Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 12, 2016 08:18PM Bananawho, belatedly, for the record, I have never had any other accounts than the one I have now - despite john rose having seemed to convince you in a PM that I was someone else and despite your insistence that I was a sockpuppet. I had just had it with his 'hitler was a good guy' agenda being on a raw vegan site and signed up as a member to say that. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 12, 2016 11:27PM NuNativs Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > "Jennifer" is quite bold she is for a newb... She's got to be a newb, though, because she is obviously ridiculously clueless about everybody here's relations. Does she really know anything about TSM, the guy in the video, or any of us? I doubt it. That rage chip on her shoulder is aimed solely at me. She's oddly fine with everything you said, for example, for someone who wants to come off only as a caring person who heroically feels the need to defend grown men from the comments of the "insensitive". Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2016 11:28PM by SueZ. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 13, 2016 02:49AM >>That rage chip on her shoulder is aimed solely at me.
and Jennifer's aim is SUPERB and accurate, although you will continue to be oblivious to the implications of it as you have very little self reflection. get ready jennifer, suez will be accusing me of being a "brownshirt" in 5..4...3..2..1... Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2016 02:52AM by fresh. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: March 13, 2016 03:27AM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Dear Sproutarian, > > I am in awe of the sproutarian Annette Larkins. > Here she is with the sproutarian Clements: > [www.youtube.com] I love Annette Larkins too and would love to spend an afternoon with her, maybe one day l will. Thanks for the video Tai,l am currently watching it and enjoying it over a massive helping of organic sunflower green juice (my favourite). It always pay to buy the black oilseeds instead of the gray striped variety because the more expensive black oilseeds give a much better harvest, grow better and the hulls fall off better. A large tray of black oilseeds yield 21 + oz of juice where-as a tray of gray striped seeds only yield about 8 oz if you are lucky. My sunflower greens were jam packed on my tray and looked beautiful. I harvested them with a ceramic knife. > > I totally relate to Annette having a refrigerator > outdoors. I have extended my kitchen into my > backyard. I like your idea Tai, nice one. :smile: > > John Kohler dissects her refrigerator, her sprouts > and garden in this video: > [www.youtube.com] Looking forward to watching that next. > > Annette is humble, loving, caring, harmonious, > content, spiritual and happy. Her diet is not the > only thing going for her. Diet is only a small part imo. All those things you mentioned above are my primary focus with healthy food being a distant second behind those things, BUT it all depends on one's unique circumstances how high food ranks. To me,if one is unbalanced and has a poor attitude then food won't help sustain health for too long. That's why l love Lou and Brian...those guys understand lifestyle and realise that food only plays a small role.Like Brian basically says, you can eat 100% raw, but it doesn't mean you are going to get well and heal. Caring for others and pure clean thinking etc needs to be the base of a great lifestyle. When you have clean thinking and you serve others out of love you become alive!!! www.thesproutarian.com Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2016 03:30AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: March 13, 2016 03:35AM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > "Here is a man l just found online". > > WTF? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It is not what he says that interests me, it is the fact that he wants to try and improve his life, and the fact that he is trying and sustaining on some of the foods that l promote. It is nice to see him taking a different approach and having it work for him. He may smoke and have a form mental illness, but that is part of his challenges in his journey, so be it. I wish him well. I love that he is choosing to eat well, that is a very good start. www.thesproutarian.com Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 13, 2016 03:45AM The Sproutarian Man Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > "Here is a man l just found online". > > > > WTF? > Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. > > > It is not what he says that interests me, it is > the fact that he wants to try and improve his > life, and the fact that he is trying and > sustaining on some of the foods that l promote. It > is nice to see him taking a different approach and > having it work for him. > > He may smoke and have a form mental illness, but > that is part of his challenges in his journey, so > be it. I wish him well. I love that he is choosing > to eat well, that is a very good start. TSM, thanks for coming back and clarifying. I wish him well, too. