Results 481 - 504 of 504
13 years ago
481. Re: Courage or what?
KFCA Wrote:
> I have no personal knowledge of the cause of their
> deaths, though "AccesstoEnergy.com" claims Eydie
> died in "an accident".
Thanks for providing us with this information. I tried to find something about her online, but couldn't.
There is information about Johanna Brandt, author of "The
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
Tamukha Wrote:
> Also, WY, what the heck is a "professional" durian
> eater? Is that on his business card?
> "So, what do you do?"
> "I'm in durian"
> "You're in . . . in what?"
Ha Ha....that's very funny.
A 'PDE' (Professional Durian Eater) is someone wh
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
jj2011 Wrote:
> I can drink greens without adding fruits.
Look at the Veins in your arms. If you're doing it right, they should be a beautiful shade of Blue.
Is it the same nutrient between eating them raw and drink them after blending them?
Blending is best for extracting Nutrients because not many of us have the patience to chew
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
coco Wrote:
> Hippocrates did some studies of rejuvelac that
> showed these results, that's why they no longer
> recommend it.
I believe that's where Brian Clement had a falling-out with Ann Wigmore in the 1980's. He wanted to discontinue using Rejuvelac, and she didn't. They still use Rejuvelac at the Ann Wigmore Institute in
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
485. Re: which juicer?
WheatgrassYogi Wrote:
> The original VERT350 has a rubber plug that I didn't
> notice in the VERT350HD upgrade?
I just saw that the original vertical-auger from Omega is model VRT330, not VERT350 as I stated above.
I like the self-feed feature. My horizontal-auger Omega 8004 is difficult to use when juicing Carrots......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
486. Re: which juicer?
axiom Wrote:
> They are one in the same juicer except that Omega
> upgraded the basket, making it of the same
> material as the Auger...
Are you sure that's the only difference? The original VERT350 has a rubber plug that I didn't notice in the VERT350HD upgrade? Does anyone here know for sure?......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
487. Re: Courage or what?
jj2011 Wrote:
> After reading the book "How I conquered cancer
> naturally" by Eydie Mae, I was amazed by her
> desicion to give raw food diet a try. Courage?
No, it goes deeper than Courage.
First, you have to be knowledgeable of your options. Raw Foods is just one method of allowing the Body to heal itself. It's
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
rawgosia Wrote:
> You may find useful a few basic, introductory
> rules I wrote here:
Those are good tips for everyone. Some of us need reminding.
If I had one tip for the Newbie it would be to 'analyze everything you put into your Body'. This is good for the Old-timer too......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
489. Re: Richard Blackman
tropical Wrote:
> But personally I think we have a digestive system
> for a reason, we are supposed to eat, and most
> living things eat so I'm not sold on
> breatharianism.
That was an interesting story about the tree.
There have been several documented cases of Breatharianism. It's not something one wants to do, but rat
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
490. Re: which juicer?
flipperjan Wrote:
> Hey WY what do you think about this one
I like it!! When Omega first came out with the VERT350, I tried one and didn't like it. But this new model VERT350 HD, looks like a winner. Plus, John Kohler says it's currently his favorite juicer......WY
P.S. Omega is good about upgrading their products.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
I think Botanically it's classified as a Fruit.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
Jgunn Wrote:
> ........ fortunately i have
> composting available to me so that does away with
> the matt issue
That's Great Jodi. If I could compost my mats, I'd start growing Wheatgrass again. As it is now, I have to use my regular garbage pickup to get rid of them.
I've just about decided to move to Sarasota, near a Whole
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
gracetabithalim Wrote:
> ......If any of you are interested in
> the fine art of choosing durian and opening this
> thorny King of Fruits
I don't think there is a foolproof way to select a good Durian. I knew a professional durian eater once, who bought whole durians 5 to 10 at a time, and one-half of them (or more) were bad. S
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 13 years ago
494. Re: which juicer?
flipperjan Wrote:
> Well thanks for that Yogi - you're as clear as mud
Sorry Flip. I would get more specific, but coco always shoots me down......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
Tamukha Wrote:
> ....... If there's a health food store near you
> with a juice bar that serves wheatgrass "shots,"
> maybe give that a try a few times and see how you
> do.
I agree. Growing Wheatgrass, juicing it, and disposing of the mat is a major commitment.
At a Juice Bar, two shots of Wheatgrass Juice, plu
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
Nature poisons Seed in order to propagate the species. No animal in the wild eats Seed. Birds may appear to, but are, in fact, just swallowing them.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
I agree with Doug Graham, and others here. The nuts will eventually be soaked from within. Plus, it's so much easier not to soak them. And if you do soak them, how long do you soak them? Something has to be lost in the soak-water.
Nuts are best not eaten....soaked or not......WY
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
498. Re: which juicer?
flipperjan Wrote:
> sorry sorry sorry - if this has been asked ad
> nauseum - please direct me to the relevant posts
> if so.
It has been discussed here many times before, but we haven't reached the ad-nauseum stage yet.
> it's just a feeling. Might be an expensive experiment!!
How expensive could it be?
I'd advise every
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
jj2011 Wrote:
> Due to my health concern, I want to give raw food
> a try.
> I am skinny already and just afraid that raw food
> makes me too skinny.
It all depends on what Raw Foods you habitually eat...and the amount. I personally like the Raw Food Look that leaves one slightly underweight, with sunken cheeks, and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
jj2011 Wrote:
> For the juicer, is the one below you mentioned?
Yes, that's the Omega 8006 (in chrome and black). It's $50 more than the Omega 8004 (in white). Mechanically they're both the same. I own the 8004 and can attest to its ease of use, and quick cleanup time......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
jj2011 Wrote:
> Any recommendation on juicer to make wheat grass
> juice?
It's not essential to drink Wheatgrass Juice in order to cure your cancer, but, according to much documentation, it helps.
I would say that Fruit Sugar is the worst possible thing you can take, even though Johanna Brandt wrote "The Grape Cure", and
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
pborst Wrote:
> p.s. if anyone has Henry's (WY) email, please send
> him an email to let him know we are back up. It
> isn't the same forum without him.
Paul...what a nice thing to say.
I enjoyed your review. It sounds as if the Vita-Mix Pro 500 was made just for you......WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
jj2011 Wrote:
> "How I conquered cancer naturally" by Eydie Mae.
> the book mentioned that do not mix fruits with
> vegetables.
> Just wonder why? I always blend fruits and
> vegetables together.
Fruits and Vegetables digest at different rates. Also, Fruit Sugars feed cancer, so I'd say go heavier on
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
That was very good coco. Thanks for sharing.
I guess the lesson is to blend at fairly low speeds until the mixture is broken-up, then progress into the high speeds.....WY
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders |