Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: October 31, 2015 05:41AM I'm currently going through strong detox: fever, very runny nose, huge headaches, chills, hot flushes, weakness, dizziness, some coughing, unable to sleep due to stuffed nose.
Today I noticed an enlarged / swollen lymph node on the right side of my neck, it's a bit painful, but it's small. From what I read online it most probably may be caused by me having this cold. Have you experienced swelling of a lymph node while detox or having a cold / flu? I could use some advice on this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: October 31, 2015 12:41PM Ela, has your jawline/neckline appearance changed to look at all like Doug Graham's or Fullyrawchristina's now look? Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: October 31, 2015 04:40PM Ela2013 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I'm currently going through strong detox: fever, > very runny nose, huge headaches, chills, hot > flushes, weakness, dizziness, some coughing, > unable to sleep due to stuffed nose. > > Today I noticed an enlarged / swollen lymph node > on the right side of my neck, it's a bit painful, > but it's small. From what I read online it most > probably may be caused by me having this cold. > > Have you experienced swelling of a lymph node > while detox or having a cold / flu? I could use > some advice on this. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've noticed that every time you tend to feel bad, you blame it on detoxing. I suspect that there is some other underlying cause that is not related to detoxing but instead related to poor health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: October 31, 2015 07:04PM Ela, I wish I could recommend some great herbal medicine for you, if there was a Chinatown in your area. Dizziness and headaches are quite severe and not typical of an average bug.
Regarding swollen lymph nodes, the astringent fruits help more, like citrus (oranges, lemons, lime, tangerine). Astringent fruits grab hold of the lymph nodes and help to empty them of waste. You have to feel the puckering of the lymph nodes or it's not working and the fruit is not astringent enough. LIke some oranges are too sweet and won't grab, while some like my new valencias do grab hold. REally sweet and thick fruit like bananas aren't going to help when you are sick, in my opinion. Making green and vegetable juices will help with lemon, include green onion and perhaps cilantro in the juice. I highly recommend raw hot peppers as way to clear phlegm out. Habanero, jalapeno, serrano, etc. They can't be dried or pickled. They must be fresh. Just chew a pepper and you should feel some relief. You can also make a strong salsa, if it's more palatable. garlic is more for lungs, hot pepper for throat and ears and horseradish both western and japanese for sinuses. Please take these pungent foods to help the body remove the phlegm faster. Well, I can't see you in person, but these are just some generic things that have helped the people in my life. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2015 07:03AM Yes, Jtprindl, I know it looks I blame everything on detox, but I don't have any other answer. Besides, every time I experienced such symptoms, it turned out it was detox. Alicia from Raw Synergy (whom I really trust) confirmed me it's detox. She said that she herself experienced the same thing with swollen lymph nodes and she explained to me the role of lymph nodes in detoxing. Also, Dr. Doug Graham confirmed it's detox and also 2 more persons on his forum told me the same thing, and one of them experienced this as well. And another good friend of mine in a raw vegan Facebook group told me it's detox too. So I believe yes, it's detox yet once again. Except that this time is the most intense detox so far.
I noticed more lymph nodes that are swollen, namely those 2 large ones (one on each side of the neck). I now have sore throat and I'm coughing a lot, and eliminating a lot of mucus (like never before). I'll take it easy, lots of water, lots of citrus, rest. Tai, I don't think my neckline changed, it's been like this only during this time. I tried to find recent pics of Dr. Doug and Kristina, but there was none in which I could notice their neckline. Thank you so much for your helpful advice, it does help me a lot to know all these. I've been making carrot juice and a green juice (butter lettuce and parsley), eating grapes, apples and oranges. I don't usually eat denser fruits like bananas, so that's not an issue. Someone recommended me water with lemon juice in it. Is that ok or should I just drink the lemon juice on its own? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2015 07:06AM by Ela2013. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2015 09:11AM you could do lemon water or add lemon to your orange juice or lemon to a raw soup or just straight up lemon. But lemon is bad for your teeth, so use a straw, if straight. Yes, lemon is one of the top the astringents.