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: March 13, 2016 07:17AM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Dear Sproutarian, > > I am in awe of the sproutarian Annette Larkins. > Here she is with the sproutarian Clements: > [www.youtube.com] Tai: I really loved the video, she Brian and Anna-Marie are one of my own because they love and appreciate the sprouts. I love nothing more than to eat the sprout meals, l think that will always be my meal of choice. I don't even do it for the health aspects anymore, l do it out of habit and enjoyment and wouldn't even know how to eat any other way anymore. Eating the sprouts is so natural to me, it's all l want to eat. I still love what Brian says about blending and the mixing of fruits with vegetables. My intuition and experience with blending and mixing fruit and greens together tells me they are spot on when saying they aren't the best, l feel convinced on this and l will never be told any different. You couldn't pay me enough to mix fruits and vegetables together in the one meal, l also don't believe in mixing many fruits together either...it's mono fruit eating 99% of the time,it gets the best results for me. Got a big load of bean sprouts and lentil sprouts and algae soon for dinner, and l am looking forward to it. The fruit will never make me feel how the sprouts do, the sprouts always hit the right spot for me. For me the fruits and vegetables are really a side dish like Brian says and the sprouts are the main focus, but l prefer it best when the diet is 99.9% sprouts (by weight) with seaweed and algae as the side dish. www.thesproutarian.com Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: March 13, 2016 07:40AM jtprindl Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > When you make meals out of sprouted lentils, how > much do you eat? How much does 1 cup of raw, dry > lentils turn into when soaked and sprouted and do > you have any science on the nutrient increases > with lentils specifically? Near a cup of lentils can be eaten, but when it is sprouted it bulks up to a lot and takes a long time to eat/drink. Most of my meals take an hour. I do have science on the sprouting of lentils, quite a bit of it in fact. Much of it is not available online. Interestingly enough, the phytochemicals from lentil sprouts appear to be much more bioavailable than most foods studied, and twice as bioavailable than from green foods etc. The science of lentil sprouts is very very intersting, and sprouting for about 4 days reduces lectins (really bad indigestable and dangerous proteins) by roughly 85% and uric acid is also greatly reduced in that time, but massive changes happen when lentils are sprouted, and l I do write about these in my book. Lentil sprouts is a staple for me. I always dream of being a higher fat man living on nuts and seeds, but l do best on high fat lunches and lower fat dinners of sprouted carb/protein meals of legumes for dinner. I tried to make the transiting to nut paste dinners and very low carbs for full time eating (but NEVER ketosis..always at least 100 grams of carbs) , but it didn't quite work for me. I felt good but l got sick of eating such heavy foods day and night.....fruit doesn't work either because l get sick of that very quickly too and can't stand it. A combination of more heavy lunches with lighter eating legumes and/or some grains at night works well. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2016 07:48AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 13, 2016 08:05PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > TSM, thanks for coming back and clarifying. Clarifying what? In his introductory post, The Sproutarian Man said - "Here is a man l just found online. He understands the benefit of sprouted greens and ferments. He is decent weight too." So that was his explanation and clarification for posting the young sproutarian's Video ABOUT WHAT THE YOUNG SPROUTARIAN EATS. The Sproutarian Man was interested in this young sproutarian guy's sprout diet, which is solely what the video was about - the guy's sprout diet. You immediately humiliated The Sproutarian Man for posting the video. When you got called out on that, to make yourself relevant, you proceeded to search ("dig" ) through all the rest of the young sproutarian's videos looking for something to use against him (and The Sproutarian Man for promoting him to us) to assail his (and The Sproutarian Man's by association) character, until you found the autism/asperger's angle. You figured you struck pay dirt and proceeded to use the "mentally ill" card to defend yourself. When that got no traction, you went all in on the complex future disaster that The Sproutarian Man and the young sproutarian guy would reek through their lies and scamming of poor unfortunate autism/asperger's people in relation to the sprout diet and their reaction to being duped. When that tactic was exposed, you took to blaming the messenger, taking the spotlight off yourself. Luckily for you, The Sproutarian Man is a gentleman - for lack of another word at the moment - and smoothed everything over so you could pick up the pieces of your dignity. And - now you repay him for his kindness by saying he was not clear in his initial post! ********** So by saying 'thanks for clarifying' you are actually BLAMING The Sproutarian Man yet again - this time for not making himself clear, ACCUSING The Sproutarian Man of not being clear - when he did make himself perfectly clear in his first long post about his thoughts on the sprout diet and the evolution of his vision of his sprout diet, and the softening of his ideology. Then posting the video as an example of others' versions and use of the sprout diet - the video being all about the sprout diet. Then more explanation by The Sproutarian Man of how he wants to promote the sprout diet so it will be more doable in the future. So yes, The Sproutarian Man was perfectly clear from the get go. And your treatment of them is also perfectly clear to anyone who can read and reason. