how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
Date: October 12, 2015 03:00AM Is this possible to do? I drink 2 glasses of rejuvelac made from quinoa sprouts everyday these days. But this does not show up on the nutritional analysis of my food on cronometer because rejuvelac is not on their database. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2015 03:00AM by iandthou. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: October 12, 2015 08:00AM iandthou Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Is this possible to do? I drink 2 glasses of > rejuvelac made from quinoa sprouts everyday these > days. But this does not show up on the nutritional > analysis of my food on cronometer because > rejuvelac is not on their database. Cronometer is a very basic nutritional analysis counter that could never visually display the true greatness of rejuvalic because many of the best things in rejuvalic are not taken into account by the cronometer. The probiotic bacteria strains are certainly a benefit, and certainly the enzyme production during fermentation is of major benefit in terms of boosting vitamins and arguably of benefit health wise according to limited peer reviewed publishings of food enzyme therapy in diseased people. The bacterial strains also seem to be helping to absorb various phytochemicals which are often poorly absorbed, and the bacterial probiotics combined with phytochemicals don't seem to have the problem of them playing a big role as anti nutrients as they would without certain lower levels of good bacterial levels,and l say this according to the peer reviewed science and also because of my own personal experience in using rejuvalic to aid digestion. In short, a cronometer could never do justice to the true greatness of rejuvalic. Rejuvalic probiotics is one of the greatest foods you could ever have in your diet. In fact, for me it IS the number one food in my diet. I can't sing it's praises enough, but one day i'll write many things about it in a book because it is a massive topic that will take lots of writing to really do justice to how great it is. Imo, rejuvalic is the food for the modern age, l am convinced of that. I feel that raw foods on their own is often not enough in this day and age because you willfind that peoplewillhave problems digesting them until the body is brought up to a higher state of functioning, and l have found that probiotic fermentation/rejuvalic consumption solves this problem where prebiotics can never acheive the greatness of probiotics. So many raw fooders report digestive issues of various foods years later, but l say we can fix these problems quite quickly when we open ourselves to various strategies. See folks...strategy is the name of the game in raw foodism in the modern age. There are more toxins around, more problems to disturb bacteria levels imo and many issues now, but we can tame many of the savage beasts through rejuvalic and fermentation of sprouted seeds. www.thesproutarian.com Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
Date: October 12, 2015 03:11PM I am not aware of any evidence showing that rejuvelac is of any benefit/necessity beyond that of normal whole plant foods. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
Date: October 12, 2015 04:21PM fresh Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I am not aware of any evidence showing that > rejuvelac is of any benefit/necessity beyond that > of normal whole plant foods. Yes, I've read this argument too, and I've also read about what Sproutman wrote. I follow my intuition. Intuitively I like Rejuvelac just like I like green leafy vegetables, so I drink it regularly. I am curious - what do you think about the arguments in favour of rejuvelac - You don't think sprouting encourages the nutritive qualities of seeds to increase, and that making a drink out of sprouts makes this nutrition easier to absorb? Second, don't growing sprouts have good bacteria which help with absorption of nutrients in your intestines? I am new to all this but I trust my intuition first of all, and secondly, look at both my own reasoning and also but not solely at evidence. Evidence is good, but there is also a lot of evidence for strange things, like non-organic foods being as good as organic ones, or cellphone radiation having no impact on human health. Plus, for most of human history, human beings have managed to thrive on intuitive living rather than evidence. Even the hygienists like Shelton did not have massive scientific studies backing their ideas but they said more or less the same thing as contemporary doctors like Fuhrman say after lots of research. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
banana who
Date: October 12, 2015 04:22PM Verrry carefully... ![]() Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
Date: October 12, 2015 04:47PM iandthou Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > fresh Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I am not aware of any evidence showing that > > rejuvelac is of any benefit/necessity beyond > that > > of normal whole plant foods. > > > Yes, I've read this argument too, and I've also > read about what Sproutman wrote. I follow my > intuition. Intuitively I like Rejuvelac just like > I like green leafy vegetables, so I drink it > regularly. > > I am curious - what do you think about the > arguments in favour of rejuvelac - You don't think > sprouting encourages the nutritive qualities of > seeds to increase, and that making a drink out of > sprouts makes this nutrition easier to absorb? > Second, don't growing sprouts have good bacteria > which help with absorption of nutrients in your > intestines? > the superiority of sprouts is exaggerated but certainly greens from some source are recommended but why presume that there is a problem with your digestive system? I await the evidence. otherwise it's a waste of time unless for some reason you enjoy it and it's has no negative effect on you. there are clear dangers as has been noted. > I am new to all this but I trust my intuition > first of all, and secondly, look at both my own > reasoning and also but not solely at evidence. > Evidence is good, but there is also a lot of > evidence for strange things, like non-organic > foods being as good as organic ones, or cellphone > radiation having no impact on human health. Plus, > for most of human history, human beings have > managed to thrive on intuitive living rather than > evidence. Even the hygienists like Shelton did not > have massive scientific studies backing their > ideas but they said more or less the same thing as > contemporary doctors like Fuhrman say after lots > of research. there is clear evidence that dietary improvement, especially raw diets, improve health, even if there is no conclusive scientific evidence. but this is a general statement. a specific statement about a specific food's benefits requires controlled evidence since there are too many variables and assumptions. and even then, studies are often suspect in many ways. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
Date: October 12, 2015 05:17PM banana who Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Verrry carefully... ![]() What do you mean? ![]() Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: October 13, 2015 12:44AM iandthou Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > fresh Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I am not aware of any evidence showing that > > rejuvelac is of any benefit/necessity beyond > that > > of normal whole plant foods. > > > Yes, I've read this argument too, and I've also > read about what Sproutman wrote. I follow my > intuition. Intuitively I like Rejuvelac just like > I like green leafy vegetables, so I drink it > regularly. > > I am curious - what do you think about the > arguments in favour of rejuvelac - You don't think > sprouting encourages the nutritive qualities of > seeds to increase, and that making a drink out of > sprouts makes this nutrition easier to absorb? > Second, don't growing sprouts have good bacteria > which help with absorption of nutrients in your > intestines? > > I am new to all this but I trust my intuition > first of all, and secondly, look at both my own > reasoning and also but not solely at evidence. > Evidence is good, but there is also a lot of > evidence for strange things, like non-organic > foods being as good as organic ones, or cellphone > radiation having no impact on human health. Plus, > for most of human history, human beings have > managed to thrive on intuitive living rather than > evidence. Even the hygienists like Shelton did not > have massive scientific studies backing their > ideas but they said more or less the same thing as > contemporary doctors like Fuhrman say after lots > of research. I say most of the things l do based on peer reveiwed scientific studies. I have amassed an extensive collection of sprout studies and have countless probiotic studies to base my opnions on, and also years of experience. There are reasons why sprout nutrition increases much more than normal mature plants. There is a reason why rejuvalic makes the nutrition easier to absorb. There is a reason why sprouts are greatly superior to normal vegan foods. I am currently very time poor so l can't spend hours posting studies and talking about the benefits of rejuvalic and sprouts here right now, so best to read about it in my book when it comes out. It will be worth the wait, many of the unanswered questions will be provided with lots of studies and common sense and experience to back things up. I don't do things and spend thousands of hours researching to provide hype. I spend the time writing and researching to put a strong case as to why l think sprouts are the finest food possible and why rejuvalic is one of the finest health building foods in the world. For a warm up on why sprouts are greatly superior to conventional vegetables, you may wish to read this thread (scroll near bottom of first page and read the science): [www.rawfoodsupport.com] www.thesproutarian.com Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 12:55AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: October 13, 2015 12:50AM fresh Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > the superiority of sprouts is exaggerated but > certainly greens from some source are recommended No Fresh. See the studies I posted in the linked thread immediately above at the bottom of the post? You would have much trouble trying to argue that point that the superiority of sprouts is exaggerated. I also have hundreds of other studies to back up my point, but unfortunately many aren't publically available online. I don't say things to hype things up, l say things because l can provide a strong argument or evidence to support my strong claims. That is where l am different to most raw fooders....I treat people as intelligent so l amass the evidence and use strong arguments. We now live in a world where we can't baffle brains with nonsense, and THAT is why l read the science in order to provide a strong case for an increasingly knowledgable world. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 12:53AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
Date: October 13, 2015 01:19AM thanks for your post, TSM, but you're missing my point
