A History of Dangerous Vaccinations
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Date: October 16, 2021 07:16PM Just ran across this -
Pretty amazing if I do say so myself... ********* These are books about dangerous vaccinations, some are almost 150 years old. You can save and download these books at the "Download option" panel on the right-hand side of the webpage. [archive.org] Forty-five years of registration statistics, proving vaccination to be both useless and dangerous [archive.org] Forty-five years of registration statistics, proving vaccination to be both useless and dangerous: in two parts [archive.org] A summary of the proofs that vaccination does not prevent smallpox but really increases it. [archive.org] The army and navy: a demonstration of the uselessness of vaccination [archive.org] The sortation theory of vaccination; proving vaccination a failure [archive.org] VACCINATION [archive.org] A popular summary of vaccination, with reference to its efficacy, and probable causes of failure, as suggested by extensive practical experience [archive.org] An open letter to the Governor and members of the General Assembly of Connecticut: showing the evils of compulsory vaccination and certain deaths caused by the practice of cowpoxing 1911 [archive.org] Know the facts about vaccination: a compilation of official statistics and expert testimony for the use of students, debaters, legislators, judges, and others / compiled by Lora C. Little; reprinted by permission from Dr. George Starr White's "Lecture course to Physicians" seventh edition, 1918. ************ [archive.org] Vaccination: its fallacies and evils 1882 [archive.org] Variola; its causes, nature and prophylaxis, and the dangers of vaccination [archive.org] Compulsory vaccination: the establishment of a uniform system of vaccination for all citizens and inhabitants of the state of Louisiana, by legislative enactment 1878 [archive.org] Disease by law: an indictment of compulsory vaccination 1884 [archive.org] Serious reasons for uniformly objecting to the practice of vaccination: in answer to the report of the Jennerian Society 1806 [archive.org] Vaccination a curse 1895 [archive.org] Horrors of vaccination 1870 [archive.org] A century of vaccination: and what it teaches 1898 [archive.org] Failure of vaccination: variolous infection an illusion: vaccination an injury to health and a danger to life, and as a protection against small-pox, a vanity 1881 [archive.org] Vaccination: its uses and alleged dangers 1872 [nlm.nih.gov] [archive.org] A Brief narrative of eight years' suffering caused by vaccination 1883 [nlm.nih.gov] Re: A History of Dangerous Vaccinations
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Date: October 21, 2021 07:17AM Holy cow. That is quite a list. I've been long convinced that the decline in health over the past, say, 3 or 4 generations is mainly due to vaccinating children. Today, it's 70-72 doses by age 18. People like to think it's because the food is bad, but I am not buying that. People with a strong constitution (like my parents, who had no innoculations) can tolerate a borderline diet, but a good diet cannot in my judgment compensate for 72 shots.
Even without the killshot, I can't fathom what the population will look like in 20 years. Freaks stumbling all over the place and dying young. Millions born with an enzyme missing, etc. Geeze, what a world. And yet just about everyone has the attitude that somebody or other in a position of authority will save them and make everything all nice and okay. Tards all around. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.