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2016 08:15PM by Jennifer. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 13, 2016 08:40PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > NuNativs Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > "Jennifer" is quite bold she is for a newb... > > She's got to be a newb, though, because she is > obviously ridiculously clueless about everybody > here's relations. Does she really know anything > about TSM, the guy in the video, or any of us? I > doubt it. That rage chip on her shoulder is aimed > solely at me. She's oddly fine with everything you > said, for example, for someone who wants to come > off only as a caring person who heroically feels > the need to defend grown men from the comments of > the "insensitive". Clearly a newb. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2016 05:09AM TSM wrote:
My intuition and experience with blending and mixing fruit and greens together tells me they are spot on when saying they aren't the best Tai: I understand that sometimes what is best isn't always what is practical. I have been making raw spinach/lettuce smoothies with organic mango juice and water and people have been loving them, and I have to say I feel a lot of antioxidants in them. And I always have blended nopal with fruit and bitter greens with fruit, because fruit is usually too sweet alone and the really bitter greens are just so bitter. I know your way is totally different, but just sharing a different way. Also, recently I spoke with an acquaintance who lived and worked at the Ann WIgmore institue in Puerto Rico and he said that the energy soup was not done solely because Ann Wigmore was thrifty, as Brian CLement suggests, but because it was a nourishing and whole food. He's 6 foot and he said there would have been no way he could have ever completed his work day without the energy soups. He said if he would only have been given green juices, that just would not have been enough calories and nutrients for him. So, he feels the energy soups were based on Ann's wisdom vs. tight purse strings. P.S. to SueZ, Jennifer, TSM and anyone else, I think there is a misunderstanding here, because TSM is from Australia and his perception of the popularity of sprouting is more limited to Australia, where sprouting is very expensive and hence not as popular as in AMerica, especially in California. TSM and SueZ are forum friends actually. Recently a raw vegan enthusiast revealed to TSM how challenging the sproutarian lifestyle is for a busy schedule and that actually could have been one of the reasons for TSM to write this. SOme people try year after year trying to eat high raw or all raw and fail just because of the time constraints. SO I feel like TSM was showing how a young person can eat high raw and sprouted at that and still be making strides in life. ANd I think this is why the Hippocrates Institute figured out how much cooked a person could eat without depressing the immune system (~20%), because they knew not everyone would have enough time or money to be all raw, but still wanted to be on a high raw program for healing. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2016 05:12AM by Tai. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2016 01:08PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > P.S. to SueZ, Jennifer, TSM and anyone else, I > think there is a misunderstanding here, > TSM and SueZ are forum friends actually. There is no 'misunderstanding'. Yes, TSM is another of SueZ's servile fawning followers who keeps getting 'disrespected', humiliated, insulted and kicked in the teeth in the public forum and still comes back for more abuse from her time and time again. He's her best whipping boy. It's sad to witness really. To let someone get away with such despicable behavior but there are those enablers who will not stand up and call the bully out for what they are. Nunativis joined the ranks of her admirers in this thread, yet he's been the target of such humiliation himself, so what does that say about him. To see a female excusing her behavior is a bit shocking, though, Tai. Because TSM has no self-respect, is afraid of SueZ, and admires abusive women doesn't excuse her behavior. She's the bully of the board and everyone's afraid to call her out on it, just keep kowtowing to 'her'. Oh, make no mistake, she'll go back to being the polite technically knowledgeable SueZ for quite some time now, lording it over the board, until her true character is revealed when the opportunity presents itself and 'she' can't resist showing her true colors again. And that's the character of the person you want as your raw food diet adviser. What does that say about what kind of person you are. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2016 01:15PM by Jennifer. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: March 14, 2016 02:06PM Another very insightful Post Jennifer!!!
