I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 03, 2013 02:21AM I read about Michael Douglas and his statement that he contracted cancer via HPV virus by performing oral sex on women. He was asked if drinking and smoking were the culprits and he denied it.
This is very odd, following the Angelina deal with preventative breast surgery. Why is Michael Douglas so adamant denying the link that two vices might be implicated (things which have no vaccines to sell to the public)? Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 03, 2013 02:19PM [news.yahoo.com]
Yay! I found out how to cut and paste on this thing! In any case, this was a leading story yesterday, along with Michael Douglas'. Both regarding HPV. I wonder about the so-called synchronicity and if it's really covert conditioning... Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 03, 2013 06:14PM I just ran across the Michael Douglas story - no wonder he has a smirk on his face and sagging around his mouth
[www.sfgate.com] Good reason to avoid having oral sex - besides the fact that it's gross Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: June 03, 2013 07:28PM More Virus BS!!! Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 04, 2013 12:17AM KidRaw, why do you think oral sex is gross? Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 04, 2013 12:18AM Prana Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > KidRaw, why do you think oral sex is gross? LOL! I was wondering the same thing, especially since Michael Douglas was the donor! I think some women find it "dirty" to perform oral sex on a man (some men don't care for it either) but I was curious if KidRaw feels the same on both ends... Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2013 12:19AM by banana who. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 04, 2013 01:07AM Yeah, it's 'Dirty'.
Years ago, I became very bacteria-conscious. Like if a dog or cat licks me, I feel like I've now got all their germs and bacteria and diseases, etc. And something clicked years ago that if you share food or drink with someone, you get all their germs and bacteria and diseases. So I won't touch anything that anybody ate from and I won't even eat something that I had partially eaten an hour ago, because it's loaded with bacteria. And I couldn't even imagine french kissing someone because then you get all their germs totally. And so that 69 stuff is like the worst ever because it sure is unclean and if you think about it, it just doesn't seem natural, like I don't think we were meant to do that to each other because it's dirty and UNHEALTHY. But in my old wild days, I did most everything, so I got it out of my system Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2013 01:11AM by KidRaw. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 04, 2013 01:42AM Many years ago, when I was just a young boy, I too became bacteria conscious. But after become a raw foodist in 2001, I lost my fear of bacteria. Our own bodies are host to 100 trillion bacteria, in fact we have 10 time more bacteria than we have human cells.
I will eat fruit that has fallen from trees, and is sitting in the dirt, without washing it. I don't generally wash my produce, unless it is really muddy or gritty. I eat the bird pecked figs in the trees, and they may be loaded with insects, but I brush them aside and eat the super ripe inside of the figs. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 04, 2013 01:55AM What I really don't like is - Contamination. That's what happens to food or drink that someone else has been partaking of - it's Contaminated - so if you eat some of it after they did, you get all their germs and even parasites, and when a dog or cat (or person) licks you, you get all their parasites Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: June 05, 2013 04:07PM I can't think of much about sex that I don't like. Man, I am a fastidious person when it comes to personal cleanliness and am a bit much with the house keeping too at times, truth be told. But sex, well, ain't nothing gross about it in my mind. I like the term "tri-sexual" as in will try anything, lol . Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 06, 2013 08:42PM I agree with KidRaw about socalled oral sex, but not because I'm scared of germs. But because it's disgusting. Whatever happened to plain old scre*ing? I think that a desire to do these kinds of things stems from physical and mental insensitivity. Healthy, normal people don't want or need to suck on genitals or lift their shirts (if you get my drift). Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 06, 2013 09:48PM Horsea, thanks for the laugh. I found that very funny. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 06, 2013 11:25PM What's a healthy, normal people? Apparently not me.
