Anyone know if you can freeze polcarbonate type plastic?
Posted by:
Date: November 01, 2008 04:49PM Well let me know before I try it and it cracks. lol The containers don't say you can or can't.... Re: Anyone know if you can freeze polcarbonate type plastic?
Posted by:
Date: November 01, 2008 08:51PM Polycarbonate plastics are rigid..They are not, as a general rule, designed to withstand cold temperatures very well..Their molecular structure fractures easily when cold, much easier than at room temperatures..And, most polycarbonate plastics break fairly easily at room temps..
Bruce Re: Anyone know if you can freeze polcarbonate type plastic?
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2008 02:26PM Thanks. Won't do it then.
What's with these things anyway? I thought polycarbonate was recommended for some reason but I can't get the plastic smell out of it and I washed it twice. I'm guessing that smell means they're leaching? Re: Anyone know if you can freeze polcarbonate type plastic?
Posted by:
Date: November 03, 2008 03:48PM All plastics leach, it just depends to what degree..When you get right down to it, the only safe things to store food in that are inert are glass & certain kinds of ceramics..
The problem is that we have transitioned from a rural agricultural society that purchased its foods fresh every day, or every other day; to an urban society that wants to do its shopping for fresh foods only once a week..Storing foods for long periods of time in glass or ceramics to preserve & or transport is just not convenient.. Removing all plastics from one's life is a daunting task..I'm not sure that it could even be accomplished, if only on the most limited scale in one's residence..And, that would require an incredibly major undertaking & rearranging of how one lived one's life.. Bruce Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.