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Re: Did I miss something?
Date: June 05, 2013 12:08AM

KFCA Wrote:
> John; Will you give the citation info on that
> joint Hipp/Tufts study from the 1970ties you
> mentioned above as I can find nothing on Pub-Med
> which should cover it IF such actually happened.
> Thank you. Otherwise, I can check with my neighbor
> who is a post-grad doctor from Tufts for the
> veracity of your claim.

Please, l would greatly appreciate it if your neighbour could verify the claim, that would be great. The findings were found by accident. It has been on my list of things to do, but it would greatly save time if you could help us out here.

> Also I've done enough genealogical work on Ann
> Wigmore to realize that the dear woman Lied.

Can you please talk about this in full detail please?

One thing that did strike me about Dr Ann was that when her flat burned down at the Ann Wigmore institute, it was supposed to be caused by a kettle heating on the stove. Could have she chilled out later in life and started taking herbal tea perhaps? Hmmm.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2013 12:20AM by The Sproutarian Man.

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Re: Did I miss something?
Date: June 05, 2013 12:18AM

THeSt0rm Wrote:

> I want to comment about the EPA/DHA... I learned
> that even if a person has a 1:1 to 1:2 ratio of
> omega 3 to 6 in one's daily diet it doesn't always
> mean the body will make use of it to provide all
> the body's needs for EPA/DHA. Plus obviously the
> seeds should be sprouted but even then can we be
> sure? A naturopathic doctor told me we can't be
> sure since there's an enzyme or process involved
> in the production of EPA/DHA.. and if that's not
> working well then you wont produce enough EPA/DHA
> regardless of how much healthy fats you're taking.
> I'm not sure if that is true but if it can be then
> some extra measure could be taken like getting
> epa/DHA direct from plant sources and/or taking
> things which may increase production of these
> fatty acids. Ie seaweeds and algaes.
> Also coconut oil is said to increase production of
> EPA/DHA in the liver, and so is wakame. Who knows
> what other seaweed does the same.
> I'd also work on the gut flora IMO as that may
> also help in production of EPA/DHA.

That's a good point too, and thanks for bringing it up. l think if you are eating the finest land and water foods there is a good possibility of getting `that' particular enzyme. l think this because of the success of the people on the Hippocraties Diet.

And yes, the body doesn't destroy enzymes from plants as seen by red tagging therapy which has shown plant enzymes surving the body environment. But raw fooders always knew this instinctively. l feel confident that raw plants contain everything we need.

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Re: Did I miss something?
Posted by: BJ ()
Date: June 05, 2013 12:31AM

John, you say were are designed as Plant Eaters. DO you believe we Were designed by a creator, or that we have evolved as a plant eater, keeping in mind that there was no other option?

I don't know about Chris, but I believe in fasting and juicing, provided people know what they are doing. I also believe in raw cleansing diets and raw diets if they are done correctly ( and that's the problem ), and people know what they are doing - as opposed to just eating lots and lots and lots of fruit.

I have thought long and hard about '' why do so many people fail on raw diets, or healthier diets ? " if diet is the simple answer. A few of the raw gurus base their diet and philosophy solely on their own bodies and disregard all their followers failures.

I agree with your 2 premises, but I want to add a bit more. When you look at the animal kingdom, whether it's the apes or the elephants, as a group they are totally homogenous. They get up every morning and do exactly the same thing. They have been doing the exact same thing for hundreds of thousands of years. They have / had lived in the same areas before the ROTTEN WHITE MAN came along and destroyed their environment. All their food was fresh and from good soil.They had to be healthy, active and on the move every single day of their lives.

In the animal kingdom if you weren't healthy, active and fit and couldn't keep moving and provide for your own needs every day of their lives, you would either die of starvation or get taken by a predator, so it was always the survival of the healthiest and the fittest - and sometimes the luckiest. So in the animal kingdom the line of genetics was always strong, always healthy and always fit, and any weak ones just perished, or weren't allowed to breed by the stronger Alpha males. A sick or weak animal couldn't just sit around and be feed by the rest of the troop or herd - like with humans.

Now we come to the human kingdom and we look at our development and see how un- uniformly we have developed. Unlike the animal kingdom, in the human kingdom anyone can breed, and the worst and crappiest genetics can breed and have children and pass on their horrible genetics. While we still have many healthy active and fit people with good strong genetics, we have swathes of people who don't, and these healthy fit active people expect the less genetically blessed people to be able to eat 15 - 20 bananas for lunch and go for a 200 mile bike ride and feel great, like they do.

Many humans now for thousands of years haven't had to do hard physical labor every day of their lives. WE have had soldiers, farmers, athletes and active people who breed, but we have had classes of people who were scholars, advisers, etc. and their lifestyle was passive and they have passed those genetics down the line. Also, the woman haven't had to be as strong as the females in the animal kingdom because they would stay home and ... unlike in the animal kingdom where the females have to be as active as the males.

Once certain strands of people stopped being as active and their calorie requirements reduced, and combined with eating cooked foods, their natural stomach capacity to digest, assimilate and metabolise foods reduced significantly, and this has been passed on genetically down through the generations, and this has to be taken into account.

A perfect example are the South Sea Islanders. Until the rotten Christian white men came along they more or less lived in a tropical paradise. They swam, rowed the canoes, fished, and the woman farmed. They lived a simple uniform natural life - even with cooked food. They were all big, healthy, strong and fit for thousands of years, but once they moved away from the Islands, or adopted the white mans diet and way of life they started to get the white mans diseases and many have become fat and out of shape and unable to do what their ancestors did for thousands of years.

Also, because humans have bred so indiscriminately we now have ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. Some people can go into a gym and train with weights and in a short while would be able to bench press 250 pounds because of their body structure - and their genetics, but others without the correct body structure would never be able to bench press 250 pounds. Their arms would break under the strain. That is the same now with many peoples internal digestive and metabolic capacity. They just can't eat the 15 - 20 bananas that Doug Graham says to eat to get their caloric requirements without either enervating themselves, or stretching their stomachs beyond their normal natural capacity, and once they have overstretched their normal capacity, they can't seem to be satisfied with whatever they eat any more. When i see them address this issue of an overstretched stomach on the other board they are simply ignored.

I answered the challenge of why humans are different to the animals on the other board, but once i posted the above there was no rebuttal or comeback.

I am not saying that a 100% raw plant diet is not possible. There are many people who it will work for, but what do we say to the others - just keep eating more fruit and keep stretching your stomach and when it's stretched beyond its normal capacity then '' i will ignore you and you can suffer for the rest of your life because i have a fantastic body and it works for me ''.

Now the answer is not to eat a 100% cooked diet or a junk food diet. The answer is to adapt to the bodies that we are born with and our circumstances. That sadly is the reality of the situation. We aren't going to change our body structure either internally or externally in the space of a few weeks, months or years. If people have limited digestive capacity and they need a small amount of cooked or @##$$%%^ food maybe that's what they have to do to be healthy - irrespective of what's right or wrong for others. For some people it's not just a dietary issue, but it's their actual physical body and internal capacity ( and in our @#$%& up world all the other things we have to deal with ).

Just because we were designed or have evolved as 100% plant eaters that doesn't mean that that is the optimum diet for us. If non active or active people can eat 70, 80 or 90% raw and still fast and have a clean bloodstream without having to overeat or overburden their bodies with too much food then maybe that is better, maybe that is better and more conducive to living a long life. The only answer is what works for you as an individual. The basic principles are the same for everyone, but it's the other 10 -15% that is the difference between success and failure.

Sorry about the long post folks, but i finally decided to address this issue. I haven't addressed it fully because then the post would be so long that no one would want to read it.

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Re: Did I miss something?
Date: June 05, 2013 02:34AM

THeSt0rm Wrote:
> Isn't the Energy Soup like bad food combining?

lt sure is! l have read your comments on my forum and l will respond to those soon.

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Re: Did I miss something?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 05, 2013 03:52PM

Missing Chris today, have some questions he'd be sure to chime in on. Oh well. There's a great article on parasympathetic system on his blog recently, I'm thinking most people these days are living in a sympathetic dominance state. Sounds familiar to me, unfortunately. Something to work on...


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Re: Did I miss something?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 05, 2013 11:26PM

Sproutarian Man: Are you Steve Meyororitz?

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Re: Did I miss something?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: June 08, 2013 05:24PM

Oh, I love his books! They were the first I read on sprouting that really helped make it real for me, makes it seem so doable to read it in such a friendly book!

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Re: Did I miss something?
Posted by: banana who ()
Date: June 08, 2013 05:27PM

THeSt0rm Wrote:
> banana who Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sproutarian Man: Are you Steve Meyororitz?
> lol you're not the first one to think of this
> question.

So...Is he...? I have his books and it would be cool to know we're dealing with him in the flesh...

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Re: Did I miss something?
Posted by: KidRaw ()
Date: June 08, 2013 09:17PM

No, because Steven Meyerowitz is "The Sproutman" and his website is -


and our guy is either John Kearns or Brian Nexus, and he is "The Sproutarian" and his website is -


John Kearns and Brian Nexus --


John Kearns and Brian Nexus
Site Owner

"About Me

Brian Nexus is a 100 raw food sproutarian. He lives off 25 different sprouted foods and fully believes that living primarily on sprouts is the best diet possible. He doesn't believe that vegetables, fruits or unsprouted seeds should be a mainstay of anyones diet, and believes vegetables should be avoided if possible or at most they should be used as secondary foods to play the role of condiments. Unsprouted seeds should play a minimum role in the diet, and fruit should be eaten sparingly because sprouted foods play a much healthier role in the current environment of high stress and pollution. Brian does eat some fruit, unsprouted chia seeds and weeds, but very occasionally he will eat unsprouted flax seeds, but apart from that everything else in his diet is sprouted. Brian lives on a diet of nut sprouts, legume sprouts, seed sprouts, grain sprouts, grasses, weeds, algae and fruit.

John Kearns is a highly spiritual raw food vegan who is a 100% raw foodist. He survives on very little food each day, sleeps very little each night (averages 2 hours), and is physically very active. His main purpose is spreading the message of good health for the body, mind and soul to people who want to improve their lifestyle. John is aiming to go 100% sproutarian soon, but his main aims are to get people plugged into a lifestyle to live a life full of meaning and free of stress."

I'm excited to be speaking to such an expert and it's renewed my interest in sprouting and eating more sprouts and I'm very appreciative of all the first-hand information we're getting right now from such a successful Sproutarian. Whenever anyone has asked me what the RFD consists of I always say - Raw fruits, raw vegetables, sprouts, raw nuts/seeds, fermented vegetables.

Sproutarianism would be a great step on the way to becoming a Breatharian.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2013 09:24PM by KidRaw.

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