Re: Censorship
Posted by:
John Rose
Date: October 19, 2021 07:55PM Unraveling the Forces Behind the Plandemic:
A Special Interview With Mikki Willis By Dr. Joseph Mercola 1:19:54 Minute Video October 12th, 2021. 23:49 MM Mikki Willis: But as I delved into this with a really incredible team of researchers and started to really learn the history of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, and many, many others, they're just the people at the forefront of this, the faces of it, I realized that there has to be, at this point, a real knowing of what they're doing and a plan behind what they're doing. And as soon as I started looking there, that's when I saw every bit of indication, every bit of evidence pointed in one direction, and that is, they're fully aware of what they're doing. And that's the sad part of this. Dr. Joseph Mercola: Yes, they are. And indeed they've compiled quite a bit of power in this. And I'm wondering what your views are since you've been full-time in covering all these details for the last almost two years now, what your projection is for the future. It seems like this is a David versus Goliath scenario, certainly in the level of power that they have especially when you look at some of the global monopolies, like Google that control literally 93% of the searches in the world. Mikki Willis: Yeah. Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.