I think you might be a bit off the mark on what you think "normal people" want. I love oral sex. From my standpoint, there's nothing disgusting, sick, or unhealthy about providing someone pleasure. You could look at this way: If more couples got into it, there would be less need for phony drugs like Viagra. Here's a question: M.D. is saying it's not the smoking or the drinking but the oral sex that caused his cancer. So does that mean he's blaming C.Z.J.? Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: June 08, 2013 05:19PM I like yoga but tai chi is also nice. So is swimming, biking, meditation, massage, etc. Plain ole vanilla sex is lovely but it's not the only way to derive pleasure. If a partner is not into something it becomes unsexy to attempt it with them in my experience but the flip side is that trying something formerly unknown or undesired simply because a partner is turned on by it makes it into something desirable, pleasurable and sexy. I would find it too limiting to adhere to one single style of physical exercise, one style of relaxation, or one means of sexual expression. à Chacun son goût “to each his own taste”! LOL Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 08, 2013 05:34PM Swimmer and Coco should hook up Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 08, 2013 05:34PM It's important that it's done with skill. Yes, then it's very likeable. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 08, 2013 09:05PM My first post in months and it's about oral sex. LOL
I love variety. I consider oral sex delicious, not dirty. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 08, 2013 09:09PM Are you a woman or a guy? Curious if it breaks down according to gender... Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 09, 2013 03:39PM So back to the op's purpose, ahem, I think Michael Douglas's "opining" about his oral cancer is nothing more than further proof that celebrity and a sound understanding of human biology do not coincide. Duh Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 09, 2013 08:52PM banana who Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Swimmer and Coco should hook up What about me? I'll bring the fruit. I wonder if Michael Douglas was simply conveying a message to his wife that he is no longer into doing such activities. He does like them young, and his wife was much younger when they married. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 09, 2013 08:59PM Yes, yes...by all means have a threesome. I am sure Coco wouldn't mind me agreeing for her, LOL.
The whole thing is a bit sordid, especially when you think of his wife's rep. Did she give him HPV cooties? It's really strange and as with Angelina's covers on "Time' and "People," very interesting timing. I am reminded of those radio ads where the host starts talking about a product and you think they're just talking and then you realize it's an embedded commercial. I wonder about these so-called revelations of Michael. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 10, 2013 12:40AM Michael Douglas has recanted and has now said that oral sex didn't cause his throat cancer. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 10, 2013 03:56AM Well, let's see...who eats food for entertainment? Mostly SAD diet people, though vegans can have their fun with food...but it is not the point of the vegan diet!
Vegan diet, if I understand it well, means going back to the nature, eat what you need. The taste is good only because that is what we are meant to eat, not because of anybodies pleasures. Same is with sex. There is a very important purpose for sex. Perverse sex is like when I have a pound of dates (I often do). It is an addiction, a pleasure, but not good for you. So, as we are all just human, and SAD educated from childhood, our other habits are also coming from the same world. Sex is not entertainment. In fact, just like food, sex is extremely important for survival and if we live genuine lives, if we UNDERSTAND this world, we will NEVER take sex as entertainment. It is not, it never was and it will never be. The illusion comes from the consumer society - everything is for sale, for pleasure, so is human body. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 10, 2013 05:51AM If vegan diet means going back to nature, how does it equate with sitting in front of a computer, having hot showers, and using electricity generated from coal or nuclear generated electricity which pollutes the planet? Maybe you should find out where your electricity comes from and cut off your electricity. Does it mean eating bananas and other tropical fruits that were grown in far away places by meat and SAD eaters, and plantations owned by meat and SAD eaters - and you are financially supporting them and making them rich? Have you considered the damage to the environment you are doing by eating food from faraway places?
Unless you are a locavore who doesn't use electricity, a car or anything synthetic or man made then it's just as perverse. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: June 10, 2013 12:13PM First, let’s look at how the Chinese look at Sex and then, I’ll give my view as a scientist.