Don't forget to chew some raw hot pepper for sore throat. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2015 11:23AM Ela, do you have any leaking amalgam fillings in your teeth?*
Is your saliva running freely and smoothly without any slight thickening? What is your food source of iodine? Getting enough uncontaminated dietary iodine is vitally important to sound health. Check out Graham's and Fullyrawkristina's most currant videos for the distinctive lower jaw/upper neck subtle facial/neckline changes in the vicinity of their parotid salivary gland areas if you want to know "the look" I'm talking about. * They all eventually leak. Sooner than later if they are exposed to being bathed in overly acidic fluids. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2015 01:24PM Tai, I drank lemon water today, but not with a straw (I need to get one). I squeezed the juice of a lemon and I added around 300 - 400 ml water to the juice, and the result was a wonderful tasty raw fresh lemonade. Regarding the hot pepper, I usually don't eat something like this, because I consider it an irritant and I'm sure I'll get adverse reactions. I still need to look more into it.
SueZ, I have fillings in 2 of my teeth (in the back of my mouth, the lower rows), but they aren't leeking, they are intact (I don't know what type of fillings, all I know is that they were put in layers and the doctor waited for each layer to harden). I had another filling in another tooth, but the filling broke and fell so I now have the empty cavity of the tooth where the filling used to be (I need to get that repaired). I was just watching Kristina's new video with the challenge and yes, I did notice a huge change in her jawline. So now that I know what you were talking about, I can surely say that no, my jawline is no where near hers, it's just a bit swollen where the salivary gland is, plus those lymph nodes. I have yet to watch a recent video of Dr. Graham. My saliva is just like it's supposed to be, like it's always been, I haven't noticed any change. As far as I know, I have no source of iodine in my food, I know is a widely spread common issue. I eat no seaweed and I definitely take no supplements with iodine (I heard that iodine supplementation is risky - there's a video about it on Rawsomehealthy channel). I need to search more on this as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: November 03, 2015 02:38PM <<<I was just watching Kristina's new video with the challenge and yes, I did notice a huge change in her jawline.>>>
What are you talking about? I just saw Kristina the other day and her parotid salivary glands are NOT swollen!!! As far as your swollen lymph nodes, you might find this interesting... "I came to a passage, a short, simple passage that spoke volumes. At first I couldn't believe what my eyes saw, so I read it over carefully again and again. It was as if all my work and effort had been rewarded with one simple sentence found in probably the last place on earth I would expect, or even hope, to find it; in a defining text to TEACH the subject." "Here is the passage which was set off from the rest of the text and printed on a different colored background in order to set it off from the rest of the information on that page." 'Cancer cells can spread from a tumor site to other areas of the body through the lymphatic system. At first, however, as the cancer cells pass through the lymph system, they are trapped in the lymph nodes, which filter the lymph. During cancer surgery, malignant (cancerous) lymph nodes are often removed, and their vessels are cut and tied off to prevent the spread of the cancer.' "Now in all likelihood, there's nothing so momentous there that you would equate it with finding the lost Holy Grail as I have. But let me highlight the sentence that jumped off the page at me like a pit bull going after a steak and explain why it is of such significance:" 'At first, however, as the cells pass through the lymph system THEY ARE TRAPPED IN THE LYMPH NODES which filter the lymph.' "This one sentence proves so much of what I have been stating." "As I am writing this right now, I'm so excited I hardly know where to begin in showing you the magnitude of this statement. First of all, it shows that although there may be a masterful understanding of the TECHNICAL functions of the lymph system, there is no understanding of the PRACTICAL functions it performs. Earlier I stated that Natural Hygiene sees the body as dynamic, as the actor. Traditional medicine sees the body as passive, as a victim. We so often hear about how cancer spreads and works itself into a lymph node requiring the node's removal. But it is made very clear, totally clear in the passage from the teaching text that cancer cells don't work their way into a lymph node, the cancer cells are "TRAPPED BY" the lymph nodes." A cancer cell works its way into a lymph node in the same way a piece of dirt "works its way" into a vacuum cleaner. The lymph node is doing something to the cancer cells. It is not the other way around. No wonder "they don't know." They have reversed the entire order of things." Then on page 108, Harvey continues: "Within the lymph nodes there are what are called phagocytic cells. Phago means eat and cytic means cell. Eating cells gobble up and degrade foreign substances. Cancer cells are trapped there as the body's last line of defense. Remember, cancer is the seventh and last stage of disease. All during the first six stages when cancer could have been prevented by certain life-style changes, but wasn't, the next stage kept inevitably following the previous one until cancer appeared. As a last ditch effort to deal with the cancer that had obviously broken away from its original site and started to spread through the lymph system, the body traps them, to deal with them." "And how are these precious lymph nodes treated by those who "don't know?" THEY ARE CUT OUT! And why? FOR PERFORMING THE VERY FUNCTION THEY WERE CREATED AND INTENDED TO PERFORM!" -Harvey Diamond's book "You Can Prevent Breast Cancer" pp. 106-107, 108 So if you have swollen lymph nodes, it's time to do a Juice Feast!!! ![]() Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2015 04:09PM Ela2013 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ, I have fillings in 2 of my teeth (in the > back of my mouth, the lower rows), but they aren't > leeking, they are intact (I don't know what type > of fillings, all I know is that they were put in > layers and the doctor waited for each layer to > harden). I had another filling in another tooth, > but the filling broke and fell so I now have the > empty cavity of the tooth where the filling used > to be (I need to get that repaired). > > I was just watching Kristina's new video with the > challenge and yes, I did notice a huge change in > her jawline. So now that I know what you were > talking about, I can surely say that no, my > jawline is no where near hers, it's just a bit > swollen where the salivary gland is, plus those > lymph nodes. > > I have yet to watch a recent video of Dr. Graham. Ela, if you ever had amalgam, (mercury), fillings, even if they have since been replaced, you could be detoxing from having had them and that would cause headaches, sinus congestion, and salivary gland problems, etc. - not that that is your problem, this is a pretty common cluster of symptoms, but it does happen to a lot of people. On top of that mercury amalgam filling are a generational problem in that mercury easily passes the placental barrier between mother and fetus so even if your mother and/or your grandmother had such filling you could be the recipient of their detoxing into their fetus - your mother, and/or even your great grandmother - while pregnant, without ever having had had those fillings yourself. And, as we know, the burden of heavy metal poisoning bio accumulates on down the line. From what my alternative medicine M.D., (who was also a physicist), told me at the time, this detoxing of mercury into the fetus via the placental barrier happens most often into the mother's first fetus. Mercury also passes easily through the blood brain barrier and even if fillings weren't leaking at the time they were in teeth as just the act of chewing is enough to release mercury vapors which easily enters the brain and elsewhere. If your filling that fell out was a metal one just being unburdened from it could be enough to set off a detox cascade in the rest of your body. This happens a lot to people when they purposefully get mercury fillings removed. I can say from experience it is an extremely heavy duty mega scary detox regardless of having been on an exclusive raw vegan juice diet at the time. I'm glad you have good powers of observation, Ela. Here is a pretty recent video of Doug Graham in which I'm confident you are discerning enough to detect "that look" a easily as you detected it in fullyrawchristina. [www.youtube.com] Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2015 04:15PM by SueZ. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2015 06:44PM Ela wrote:
Regarding the hot pepper, I usually don't eat something like this, because I consider it an irritant and I'm sure I'll get adverse reactions. Tai: More precisely, it is a counter irritant. with anything really potent, one must learn how to use it. Dates, for example, pose danger to one's teeth, if one does not know to handle them. Yet, some people seem to thrive on them, yet they know how to handle their teeth. Hot pepper is similar. You wouldn't chop habaneros and then go touch your eyes, even though some people do use cayenne in eyewashes. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2015 08:49PM "As far as I know, I have no source of iodine in my food, I know is a widely spread common issue. I eat no seaweed and I definitely take no supplements with iodine (I heard that iodine supplementation is risky - there's a video about it on Rawsomehealthy channel). I need to search more on this as well."
