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15 years ago
Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar is raw. It is only raw if it has "the mother" settled in the bottom of the bottle. You can get it @ Whole Foods & places like that. Don't know about rice wine vinegar tho.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
juliano's Raw in Santa Monica is amazing.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hi everyone. I am a raw vegan. My Mom has gone raw vegan a week ago. She has suffered form high blood pressure for years. SInce She's been on the raw vegan diet, her blood pressure has dropped dramatically and she's feeling great. She's obvious;y still taking her medication as it has only been a week since she's gone raw vegan (she was vegan before that) but her goal is to get off the medicat
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hey Sachelle! I'm loving LA! I don't have your # though.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
I agree, Karen. The reason I even do raw is b/c of my commitment to health. I made the call to eat some cooked food that day b/c of my commitment to health. It is the same thing.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
I made the call to eat a small amount of cooked today. The reason was psychological and I made conscious choice. Let me start by saying that this was my 25th day on the challenge and my last Sunday in Tokyo. I had decided from the beginning that I my do this today and also maybe a bit during the plane trips in Paris I'd like to have Lebanese food one night. I spend an unhealthy amount of ti
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Yeah, Japan is not so good for vegetarians, vegans or raw foodists but I do pretty well with supermarkets and restaurants that serve good salads-not Japanese. I'm on day 22. I have continued to stay raw except for the fact that I've eaten some nuts that may or may not have been raw and that rice paper, that may or may not be ok. My skin feels SOOOO soft and it's really clear and glowy.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
I have still stayed raw! The only thing is some nuts that may not have been raw. It's hard to find out exactly what I'm eating when everything is written in Japanese. The only nuts I can get and know that are raw are the ones in Lara Bars. There is only one place in Tokyo where I have found Lara Bars and sometimes I take a long walk over to buy a whole buch. I'm cleaning tha lady OUT of Lara Bars
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Feeling torn about something I ate last night. It was not 100% raw but it was about 99% raw. I was craving some brown rice with veggies and curry that I usually get at a restaurant near my apartment- but instead I got 2 rolls of greens and lemongrass but it was wrapped in rice paper. The percentage was so miniscule but still not 100% and I wanted to fess up. So other than that, I've stayed at
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Well, I hope you find a place soon. We are going to be close. That's crazy! I've stayed raw 100% since I last posted. Feeling good. Losing some weight. I had gained just a couple lbs when I added some cooked food and now that it's gone, the lbs are leaving too. Yey! Getting ready to go to the gym in a while and then come back and do my schoolwork before getting ready for work tonight.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey, you're doing so great!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey Startfruit! Kittens!!! awwww... I miss mine but I will see them in 2 1/2 weeks now. How are you? Tell us more...
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey girl. You're back!!!!!!!!!!! YEYEYEYEYYYYYYYY! Yes, I am doing great and I have 2 1/2 weeks left here, then Paris for a few days to get my kitties and ship some things, then Miami to ship some things and see friends and hang with my dude and then to LA on Oct 4th. I will move into my new apt in Santa Monica on Oct 6th. My dude is doing the whole move and process with me. He's been amaz
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hi Sweetie. I love the name, BTW. Anyway, I recommend Alissa Cohen's book "Living On Live Food" That one is great for starting out. Another good source of support and information is Storm and Jinjee's e-books. You can find those Jes: You are taking some really important steps and you're doing great. The relationship with your son is very important and
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey Veronique. Thanks.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey Jes. Happy B-day!!! I'm doing great. I already leased an apartment in Santa Monica that I will be moving into in the beginning of October. I have decided to go for 100% for 30 days and see what happens. Am 2 1/2 days into it and -so far so good. I hired an assistant in LA and am working with my coach. I am organized and efficienat and things with "the dude" are going well.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
That sounds great! I think you're doing just fabulous! I really loved the Tae Bo tapes too. ANd they got me RESULTS!
