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15 years ago
I did. Thanks very much
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
A friend of mine has fibromyalgie, some sort of reumatism. It's quite painful and restricting her a lot, specially for such an energetic person. My guess is that switching to raw would improve it. Is there anybody out there who can say anything about this? Thanks
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
6. If I'm pregnant, should I forego eating this way until the baby is born or until I am done breastfeeding? I want to make sure I keep optimum health during this time. If I should wait, then I will pick it up as soon as it is healthy to do so. Storm and Jinjee have 5 kids. During some of the pregnancies she ate cooked and during others she ate raw. Ask her.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
At is the story of Shannon. He is raw and he looks like a pretty big guy to me.... enter the site go to pictures before and after Shannon Rozemarijn
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thanks Ally, I really appreciate your advises, because I’m more or less stuck. This feeling that whatever I do, it doesn’t work. It’s difficult to stay motivated that way. The fasting is going OK, as it’s a quiet period now. I used to break it with walnuts or seeds. This time I’ll ate melon, an hour later I had pineapple. No bouncy bouncy, though. Very tired and quarrelsome/irri
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Ally, At a certain time I was eating about 70% fruit, 20% veggies and 10% fat. Fruit for breakfast, fruitsalad plus some seeds for lunch and salad plus some oliveoil or avocado for dinner. When I felt hungry I snacked on fruit or raisins and nuts. I felt exhausted. On the board they advised me to increase the amount of veggies. The easiest way to do that is with green smoothies. (It did w
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thanks fruitarian one, I’ll try to better follow my instincts and not only my mind. Try to understand what my body is telling me. When I really have to force myself to eat veggies for breakfast, maybe I just shouldn’t do that. When I keep falling asleep after eating fruit, and being sleepy for the rest of the day, maybe I shouldn’t do that either. As a transition it might be good to
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
I am defenitely not against eating fruit. I love it and I think it is very good for most people. It's just that I'am so fed up with being tired all the time, even when I have been 80-100% raw for more than 1 1/2 year, that I try to figure out what's the reason for that. I would like to have the energy to do what I have to do without forcing myself and a little bit more. So when I ask my self what
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
One of the reasons I switched to raw was lack of energy. As I wanted to stick to it, I didn't want to make it a struggle. As I'm not that fond of green salads I started to eat more fruit and seeds. Usually I work out in the morning, then I take a green smoothie with some fruit and half an hour later I fall asleep. For lunch I have a fruitsalad and half an hour later I fall asleep again. Dinner is
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
"I know that lots of raw fooders have a fruit addiction/sugar sensitivity" As far as I can see, fruit is my problem as well. I went 100% raw for some 10 weeks. Although I had no detoxproblems, I just didn't have any energy. I feel better on cooked food without fruit than on raw with fruit. Now that I finally reached that conclusion I have to find a way to be raw without fruit. Usuall
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Thanks very much for your advise. if he feels hype when he doesn't eat, as U say, is another sign that he wasn't that well, as U say he was.... Defenitely I'm not saying he was that well. It's just that most people are a treating their body a lot worse, and they don't have a problem at all, and certainly not so young. What got him in this condition is probably a lot of non-stop stress. For
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
My brother, 54,had three heart-attacks, five bypasses and has been dotttered three times in the last six months. The whole family is stupefied, because all our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles reach ages of 83-90years. He never smoked, used to be a sportsman and still walks a lot, takes the stairs when he goes to his apartment at the 8th floor, etc. Sometimes he takes a drink, sometimes he
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
17 years ago
Hello, the guy is in hospital. And it looks like they are going to keep him there for some time. I can smuggle in some Q10, but I'm not sure he'll take it. Remember I'm the silly sister who keeps busy thinking about food/health. The hospital tries to keep him going by giving him milk, white flour and sugar. It looks like he is wiling to try juicing/smoothies, but how much can he take without gett
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
17 years ago
My brother, 54,had three heart-attacks, five bypasses and has been dotttered three times in the last six months. The whole family is stupefied, because all our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles reach ages of 83-90years. He never smoked, used to be a sportsman and still walks a lot, takes the stairs when he goes to his apartment at the 8th floor, etc. Sometimes he takes a drink, sometimes he
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
18 years ago
When I started to read it I thought it was my son writing this. I have been tested for allergies, and it turned out that I react to every tree and pollen, so starting February till September there is something that weakens my system. There is a link between an allergy to pollen and an allergy to food. For instance when you are allergic to birches you probably have a problem with apples, pears a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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