That's correct, iodine deficiency affects nearly everyone and it's probably at the point where almost everyone should be supplementing with it unless you eat large amounts of sea vegetables. Watch this 4-part video from Gabriel Cousens to learn more. The U.S. RDA for iodine is extremely low and does not support anywhere near optimal thyroid function and on top of that, we need iodine more than ever due to radiation exposure, toxic halogens, and environmental pollution. [www.youtube.com] [www.youtube.com] [www.youtube.com] [www.youtube.com] "Yes, Jtprindl, I know it looks I blame everything on detox, but I don't have any other answer. Besides, every time I experienced such symptoms, it turned out it was detox. Alicia from Raw Synergy (whom I really trust) confirmed me it's detox. She said that she herself experienced the same thing with swollen lymph nodes and she explained to me the role of lymph nodes in detoxing. Also, Dr. Doug Graham confirmed it's detox and also 2 more persons on his forum told me the same thing, and one of them experienced this as well. And another good friend of mine in a raw vegan Facebook group told me it's detox too. So I believe yes, it's detox yet once again. Except that this time is the most intense detox so far." Okay but please consider that none of these people are trained health professionals, including Dr. Graham. Detox is always the go-to diagnosis when raw foodists start feeling ill, and while it's true in some cases, the frequency and severity of your detox symptoms can also be an indication of poor health or deficiencies. I've seen your raw food journals and there are many nutrients that there's no way you're getting the RDA, which especially isn't good because we want far more than the RDA for most nutrients for optimal health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 04, 2015 11:39AM John Rose, yesterday I compared Kristina from her recent video to one of her earlier videos and I clearly saw this difference. Obviously, I never met her in person, so I appologize if I offended her. But that was just my opinion based on what I saw. However, it could be just the fact that she isn't a girl anymore, she has grown into a woman now and it's natural that her characteristics changed.
Btw, you scared me with those quotes, so I hope there are no cancer cells in my lymph nodes. What kind of juices would you recommend? SueZ, what do you think would be the cause of a change in the jawline? What exactly process did you have in mind when you thought of this? I'm really interested in knowing this. Tai, I usually do my best to avoid hot peppers. Here we have a local variety of flat round bell peppers that sometimes are partially hot, like regular hot peppers. So everytime I bought them, I had to try bits of them first, to see if they were hot ones or not. I accidentally ate some hot bits and they were so irritant to me just from one small bite. I stopped eating them eventually. Also, I once used a capsicum cream for a massage as I had a cold and I needed to feel better. It was so strong and unpleasant that it almost felt like burning. I remember I tried washing it off and it was still very strong. So my history with hot peppers (in different forms) is a sign for me that I should stay away from them. Jtprindl, I'm well aware of the fact that I should get iodine in my diet somehow, but I chose not to eat seaweed, so I need to look more into other suitable iodine forms for me. As for the people I mentioned, to me it's enough that I got good advice from them and that I can relate to their experiences. I'd rather rely on their advice than to regular doctors' prescriptions. In time I learned to know my body a bit more and I trust this is detox too. Judging by the way in which it comes along this time too, I saw it follows the same pattern (from headaches and runny nose, going down to the throat and coughing - this is the pattern I always had on my detox). Regarding my diet, I know it's not perfect, I know it could be way better, I know there are improvements that could be made, but I'm doing the best I can. You must take into account the fact that I'm on a very tight budget and I can't afford things that others could easily buy so that they have a perfect raw vegan diet. I must get what I can afford and that's very little, especially in colder months, and it's basically the same food every day, so less variety of nutrients. But that's my situation and I must do with what I have. Still, I'd rather have this diet than a standard one or a cooked vegan one (as we all know, rice, flour, bread, pasta and potatoes are so cheap and available year round). But I also know where I'm coming from, I know the chaos in my diet before going raw vegan, I know the benefits I've experienced so far, so I have to go on with it even if it's not perfect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 04, 2015 01:34PM "I'm well aware of the fact that I should get iodine in my diet somehow, but I chose not to eat seaweed, so I need to look more into other suitable iodine forms for me."