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey. Yeah, water is super important even with the high water content of the raw vegan diet- I find it makes a difference. Walking is good exercise and as time goes by you may want to add other things for variety and enjoyment. DO what feels good to you. Lara Bras: the Bomb! I love them. They really help with my cravings too. Making your own should be so cool! LA: I lived there as a k
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hi sweetie. I can relate to your journey and right now I feel stable and good. I highly recommend the following podcasts that I listen to on iTunes: Raw Vegan Radio and Rawkin Radio. I get lots of motivation and answers to many questions about how to get this diet to work for me. BTW, I answered your question that you asked on my journal. Hang in there. Be patient with yourself and kee
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hi Islandgirl! It's so nice to hear that you listen to my music. Welcome to the board and thanks for your message. I personally don't find that I put on weight if I eat only one cooked meal a week. Let me say that it is physically impossible, to gain 2.4 lbs of FAT in one day. I am not 100% current on my nutrition studies but my opinion is that maybe you've eaten something that triggers some a
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
Jes, Thanks for your support. I am happy with the balance I have found. I am looking to get more efficient & go deeper and looking to be gentle with the transition. Been working out, meditating, singing, working, writing and trying new things. Hope all is well.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
Hi sweetie. So nice to hear from you! Yeah, I'm thinking LA is a great place for me to be based when I finish here. The show's been good. Everything's been good. I even have an awesome new friend who lives right downstairs who sings @ another hotel and we get to hang out every day. It's really nice. She's from NYC. I keep meeting more & more people from NYC! I'm staying raw excep
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
Thanks Jes and thanks fr the support. Today I am so happy and grateful for all the new love and support that is flowing into my life. Today I am so happy and grateful for my growing, amazing & beautiful new show wardrobe and how amazing and beautiful I feel in it. Today I am so happy and grateful for all the new streams of in come that are now flowing to me and opening the way for so ma
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
Today I am so happy and grateful for my new friend & neighbor who helps me be conscious and play with the law of attraction. Today I am so happy and grateful for my new amazing gown & show wardrobe. Today I am so happy and grateful for my amazing gig. Today I am so happy and grateful for my growing bank account. Today I am so happy and grateful for my amazing health. Today I am so ha
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
I have continued to stay high raw, to meditate, write, study and workout. I'm really excited about my decision to move to LA yet I want to stay really focused and present. I want to focus on my purpose for being here now so that way when the next step comes, I'll be ready for that. Today I am so happy and grateful for my awesome new dress. I am so happy and grateful for my Dude. I am so hap
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
Hi Sweetie! Sorry I haven't been around. I was just telling Sachelle that I am doing great. Staying high raw and having an amazing time. Meditating, working out, studying, writing...My new classes are awesome. I got the most ridicuously amazing dress for my show by a designer I LOVE- Keita Maruyama. AND I decided to move to LA in September! I'm totally psyched.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
Hi Beautiful! I've missed you too! I am doing great. Staying high raw and having an amazing time. Meditating, working out, studying, writing...My new classes are awesome. I got the most ridicuously amazing dress for my show by a designer I LOVE- Keita Maruyama. AND I decided to move to LA in September! I'm totally psyched.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
Good morning. Woke up, did a meditation & had an avo w/ raw, organic honey. I'm having some tea-which is the only non raw thing I am allowing myself to have. Afterwards, I'm going to take a long run/walk to Omotesando & maybe to Hiro-o while I listen to some podcasts and music. Later, I'll do some homework and go to work. I am so happy & grateful for a new day where I can chose
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
Hey, you are doing awesome. I know how the weight thing can get. I've pu ton weight myself. The more you focus on growing in to who you wan tto be, the more the weight & everything else will fall into place. You should really trust that and trusrt in yourself & your process. I know it's easier said than done- but not if you take it one step at a time. Big hug... Inaia
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
17 years ago
So I've been away from the site for a couple days. I needed some time to just chill and regroup. Been raw. Been meditating, writing, working and getting my life more and more organized. I'm finally feeling like myself enough to think about organizing papers & money & records, marketing plans, career plans, personal records & stuff like that. It's been a LONG time since I've felt
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
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