Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 08:50PM Tai said, (in part),...
"Jennifer, you have accused both TSM and I of untrue things. I don't have the time to correct you point by point. You have insisted to falsely characterize me as SueZ's "fawning follower" and falsely tell me, a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist of 16 years that SueZ is my raw food diet advisor. Without even taking the time to know me, you have already started to defame me publicly, which is libel. And for the record, forbearance doesn't exclude discernment and inherently includes truth. , " Correcting this "new poster of the month" point by point would take FOREVER. I have NEVER seen such low comprehension skills as her's outside of some of the jaw dropping poster's opinions on KristinaFullyRaw's eye color change video claiming she was inferring that blue eyes were superior to brown eyes. Where do these people with such low comprehension come from? It's mind boggling. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 09:02PM Wow - SueZ just defamed and libeled me by saying I have low comprehension skills and she defamed and libeled the posters of FullyRawKristina's video for their 'jaw dropping opinions'. But it's okay for her to do so because the spotlight is on me now, not SueZ and her character assassination tactics that we just witnessed in this thread... Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 09:45PM Jennifer:
Hey, I'm honored that it looks as if when you looked inside yourself before you talked back to me, you found something inappropriate that you said, and that you found that there was actually more than one correct thing I said about you that you need to cultivate away - judging from the response I just got from you Tai: I did look inside and found a few things I need to cultivate. One thing I realized is that I do need my own website. I need to save as much time as possible and I can't afford to get involved with so much conflict just to share about FOOD. I also need to be on my own website because some outsiders will mistakenly accuse me of failing to do the moderator's job, when they come onto the raw food support forum and see mudslinging and libeling among other forum members. So somehow my reputation will be on the line just by posting on this forum. I found other things too. I meant what I said. I did take your contribution to heart and found things in myself to look at. At the same time, I will defend myself against untrue serious statements. Libel isn't just about making a printed false statement. There has to be the intent to defame. To paraphrase wikipedia, defamation is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, etc. To be sure, there have been many posts that have been libelous on the raw food support forum. I reported a few to Prana. I didn't see him do anything about them, but that doesn't mean he didn't give warnings. I don't know what if anything has been done. I don't need or want to get into any personal confrontations with any forum members. I mentioned I have friends whose families are being tortured and killed. I have real problems to deal with. I have actual problems. I don't need to waste my time with arguments inside a forum that is supposed to be a safe haven, a refuge, an oasis in the desert. If I feel strongly, I can report my complaint to Prana or send someone a PM or email, as I have done several times in the past. To reiterate, I have seen so much libel on this forum, but it's not my business to get pubicly involved, unless it involves me. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2016 10:32PM Tai, I have been on a few private forums which were run by professional computer experts that required monthly fees, ($10.00+), to join. They had some very nice features that made the cost well worth it. The paying sites always have an "ignore poster" feature which allows members to have a more customized and efficient experience. If you went that route you could leave the monitoring to web pros and would not have to disclose your ownership of the site to the public or members while still retaining the ability to call all the shots.
I would be very leery, when dealing with the touchy subject of diet, especially in this particular community, of showing your face on websites if you intend to share anything that anyone could considered controversial and that might somehow trigger a crazy person. Almost anything can trigger a crazy person. I think TSM is wise not to show his face on his videos. I can't think of any reason for people who have serious info to share to not be able to remain private on their videos and websites unless the fame of their image is necessary to their goals. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2016 10:41PM by SueZ. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Anon 102
Date: March 16, 2016 08:40PM SueZ is reveling in the spotlight . She craves attention and when she cannot get it in a good way she creates controversy. Being lonely from since the days of the Trojan war to present day can do that to you. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 16, 2016 09:43PM SueZ, I will just share on TSM's website. I was just thinking of blogging on my own website, but now that I think about it, that's not really so fitting for my job. It works out anyway, because I plan on working with TSM more, as I include more sprouts and sprout juices.
