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1 year ago
I logged into an account that I haven't used in a while, and that photo is ancient, like from 10 years ago! Also, I can't seem to find my email address associated with this account. I really want to recover it!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
1 year ago
Yes I been to Puerto Rico andalso the one in florida for a day. Its very salesy meaning they want you to book some time there. I did 2 weeks in puerto rico and had best time of my life. I really learned alot of things and made some frens.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
5 years ago
Yes best ranch is cashews kemon dill.
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
8 years ago
How can we solve this problem of not getting along. What if we all just agreed with whatever everyone says and then write what we think anyways. I love SUEZ and I love John. I can see where some comments can LOOK like they are attacks, but words can be so easily misunderstood. WE are all into raw vegan foods here. I love even the arguments. I just want others to be happy. If not then disre
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
Try making it with raw veggies Brocolli or cauliflower rice or just fill it with nut pate sprouts
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
I dont know if they are hype. What about papaya enzymes, try eating papaya raw, I know its bad if you are not in the tropics, the supermarket kind
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
Awesome. Can I get a new head of a 20 year old girl bwhahahahahaha Just kidding
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
What is the question I will answer!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
Most cooked food men have all root canaled, 10 grand fake teeth so dont feel bad raw foodists. I had much work done by 20. I think even DG may be missing one. Harley got all veneers, so did I. Its just the young ones we see on youtube with beautiful real teeth these days. But if you have weak teeth, I would not suggest high fruit diets. BUT IF YOU MUST GO AHEAD. People need to learn on t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
I have been raw for decade and I can say there is a fine line If you are eating a high fruit diet, thats all you can eat. You cannot snack on cooked wheat crackers between doing a OJ fast. Your scum on your teeth will rot. It has to be all raw fruit- ( or raw vegan) or nothing. I would not suggest 811 long periods. If you do fruitarian, eat like ANNE OSBORNE eats, just a few pieces e
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
I have never experienced this in my life. Even when I was a cooked food eater I always drank bottled juices. I never ever had a hard time @#$%&. I am sorry you all go through this. I have seen hemorrhoids. AWFUL, its like a giant flesh rose @#$%& out of your bum! DRINK JUICES GUYS BANANA Date SMOOTHIES ANYONE?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
May be true- for some -in some areas.. All poor people are not saintly. There are very healthy raw people living in cities. Civilized does not mean unhealthy. Okinawa, like is that close to the country where the nuclear leak is? They are healthier than us? The Hunza indian tribe, eats better than me? How do they live? DO the women have to wear these scarves? IS this religious?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
I have alot of experience with these. I have taken many of the 200$ bottles Proloetic I forgot the kind, its something like that pancreatic, not sure, I think it was more...something else..I do not remember feeling anything. One brand I felt, it was like womens digestive enzymes with WYM or WOM in the brand name, they heal you if you take a shitload of them, you feel them working but they l
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
Or for those with bad teeth. I would say a veggie chopper and a vitamix is ideal. You can blend salads and then add small diced cucmbers, tomatoes, celery, etc What is wrong with a blender? To just mash up a bit. I want to get the green star so I can use the homogenizing plate. Like they do at ANN W"s LOOK what it does to spouted almonds with carrots and bell pepper I
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
Dont mess with John Kohler.. I do not consider carob a supplement..or grass greens dried up..I consider those foods. You know when I read alot of raw vegan books I thought so too. That I needed supplements.. Maybe you do. There are alot of people who study and research these things and they may be on to something. We need help and we need medicine that comes from plants. Some people suff
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
I need an Excalibur 4 tray dehydrator with thermostat, with sheets I need an expensive food processor like CUISINART I need a GREEN STAR JUICER.. Oh Magical Universe! Please hear me! What are your wishes for Christmas? Or " What to buy a Raw vegan for Christmas .."
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
I never made more soups in my life when I got the SAVORY STEWS guide by Roger Haeskel. Anyone else? I love the recipes, although I cannot share the recipes, they are protected by intellectual property. I am not sure if they still are around to order. AMAZING. I made this one too. Basically a base of cukes tomatoes celery I think, and you add some secret ingredients and toppings I was
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Leo Tolstoy, love him. I read one of his book of letters, I wonder if this is from the book? He used to chat out loud with imaginary friends, well, his maid noted. He would have conversations with his friends, who were not there, he would sit in a chair. SOCRATES my favorite, after Ayn Rand, for Philosophers! True, attainment of good ness and self control. Fasting is self control! Gluttony
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I remember when I had no control of my food voice. Just dont listen. Go by your hunger, and do not eat everything on your plate either....every bite the food tastes less better and less better, know when to stop.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
RAW Macadamia nuts from Hawaii. Just munch on one or two
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I seen a wound four weeks on cannabis oil heal so that its pink all around and healing and the oozing blood and pus all gone, a world reknowned doctor says it looks like plastic surgery was done. They are recording it and going to go public with this, just four weeks of topicals.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
BANANA WHO Page 17 is for you. The message is WHY SUFFER! In big big bold!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Has anyone seen this? BUMP!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I wonder if I have ever been on the 811 forum.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Teeth are an issue for me, but I have been so unhealthy way before raw dentally. They drilled 4 root canals by the time I was 20. Did you know you can talk your way out of them at the dentists?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Yes, a cow made a documentary
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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