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What happens (nutritionally) when you soak a nut/seed?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: April 21, 2006 02:42AM

Obviously the water content increases.

What else happens?

Do any of the minerals transform into other minerals?

Does the calcium/phrosphorus level balance out?

I've heard some of the fat is transformed into protein. This makes sense with sunflower seeds, since the sunflower greens eventually become low fat and high protein (and I imagine turn from phosphorus dominant to calcium dominant).

Also, I assume soaked nuts are more alkalyne (though still perhaps slightly acid), is this so?

Surely there have been studies of this sort of thing? The biochemestry of it fascinates me. Truly the beginning of life.


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Re: What happens (nutritionally) when you soak a nut/seed?
Posted by: squidmafia ()
Date: April 21, 2006 06:29AM

From what I know (and it isn't much, still sort of a virgin to living foods), soaking wakes up the enzymes in the dormant nut/seed. Well, wait, I'm sure you knew that already... but what else happens? I dunno... I guess the "food of life" for the plant wakes up and it's a little storehouse of nutritious fun! Wheeee...!

(okay, excuse the weirdness, I can't sleep and am coughing up stuff, and lots of yelling on the street... oh, cities)

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Re: What happens (nutritionally) when you soak a nut/seed?
Posted by: Tashi ()
Date: April 21, 2006 06:34PM

I think the enzymes are activated and it becomes a more digestable food. If you don't soak the nuts, the body takes a long time to digest them and you don't get all the goodness. I think birds or other animals have a storage pouch in their mouths or something where they keep the nuts before eating them so they are more digestable....I guess soaking the nuts is our way of doing that.

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