Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 07:07PM Yup....Ive seriously injured my back and neck. I often will *pop* my back by laying backwards over my massage table and inching vertebrae by vertebrae...and it usually does the trick and I feel great afterwards....this time I tried doing it over the arm of the couch, because I was too lazy to set up the table. BIG mistake! I cracked my back all right! So bad I could barely turn my neck in ANY direction. Its been like this for 3 days now. So I got an appointment today with a chiro. I found one that does sliding scale here in SF, for lower income folks. SO....Im hoping it will be some instant or near-instant relief. I cant wait!
In other news...Im on day 11 of the juicing and going strong. I REALLY need to do an enema tho, because I noticed this morning I expelled juice from my colon that I drank yesterday afternoon.....so I must need to do some *cleaning* in there...because Im not absorbing it like I should be. I woulda done it sooner but with my back and neck in pain I didnt want to lay on the floor and go through all that...so heres to hoping! Namaste Ill let you folks know how it goes! John Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 22, 2009 07:25PM I'd just 'bite the bullet' and endure the pain. It's a
sign of cleansing. If you continue with your Juice Diet, the pain will eventually disappear. Back pain is caused by build-up pressure in the Colon pressing on the nerves in the lower Back region. Relieve the pressure, and the Back will heal.....WY Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 22, 2009 07:42PM ai yi yi! you crack your own back! scary.
here's a pic of the thingy i have, mine's called the mah roller. you lay on it and roll a bit up and down, the bumps press into the muscles on either side of the spine. very painful at first but exceedingly effective and quickly becomes pleasurable and helpful for relaxing. try it on the bed for less pressure when you first start, if you get one. saves me much money in chiro bills. it's good to help your body relax w yoga, sauna, massage or chiro, helps to release toxins too. no need to tough it out imo. [www.amazon.com] there used to be a fantastic chiro at the free clinic on the haight but maybe it's gone now? my old massage therapist is still in town though and she did sliding scale for me back then. pam o'dea, the pamazon. she is an incredible hotrock massage therapist, really, really amazing. just looked her up, she's out of town until mid sept but here's her referal page anyhow... [www.pamodea.com] Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 09:24PM Well I got adjusted. It did help but not as much as id like.. I really didn't care for him much. He didn't even introduce himself or shake my hand. And just like many chiros...he wants to see me next week and adjust me again no doubt being more money inclined...
I still hear a couple pops when I turn my neck so I can't help but wonder if he did a full proper adjustment. As for detox and pain...I know it happens but this was a direct result of something I did to myself....not the detox. John Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 09:39PM i do massage therapy too ![]() ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 22, 2009 09:58PM veganreikiangel Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > As for detox and pain...I know it happens but this > was a direct result of something I did to > myself....not the detox. I know!! But the time to use a Chiropractor, or exercise, is when the Back doesn't hurt, but needs an alignment, or strengthening. If you're in pain, doctors and exercise only make matters worse. The answer lies in the Colon.....for most other ailments too.....WY Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 09:58PM I bought a couple freezer packs for my back/neck as well... Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 09:59PM coco, that massage gadget looks nasty! Although, I guess it probably feels better than it looks. I sometimes use an exerciseball that has bumps on it, I find that very comfortable. I also have a hyperextension bench, that is very helpful for releasing back tension.
Looks something like this - [www.amazon.com] Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Wheatgrass Yogi
Date: July 22, 2009 10:42PM I have a Kettler-Apollo inversion table for exercise,
and stretching the spine....WY [d3f8w3yx9w99q2.cloudfront.net] Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 10:45PM WY, now that's cool. I have been wanting to get one of those. I'll have to put that on my list. Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Date: July 22, 2009 10:56PM yes i use an inversion table too ...one of the better investments in my life ![]() ...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist ![]() Re: Seeing a chiropractor today
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: July 23, 2009 12:18AM omg what i wouldn't give for an inversion table... mmm stretchy...
teh mah roller is incredible. just incredible. sometimes i think i'm lying on it for way too long, i nearly fall asleep when i use it at night. it's amazingly relaxing once you get past the initial muscle resistance. i go to the chiro when i am in crisis too, he uses a tens machine when my neck goes into spasm (have a very long neck, looks pretty but a pain in the ...). it helps, sometimes it's the only thing that does help. he's great for maintenance too but in my time of need he is da man! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.