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Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: debbie ()
Date: September 23, 2009 10:54AM

anyone got any remedies for this other than pills from the doctor that make you feel awful? have tried tea tree oil but it makes the skin around the nail blister.
thanks for any ideas....

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Tamukha ()
Date: September 23, 2009 12:24PM


I am so angry at myself that I just came across something recently that discussed this, but I cannot remember where or exactly what it recommended! I think it was to soak your feet daily in a half warm water, half white vinegar solution, and then to dry them thoroughly and rub with antifungal oil: coconut, olive leaf, or oregano oil(in a carrier oil like olive oil). I am thinking something like that, but not caustic, would work better than tea tree oil which, though effective, can cause chemical burns that might increase the risk of infection. If you have colloidal silver around, you might try applying that to the nailbed in between washings and see if that helps; it's my all-purpose first aid tincture, here. Speedy healing to you, Debbie : )

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2009 12:25PM by Tamukha.

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Jgunn ()
Date: September 23, 2009 03:18PM

my dad had a really persistent toe fungus and he roughed up the nail with a file and then kept soaking it a few times a day in braggs apple cider vinegar. also wear cotton socks so you dont have persistent moisture which helps keep the fungus going, bare feet as much as possible is better smiling smiley

...Jodi, the banana eating buddhist

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 23, 2009 04:26PM

Toenail fungi is symptomatic of general candida infection. Most of the population is infected due to the cooked diet and immune suppression.
The only thing I have found to stop the fungi in toenails is Iodines Tincture Colorless. I got mine (Preferred Plus Pharmacy) from You can also use the colored Iodine Tincture but then you get yellow toes.
Soaking or rubbing feet with aloe vera helps to reduce the fungi in the skin on the bottom of ones feet. You have to keep it up for months in order to improve the overall immune system. You can keep the foot soak aloe juice in the fridge and reuse for 3-4 days at a time. Sunbathing or taking ones feet to the beach is also healthy for them. You can also deep cleanse them using a wheatgrass juice and clay powder footpack. MSM over the course of several months will upgrade the protein structures and immune system helping to fight back the fungi.
Email me if you would like my Candida file.

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: September 23, 2009 06:32PM

You might be better off just getting the damn thing cut-off. That's what I had to do after many attempts to heal it myself.

Whatever you do, do NOT take any pills they give you. Pills??? You'll need a local anesthetic if you're going to get it cut off.

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: September 23, 2009 07:11PM

Yes, Iodine..any kind you can find or order. I like Lugol's and I go to and order a 1 oz bottle of their 5% solution. Rub it in, place a dropper full in a lukewarm foot bath and let feet soak, rub some on again after drying.

Also, in between sessions you could use some essential oil..your choice of which ones you like..or just oil..olive, almond, grapeseed, castor, anything that will smoother the little bugs. Tea tree oil and Oil of Oregano might be strong, but you can mix them in with olive oil. Or maybe since the skin is sloughing off, you should look at it like a good thing..and aid it with using something to help get the dead skin cells and dead fungus off..with a pumice stone, or exfoliating gloves, etc.

You can buy cheap Iodine at drugstores, like the white iodine, or buy Providene, Bentadine..they have Iodine in them.


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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: debbie ()
Date: September 24, 2009 01:14PM

thanks very much everyone, will start off by ordering some iodine

superinfinity: i didnt know you could them cut off? must have been really bad....

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Bryan ()
Date: September 24, 2009 09:31PM


My toenail fungus went away after I became all raw. In addition to eating all raw, I recommend going barefoot as much as possible, or wearing sandal or other open toed footware. Also getting a lot of sun on your toes helps.

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Janabanana ()
Date: September 25, 2009 03:54AM


[] —Excellent

"Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine." U.S. Council Of
Environmental Quality. Drinking water to which chlorine or fluorine is added, or use of too much sodium chloride displaces the iodine reserves of the body.

Iodine levels in US soil have fallen 50 per cent over the past 50 years and US soil is already deficient in iodine. Dr. Brownstein believes that iodine deficiency is a major cause of arthritis, breast cancer and other diseases of the reproductive organs such as ovarian, uterus and prostrate cysts and cancers. The World Health Organization says that iodine deficiency is the largest single cause of mental retardation.

All the blood in the body passes through the thyroid gland every 17 minutes. Because the cells making up this gland have an affinity for iodine, during this 17-minute passage the gland's secretion of iodine kills weak germs that may have gained entry into the blood through an injury to the skin, the lining of nose or throat, or through absorption of food from the digestive tract. Strong, virulent germs are rendered weaker during their passage through the thyroid gland. Chromium and Iodine deficiency lead to fatigue and anxiety. Iodine calms the body and relieves nervous tension by normalizing hormones and easing the need for inflammatory immune function.

Iodine also detoxifies the body by removing mercury, fluorides, chlorides, and bromides.

Kelp provides the iodine to fire up the thyroid and metabolism; do you get enough seaweed/seafood for iodine? Iodine is absorbed by the thyroid gland and supports the formation of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones have the ability to cross cell membranes, thereby promoting metabolic function by enhancing mitochondrial activity and enzyme synthesis, especially in tissues and organs such as muscle and the liver. Tyrosine plays an important role in the production of thyroid hormones, and studies show that tyrosine interacts with iodine to promote thyroid hormone formation.

Iodine/Iodide appears to be the best remedy to eliminate systemic Candida infestation of the blood. Iodide is the “reduced” salt form, while Iodine is the oxidized form; the body uses both forms. Six to eight drops of 5% Lugol's solution four times a day cures systemic candida. (Lugol's solution contains 5 grams of iodine and 10 grams of potassium iodide per 100 milliliters of water). Take Lugol's on an empty stomach about 20 minutes before eating in an 8 oz. (236 ml.) glass of distilled or purified water. You may also buy iodine in tablet form as Iodoral equivalent to 2 drops of Lugol’s solution per tablet.