I’ve been calling PooZ out for her behavior ever since she starting posting years ago and some people are so naïve that they think that it’s my ego defending me. But this has NOTHING to do with me and my ego - it has everything to do with this disgusting SICK Psychopathic Troll who CRAPS wherever she goes, except when I call her on it and as you mentioned, “she'll go back to being the polite technically knowledgeable SueZ for quite some time now,” but she’s not fooling me. So Prana, why do you allow this Troll to keep posting? Are you another one of PooZ’s whipping boys or are you going to man up and ban this disgusting excuse of a human being? ![]() Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2016 02:47PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > TSM wrote: > My intuition and experience with blending and > mixing fruit and greens together tells me they are > spot on when saying they aren't the best > > Tai: > I understand that sometimes what is best isn't > always what is practical. I have been making raw > spinach/lettuce smoothies with organic mango juice > and water and people have been loving them, and I > have to say I feel a lot of antioxidants in them. > And I always have blended nopal with fruit and > bitter greens with fruit, because fruit is usually > too sweet alone and the really bitter greens are > just so bitter. I know your way is totally > different, but just sharing a different way. > > Also, recently I spoke with an acquaintance who > lived and worked at the Ann WIgmore institue in > Puerto Rico and he said that the energy soup was > not done solely because Ann Wigmore was thrifty, > as Brian CLement suggests, but because it was a > nourishing and whole food. He's 6 foot and he > said there would have been no way he could have > ever completed his work day without the energy > soups. He said if he would only have been given > green juices, that just would not have been enough > calories and nutrients for him. So, he feels the > energy soups were based on Ann's wisdom vs. tight > purse strings. > > P.S. to SueZ, Jennifer, TSM and anyone else, I > think there is a misunderstanding here, because > TSM is from Australia and his perception of the > popularity of sprouting is more limited to > Australia, where sprouting is very expensive and > hence not as popular as in AMerica, especially in > California. TSM and SueZ are forum friends > actually. Recently a raw vegan enthusiast > revealed to TSM how challenging the sproutarian > lifestyle is for a busy schedule and that actually > could have been one of the reasons for TSM to > write this. SOme people try year after year > trying to eat high raw or all raw and fail just > because of the time constraints. SO I feel like > TSM was showing how a young person can eat high > raw and sprouted at that and still be making > strides in life. ANd I think this is why the > Hippocrates Institute figured out how much cooked > a person could eat without depressing the immune > system (~20%), because they knew not everyone > would have enough time or money to be all raw, but > still wanted to be on a high raw program for > healing. Thank you, Tai. Glad to know that you understand. And I hope you are beginning to understand just how dangerous and ugly these trolls who put hitler on a pedestal around here actually are. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2016 03:27PM SueZ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > SueZ Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > NuNativs Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > "Jennifer" is quite bold she is for a newb... > > > > She's got to be a newb, though, because she is > > obviously ridiculously clueless about everybody > > here's relations. Does she really know anything > > about TSM, the guy in the video, or any of us? > I > > doubt it. That rage chip on her shoulder is > aimed > > solely at me. She's oddly fine with everything > you > > said, for example, for someone who wants to > come > > off only as a caring person who heroically > feels > > the need to defend grown men from the comments > of > > the "insensitive". > > Clearly a newb. Remember, not too long ago when john rose threatened to have me killed and fresh said he thought I was exaggerating that threat? Maybe fresh was onto something. Maybe rose recruited someone to try and 'figuratively' kill me - someone he could coach into seeming to be a raw vegan and not someone trolling here. Who would be a good choice for rose, someone with a perceived mutual vested interest, for rose to call on for his brown shirt posse? How about that knucklehead woman works at KristinaFullyRaw's public relations company? The one who allegedly sent Rawvana that goofy cease and desist letter for posting a YouTube video that had ingredients similar to one of Kristina's recipes? This Jennifer(?) one is very reminiscent of that Je$$ica (?) one. What do you think? Could they be the same per$on? Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: March 14, 2016 04:08PM PooZ wrote,
Another Straw Man Argument to try to take the focus off of her, which is typical Psychopathic Behavior!!! ![]() Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Anon 102
Date: March 14, 2016 04:50PM Ban, PooZ, the psychotic troglodyte troll now. ![]() Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2016 05:16PM Jennifer wrote:
To see a female excusing her behavior is a bit shocking, though, Tai. Tai: I am not excusing anything. The practice that TSM and I both do is called "looking inside." If someone, friend or foe, attacks our speech, we look inside before we talk back. We search to see if there was something we said that was inappropriate. A person could say 10 wrong things about us, but perhaps there might be one correct thing they said and it's that one thing that we try to cultivate away. Jennifer wrote: Because TSM has no self-respect, is afraid of SueZ, and admires abusive women doesn't excuse her behavior. Tai: TSM just praised Annette Larkins in this thread and said he wanted to spend an afternoon with her. Annette epitomizes anti-abuse. In the John Kohler video, she revealed how she is very careful whom she allows into her home. That is who TSM admires. TSM has tons of self respect. Jennifer wrote: And that's the character of the person you want as your raw food diet adviser. Tai: SueZ is not my raw food diet advisor. I have carefully listened to everyone's sharings on the forum, including both JOhn Rose and SueZ. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2016 05:27PM If TSM had self-respect in regards to SueZ, he would not have let her walk all over him - by insulting, attacking and humiliating him - again and again in front of everyone on the board. And then instead of standing up for himself when she did attack him, he only ever came back friendlier than ever for her to abuse him again. He is the poster boy for the rest of her cowed toady minions, of which NuNativis has joined the ranks. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2016 06:44PM Jennifer wrote:
If TSM had self-respect in regards to SueZ Tai: Yes, he does...it's called forbearance. TSM has changed and he would tell you that looking back on his past self...that there were things he had to change and it's no wonder that some people called him out on those things. Just because some of the people who criticized him in the past had infused their criticisms with their own prejudices, biases and egotistical colorings doesn't negate the valid things they had perceived. The only reason I am going on about this is because TSM and I are friends, and he is incredibly unique in that he actively works on improving his character. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 14, 2016 06:55PM I am not a sproutarian but have been sprouting food for over 35 years and so realize the challenges (especially for raw foodists) who want to up the ante.
While I realize it wouldn't be considered an "ideal" solution for hard core raw vegan sproutarians, I have found this Rene Oswald video very helpful in keeping ahead of what is immediately needed in the raw vegan kitchen so as not to have to resort to cooked food unless one wants to... [www.youtube.com] Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
The Sproutarian Man
Date: March 15, 2016 05:53AM I would like to address Suez, Tai and Jennifer in coming days. I have a 19+ hour day that started in the middle of the night and probably goes to after midnight, so no time to address this thread today. I think l should clear a few things up, and l feel folks here may appreciate that if l do.
