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8 years ago
Thanks Tai for sharing your story and all the advice. Truly amazing what food can heal! I actually always have aloe on hand. I add it to my parrots water, as it helps keep their liver and kidneys healthy and is good for their plumage. I throw a couple chunks of it in my smoothies from time to time in the summer. I will definitely try blending some up for detox purposes. How much though? Like an 6
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
Just an update, but the exaggerated anxiety symptoms seem to be calming down. I have been eating tons of citrus and other 'tangy' fruits (kiwi, pineapple, tomatoes) along with green juices. No cooked food at all right now while my body detoxes. Now I think my respiratory tract is having some kind of 'detox'. Coughing up yuck (expected), but my nose is also runny, my eyes are itchy and red. I've g
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
Thanks for the advice and help so far. It is greatly appreciated. I bought 15lbs of citrus yesterday, mix of oranges and grapefruit. I am feeling less urges for a cigarette but still completely out of my mind. I may try a herbal tea, but I am leery of tinctures. A long time ago, my old naturopath prescribed valerian then kava for the anxiety. They had a effect very similar to a mild sedative but
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
Thanks everyone. Panchito- I have read several places that it takes 21 days for the brain to adjust to changes. I'm quitting cold turkey though. Trying to wean myself off them extended into years of non-progress. Tai-I have some citrus in my diet, always juiced, kind of a special treat on weekend mornings since I have never cared too much for the texture of the whole fruits. It's not that
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
8 years ago
I haven't been on the forum for a while due to my life being in free fall for a while there (not even sure if anyone remembers me) but I am still managed to stick on a pretty high-raw diet (not sure I could have made it through everything if I wasn't!)and have kind of figured out where I'm most comfortable with this lifestyle. I'm not really on any extreme, not high or low fat, still have a coup
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I'd suspect like many lifestyles, the number of true "followers" was never that many in the first place and likely never will be. Let's face it, raw veganism is a highly restrictive diet and lifestyle to follow long term and requires people to eat vast quantities of foods they probably don't like very much (I know I eat far more leafy greens than I ever cared to). For whatever reason, r
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Yuck! The "plastic rice" thing brings to mind a bag of cheap store brand "brown rice" I bought a few years ago. I know how to make rice properly yet this rice did not really absorb the water and remained hard despite cooking it for way longer than it should have taken to cook. Very strange. We threw it out figuring it was stale or something. Makes me wonder if it was the st
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
It never gets super cold where I live (rarely drops below freezing) but I have to admit, when it's 38 degrees and has been raining for a few straight days, it's certainly not always the easy choice to eat another cold salad or fruit platter when all you want is some hot soup or beans and rice (not to mention the limited selection of produce in many areas during the winter). I find it much easier
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I have always been a fairly 'active' person, but never really had any set workout routine. I decided to try this year to get in better shape since I know healthy diet is only 1/2 of good health. I started a HIIT routine about 2 weeks ago. I have (surprisingly) not been horribly sore, and very quick recovery times (guessing thats all the raw foods). Other than mild soreness (to be expected) I feel
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I had a very nasty 'detox' period when I first transitioned to a high raw diet. It was like having a stomach bug and the flu all rolled up in one and lasted several weeks. Had I not been expecting it and understood it was my body dumping stored toxins, I would have thought the diet was awful. It slowly improved though over the next few months and I felt more energetic and healthier. I've been on
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
SueZ Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've never seen anything quite like it on Amazon. > Ten pages and counting of glaringly mindless fully > fake book reviews of this sort ... > > 5.0 out of 5 stars > > By Amazon Customer on January 5, 2016 > > Format: Paperback > > "I can't wait to get this book. I know I wi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
QuoteNo point in fruits and vegetables if your going to end up with blood tests indicating SEVERELY increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even with an abnormal CHD(coronary heart disease) risk marker to explain in easy words your raw vegan diet is NOT WORKING OR HEALTHY. Would you mind posting a link to this video? I've only seen one video of hers with a blood test and perhaps it was my i
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Quotekiwibird, I agree that cooked foods take as much time as raw foods to prepare. But it's easier to outsource cooked food than raw food. Do you make raw food in addition to an office job, or do you have more free time for yourself than the average worker? I wish I could have more time to myself. Most people seem to be suffering from the 'poverty of time', as Jacob Needleman calls it. I do
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
It's great your trying to go vegan. I think you will find processed vegan foods are costly and not terribly nutritious compared to actual fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and beans (i.e. REAL food). As this is a forum for raw foods mostly populated with people very into a raw lifestyle, I would venture to say you likely won't find many processed cereal recommendations here. Starting the da
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I haven't been active on the raw forum in a while, but am indeed still on a primarily raw diet. I have just been busy, but I hit upon on the most fantastic combination for a juice and had to share. I've been trying for a while to incorporate golden beets and daikon into a juice I can drink nightly, but for anyone who loves daikon you know it has quite the bite. But this juice just came together a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Considering I've always made food from scratch and never got into those microwave it up in 5 minutes junk food, raw foods really don't take any more time than cooked foods did. A lot of new techniques to learn when I went raw and some PRICEY equipment I felt was a good investment (juicer, blender, dehydrator).