In “The Tao of Health, Sex, & Longevity”, Daniel P. Reid writes “The important point to note here is that Food and Sex, which are the nature’s two strongest drives and the only two instincts any species requires for survival and propagation, are the two keys that unlock the gates to health and longevity. Conversely, when these two natural instincts are abused purely for pleasure, they pave the quickest way to the grave.” page 17 “The Chinese have always held the Taoist view that sexual relations between male and female are the primary earthly manifestation of the universal principles of Yin and Yang. As such, the Chinese regard sex to be as natural and indispensable to human health and longevity as rain falling on the fields is to plant life. The intense sense of guilt attached to sexual matters in Judeo-Christian tradition is, in Chinese eyes, one of the most unpleasant and incomprehensive aspects of Western culture. Traditional Western hypocrisy towards sex has prevented serious study of human sexuality in the Western world until only a few decades ago. Like everything else in Western philosophy, sex is viewed through the lens of dualism: it is seen as either sacred (in matrimony) or profane (out of wedlock), with no room for anything in between. The Chinese, however, do not draw distinctions between sacred and profane sex. As far as Taoists are concerned, the only important distinctions regarding sexual activities are those between healthy and unhealthy habits.” page 257 As a scientist, when I look at our Needs, it’s really very simple - we are either Satisfying our Needs or we are NOT Satisfying our Needs. Like all Living Systems, we have a Need to Procreate, so anything else related to Sex - necrophilia, bestiality, homosexuality and even masturbation, is UNNATURAL. As a scientist, there is NO judgment in my statement because we are either Satisfying our Needs or we are NOT Satisfying our Needs and when we partake in necrophilia, bestiality, homosexuality and even masturbation we are NOT Satisfying our Need to Procreate. As I’ve mentioned many times, we now have 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy based on the Law of Cause & Effect and the Ripple Effect and I call that the Science and Art of Healing. A common argument I see when anyone brings up being Natural or how a Raw Vegan Diet might not Satisfy all of our Nutrient Needs is that they don’t understand the Ripple Effect and now we have 2 Groups of Needs we must Satisfy, hence the need for Supplementation and Electricity, for example. Supplementation is based on the damage we’ve done to our Anatomy and our Environment and our Need for Electricity is 1 of our 10 Subsequent Needs. Altogether, I have identified 12 Essential Needs based on the Law of Cause & Effect and 10 Subsequent Needs based on the Ripple Effect where 6 of those 10 Subsequent Needs are also Problems of Knowledge and those include our Subsequent Need for Education, Money, Media, Government, Religion and Power. Interestingly, I didn’t have Education and Media on my list of Subsequent Needs until about a year ago and that’s when I finally realized their role as a Problem of Knowledge. In fact, I used to have Money as our #1 Subsequent Need that’s also a Problem of Knowledge until I realized that Education or Brainwashing the Medicine Man came before Money. Once we understand that we have these Subsequent Needs based on the Ripple Effect where we have a very Weak Connection to everything around us, we realize that the simple Solution for our Economic Crises and Corruption in Government, for example, is for all of us to Play our Role and Strengthen our Connection to everything around us and the only way for us to Strengthen our Connection to everything around us is for us to Return to the Diet we evolved on for 99% of our existence, which is a Raw Vegan Diet. Of course, we have to keep in mind that we have Damaged our Anatomy and our Environment and that means that some of us are going to have to Supplement our Ideal Diet in order to make sure we’re getting everything we need. Peace and Love..........John Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 10, 2013 03:34PM If coco were to visit me, she'd forget all about sex because my entire house is one big art studio. She'd get dizzy with instruments of creativity in every corner, and art/craft projects in every room!
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but creativity is the mechanism to achievement. This is true is all areas of life. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2013 03:35PM by swimmer. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Anonymous User
Date: June 10, 2013 10:07PM Oh man Swimmer, I'm coming over! Whee! Nothing better than a lil' creative expression, eh? Nothing better... Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 10, 2013 11:29PM BJ Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > If vegan diet means going back to nature, how does > it equate with sitting in front of a computer, > having hot showers, and using electricity > generated from coal or nuclear generated > electricity which pollutes the planet? Maybe you > should find out where your electricity comes from > and cut off your electricity. Does it mean eating > bananas and other tropical fruits that were grown > in far away places by meat and SAD eaters, and > plantations owned by meat and SAD eaters - and you > are financially supporting them and making them > rich? Have you considered the damage to the > environment you are doing by eating food from > faraway places? > > Unless you are a locavore who doesn't use > electricity, a car or anything synthetic or man > made then it's just as perverse. You probably meant this rhetorically, but what you wrote here is true. Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
banana who
Date: June 10, 2013 11:43PM BJ on oral sex= delicious irony Re: I just had a horrifying revelation
Posted by:
Date: June 11, 2013 02:13AM coco Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Oh man Swimmer, I'm coming over! Whee! Nothing > better than a lil' creative expression, eh? > Nothing better... Yup, nothing better... You know where to find me! Banana who..."delicious irony" that's funny! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.