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2 years ago
I'm living the " dream / nightmare " in Sydney. In our state ( New South Wales ) we've only had 55 deaths since the start of the pandemic. Out of the 5 people who have died recently, one was in their 90's, two in their 80's. Every day we have a one hour news conference where we're lectured about not going out, not ... luckily we're the only state where you don't have to wear a mask outd
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
2 years ago
It's so gratifying to know that the two smartest people on the planet ( Fresh and JR ), maybe even the Universe, are willing to spend their valuable time on this board insulting the odd person with a different viewpoint when the only people they are addressing are their two co conspirators - everyone else has consigned them and their comments to the recycle bin. Surely there must be other boar
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
2 years ago
RP wrote, '' there is life on Mars, Mercury, Venus ... they do not have a physical body but a more etheric body ''. Whilst I don't believe we are the only beings of one sort or another in the universe, some of the things that are written are just repetition of what others have written without any substance or verification. If people from other realms are only spirits can they affect the physi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Virus or no virus. Conspiracy or no conspiracy. Bill Gates or Melinda Gates ( I think Bill has been pushing vaccines to get people off the trail of his marital infidelities - another of his conspiracies. For those of you who haven't been following Bill, he and his wife have separated. He's been having fun with some of his staff, as well as others ).
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Just looked up Matt on Youtube for the latest. He's lying in bed and says he's had surgery to remove his colon as he has Ulcerative Colitis. Too gruesome for me to watch so I switched it off.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
I watch the news and see what is going on in India. In your case, your mindset is that everything that doesn't agree with your beliefs is fake. It wouldn't matter what anyone posted. I'm glad I'm not living in India at the moment.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Why limit the new ' Holy Trinity ' just to the USA! Why not the World. Why should the rest of the planet miss out on their knowledge and ability to solve all the worlds problems? Between the three of them they can solve all the planets health problems. No more conspiracies. No more disease, and best of all, no more viruses. JR for President of the Planet. Fresh as the Health Minister, and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
I can't understand why the vision quality is always so poor! Not only in this instance, but in so many others where a UFO is captured on film. Surely if it's near a Naval base they'd have high resolution high quality cameras - even the planes should have high resolution cameras. Unless they have better quality vision which they aren't releasing, or it's part of their training and new weaponry and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Let's see if anything is revealed. With satellites, radar, etc. it will be interesting to see what is revealed. This is a conspiracy / cover up I'm interested in.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
JR was born one hundred years too late. He could have been part of his hero Hitlers Youth Movement and enjoyed all the Freedoms that they allowed.- free speech, criticising the establishment, etc. Thank goodness he and his acolytes have this forum to address all the worlds most pressing problems and the huge following on this board to affect monumental changes in all out lives.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
At least it's one positive to come out of everything. The Earths population is almost 8 billion people and with no great wars because of nukes, Mother Earth needs some way to rebalance things so losing 2 or 3 billion people is good.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
I think Megan is manipulative and about as low as you can go. When privileged people bring out the race card that's scraping the bottom of the barrel. If she didn't go on about her ' blackness ' nobody would even know. By looking at her you would think she was more Mediterranean, i.e. Lebanese, Iraqi, Moroccan or even some Spanish mix.Her dad is white and her mom is brown, but the best way to br
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Most people looked at the Harry Megan soap opera as a bit of comedic relief after a year of Covid, lockdowns, masks, Trump and Biden, elections, Antifa, Looting, and all lives matter. Megan was just a C list actress aspiring to the A list but her time was running out ( she's 39 now ) till she met Harry. If you've finally made it to the top of the A list would you rather be kissing babies and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
He obviously didn't do much research. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. In an article for men's health magazine in 2020 Lenny mentioned that on cheat days he also loves pasta, bread, pancakes,waffles and other carbs.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Jennifer wrote " the ATM made me pay $3 to get money out of it... ". They're the new type of ATMs around - they're called Smart ATMs. It has facial recognition technology and recognises Anti Maskers and is instructed to charge them $3. You might have to wear a mask to conceal your identity otherwise it will keep charging you $3.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