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
It is finally cool enough out to run my dehydrator again! Summer hit (record heat here) and the dehydrator went on vacation for a while. Been making lots of apple chips, kale chips (a nacho cheese flavor ), and yes cauliflower buffalo bites are on my menu soon! Got some new raw uncook books too, so have a wealth of new recipes to try over the fall/winter.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Manta91 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does he eat the sweet potato raw? Cecilia loves > it, but always steamed. We're not shy about nuts > with her either, as she could stand to put on > weight. I do want to mix things up with some raw > veggies in there too, though. I am not home with > her (she lives with my mother) but even she sees
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Manta91 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Gorgeous pictures, everyone! Especially those > cookies, Kiwibird, they sound amazing. Kiwi looks > great as always, too > > My Cecilia has been on a mostly raw diet (some > pellets still) for nor even 2 weeks now and seems > to be growing back some feathers again! We've been > giving her a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I just stumbled across this article: which is fairly run of the mill except the part about the Iranian villagers which I have never heard before: QuoteIranian Villagers Halstead et al. (8) reported that some Iranian villagers with very little animal product intake (dairy once a week, meat once a month) had normal B12 levels. None had megaloblastic anemia. Their average B12 level was 411 pg
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Soooooooo much fruit Some of the melons I don't even remember the names of, but they were DELICIOUS! Even my little 'raw buddy' couldn't wait to dig in!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I eat bananas cherries and lettuce (plenty of them). I can't say any of them make me noticeably more tired than when I eat other foods. Since going raw, I generally feel energized after meals rather than going into a food coma like when I ate cooked... In fact, the only food that does seem to do that to me is carb-heavy cooked foods like pasta, bread and baked goods. I haven't eaten meats in 16+
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I live in a good area for growing plants and have a bunch of sprouting seeds I suppose I could let grow into the full plants if need be. I also know about square foot gardening, and basic survival skills (like how to make fire for warmth or to boil water for sterilization). I guess I do need to learn more about local edible plants though!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
This is interesting because most of the beans, seeds and grains I've sprouted just came from Winco bulk section and sprouted just fine (except oats, I've sadly not had much luck with those). I haven't tried sprouting nuts, I just soak those (and re-dehydrate if I wanted to eat them dry). I've also bought bags of sprouting-specific seeds for broccoli greens, fenugreek and diakon at the health food
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
This is interesting. I live in Oregon where recreational cannabis use has just become legal. I was curious about juicing it and/or adding it to my smoothies but was afraid to ask because of forum guidelines (?). Pricing will determine if I will use it or not, as it's not yet for sale to recreational users. In October it will be sold in shops, for now you can grow it or be given it as a gift but y
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
SueZ Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > rawdeal Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > The Dhamma of it all is the rilex of the goji > noni > > and acai. The preoxity and the resulting > hyper > > oxygenation causes rapid reliueux that is > > dangerous to your chakric health >
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
QuoteI was surprised to hear of some raw vegans that have constipation issues sometimes. Seriously? I'm surprised too! With the amount of fiber and liquids one must eat on raw, I don't understand how you could possibly end up constipated. Also, since I've gathered you're a naturopath or in some kind of natural healing as a profession, aren't we in a constant state of detoxification? As in
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
No-chicken noodle soup (daikon broth) and salad. So refreshing and delicious!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
Sounds to me like you got some kind of food poisoning that just coincidentally began around when you ate the meat for the first time again. It's rare, but bacteria that can make you ill CAN grow in fruits and veg too. There is no way a couple weeks of not eating meat is going to alter your body chemistry THAT much. People who are long-time (years and years) vegans and vegetarians are the only one
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
9 years ago
I actually tried the bean-less hummus last night (with a huge veggie platter). Very tasty! The recipes seem to have a lot of nuts and seeds though, but I suppose a couple high-fat meals a week won't hurt me I'll look into doing the potato salad. I just wish there was't so much coconut. I've been allergic to it all my life. It's like my biggest irritant of being raw, SO MANY RECIPES call for co
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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