Fungi living within the mucous membranes of the mouth may be eliminated by repeatedly swishing the Lugol's before swallowing.

To help prevent a cleansing Herxheimer reaction an Epsom salt flush of the GI tract may be taken containing one tsp of Epsom salt in a glass of cold water along with 4 drops Lugol’s solution. (The iodine used for the cleaning of wounds should not be ingested, as it is poisonous.)

Overdosing iodide/iodine can see organism enzymes quickly oxidise it, possibly killing both good and harmful bacteria and/or damaging the surface cell wall material of organisms. It's the oxidation process itself that's dangerous if it's accelerated or out of control. Use too little iodide and cell enzyme activity will be reduced, limiting growth.

Foods rich in iodine: food from the ocean, radishes, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, potatoes, peas, strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce, bananas, cabbage, egg yolk, and onions. —1oz 15% Lugol’s Solution from Alpha Omega Labs
Iodine: Why you need it Why you can't live without it by MD Dr. David Brownstein
The Miracle of Natural Hormones by David Brownstein

In vertebrates, thyroid hormones (THs, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine) are critical cell signaling molecules. THs regulate and coordinate physiology within and between cells, tissues, and whole organisms, in addition to controlling embryonic growth and development, via dose-dependent regulatory effects on essential genes. While invertebrates and plants do not have thyroid glands, many utilize THs for development, while others store iodine as TH derivatives or TH precursor molecules (iodotyrosines)—or produce similar hormones that act in analogous ways. Such common developmental roles for iodotyrosines across kingdoms suggest that a common endocrine signaling mechanism may account for coordinated evolutionary change in all multi-cellular organisms.

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: RaeVynn ()
Date: September 27, 2009 06:13PM

My Dear Hubby had an issue with toe nail fungus (probably related to 12-hour shifts in safety shoes).

He's cleared it up with tea tree oil. Apply morning and night to the nail and to the cuticle.

Going barefoot more often really helps. Eating raw helps a lot, too. smiling smiley

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
We are all in this together!

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: kratom712 ()
Date: October 01, 2009 01:40AM

if you order iodine get nascent iodine it's the best.also look up don croft's terminator cost about 120.00 will kill all fungus in body over a few day,also parisites,virus and etc.david wolfe uses one and me to.

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Prism ()
Date: October 01, 2009 05:42PM

Must be nice to just go buy something that you don't know what it is to experiment and see if it might work.

I think (my opinion) that simpler is better most times. Eat and drink clean and healthy plant foods, get rid of whatever chemicals you are using in or on your body, and you house environment. Use essential oils from plants to heal things on or in your body, and get to root of problem and not just treat the symptoms as Dr.'s do.

Lugol's is cheaper than Nascent and it depends on if you get Magniscent Iodine that has alcohol in it..which is the thing that put me off about it. I believe there is one that has water and not alcohol though.

Or simply eat, and bath or swim in Iodine rich water, and eat plenty of seaweed and sea veggies if you are able to.

Keep your toes and nails clean and dry off and then dry them off even more..put on any kind of oil, tea tree, oregano, essential oil, or a carrier oil like grapeseed or almond mixed with anyone of those oils. Even using olive oil would be great..just cold pressed olive oil.

Anyone use or find castor oil? I'm curious about that one.


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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: kratom712 ()
Date: October 03, 2009 05:34AM

tree oil,grapeseed oil,oregano oil , and shitty lugol's iodine .and a trip to the ocean so i can swim. they all cost.oregano wild med cost about 30 dollars. maybe i spend money but i get results.edgar cayce wrote about atomic iodine in his reading about 900 times.nascent iodine is better.

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: RaeVynn ()
Date: October 04, 2009 05:36PM

...and taking off your shoes and socks costs nothing.

Walk around barefoot more. Go outside, let the sunlight shine on your feet for a few minutes, every day that you possibly can.

Rubbing alcohol is cheap. After you wash your feet and toes, take a cotton ball, wet it with rubbing alcohol, and wipe the affected toe nail. Walk around barefoot.

It may not work as fast as other remedies, but going barefoot and keeping the toenails DRY will ease the problem a lot.

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
We are all in this together!

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Re: Help! toe nail fungus!
Posted by: Trive ()
Date: October 17, 2009 10:12PM

Roughing up the nail is not good because it makes little crevices for fungus to hide and hold moisture. Be sure to use fresh, clean socks; don't rewear socks without washing. Be sure your toes are dried and aired well before putting on socks and shoes. If your shoes aren't open-toed, it is good to wear socks. Socks with high cotton content and low synthetic content absorb perspiration better. Air out your shoes in the sun.

Now, brace yourself - here's a suggestion for the brave or desperate...
When my miniature donkeys got a fungus infection on their hooves, I found out about a horse hoof treatment called "Clean Trax" and it worked great on them. It is a powder mixed in water and then the hoof is soaked in it. (It was a hassle to do, but that's another story.) Be warned that it is not made for human use, but I investigated it thoroughly and learned that it was being used in a medical study where it was used internally on human stomachs. That (and other things) convinced me that it could be used externally on a person's toenail fungus without harm. I suggested it to someone who had tried many different toenail fungus products unsuccessfully, but didn't want to take any medicines internally because of the possible negative side effects they warned about (liver damage, etc). He tried it and it worked, although it took a long time for healthy new nail to grow out.

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