SueZ, correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I have read in your entries, you actually deeply care about TSM. And I have actually perceived that you have been rooting for TSM's evolution. BUt when you write things like: "I also am not much impressed with his use of his site's membership in his little ambushes," then a casual peruser is going to think the opposite about your feelings for him. Why even speculate, when you can ask someone directly who they are and where they are from? And if you make a mistake, why not admit it for the sake of fostering friendliness in the forum? Sometimes it's better to not think out loud, when the thoughts potentially deride another and have no current basis of facts. IT's better to do one's homework first before airing negative speculation on the internet. TO John Rose, it's unethical to fight evil with evil. Two wrongs don't make a right. Talking about stabbing is wrong, not to mention resorting to physical violence (but you wouldn't do that, right?). When you air such controversial topics that you do, you have to be prepared for any and all responses, including from passionate ordinary citizens who are not paid schills. And if you attract these passionate ordinary citizens, don't be surprised if these passionate people are vociferous and outspoken. And you shouldn't resort to violent speech, when they never agree with you. I really didn't like writing that just now. That is the job of the moderator. My time should be spent sharing about new things that people don't know on this forum. To Jennifer, I have been working 7 days a week since January and sharing on this forum was supposed to a really quick excursion for me. If it demands more than a quick sharing, then I simply have to pass. Life is too stressful and demanding at this time. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 16, 2016 11:36PM Tai Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- SueZ, correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I > have read in your entries, you actually deeply > care about TSM. And I have actually perceived > that you have been rooting for TSM's evolution. That is true. > BUt when you write things like: "I also am not > much impressed with his use of his site's > membership in his little ambushes," then a casual > peruser is going to think the opposite about your > feelings for him. Maybe you are right about that. I'll set that straight for casual benevolent peruses who I might have confused on that issue, right now, hopefully - I thought with that youtube post that TSM was very unclear and was outraged that he intended it to be a hit and run post when, IMO, it really needed further explanation as it, IMO, sent really mixed messages and some that seemed to me were not in TSM's best interest, or intention, to send. I also didn't think that that young man's message was either really sproutarian or raw vegan. I have, in the past, felt ambushed by someone from his website before here (which you and he have since cleared up) and I wanted to know FROM HIM that he had nothing to do with the new poster of the month's attack - which I was grateful that he came back and showed me. That the malevolents didn't think what he said was clarifying for me is of no interest to me to further clarify for them. The malevolents are not going to suddenly turn benevolent by proving to them that TSM clarified for me what I wanted to have clarified. Why even speculate, when you > can ask someone directly who they are and where > they are from? I wanted a response from someone I trusted - TSM. And if you make a mistake, why not > admit it for the sake of fostering friendliness in > the forum? I did apologize. I felt horrible that I commented before realizing the nature of the young man in the video's issues. Would have been nice to have been warned of that by TSM though, IMO, (and don't you think so too?), as those kind of issues, even though they are severe, are mostly invisible. Sometimes it's better to not think out > loud, when the thoughts potentially deride another > and have no current basis of facts. IT's better > to do one's homework first before airing negative > speculation on the internet. Sometimes it is better to think out loud, IMO. Had you asked me out loud what I thought of you starting a thread on me before you did it I would have asked you not to as my enemies would use it as another convenient signposted place to attack me, which they did, for instance. We all get caught up in the moment sometimes and fish - especially when someone has announced they are leaving - rather than doing homework, don't we? Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: March 17, 2016 01:17AM Tai wrote,
<<<And John Rose, I am willing to stand up for important things. I followed the then Chinese president Jiang Zemin to several countries, protesting his murderous rampage. I know what a true psychopath is and so do my murdered friends.>>> NOTHING is more important than Correcting the Fall of Mankind, which is behind ALL of those things that everyone else thinks is important!!! “There are thousands hacking at the branches of EVIL to one who is striking at the root.” -Henry David Thoreau Once again, NOTHING is more important in the Grand Scheme of things than RAW FOOD and putting up with EVIL Trolls on a RAW FOOD Message Board that helps people get rid of their SUFFERING is the same thing as “Cooperating with EVIL”!!! “He who accepts EVIL without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” -Henry David Thoreau The sad point here Tai is that you have a kind heart, but you are an ENABLER and like most ENABLERS, you don’t even know it!!! ![]() Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: March 17, 2016 01:28AM <<<TO John Rose, it's unethical to fight evil with evil. Two wrongs don't make a right. Talking about stabbing is wrong, not to mention resorting to physical violence (but you wouldn't do that, right?). When you air such controversial topics that you do, you have to be prepared for any and all responses, including from passionate ordinary citizens who are not paid schills. And if you attract these passionate ordinary citizens, don't be surprised if these passionate people are vociferous and outspoken. And you shouldn't resort to violent speech, when they never agree with you.>>>