Was planning to write during my lunch break but the mighty Mr Kearns visited me today. What did he eat for breakfast? I think it was sprouts. Mr Kearns wakes up in the middle of the night so he can sprout and cultivate,and l try to wake up in the middle of the night also so l can do the same. What do we usually talk about?.,..we talk about having compassion and forbearance and being kind to others, we are making that the focus of our lives so we become good people with pure hearts,and we really love doing it too. Regards: The Sproutarian. www.thesproutarian.com Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2016 05:55AM by The Sproutarian Man. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 02:01PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Jennifer wrote: > To see a female excusing her behavior is a bit > shocking, though, Tai. > Tai: > I am not excusing anything. The practice that TSM > and I both do is called "looking inside." If > someone, friend or foe, attacks our speech, we > look inside before we talk back. We search to see > if there was something we said that was > inappropriate. A person could say 10 wrong things > about us, but perhaps there might be one correct > thing they said and it's that one thing that we > try to cultivate away. That's very interesting, Tai, but I don't think that practice relates to the issue of SueZ attempting to besmirch TSM and the sproutarian video guy's character and ruin their reputation, and you, TSM, Nunativis and everyone else giving her a free pass and enabling her and coming to her defense, and not calling her out on it, and immediately jumping back on the board posting threads about the raw food diet so she can jump in and behave as if she's the boss of the board again and you all can be her little fawning followers again and disregard her unethical immoral behavior. Defend the perpetrator, enable the bully and shoot the messenger. Is it healthy to raise a child and ignore their bad, abusive behavior toward others, to praise them for it and let them 'get away with' such behavior? Doesn't that create bullies or worse? Then why give a free pass to, condone and enable adults who are of the same ilk? I thought 'anti-bullying' was a thing, so why does everyone look up to and kowtow to the bully. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 02:15PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------ > The practice that TSM > and I both do is called "looking inside." If > someone, friend or foe, attacks our speech, we > look inside before we talk back. We search to see > if there was something we said that was > inappropriate. A person could say 10 wrong things > about us, but perhaps there might be one correct > thing they said and it's that one thing that we > try to cultivate away. My practice is the opposite. I practice something called "Discernment". Which means that for every ten things a person says to me - and their actions in relation to what they say - if nine of them are honest and true and reflect my values of honesty, loyalty, faithfulness, truthfulness and integrity, but the one thing said - like a lie - or the one action taken - like disloyalty - is not in keeping with my values, I will then go to that person and express my thoughts and feelings about such. I will try to have a heart-to-heart conversation in hopes of their being forthright and honest with me so I can forgive and we can start over. If they cannot or will not be true to themselves and me, or if they instead accuse me of lying or being delusional or paranoid, I'll continue the association with a little piece of my heart missing. After a few more such incidents, however, I'll have to end the association for my own health and well-being. I am discerning in who I choose to keep in my life and associate with because over the years I find that people with the character traits of dishonesty, deceitfulness, disloyalty, duplicity - unethical people are also untrustworthy. And without trust in someone, I find that I feel off-balance, suspicious, confused, unsettled and unpeaceful when I'm with them or interacting with them and while they're in my life. And I find that damaging to my peace of mind and to my emotional, mental and physical health in the short and long term. So I can only be true to myself and take care of my self if I'm discerning in who I choose to associate with. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: March 15, 2016 02:37PM Tai wrote:
<<<Yes, he does...it's called forbearance.>>> According to Webster’s Dictionary, Forbearance means the quality of someone who is patient and able to deal with a difficult person or situation without becoming angry. So where does PROTESTING AGAINST EVIL mean that anyone is Angry? All it means is that SOME of us don’t want EVIL in our lives and it doesn’t even have to do with Righteous Indignation. Indeed, ALL of us need to heed these very profound words… “He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” -Henry David Thoreau “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” -Albert Einstein “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” -Abraham Lincoln “Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.” -Mahatma Gandhi “Against every great and noble endeavor are a thousand mediocre minds.” -Albert Einstein “There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” -Henry David Thoreau “Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.” -Confucius But Confucius did not believe in returning good for evil. For if you reward the man who hurts you with kindness, he reasoned, what do you have left to give the man who is kind to you? So putting up with EVIL Trolls on a Message Board that helps people get rid of their SUFFERING is one of the many FLAWS in Spirituality, as is reflected in this older Post of mine… [www.rawfoodsupport.com] Re: Illuminati, New World Order, your worst enemy Posted by: John Rose Date: January 18, 2014 11:00PM <<<Denial is not the solution that Wilcock or even the spiritual masters propose.>>> Denial is obviously NOT the Solution to any of our Problems - Denial is an Obstacle and since Acceptance is the same thing as Denial, Acceptance is also an Obstacle!!! <<<Instead, it is acceptance, and then love.>>> Let’s start with Acceptance!!! Acceptance is one of the many FLAWS in Spirituality or more specifically, Acceptance is one of the many FLAWS in the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success or even more specifically, Acceptance is one of the many FLAWS in The Law of Least Effort. According to The Law of Least Effort, “I will practice Acceptance. Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. I will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against the moment. My acceptance is total and complete. I accept things as they are this moment, not as I wish they were.” JR: P O P P Y -- C O C K!!! Acceptance is Denial!!! According to The Law of Least Effort, “Having accepted things as they are, I will make Responsibility for my situation and for all those events I see as problems. I know that taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for my situation and this includes myself. I also know that every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows me to take this moment and transform it into a greater benefit.” JR: More BS!!! I’ll take Responsibility, BUT I will NOT Blame myself!!! This part deserves repeating… According to The Law of Least Effort, “I know that taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for my situation and this includes myself. OMG!!! Does anyone really believe this TRIPE?!?!?! I’ll take Responsibility, BUT I will NOT Blame anyone or anything and this includes myself!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! I’ll take Responsibility, BUT I will NOT Blame myself!!! How can anyone read this and actually believe it?!?!?! If you REFUSE to Blame yourself, then you are NOT taking Responsibility!!! Once again, Acceptance is Denial!!! Now that we clearly understand that Acceptance is Denial, let’s take a look at Love. <<<We are love, and love is the most healing and powerful force in the universe.>>> Yes, “Love is the Most Healing and Powerful Force in the Universe,” but Collectively, we are NOT Love - Collectively, we are SICK and Dis-Connected and telling people that Love is the Answer is just like telling people that we should Cooperate with one another or that we must Obey the 10 Commandants or that we must Practice the 7 Spiritual Laws in that all of them are on our To Get List and NOT on our To Do List. In other words, all of these are a given or an automatic when we simply Satisfy all of our Needs and this includes Correcting the Biggest Mistake we ever made that Destroys the Nutrient that Feeds 1 of our Senses and creates the Dark Side to our Behavior and, therefore, the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior. So Love and Acceptance do NOT Remove the Causes or Correct our Mistakes that create most of our Illnesses and Ill-Behaviors, including the Dark Side to our Behavior and, therefore, the Darkest of the Dark Side of our Behavior. Once again, we have to take Responsibility for our Actions and thinking that Love and Acceptance Removes Causes or Corrects Mistakes is Delusional!!! Peace and Love..........John [www.rawfoodsupport.com] ![]() Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: March 15, 2016 03:04PM I think that this comment I read about 6 weeks ago in the Comments Section from Markus Rothkranz’s Video - The Speech of a Lifetime sums it up…
All Mark Passio The Great Work 4 days ago +Markus Rothkranz there are 2 principles to living a moral life the non-aggression principal and the self-defense principal they are both necessary..... it’s called do no harm but take no shite ![]() Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 05:04PM NuNativs Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Somethings amiss here, not sure what. Keep digging > Suez... Got it! If you're interested I'll PM you what I've found. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 07:14PM To Jennifer and John Rose,
