Results 151 - 180 of 5345
9 years ago
banana who
John Rose Wrote:
> RP wrote:
> <<>>
> Here is a small snippet from my file on
> Education...
> The purpose of "modern, industrialized, compulsory
> schooling was to make a sort of surgical incision
> into the prospective unity of these underclasses,"
> John Taylor Ga
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Lois Wrote:
> No! You mean gossiping about 'celebrities'
> reflects on who we are and what kind of a person
> we are! Who knew!
I know someone who is really against gossip who posts under another name... Heh heh heh...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Getting back to the actual OP, the word SHAMED is so over-used! No one can do that to you unless you buy into it. I think it's over-the-top what they did and there is nothing junky about peanut butter unless it's hydrogenated. I think that the larger issue is that parents are still allowing their children into school systems thinking that it's more of a plus than a minus and I think they are real
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
9 years ago
banana who
Ela2013 Wrote:
> Yes, I thought about this, but they were ripe,
> just like the other 3 I had recently, when I had
> absolutely no problem.
> I read it can be an allergy, or that enzyme which
> is also in pineapple.
> I read on a forum that lots of people had these
> issues with kiwifruit, even when
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
"The key is to be able to work things out for yourself without having to have videos and websites doing the thinking for you"--TSM
(So those of us who watch videos need someone to think for us and you are independent of that because you read books and they never lead people into false thought and are always constructive?)
"I completely speak on my own terms and give it from m
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Another thing I want to say is that I think all of us who create a life philosophy ARE influenced by those books and ideas and assimilate them into our viewpoint. The danger as I see it is when someone gets into cult of personality, be it a religion, guru, or other association and doesn't employ critical thinking skills. They just spout everything that person says and never question any of it. I
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Wow. LOL. First of all, maybe you mentioned that name for someone else. I am not familiar with Wilcox's work.
I completely disagree with you. First of all, you didn't invent the term ILLUMINATI so you are parroting it from someone or somewhere else. Which is perfectly fine. Hopefully we are not complete narcissists and think that everyone else is unworthy to influence us to any degree. And you
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Well, you are using a computer yourself so I will assume you use them at least sparingly. I don't have Internet at home because I do agree that can be a negative influence. However, if a person is conscious of the conditoning, s/he is immune to it. There are some great Youtube videos on how people are brainwashed by the media.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
And who is ultimately behind these ideas? That is the meaning of propaganda. The way you determine it is to see if the people who are tsk tsking something have THEIR hands clean. So a religion, a political party, or any other organization. There is usually visible hypocrisy present.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
As far as I am concerned, manmade, organized religion was created by the Elite to keep us distracted and divided. I even visited a Buddhist temple and a monk said to my partner and I that he was told by the head honcho that he wasn't going to achieve Liberation in this incarnation and so...Nonsense. Allowing yourself to be shamed, frightened or limited by those in power is absurd.
Oh and Musl
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
First off, an academy suggests it's a private school. It seems like an arbitrary list of things. I don't know if this is a mainstream policy.
At the risk of being labeled as nuts, Aurora, CO...where have we heard about that town? Oh yeah, the theater "shooting!" And remember Columbine in another CO town? Notice how certain areas of the country have multiple "events?" NYC, V
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
coconutcream Wrote:
> SP-
> No conspiracy,
> Beheadings are not cool, neither honor killings,
> female mutilation and beatings, ears noses hands
> cut off, child brides and dancing boys, female
> circumcision forced upon children, women forced to
> wear all black head to toe, no rock music since
> the 1970s'
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
SueZ, that is not cheaper than a Berkey. I have seen models for less than $300 with the fluroride filters and maybe I missed it but is the bottom one you posted good for getting rid of fluoride?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
SueZ, that is not cheaper than a Berkey. I have seen models for less than $300 with the fluroride filters and maybe I missed it but is the bottom one you posted good for getting rid of fluoride?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
SueZ Wrote:
> banana who Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Mike Adams is promoting a water purifier
> Plastic = junk.
Someone posted a distiller on here with a plastic casing but inside is stainless steel. I am leaning towards that type. You can get a decent
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Mike Adams is promoting a water purifier called AquaTru but it seems to be similar to a Berkey with fluoride filters. Anyone know the difference?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Lois Wrote:
> banana who Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Lois," are you a reincarnation of someone that
> I
> > am familiar with? I mean, you could PM me and
> > reveal your true identity if you want or not.
> > Whatever. Just curious. You
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Lois Wrote:
> banana who Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You made my point: we can learn from everyone.
> We
> > can learn from the posters who are well-versed
> in
> > science and medical backgrounds and the average
> > person who has experiences
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Tai, thanks for your post. I just want you to know that I couldn't recall which person had also sought particular people so it wasn't a veiled remark about your thread. Of course, people can erase their PMs and make space so that's not too big an issue.
Speaking of PMS, I find it rather disconcerting that apparently a lot of people use the PM feature frequently or at least did back a while ag
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Lois Wrote:
> And -
> I see nothing wrong with directing a post to a
> specific individual - I think it's flattering to
> the addressee (unless it's to bitch at them),
> creates interest and feels personal and intimate
> for the viewer, and it doesn't happen that often.
> I have to s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Kiwibird Wrote:
> I have actually been looking at a countertop water
> distiller after noticing more and more that the
> tap water here is cloudy and sometimes even
> white-ish! (and that just can't be good). I
> checked municipal water reports and they
> fluorinate the water. I am just very much NOT
> wanting to
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
suncloud Wrote:
> Iyengar Yoga, walking/running 4 miles, pumping
> handweights during 30-40 minutes aerobic routine
> or walking the dog.
> I try to do at least 2 of the above everyday.
> Requires minimal equipment. Just appropriate
> clothing and a cheap set of handweights from
> Target or Walmart. And
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
TinaM Wrote:
> This is why I get my almonds from a farm that
> grows them organically. On general markets they're
> almost impossible to find.
What state do you live in and how much do you pay per pound? Organic and raw are different so are they really raw?
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation 9 years ago
banana who
Freelee seems to go out to eat a lot. I sometimes wonder if that is a way to get out of having to eat low-fat. In any case, if you try something as long as you have and it doesn't seem to make you feel well, maybe experiment with something else. Even if you were to gain weight thru doing a few days on juice to rid yourself of the rest of the gallstones, it couldn't be more than a few pounds. In o
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
coconutcream Wrote:
> If they are so rich why does she shop at goodwill,
> like in her closet tour I saw. 7 dollar
> jeans..flip flops, tank top...
> I dont want to make fun of her, good for her,
> entrepeneur..a taker carer of her man.
> Freelea did it herself, here everyone thought
> Durianrider w
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
John Rose Wrote:
> That's amazing because Penn Jillette made a really
> nasty comment about Raw Foods not too long ago.
> This really gives me hope for our species. Thanks
> for posting this.
He made a disgusting video shilling for vaccines being really angry and intimidating, using a lot of profanity. Glad to see it
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
pborst Wrote:
> BW and Prana to the rescue, much appreciated!
> Paul
Nice to see you again, Paul. I am glad I wasn't the only one feeling this way. (Thanks, Kiwibird...)
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
banana who
Thank, Prana! I didn't know you designed it personally. Much easier to read.
LOL--since the problem is solved, feel free to disappear my post if you wish.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |