Help: Lost My Voice:Mucous...
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Date: July 17, 2009 05:27AM Hey Folks. I was wondeirng if anyone had any advice on how to deal with a raspy/subdued voice. I had a cold recently that developed into what Im pretty sure was bronchitis and I had lots of post nasal drip draining into my lungs...and coating my vocal chords. I dont feel like theres a ton in my lungs anymore...but it feels like theres enough left there or in my vocal chords to keep me from talking normally. It sucks! I work in a job that requires lots of talking all day as well...which makes it even worse...tho Ive been trying to keep it to a bare minimum, and drinking lots of herbal tea. Im also on day 5 of a juice fast...lots of greens and such...which has helped...but I still have the drip drip.....and the coating that will NOT come out no matter how much I cough, hack and spit!
Its extremely frustrating! I have so much energy from juicing that Id love to bike and meet friends and go out dancing, but I cant talk, so I stay home. Its very depressing! Tonite I went out and in a hurry bought some herbs... I got some olive leaf extract (gaia herbs) for any remaining infection that might be there (the mucous I cough up is yellow...tho from my sinuses its all clear) I also bought something called Mucostop, which claims to contain mucolase which is an enzyme that helps digest mucous....I read a few reviews...most were good, a couple bad. It was expensive....27 bucks! So I havent opened it yet. Im thinking of returning it. My voice was getting better slowly day by day, but then I took some generic mucinex (guifenisen) to help break up the mucous...but when I woke up this morning my voice had gotten the worst it had been yet. Now in the evening its much better...but still NO where near normal. Any ideas? I am juicing ginger and some garlic too! Re: Help: Lost My Voice:Mucous...
Posted by:
Date: July 17, 2009 09:51PM veganreikiangel,
Bear in mind that mucous can be lysed pathogen cells and other nasty wasties. That is, it could be your body's filtration system working overtime due to detoxification. I know it must be hard to not talk while doing retail, but I would advise that you rest your voice, since that is what your body seems to want, and let the mucous flow, flow, flow, until there is no more. Suspending the process won't help in the long run. Will be curious to see what others advise. I do hope you feel better soon : ) Re: Help: Lost My Voice:Mucous...
Posted by:
Date: July 18, 2009 04:53AM The mucous was flowing long before I started the cleanse...its one of the reasons I decided to do the cleanse...actually. The problem is...it drains into my lungs when I sleep, and over my vocal chords. I am resting my voice as much as possible, but I cant quit my job, unfortunately.
Since the fast started, Im having less mucous. Its not really doing any serious drainage now.....but its still stuck over my irritated vocal chords... But soon... Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.