Prana is the moderator of the board, not me. I was at a trade show this weekend and I was going to share even more things I found, but I had to take some time to defend TSM. This isn't a mud fight forum, it's supposed to be about raw food. With all this craziness, I will probably just start my own website. When I first joined sharing with vegans online a couple of years ago, I tried to correct people. It took too much time and didn't accomplish much. For example, I once got into a long discussion with Harley under one of his alias names and I was trying to convince him to stop using the "F" word which I can't stand. He was so aggressive. My argument won out and he deleted all his responses, which made my responses look odd on his video, so I had to modify my responses. What time that took! And then months later or a couple of years later, he publishes that book, "Carb the F#@! Up" and then he gets a loyal following, who blatantly started using that word on their youtube videos. Some people are determined not to change, but some people are, like TSM, Mr. Kearns and Living Food. And John Rose, I am willing to stand up for important things. I followed the then Chinese president Jiang Zemin to several countries, protesting his murderous rampage. I know what a true psychopath is and so do my murdered friends. I put in my time volunteering for environmental and vegan organizations. Jennifer, you have accused both TSM and I of untrue things. I don't have the time to correct you point by point. You have insisted to falsely characterize me as SueZ's "fawning follower" and falsely tell me, a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist of 16 years that SueZ is my raw food diet advisor. Without even taking the time to know me, you have already started to defame me publicly, which is libel. And for the record, forbearance doesn't exclude discernment and inherently includes truth. It's time for everyone on the forum to grow up. John Rose, you have to be prepared for people to be shocked at some of the things you write, and you can't automatically assume that these people are shills who respond to you in shock. To SueZ and Jennifer, John Rose, Fresh and others, when you exaggerate and include sarcasm, expect karmic backlash and don't expect busy people who want nothing to do with such karmic mudslinging to get involved. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2016 07:19PM by Tai. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 08:01PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Jennifer, you have accused both TSM and I of > untrue things. I don't have the time to correct > you point by point. You have insisted to falsely > characterize me as SueZ's "fawning follower" You wrongly paraphrased my words - I said, "and you all can be her little fawning followers" meaning all the enablers (plural) CAN BE her fawning followers - not that YOU ARE her fawning follower (singular), which is what you just accused me of saying. Because the words "can be" and "you are" are not the same. So that was a false accusation on your part. In fact, I call that defamation and libel on your part. > and falsely tell me, a licensed acupuncturist and > herbalist of 16 years that SueZ is my raw food > diet advisor. Wrong again. I said exactly, "And that's the character of the person you want as your raw food diet adviser." The words, "IS" and "YOU WANT AS" are two different things. I call that defamation and libel on your part. I hate to break it to you, but every time any person on the board gives advice to someone else on the board, they are acting as that person's 'raw food adviser'. And this is interesting that I've been criticizing SueZ and her loyal servile toadys, enablers,etc., as a collective and you accuse me of defamation and libel of you individually, but SueZ defames and libels many individuals - TSM, the sproutarian video guy and about ten other people on the board continually over the years, and all you do is excuse her behavior right, left and center. And even right this minute you shine the spotlight on my words instead of hers. Because you're a master herbalist or whatever you said you are, you seem to have anointed yourself the judge as to who is the guilty party here in this issue of SueZ defaming and libeling TSM and the young sproutarian video guy in this thread, and you seem to have decided it's me - defend the perpetrator, shoot the messenger. So it's all about you now - the issue of SueZ defaming and libeling TSM and the sproutarian video guy has morphed into being all about you. First time I've seen you get your feathers ruffled, Tai, and drop the spiritual mumbo jumbo. I must be that good ![]() But I do know you and like you fine, honey - it's SueZ and her slavish enablers I have a problem with. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2016 08:10PM by Jennifer. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 08:20PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > The practice that TSM > and I both do is called "looking inside." If > someone, friend or foe, attacks our speech, we > look inside before we talk back. We search to see > if there was something we said that was > inappropriate. A person could say 10 wrong things > about us, but perhaps there might be one correct > thing they said and it's that one thing that we > try to cultivate away. Hey, I'm honored that it looks as if when you looked inside yourself before you talked back to me, you found something inappropriate that you said, and that you found that there was actually more than one correct thing I said about you that you need to cultivate away - judging from the response I just got from you ![]() Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.