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Results 661 - 690 of 787
16 years ago
If you have to eat grains, I believe raw sprouted grains are the best and breads made from sprouted whole grains are the best - like Ezekial 4:9 or Manna bread. Some people make raw flax crackers with a dehydrator. Personally, I am avoiding all grains because they are bad on my blood sugars. Congratulations on your healthy decision to eat raw foods! Let us know how it is going.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
I hope you get better soon, Mona! I agree with you, that when we are alkaline our body doesn't pull calcium from our bones. Here are some things you might mention to your hubby - the highest dairy consuming countries (U.S. & Australia, for instance) have the highest rates of osteoporosis. Also, where does he think cows and gorillas get their calcium? Take care.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Have you listened to any of the podcasts on They always help to keep me inspired. Glad you are doing well!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Prism, I think you would enjoy Victoria's first book "The Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening" - just a great, inspiring story and includes their hike up the west coast to Oregon, where they settled.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Welcome, New2RawFL, and congratulations on making a very healthy decision! It just makes sense, doesn't it, to eat all raw live foods once you think about it? One tip I have is to not let yourself get hungry, or else the cooked food cravings will start. Green smoothies are great tasting and easy to prepare. And colonics are helping me immensely, without them the cravings start up also.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Wow, you are doing great, lovebird! 9 1/2 weeks raw all on your own, you should be proud of yourself - I know I am! That is great that your son liked the veggie juice! Some people, at least in my family, don't even know what raw vegan means. So, maybe it would help to say you are eating just fresh live foods to help with some health problems or because it just feels right (or whatever the r
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Yes, pihourova, it does seem that when you eat raw and clean your body of toxins that you don't get sick from viruses and bacteria as much as others. So, I didn't mean to be discouraging with my analogy - just one I thought of that was similar to the arsenic analogy. (You know, how if you ate 1 Tablespoon of arsenic today you would drop dead but if you ate a few drops today and gradually increase
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Yes, Sergei Boutenko had Type 1 diabetes. One thing that probably helped him to recover naturally is that he never started to take insulin. Also, his mom - Victoria - admits that raw food alone did not cure him. She attributes sunshine and aerobic exercise to also helping. I know I don't get out in the sun enough. I did find out that I am very low in Vitamin D and am supplementing with that so I
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Yes, I love all of victoria's books. I haven't finished her latest one - her new edition of 12 Steps to Raw Foods - but it includes her research and the logic that led her to believe that green smoothies are the missing piece to the raw food diet for many people. They helped her to get over her cravings. Her first book about her family's journey to becoming raw is very fun to read!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Yes, islandgirl, I have seen that and it is very inspiring - but like you say they were type 2. Now if someone cures some Type 1s, I want to hear about that! :-)
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Yes, as we continue to eat more and more raw food - the cooked food starts tasting worse and worse. I think when we first start trying to go raw we have to occasionally eat a little cooked food so we will realize how it is not as great as we remember. You poor thing on the cramping. A heating pad used to help me with that. You are eating lots of healthy food and exercising - way to go!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Good for you, on resisting that chili! I know what you mean, sometimes I really want to take a bite of what I am cooking up for the kiddos. But I like being raw better too. Yes, how is your tooth? Must be pretty good, since you haven't mentioned it in awhile (I hope).
