Why did SueZ deactivate her account???
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 03, 2016 12:09PM I was in the Etc. forum (I stopped going there a while ago when it became quite negative) and noticed a post by SueZ. She hadn't been posting recently and was very active. When I clicked on her name, it said she was deactivated! ![]() So that is why she hasn't been posting! In any case, Prana, you can remove this if it's off-topic or not appropriate in another way. I was just wondering what happened. Re: Why did SueZ deactivate her account???
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: April 03, 2016 01:25PM Let Sleeping Dogs Lie!!! ![]() Re: Why did SueZ deactivate her account???
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 03, 2016 09:10PM I don't see what the intrigue is all about...Must have happened behind the scenes. Whatever. Just seems strange when someone that active is just gone--poof! Re: Why did SueZ deactivate her account???
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 03, 2016 11:25PM John, just by accident I notice you PM'd me and when I responded they said your inbox is full. Referencing another poster, you mused that perhaps they were right that I was a "trouble-maker." The irony is that the person you were quoting made a fixture on here so angry that the person deactivated THEIR account. Projection is really something...The person who told you that about me needs to look in the mirror.
Sorry, but it's not making trouble to notice that someone who is a regular poster is suddenly gone to the point of totally destroying their account. I would have never mentioned it had the person simply not posted in a while. What is the big mystery in all this? We are grownups, for goodness sake! In any case, it seems that many posters have become inactive and I wonder if it's related. It seems a bit silly from a higher perspective but oh well, such is life. Re: Why did SueZ deactivate her account???
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: April 04, 2016 12:20AM Hey BW,
Yes, if you are encouraging that sad excuse of a human being who CRAPS on almost every thread to come back, then just maybe the "trouble-maker" who accused you of being a "trouble-maker" might just be right. In other words, it had nothing to do with your wondering what happened, it was your "sad smiley" and your "you are awesome" link that you included in your post as if you are trying to encourage her to come back. In all honesty, I'm having a hard time believing that you didn't understand what I meant because you always seem to get things that usually fly by a lot of people. By the way, I PM'd you for a reason and you can always email me if by Box is full. ![]() Re: Why did SueZ deactivate her account???
Posted by:
banana who
Date: April 04, 2016 12:49AM LOL--that "You are awsome" was my sig line forever. I was fooling around with it because I was looking at my account settings. It had NOTHING to do with her whatsoever.
Yes, I suppose I did use a frownie. I wasn't trying to encourage her to come back per se, but here is the deal (which I tried to explain in my PM): I am not interested in feuding with people, even after they have insulted me. Actually she had been quite civil to me as of late and I do forgive people. I am not interested in taking sides. And that goes for you, too! I don't believe in censorship or demonization of people for their views. The only thing that doesn't sit well with me is abusive language for no reason. So when SueZ was snarky towards me, I expressed myself. Same with another poster. However, if they changed their tone towards me, I am not going to hold the past against them. In any case, I wish everyone here all the best. I notice that the posting has been quite light all of a sudden--again, not sure why but whatever. Take care of yourself! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.