Ela, probably the best of the bad ways to get iodine into yourself safely would be to paint an area of your skin with hospital strength Betadine antiseptic. (It stains everything so make provisions for that. ) There are plenty of old wivees' tales info on the web which say what how fast it is absorbs means. I do not endorse this method but have found in my own personal experiments on myself that there is enough truth to the method (for me at least) to give a very general idea of how bad one is in trouble if one is. Buy a roll of pH paper designed for testing saliva. Test your left and right mid inner salivary gland's saliva output separately. Then you can know if both sides have the same pH reading. To do this express the saliva by milking it by stroking downward, diagonally, on the outer area of your cheek with the tape inside at the source point the saliva exits the cheek somewhat like is done by people milking venom out of snakes. Then please get back to us when you have your results. Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2015 01:42PM by SueZ. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 09, 2015 12:49AM They say we need both iodine and iodide. I take Iosol and sometimes Iodoral. I'm not pathologically deficient, so I take only once a week, but only because I don't consume regular, iodized salt. There's been much written on the topic of Iodine supplementation, so much to wade through. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2015 03:33PM I'm happy to say that I'm almost back to normal now, I survived a 3 week detox. Now I need to really take the time to rest.
Thank you everyone for your support ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 15, 2015 03:16PM Today I encountered another problem. Following my detox (cold-like symptoms and swollen lymph nodes), my left ear hurts deep inside whenever I try to blow my nose, and I feel something bothering me in there, like a deep pain (not a severe one, but yet it's still there). While detoxing all this time, my ears felt like somehow stuffed (but not completely), and my hearing was not the same (but still, I could hear very well, but something was changed). Then, my hearing went somehow back to normal, but now this feeling in my left ear is worrying me. I read it's also connected to the cold-like symptoms, but I hope it's nothing serious.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 20, 2015 07:13PM "Yeah, many people have noticed Kristina's enlarged parotid glands in her videos from a few months back, seems to be less prominent from her most recent videos however."
I was talking about the area lower than the parotids. More the swelling under the jawline and the adjacent neck areas. Those areas is still enlarged in the most recent videos, imo. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 27, 2015 10:42AM Thank you so much, Gosia, I'm better now, the detox is almost over if not completely over, those lymph nodes seem to be normal now.
However, I've been through major gallbladder crisis, as I mentioned in my other thread [www.rawfoodsupport.com] But now I'm recovering from it, staying at home, eating small meals throughout the day (mostly sweet and non-sweet fruits) and drinking lots of water. I'm taking things day by day, baby steps. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: November 29, 2015 12:21AM Good to heat this. : ) Take care.
Gosia Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: December 01, 2015 10:57AM Thank you, Gosia.
Organic 1, I have to eat this way, otherwise I get pain. I'm not only eating sweet fruits, I'm also eating non-sweet fruits, plus I'm going to make carrot juices and butter lettuce juices. I don't want to take the chance and get another gallbladder attack by eating foods that irritate my gallbladder. I know about the issue of not eating fats which could cause a lazy gallbladder, but as I said so many times, I don't like fats and they don't make me feel as energetic as eating raw fruits and veggies. And each fruit and veggie has fats in it. I read that oranges increase the bile flow, and they are not the only one to do this, so there are other ways to help the bile flow beside fats. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2015 10:59AM by Ela2013. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: February 25, 2016 09:50AM Update.
After seeing that I still had swollen lymph nodes (my husband kept telling me this, and I saw this in the mirror too), I had a doctor appointment to check my lymph nodes and she said I have hypertrophy of parotid glands on both sides. From what I understood, the teeth issues could be a cause as well (a possible infection). She sent me to an allergy / immunology doctor. I have the appointment with the immunology doctor on March 8, and also the appointment with my dentist on this same day - it will be a busy and hopefully not painful day ![]() I'll keep you posted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: February 25, 2016 10:41AM Ela, I hope you get diagnosis.
I read that there could be many possible causes of hypertrophy of parotid glands, one of them being hypothyroidism (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3528147/), which in turn could be caused by iodine deficiency (http://www.diagnosisdiet.com/foods-and-hypothyroidism/). I am not suggesting that this is the case in your situation. Just something I read. Take care Gosia ![]() RawGosia channel RawGosia streams Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 08, 2016 07:43PM Another update.