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Thanks, prism, for the good advice. Yep, you can get Type 1 as an adult and Type 2 as a kid. That's why they call them Type 1 and 2 nowadays, and not adult-onset and juvenile like they used to. The conventional wisdom is that you can cure Type 2 through lifestyle changes but you can't cure Type 1, but hey who knows? It was just some dried up mucus that I got out with a tissue and now my
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement, pihourova! ---------------------- There was some dried up mucus in my nose when I woke up this morning. More signs of detox. Yeah! Will I still be saying yeah when I am experiencing tough detox symptoms that make me sick? ;-) We will see.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
If you had a Vitamix or K-Tec (or Blend-Tec) blender then you could have a raw soup. The blending warms it up a little bit and some people seem to love it. I crave the cold foods usually, so I make frozen fruit smoothies with my K-tec blender fairly often. But, would warm drinks help? If it would, just warm up some water and squeeze some lemon juice or something into it or even have some tea and
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
pihourova, I've had t1d for about 5 years now. I am getting more used to it but I still find it difficult. One minute your blood sugar is too low, so you eat something and then it is too high so you take insulin. I've talked to other people who have gotten it as an adult and they find it frustrating too. And it's not just food, stress and exercise can affect your blood sugars too. I really fee
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hi pampam, mesclun mix is just mixed baby salad greens. I found this website that shows what is usually included . Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed that lo-o-ong post. :-)
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Thanks, pihourova. I think any veggie combo would work in the nori roll, but I tore off a double thickness of nori so it would hold more veggies and that worked great. ---------------------- I went over 300 blood sugar yesterday. I ate too much fruit and didn't estimate the insulin correctly. My stomach did not get upset. So, I guess it is only if I wake up with a high bs that it upsets my stom
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Congrats on your eight weeks raw! Whoo-hoo! Yes, we definitely can go through emotional detox along with the physical detox. Hang in there. I love Ann Wigmore's book "Why Suffer?" and I need to get it out and reread it. I liked Matt's book, but you would definitely need more than just his book to eat 100% raw food. But I felt it was one more piece to the puzzle that I needed. I di
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
If you go to and search for soy, you will find a bunch of articles. They say soy formula is the worst, it is like giving a birth control pill to the baby - here is an article . I don't know if there are too many studies, because who would fund them? The soy industry is only funding studies that support their sales. I know my hair started thinning and breaking when I ate too much s
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
My blood sugar was 94 this morning. Fantastic! I made a salad last night of mixed mesclun, sea fern, tomatoes, and sunflower seeds and then rolled it up in raw nori rolls (like they use for sushi) and ate it and it was a nice change! It felt like I was actually eating sushi. Simple yet tasty. :-)
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
It's a stage you go through, I agree. But it's best not to let yourself get too hungry or the cooked food cravings will really start. So, have lots of produce around, some nuts and seeds, and maybe even some raw bars for an occasional snack to fill you up. Sometimes I do a huge fruit smoothie (with frozen fruit in a blender) with Raw Power (a raw chocolate protein powder - has hemp in it) from Da
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey, at least you didn't pig out on cake and ice cream! I think you ate about the healthiest cooked foods around. Let us know how you are feeling today and don't give in to guilt - it's not worth it.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
A good bm, that is great! I am so glad the flax and juice are working for you and that carrot, cucumber, celery, kale, spinach juice sounds so-o-o healthy. I admire you for going to the hassle of juicing. You might inspire me to juice this weekend... :-) The raw food movement is growing, so someday it might be easier to find local groups of raw foodists to meet with. Have you tried www.mee
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Congratulations on your venture into raw foods eating. I like your logic that led you to it. Angela Stokes, another raw foodist that lost a lot of weight eating raw foods, also just came up with the idea on her own. She was looking at animals and thinking how animals were never fat that lived in the wild. Some people do drink wine on occasion, I believe I have seen that on other posts. I can't
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
pampam, That's what we have to keep in mind, that even if we aren't eating the perfect raw food diet we are eating much better than we used to and much better than most people (although I don't want to feel superior to them). Congrats on the weight loss! That is great! I am lazy too. I tend to buy my juices, even though I have a Champion juicer at home. They are a pain to clean up. I do use
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! Congrats on the 12 days raw!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Okay, my blood sugar was a little high this morning - around 200. I am getting so sensitive to high bs's that my stomach starts to get upset when it is around 200. I remember when it used to go higher than that and I didn't notice anything. It would have to go above 300 before I would notice that my legs and arms felt heavy. I think this is good, because then I test my bs and take my insulin and
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Raw_dancer, I'm sorry if I sounded judgmental. I didn't mean it that way. Sometimes we type in something and look at it later and realize it sounds different than what we intended. I sympathize, I really do. People don't have a choice with phobias either. I had a friend who had a phobia of the cotton stuffed in the tops of medicine bottles, so I would remove it for her. Intellectually she knew th
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Jodi, my son is highly functional autistic and has XYY syndrome - so maybe those were factors, we are not sure. He is extra sensitive to many things. But he also had a cousin that went through that phase when he was younger and he is neurotypical. We tried not to get upset and not focus on it too much and just kept feeding him applesauce - yogurt went down good too. Then it just gradually subside
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
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