Weak on Raw Food Diet
Posted by:
Date: February 11, 2016 10:30AM Hi
I decided late last year to increase the raw food content of my diet. I was already eating a healthy vegan diet, but still felt below par health-wise and wanted to increase the amount of raw food I was eating. When I started to do so, my desire to eat cooked food quickly went away - I was almost averse to it most of the time, apart from some odd snacks like rice cakes. The bulk of my food was sprouts (lentil, mung, green pea) and salads, and I was supplementing with Living Fuel (I may soon switch to Green Vibrance), Spirulina and some vegan omega 3. My digestive problems felt much better for the first time in years, and I felt fine in terms of energy. It was like I was really ready for this. But sadly, after a month or 2 of this, I suddenly started to feel very weak and breathless about 3 weeks ago, and this has persisted. My immunity seems to be low and I am picking up colds very easily, and still feel too weak to go to work (it is my second week off). The problem may be that I am not able to eat some really good raw foods that I love (like nuts, seeds and avocados) as they give me bad stomach problems, so maybe I am not getting the food bulk that I need. I am considering going back to a cooked meal per day - though I have no wish or appetite for it - even briefly returning to eggs to get my strength back more quickly. But I do not want to do this for the long term. Does anyone have any idea how I could stay raw vegan in the long run and make sure my body gets what it needs? Thank you Re: Weak on Raw Food Diet
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Date: February 11, 2016 10:40AM I should add that I also eat some fruit, but try to keep the amount low, as it seems to bring on some digestive discomfort (I think due to the sugar content) Re: Weak on Raw Food Diet
Posted by:
Date: February 12, 2016 05:33PM I recommend getting a complete blood test. See if you are low or functionally low in any nutrients or if you are anemic. If you really want to commit to the raw vegan diet, you really need to see what you are low in so you work on changing it. Functional ranges are more strict. Even if the laboratory ranges appear normal, the functional ranges may be abnormal and will indicate if you have a mild problem.
Lou Corona (and Ann Wigmore) teaches how to make sprouted fermented seed and nut yogurt to increase your protein (and fat) and to make these calorie rich foods easy to digest. People who were unable to digest nuts and seeds before can do so with his method. Google Lou Corona on youtube for his recipes and techniques. What kind of fruit are you eating that causes digestive discomfort? Are you buying from the farmer's market or are you buying from the store, which traditionally sells unripe fruit? Are you eating juicy fruits or dense fruits? I will post something later about sweet lemons, because they actually help the stomach AND fight off colds because of the high vitamin C content. Some fruits can help your digestion and where I live, they are still in season. Also papaya can help. Do you know how to use a tool like www.nutridiary.com that helps you keep track of your calorie and nutrient needs for your height and weight? Since you are considering returning to eggs, it would help to just get a blood test to see what you are low in and pinpoint what was lacking in your diet. As far as learning what to eat to stay raw, this is a big debate, because some people choose high fruit, others high fat and then there's Brian Clement who does low fruit and fat but high sprouts. Watch the videos of Brian Clement (low fruit, low fat, high sprouts), Annette Larkins (raw, sprouts and whatever else she feels like that day, whether high fruit or high fat), Lou Corona (high fat) and Robert Lockhart (high fruit) and see what resonates with your body. Note that Annette, Brian and Lou all drink green juice. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2016 05:35PM by Tai. Re: Weak on Raw Food Diet
Posted by:
Date: February 12, 2016 06:36PM you can't change to a completely different diet and expect no negative effects.
certainly good to get tested but it may not show anything, it may just mean that it takes time to adjust and clean out. Re: Weak on Raw Food Diet
Posted by:
Date: February 16, 2016 04:12PM Thanks very much for this very helpful information.
Sadly, even sprouted and fermented nuts are not digestible to me. This is really a shame as I love them and they would be a great and very easy source of fat and protein. I think I definitely tend towards the Brian Clement model of high sprouts & veggies and low fruit. Don't mind having a bit more fat. I just tend to notice that when I eat a lot of fruit, my digestive problems start to return. Had eggs back in for 2 days. It was enough. Didn't make any difference to strength, and really didn't enjoy them. Happily back to around 90% raw again now, and strength is starting to return... Re: Weak on Raw Food Diet
Posted by:
banana who
Date: February 16, 2016 04:44PM That sounds like anemia with the weakness and breathlessness. What about juicing? Maybe try getting in your nutrients that way: beets, carrots, maybe a base of celery and cuke for alkaline water, and parsley? Re: Weak on Raw Food Diet
Posted by:
Date: February 16, 2016 07:23PM Guy wrote
I just tend to notice that when I eat a lot of fruit, my digestive problems start to return. Tai I do agree with Bananawho about drinking green juice to build blood. I just posted a sharing about citrus, including sweet lemons which are good for the stomach and for weak immunity, which you have. [www.lemon-info.net] It's not useful to lump fruit into one simple category. You should be specific about what fruit is causing the problems and also share what fruit you haven't tried. Both Brian Clement and Lou corona recommend taking digestive enzymes when you first start out eating raw. they both believe in taking them long term, as well, but they strongly believe in them for beginners. Have you tried them? THey don't have to be expensive. Nzymes by Edward Howell is a pretty inexpensive product, which is a powder. It is also flavorless, and you can stir it into your food you should find out what's wrong with you. Also, since no strict raw foodist has responded to you yet, I would add that Brian Clement said up to 20% cooked will not harm the immune system. Starch that is cooked in water and does not exceed boiling temperature does not have the acrylamide formation that occurs with high temperature cooking. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2016 07:25PM by Tai. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.