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13 years ago
I always wonder about this...I have been a vegan for 10 years and I am pretty strict about it. Sometimes I eat dairy, like a bite of cake etc or a tiny bit of cheese but hardly ever. I also try not to buy leather as much as possible and never eat meat or chicken. I have had fish about five times over the last 10 years but since I became vegan I never touched meat again. I have never had a veg
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I have just started the pill and it is going okay for now....A couple of months ago I fell pregnant and decided to have an abortion (sorry if I am offending anybody, I just couldn't manage a baby in my life right now financially and with my career, relationship etc...) I found the experience so traumatic that I decided to go on the pill. Although I know there are some potentially side effects I
Forum: Other Health Related
16 years ago
I really want to start using the fertility awareness method but I don't feel ready to have a baby yet and I do't want to accidentally fall pregnant. I think if I was married or almost ready to have a baby I would feel safer using that method. I really don't like taking hormones either....what kind of side effects does the IUD have?? Thanks!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hi, I was just wondering what kind of contraception you ladies use. I started taking the pill but I had a lot of side effects such as lower back pain and was bleeding continuously for the first three weeks. I realize there are a lot of adverse side effects to taking the pill but I realy don't want to fall pregnant and it seems to be the most reliable birth control out there. I have also consid
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Thanks a lot everybody, I have bought that book and will let you know how I go.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
I have been eating raw for quite a while now but I am running into some problems. I have had annorexia for nearly ten years on and off and eating is something I always battle with. A couple of years ago I took a drug Accutane which I believe sort of screwed up my digestive system...maybe it is a combination of that and the eating disorder, I can't tell anymore. Anyway, as I have gotten older, I f
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hi narawdia...i meant that i do fast for about 3-5 days and on the days which i eat, essentially 2-4 days a week...i usually eat about a plate of food, including nuts and sprouts etc as well as some juices. Thanks for your advice!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hi everybody, thank you very much for your help and advice. I will try all your suggestions and see what works for me. Obviously my metabolism has slowed down a lot because I don't "cheat" at all. However when I do eat I eat quite a lot...I mean not an excessive amount but about a plate full of food...of sptouts and tahini, nuts and salad. Maybe I should replace this with just plain fru
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hi everybody, I am having a bit of a dilemma. I have been eating mainly raw food for a while but I am just having some trouble as to decide what to eat and when and all that stuff. I have quite a slow metabolism and very bad digestion and I can't really eat that much at all without feeling sick. A couple of years ago I took an acne drug called roaccutane and my health and body and digestion h
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Yes, it is the same thing.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I love going in the sun and if I could I would lie in it for about 3 times a week for about 30 mins. Due to my work situation, this is not realistic for me. I recently read the book "The UV Advantage" by Dr. Michael Hollick where he wrote about the advantages of going into the sun for vitamin D and other benefits. He also wrote about using sunbeds as an alternative for the sun in winter
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
If you think eating raw makes you unhappy then in my opinion you are not doing it right....maybe you are going too fast. If you think eating McDonalds and eating meat will make you happier and give you love and joy in your life I suggest that you really do some research in how those products come onto your plate. If contributing to a world where we exploit and kill animals and the environment for
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I would do yoga instead of pilates but make sure you have a VERY good teacher. Also maybe look into alternative therapy such as QiGong massage or anything that might take you to the root cause of why this has manifested in your life. Good luck! Also look at how you are using your back on a daily basis and how you are sitting. I absolutely hate chairs, and I despise sitting in them for long period
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
organic virgin coconut oil.....i had a lot of hair loss earlier this year and it has stopped after taking about 2-4 tablespoons of that oil in my food daily....also getting enough protein, good luck
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thank you for your advice, I guess I just need to listen to my body and trust my instincts!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thank you for your advice, I guess I just need to listen to my body and trust my instincts!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
This year I have discovered sprouts and I have been trying to eat a lot more protein as I have had problems with energy and also my hair falling out etc. I tend to fast during the day, with some juice and a smoothie and then at night I will eat: -at least one large handful of walnuts, maybe two -two large tablespoons of raw tahini mixed with miso -1-2 large handfuls of sprouted peas, red
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Yeah, thanks for the feedback. I guess it is a tricky situation b/c you can't really plan who you have chemistry with!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I posted a while back asking advice about dating a guy who was very different to me...there were mixed responses....anyway, things have not worked out that well with him. We were just too different and I felt like he really didn't understand me and was not willing to learn. Not to say that all SAD eaters are like that at all but I think from now on if I date someone else they are going to have to
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hi, I have been eating coconut oil and green smoothies and that has seemed to slow it down a lot. Thank you for all your advice. I did some tessts at the doctor but I didn't have any major deficiencies but I was low on iron and B12. I think it also must have been the hairdresser that I went to or something.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thanks for all your advice, I think I am going to get some tests done....will let you know what happens. Thanks!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I am rapidly losing my hair and I have no idea why!! It started about 2 months ago and I honestly have lost 1/3 to half my hair! I have been mainly raw for about two years so I don't think it has anything to do with that. I get my hair streaked but get it done with aveda natural products and it has never been a problem before....I really don't know what to do, this is really bad. I have not lost
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thank you so much for all your help and advice, you are all so wonderful!! Well, as for the smoking and stuff, he wants to quit and only smokes about 5 a day and I don't think he drinks all that much, just or fun. He respects my choices and light heartedly jokes about them in a non-threatening way. He does not really smoke much around me. He is really considerate and has stong family values...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I have just started going out with this guy and I am a bit confused. He is really cute and nice and fun to be around but we are soooooo different. In some ways we are the same...We are both pretty down to earth people but we have a lot of differences. I am a raw vegan and I don't drink, do drugs, etc. I am very neurotic, although I do my best to appear relaxed. Sometimes I am relaxed but mostly I
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I don't really talk about my eating habits, I say I am a vegetarian but I don't really elaborate. A lot of people don't understand or don't want to understand and there is no use trying to explain. iF someone asked I would say well I like to eat mainly raw food, fruits and vegetables but just don't give anyone some definition of your diet so they can attack it.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
18 years ago
I think the enzymes are activated and it becomes a more digestable food. If you don't soak the nuts, the body takes a long time to digest them and you don't get all the goodness. I think birds or other animals have a storage pouch in their mouths or something where they keep the nuts before eating them so they are more digestable....I guess soaking the nuts is our way of doing that.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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