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14 years ago
Hello fellow raw-foodists, I'm a graduate student, admin. asst., and dedicated practitioner at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. I study depth psychology and Buddhist psychology. I'm looking for housing in Marin County, and my range is ~$700-850. I live a healthy lifestyle and am eco-aware. I seek a well-constructed home with hardwood or tile floors and no new paint or renovations, and a pla
Forum: Classifieds for individuals
14 years ago
Dear Fellow Raw Foodists, I am still seeking a chemically-safe place to live, esp. in San Rafael, San Anselmo, Petaluma, North Berkeley, or Berkeley, but I will consider other areas. My range is $550-900. I esp. seek hardwood floors, good indoor air quality and cross-ventilation, and a place without new renovations, like new paint. An in-law unit would be ideal, or a share rental where e
Forum: Classifieds for individuals
14 years ago
powerlifer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > nuts are quite hard to digest for those with > sluggish digestion and liver. They are high fat so > they can make some feel odd if they have poor > liver function. > > a good way to find out is trying a bitter before > eating a portion, any bitter tasting herb works to > stimulate the bit
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
leannesusan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It takes a bit of planning, but it does work. > Depending on where I'm going, This was helpful -- thanks! -Sue
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Hi Group, I'm a dedicated dharma practitioner. Mostly with Spirit Rock teachers. And I'm wondering if there are others on this site who have managed to do residential meditation retreats and stay raw. Or if they switch to the cooked vegetarian food that is provided, while on retreat... Thank you for any experiences you can share! All best, Sue
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
greathealth Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > buddhistforlife > Please try sea minerals. I normally catch a cold > at the drop of a hat. But since taking 1 tsp/day > I have not caught a cold yet. I actually can't > believe it. And it's supposed to zap out any cold > or flu. Let me know if you try it. I'm curious > if other people hav
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
greathealth Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I did just try a great > product that got rid of my parasites and candida > and within one day my sugar cravings disappeared. > Are you willing to share which product you used? Thank you, Sue
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Hello, I'm reading Victoria Boutenko's 12 Steps to Raw, and it's very inspiring. Her writing is clear and persuasive. I am feeling motivated, and I'm writing to ask if there is a list on this website, or elsewhere, of raw food coaches or class opportunities, in the Bay Area? And I'm also wondering if there are coaches and classes with a sliding scale, or that are accessible by people of low
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Hello, I am new to the raw foods lifestyle, but learning, and hopeful. My health has been poor, and I'm hoping to make a turnaround. Much improvement over the last two years, as I make big changes in lifestyle. Diet has been steadily improving. I am a 39 y.o. graduate student, admin. asst., and dedicated dharma practitioner (I attend 3 Spirit Rock sanghas regularly, and other sanghas occ
Forum: Classifieds for individuals
14 years ago
Thank you for the very helpful replies! I have my research cut out for me. I believe it is the Spirooli that I am looking for... Thanks again, and best, Sue
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Hello, I am trying to find a spiral slicer that would cut zucchini into "spaghetti noodles." There are 2 spiral slicers at Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco, but neither one looks like it could do this. Can anyone direct me to a specific, (low-cost) product? Thank you, Sue
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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