JR, how about you quote from Chet Day where whilst TC Fry was promoting the 100% fruit diet as the perfect diet, when people went around to his house they found cooked chicken, cakes and all sorts of junk food he was eating!!! Maybe it was the deficient 100% fruit diet he was promoting that caused him to eat all the junk food he was eating, hence his early death. It seems that every time some
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Yes I agree John is number one, but why waste all his talent and knowledge on this board where he has only a fan club of 3 ( Fresh, Jennifer and Prana ). Now that Rush Limbaugh is gone and Bill O'reilly left Fox News a few years ago there are openings for a man of his talent. John, you need to send in one or two of your Holocaust denier / Hitler glorification videos to Fox News. Throw in a co
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Just because a group of people believe in the same ideas doesn't necessarily make it a conspiracy, otherwise everything is a conspiracy. It's TRUE if you believe it. Even if it's not true but if you believe, then it's true. George Costanza. Advice is less necessary to the wise than to fools, although the wise get the most benefit from it.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
I managed to watch the first 20 seconds but it was so boring that I switched it off. Did I miss anything? John Rose for PRESIDENT. Does your VP need to be a vegan because most of those folks down south are heavy meat eaters? Shock Horror. Megan Elizabeth now eats meat. She was the poster girl for long time raw foodists on a high fruit diet. Even moved to her tropical paradise in Hawaii a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
I've worked out the difference between a Trim Tab and a Philosopher King. The Trim Tab is a Trim Slim Tab, and the Philosopher King is a fat overfed glutton as portly kings are usually portrayed. Does this solve the worlds problems now that I've solved the Mystery of Life.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Mislu, this board is now for entertainment purposes only so when you want a bit of light relief or entertainment come here.The more sane people we have, the better.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Is it possible that someone who is not on some sort of mind altering drugs would post about a common link between Trim Tabs and a Philosopher King? Does anyone other than his swooning love child actually read all his drivel? I confess I didn't read the post, just the beautiful big blue lettering. We do need to give him credit for his ability and patience to have all these different colours
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Was that really John quoting Einstein? Einstein was a Jew!!! Probably an oversight on his part - we all make mistakes sometimes. I love it when JR gets desperate and heads down to the Crypt where he keeps all his old files and brings them to life again and spams the board with them. I call them his Zombie posts - the're dead but he keeps bringing them back to life.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Could Jennifer and JR ( John Rose ) be the same person to cover his tracks? Or is Jennifer JRs love child? They both love spamming the board with endless nasty ranting posts.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
It was about 50 years ago and I had been reading Lobsang Rampas books and he talked quite a bit about it so at night I would lay in bed trying to get out of my body. One night after about 1 or 2 months of trying I was just lying in bed and I just popped out of my body and just looked at the bed, looked at my body and the room. As I said, it was such a shock and a fright for me I went straight bac
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
In Lobsang Rampas books he talks about Astral Travelling. I'm not psychic or telepathic at all but for a while I tried to Astral Travel and one night it happened!!! I was out of my body looking at myself in the bed and got such a fright ( in case I couldn't get back in again ) that I went straight back in and never ever tried it again. Too weird for me, but it must be true, You hear of people i
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
It's interesting that you're willing to believe that someone saw an alien like creature looking like a preying mantis with no proof whatsoever, yet you don't believe in a virus that scientist around the world can actually see with their powerful microscopes!!! Also, he says he took photographs of the UFO. Has he published any of these? Have you heard of Lobsang Rampa and his very interesting b
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
It was a bit of entertainment for me - a stroll through the recent wannabe ex- vegan YouTubers Hall of Shame. The girl was pretty clued in for an 18 year old. She has heaps of clickbait videos and is probably making a bit of money with all the hits and likes ( can you still monetise these videos ?). It was just a new fresh face for me, just a bit of light hearted fun.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
The video is by a vegan youtuber so it should be ok to post. I thought it might be interesting to take a walk through the EX Vegan Hall Of Shame and see who's in there. She was 18 years old at the time of posting ( last year ) and had just finished High School and a 4 year vegan who tried all the extreme diets so that should make her no different than all the other experts on YouTube and the
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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