All I can say is WOW!!! Sometimes I can’t figure out where you’re coming from and then I think, maybe she doesn’t read every post or maybe she forgets what she’s read or maybe she assumes too much or maybe she actually thinks she knows what I know or maybe her being relatively new to Message Boards makes her somewhat naïve and then, I give up trying to do what she seems to think she knows how to do and that is to KNOW what the other person KNOWS and what they are thinking. Anyway, in case you haven’t read this post, this Post DESTROYS EVERYTHING you just accused me of… [www.rawfoodsupport.com] Re: Is Getting Angry The Best Way to Get Motivated? Posted by: John Rose Date: February 05, 2016 10:54PM fresh wrote: <<<and I do suspect that the stab phrase is figuratively speaking, but of course Suez wishes to dramatize and distort it.>>> As always, PooZ is very PREDICTABLE!!! PooZ wrote: <<<STRAW MAN>>> JR wrote: <<<I am willing "to stun and stab all these detestable monsters" and I have a game plan>>> Yes, I have a Game Plan to Stun, Stab and Destroy the Powers that Be and all of their Minions, like PooZ too, and I’ve shared my Game Plan countless times as it’s all over my Posts and my Videos. Here’s a hint... MY GAME PLAN IS STRONGER THAN ALL OF THE ARMIES IN THE WORLD!!! “There is one thing stronger than all of the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come.” -Victor Hugo [www.rawfoodsupport.com] ![]() Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2016 01:31AM by John Rose. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 17, 2016 10:08AM SueZ wrote:
Had you asked me out loud what I thought of you starting a thread on me before you did it I would have asked you not to as my enemies would use it as another convenient signposted place to attack me, which they did Tai: Yes, that was wrong of me. Hindsight is 20/20. That was last year, right? I felt bad about that. Sorry. I made this video tonight for the Sproutarian Man. It's just a video of the sprouted food section in the bulk area of a health food store in the United States. Here he can see how popular sprouting has become in America. I don't think TSM has visited America yet. It's a very expensive endeavor in Australia, from what he has shared. [www.youtube.com] I also wanted to tell him that at the farmer's markets in my area, there are always booths that sell a variety of sprouts, wheatgrass trays and sunflower green trays. I just wanted to share with him that the awareness is a lot higher in America with regards to sprouting. I think the biggest hurdle is to educate people a lot more about food prep and how to have a balanced diet. Still so much education that is needed. John Rose wrote: The sad point here Tai is that you have a kind heart, but you are an ENABLER and like most ENABLERS, you don’t even know it!!! Tai: I will concede your point, John. Yet, it also applies to you, because I should have spoken up earlier when you made that stabbing comment. That is not something a professional should say. John Rose and I have a lot in common with our natural healing interests. His videos of him teaching his audience with a kind heart depict his true self. Not too long ago, John and I shared about someone he was helping who had very little hope left. John was doing everything he could to help this person. He really is very kind. Likewise, I also find SueZ to be very kind when she is centered in her true self. Peace. Super busy...can't write more. I hope you all learn to get along better. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2016 10:10AM by Tai. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 17, 2016 11:56AM Tai, the grocery store bulk bin raw nuts, (which are almost always stale and/or rancid), regardless of sporting labels like "sprouted" nuts and seeds are almost always really only "soaked". There are no legally defined parameters on what "sprouted" is so it's pretty much - anything and everything goes on those labels.
Pecans, walnuts, and almonds, etc., in reality, take a long time to sprout and are never found in grocery store bins. The binned 'raw cashews' are the worst deception of the binned bunch of deceptions in grocery stores. The Rene Oswald video I posted on this thread is an excellent 'how to' primer for people new to raw vegan foods who want to have a stash of sprouted and soaked seeds and soaked nuts always available. As Rene shows in the video, it takes very little time to process a large stash and the end result will cost less and be of higher quality than what can be bought in bins unless, of course, the process is started with nuts bought from grocery store bins. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: March 17, 2016 01:07PM Tai wrote:
<<<I should have spoken up earlier when you made that stabbing comment.>>> JR wrote: <<<I am willing "to stun and stab all these detestable monsters" and I have a game plan>>> I can't believe I have to spell this out for you... I don't STAB people with Swords...I use an IDEA whose time has come!!! Did you ever click on to this hyperlink? ![]() Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 18, 2016 01:14AM TSM,
What length should the lentil sprouts be when eaten? I soaked my first cup of black lentils last night and they are already a few mm long less than 24 hours later. Re: People are now becoming SPROUTARIANS
Posted by:
Date: March 19, 2016 09:27PM "Near a cup of lentils can be eaten, but when it is sprouted it bulks up to a lot and takes a long time to eat/drink. Most of my meals take an hour."
Do you mean one cup AFTER they've been sprouted or one cup before they've been sprouted? What does sprouting do to the calorie content? Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.