showing studies about higher nutrient levels and supposed probiotic benefits is not the point. the point to be proven is whether rejuvelac and sprouts are necessary and provide some demonstrable benefit to the body that is not available without them. higher is not better. sufficient is enough. very difficult to show evidence and unproven from what i have seen. and you can't just say, "I did X" and "Y condition got better"... too many variables and uncontrolled experiment, in most cases. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 01:25AM by fresh. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: October 13, 2015 01:58AM fresh Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > thanks for your post, TSM, but you're missing my > point > > showing studies about higher nutrient levels and > supposed probiotic benefits is not the point. > > the point to be proven is whether rejuvelac and > sprouts are necessary and provide some > demonstrable benefit to the body that is not > available without them. > > higher is not better. sufficient is enough. Hello Fresh. Yes l did know you were going to bring that point up. Now...the question is, what is enough? Do the nutrient rda's indicate what is enough?...nope. Why? Because everyone has different individual nutrient requirements. So...what is enough?...we can't be sure. People say they function well, but can they function even better?...in many cases l say yes! I put it to you that we develop a diet that allows the individual a chance to experiment to their fullpotential. Ie, l say to have a situation where-by one can try low level nutrient diets for 3 months and also have it where one can try high nutrient diets for 3 months and compare. BUT...one cannot really know how well one can function is they don't try incorporating some of the extremely high nutrient sprout/fermentation diet, can they? We all think we can function well, but l would say we really don't know how well we can function until we try the extra high nutrition diet. For eg, Gabriel Cousens talks about 30% of people doing much better when they took in excess of the B12 rda. Other people do far better when they took 1,000% the rda for B vitamins etc etc. See...what is enough?...we don't really know until we do the experiments. Fresh, have you done the high nutrient sprout experiments with fermenation like l have and compared with a lower nutrient diet? If not, how can you say that enough is enough? What is enough??? See what l am getting at Fresh? This is why l am coming out and exposing the shortcomings of this type of thinking. Fresh...we can do much better than thinking like this...we don'tneed to limit our thinking by buying into those types of limiting ideas anymore. Fresh, we need to move forward into the future and tailor diet solutions to people of the modern age. It is important to do things at a higher level than we used to in the past. And remember Fresh, the devastating science on post harvest deterioration of fruits and vegetables. Not all nutrients do decline, and some even increase, but there is an indication that many important nutrients and phytochemicals decrease and oxidisation also occurs. Fresh,if you are not eaten fresh it can bring problems because that is the issue with mass food delivery systems. Fresh, our own common sense tells us that fresh is better. We need to look at all the factors Fresh and not sweep some things under the carpet. We want to look at the good bad and the ugly side of post harvest produce and lower enzyme foods which don't bring about the high nutritional increases like the sprouts. Lets look at all the facts Fresh. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 02:04AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
Date: October 13, 2015 02:15AM i hear you TSM. yet there is no evidence to make these claims until it is shown by controlling the desired variables. as i said, very hard to do. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: October 13, 2015 02:30AM Hey Fresh, were you trying to wriggle out of the strong common sense arguments l was making by posting the usual `get out of trouble' generalisations that people use when faced with high level common sense? ![]() ![]() Truly, all we can do is consume higher nutrient diets and see how we function over period of time. We could also do tests to further see how it positively impacts our body. Can we 100% prove it? No, because those health increases might have been coincidental, however, if one has a high nutrient diet and feels better and functions better then l say they should stick with it instead of their old lower nutrient diet. We can dance around things and use the funny talk, but l prefer to use common sense with available science if possible. Using controlled tests to prove things isn't going to help one's case. Why? Because people should just do it and see what happens. Waiting for controlled tests to prove something may mean no-one will do anythinbg. That's why l call it the "funny talk". Funny talk sounds good, but it is not always good when one uses these arguments to justify non action. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 02:36AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: how to i add rejuvelac on cronometer?
Posted by:
Date: October 13, 2015 03:10AM The Sproutarian Man Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Hey Fresh, were you trying to wriggle out of the > strong common sense arguments l was making by > posting the usual `get out of trouble' > generalisations that people use when faced with > high level common sense? ![]() ![]() > common sense is not the issue. talking about things like "rejuvelac helps my digestive biota" "sprouts are necessary for their higher nutrient content" as if they are fact is the issue. we make guesses and we formulate our diet and we do experiments on ourselves to find the best one. but we don't control for amount of rest or stress or calories or many other factors. if you have done so , then submit it. > Truly, all we can do is consume higher nutrient > diets and see how we function over period of time. > We could also do tests to further see how it > positively impacts our body. Can we 100% prove it? > No, because those health increases might have been > coincidental, however, if one has a high nutrient > diet and feels better and functions better then l > say they should stick with it instead of their old > lower nutrient diet. excess nutrients are of no use. claiming that a diet with sprouts is a "higher nutrient" diet is simplistic and omits other factors. > > We can dance around things and use the funny talk, > but l prefer to use common sense with science if > possible. let's see it. in the meantime I understand we all do our best. I merely question these unproven assumptions passed off as facts. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.