Today I had the immunology doctor appointment to check my lymph nodes and she said I may have the Sjögren syndrome, an autoimmune disease. She suggested some specific blood tests to see if her suspicion is true. She said I could take medication to help reduce the parotid glands, but she wants to see the test results first. I told her I'm vegan and I don't like to take medication, and that it could be a lymphatic stagnation. She said that taking the detox route and not the traditional medication could lead to health deterioration. She said I would have to take mild medication at first, then stronger medication, to fight this autoimmune disease (if the tests confirm it). I liked that the immunology doctor was so nice and helpful and so lovely to talk to, she approved of the vegan diet and wasn't against natural healing. When I told her about my severe vitamin D deficiency, she even assured me that everyone has it, even those who eat meat. And she said that I don't have to take iodine (I told her I'm worried about my iodine intake as I believe I don't have enough - though I didn't tested for iodine level), as it's found in plants more than it's found in meat ![]() I will take those specific blood tests soon and post the results, the conclusions. Thank you so much, Gosia, she also gave me blood tests for autoimmune thyroiditis and for thyroid function. I'm thinking I should test my iodine level, to be sure it's ok. She said that the iodine level isn't related to thyroid issue (from what I understood). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 09, 2016 12:53AM Ela, you need lots of good water, vitamin D, Vitamin A, organic vegan iodine from seaweed, and plenty more Omega 3's (as in 3-4 T. a day of raw ground flax seeds) or it won't just be your hip that may become irreversibly trashed.
Diets don't have expiration dates but we who take them on do. Lifestyles can last forever but we who take them on don't. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 09, 2016 03:48AM I would check carnitine Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 09, 2016 11:32AM Panchito Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I would check carnitine Well maybe if she's in the final stages of kidney failure or something. Otherwise some asparagus here some avocados there should cover it. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 11:18AM Update.
I had the blood work for the specific tests for autoimmune diseases, I'm waiting for the results this week or next week. Today I had an ultrasound of the parotid glands, salivary glands, other lymph nodes and the thyroid. The doctor was amazing, so wonderful and kind, and well prepared profesionally, she totally agreed with my raw vegan diet and she made some interesting remarks. The ultrasound showed that everything is good regarding my lymph nodes and thyroid (she said I have a perfect thyroid). The parotid glands are enlarged but not much, they are similar in size long wise, but the right is thicker than the left, even though the left appears to be more enlarged (as I see it). But the lymph ducts are ok and clear and not enlarged or blocked. There are no tumours or nodes, but she saw a somehow granular appearance of the parotid glands, which may be connected to an autoimmune disease (normally they have to be smooth - she compared my granular aspect as opposed to the smooth aspect to the difference between salt / pepper and butter). Also, there is some slight vascularization in my parotid glands, more than it normally is, but nothing to be worried about (as I understood). She told me that there is a way to test if something is wrong by having a biopsy of the small salivary gland in the lower lip (which is a bit painful). The MRI wouldn't help, as the ultrasound shows a larger image. She said that due to my raw vegan diet and chewing so much raw veggies, I could have caused the over use of the parotid glands, making them do extra work in producing saliva to chew and digest, so they developed a lot during all this time, ever since I became raw vegan. There is nothing wrong with this, they are ment to work and produce saliva anyway (2 liters of saliva daily, she said), so it's like I started to train them really hard, like a muscle, so they developed more than those of a person with a standard diet. Another possibility could be to have a congenital particularity, or to have a genetic issue from my family (not necessary my parents, but uncles, aunts, etc.). Or to just be born with a particularity like this - I already have some particularities, so this wouldn't surprise me. She also said that there is no ultrasound of the parotid glands of a raw vegan that she can compare mine to, as everything that is taught and learned refers to people eating a standard diet. I'll keep you posted when I have more news. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2016 11:32AM by Ela2013. Re: Swelling of a lymph node
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 11:20AM Thank you, SueZ and Panchito.
My kidneys are ok, btw ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raw vegan for life. Vegan for the animals. Raw for my health. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.