** Mike Adams' article - that Bryan was referring to - wherein Mike Adams references and discusses the negative fear-based article about Global Warming Alarmist pessimist Frank Fenner's fatalistic attitude.... "Professor Frank Fenner says humanity is finished. It's already too late to save ourselves from the suicidal future we've created where the ecosystem can no longer support human life. "We're going to become extinct," the scientist says. "Whatever we do now is too late."" .....and then optimistic Mike Adams states his own hopeful, positive solutions - "But I'm way ahead of most on several fronts, including living 100% on my own rainwater, growing an increasing percentage of my own food, raising my own free-range chickens and experimenting with gravity-fed irrigation systems for long-term food sustainability. I also have long abandoned any accumulation of brand-conscious products, fashion-oriented clothes or anything that isn't in some way practical and useful. (My wardrobe is the most boring collection of grease-stained Wrangler ranch pants you've ever seen.)" [www.naturalnews.com] ********* Original fear-based negative article that Mike Adams is reporting on and referring to in the title and body of his discussion - "Frank Fenner Sees No Hope for Humans FRANK Fenner doesn't engage in the skirmishes of the climate wars. To him, the evidence of global warming is in. Our fate is sealed. "Climate change is just at the very beginning. But we're seeing remarkable changes in the weather already." [www.theaustralian.com.au] Ah-ha.... "Fenner will open the Healthy Climate, Planet and People symposium at the Australian Academy of Science next week, as part of the AAS Fenner conference series, which is designed to bridge the gap between environmental science and POLICY." ![]() Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 24, 2015 09:49PM I'm not sure what Bryan means when he says Mike Adams is a sell-out, but actually I do have a problem with he and Alex Jones' picking on Whole Foods in the past, because I noticed he put a bit of a spin on the story to fit his narrative.
And I noticed another story he reported on the other day - I've got to go back and find what it was - where he conveniently left something out which changed the whole premise, so as to come to his conclusion. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2015 09:52PM by Lois. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 24, 2015 11:43PM Case in point on Mike Adams' duplicity - slamming Whole Foods again -
***************** Organic industry in shock as Whole Foods pushes new rating system that promotes chemical agriculture as better than organic (This is a lie - Whole Foods isn't promoting chemical agriculture as better than organic) [www.naturalnews.com] Increasingly, organic farmers are alleging that the Whole Foods brand is using its rather formidable marketing skills behind the scenes, along with its credibility among many consumers, to send the message that conventionally grown produce is just as good as -- or better than -- organically grown products also featured in stores. Shoppers are being given the option of choosing fruits and vegetables that carry the designations "good," "better" or "best." *********** (Here is Whole Foods' explanation of and rationale for their ratings system) [www.wholefoodsmarket.com] ********** Here is the New York Times article that Mike Adams siezed upon to do another hit piece on Whole Foods - Organic Farmers Object to Whole Foods Rating System [www.nytimes.com] Now, some organic farmers contend that Whole Foods is quietly using its formidable marketing skills and its credibility with consumers to convey that conventionally grown produce is just as good — or even better — than their organically grown products. Shoppers can choose from fruits and vegetables carrying the designation of “good,” “better” or “best.” ********* So it's Mike Adams and the Organic Farmers and the New York Times who are trying to 'send the message' and 'convey' that the ratings for two separate entities are to be interpreted as one. All are jumping to conclusions, spinning. Mike Adams is saying the consumer is too ignorant to realize that a "Best" rating for Conventional produce would be inferior to a "Good" rating for Organic produce. And Mike Adams crosses the aisle and aligns himself with the New York Times to bash Whole Foods. That turns me off. I love Whole Foods and I'm thankful there's one in my town. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 25, 2015 12:48AM Lois very wise of you to say things that help me see things from a different point of view. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 25, 2015 04:05AM You guys take a long time to respond.
Hey I saw this today and I am reposting it from facebook. Another almost 100% raw vegan who thinks coffee is good... To each his own hey. Lets explore it. ![]() Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 25, 2015 12:04PM suvine Wrote:
> > Coffee is raw? > most of the time it is not. when the beans are black they are roasted, and then they are brewed with hot water. but i believe green coffee beans are raw, which i'm assuming one can cold brew. mike adams used to be raw? Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 25, 2015 02:06PM suvine Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Lois very wise of you to say things that help me > see things from a different point of view. Thanks, suvine ![]() I'm just used to deciphering articles designed to advance a meme - from 'the war on women', 'they're all racists', 'want to suppress the vote', 'they're science deniers', 'don't care about the environment', 'don't care about the less fortunate', 'want to take away your healthcare', 'they're haters', etc. to the pure fallacies like 'women make less than men', 'the college rape culture', etc. - to deceive the public to further an agenda. ![]() Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 25, 2015 04:42PM was mike adams raw vegan at one time? i didn't know this. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 25, 2015 07:00PM Yes he was for many years. Specifically raw vegan activist. He then stopped and wrote article about it. I read it, it was almost a decade ago. I am sorry I cant prove it, you just have to take my word. Maybe you can google it. Or ask artifical intelligence to bring it out. Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 25, 2015 08:36PM Lois,
What I mean by sell out is the following: Alternative media I like tends to report things such as to empower the reader. Mainstream media tends to report things such that the reader is disempowered. By disempowered I mean made afraid, filled with fear mongering news. The Health Ranger's Natural News is a fear mongering disempowering media source. Too bad, because I like their exposes on western health and their exposes on corrupt business practices. However, they themselves are corrupt. Their treatment of the MMS (Jim Humble's Miracle Mineral Solution) was unfair, and mostly likely because of personal gains and personal issues the had with the manufacturer, when the manufacturer refused to make Mike Adams and Matt Monarch his partner. I don't use MMS, nor do I think people need to use it, but still the Natural News' treatment of Jim Humble was dispicable and unfair. Also, during the mainstream Ebola scare, Natural News was right their promoting the fear, probably to get more hits on their website. ![]() Re: the many health benefits of coffee
Posted by:
Date: June 25, 2015 09:48PM Prana that was an educated answer. Thanks. I think you are informed.
Prana, I have a question, a deep philosophical one..How do you explain to someone that their house is burning down, if they dont want to hear anything negative? Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.