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3 years ago
If the rotary angle exceeds 360 degrees, the moving needle will twine the muscle fiber and cause a stronger stimulation, even an uncomfortable feeling for the patients [2, 3]. This phenomenon must be avoided in clinical practice.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
QuoteJohn Rose Tai, thanks for explaining all of the other techniques used in acupuncture, but I was only interested in sharing what happens when you can't twist the needle anymore and especially what happens when you move the needle up and down once you can't twist it anymore. So is this NEW knowledge for you or did you already know about this and if it is NEW, does it help? QuoteJohn Rose
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
QuoteJohn Rose QuoteTai John, thanks for sharing. I will reserve my comments about acupuncture because it would take too long. So you didn't know about the needles grabbing the Connective Tissue, Decompressing it and thereby, creating space within the Tissues to make sure that Nerves can function properly. Tai: John, I explained that there are NUMEROUS techniques in acupuncture that don't e
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
John, thanks for sharing. I will reserve my comments about acupuncture because it would take too long. A lot of people learned about the dangers of dry fasting through Robert. Nunativs, thanks for sharing about Anita. It's such a relevant story to the Youkta topic. When she released all her fears and abided in her true self which is love, her body healed to reflect that. She went
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
By all means, John, please share. In distal acupuncture treatment for pain, there is no pulling or twisting, generally speaking. The size of the needle including diameter and depth are what's key, and location, of course. In local acupuncture for pain, a variety of techniques can be used, including what you mentioned and even just stimulating the handle of the needle without twisting it.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
So I had a consultation with Viktoras today. Hearing about his wife was like hearing about Lou Corona. When Lou Corona was 21 and dying one night, he prayed to God to help him understand what made him that way. This light being who he thinks was Jesus entered his room, told him what to do and took Lou back to his childhood when he made a deathwish, because he was so abused that he wanted to
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Hi John, there are so many different techniques. The simplest technique involves insertion only with no twisting. Yes there are techniques that involve twirling/twisting and up and down, but that's not the only way. Books have been written explaining just how acupuncture heals the body. So yes, I have learned that
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
QuoteJohn Rose Do you understand how acupuncture works? The answer is yes. there are different techniques in acupuncture and they don't all work the same. I don't have time to explain all that. Maybe someone who knew Youkta someday will see this thread and respond. I just saw there is a number I can call to perhaps speak directly with Viktoras. I will try that.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
On the subject of infections, here is some info about Robert Lockhart This goes into more detail about his kidneys too While in ICU, additional testing revealed Melioidosis, an infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Burkholderia Pseudomallei found in contaminated water and soil and spread to humans and animals through direct contact. This bacterial infection is what caused Robert
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
3 years ago
Vihara Youkta, dancer and wife of famous raw foodist Viktoras Kulvinskas, died of cancer many years ago. Does anyone know the cause of her cancer? Could it be that an infection caused her cancer, either viral or parasite? Considering that infections can be a source of cancer, I will bet that Lou Corona never dies from cancer because he consumes systemic enzymes which dissolve viral walls and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
Jennifer Yeah, Tai, I just 'trashed Indians' - get over it. That everybody's frickin' different and different nationalities/ethnicities are different (DNA and GENES) than each other, and even born different. The Horror!) Tai I invited Dr. Areli, the raw vegan neuropathologist, who is from Mexico, to this forum awhile ago, fyi, for anyone who cares. I have run out of time to share, but thoug
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
John, I see your point. You have made yourself very clear. I am in the middle of moving right now on top of dealing with major deadlines and am so behind, so forgive me that I do not respond to your other posts.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
Jennifer, you just dug your hole deeper, and you are playing word games to justify how you trashed Mexicans with no facts. Mexicans are extremely hard working and don't expect government to provide them with everything. Here is a fact: "In a global socialism survey conducted by IPSOS in 28 countries earlier this year, Mexicans consistently chose individual rights, competition and capi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
Jennifer: It's that old trick of PARAPHRASING wrongly, which really ends up being A LIE, NOT WHAT WAS SAID, CHANGING SOMEONE'S WORDS to Create a Different Meaning! So you could infer that I'm 'A Racist! Jennifer, eat your words: I read an article once with the title something like - Mexico I think - that Mexicans are getting the leader they want. That 'leader' was like a socialist/communist/
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
QuoteJennifer No, I just think he's a regular guy - he did say once he works in NYC. But there's something about the way his mind works. I wouldn't even call it 'on a different wave length'. Like I said before, I think maybe he's of a different culture and a different ethnicity whose brain works differently than ours. He often tries to be astute by coming out with these suppposedly wise thoughtfu
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
John Rose Within five minutes, any intelligent, open-minded person can be convinced that the Holocaust gassings of World War II are a profitable hoax. Tai I think that is a false statement. I spent numerous hours on this topic. Anyone who can be convinced either way in 5 minutes is just gullible. John Rose you did NOT try to understand the the other Version and simply went looking fo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
John Rose SHAME ON YOU FOR SUPPORTING THIS LIE!!! Tai I posted two eyewitness accounts. So you are calling these eyewitnesses liars? I spent NUMEROUS hours watching your holocaust hoax videos and reading your links years ago. I did entertain your ideas. It's just the holocaust evidence is overwhelming. I spent sufficient time to hear both sides and what's most important is that I hea
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
John Rose, I highly doubt that TSM still thinks that way. I can't speak for him, but that quote is over 6 years old. Surviving the Holocaust: Segment 6 — The Gas Chambers The number of people sent to the gas chambers at Auschwitz was staggering. Irene discusses how she was forced to sort through the belongings of people murdered in the gas chambers, how she watched thousands of people
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
John Rose Tai, you suffer from confirmation bias BIG TIME!!! Tai A long time ago, when you presented this concept of the holocaust hoax, I finally got the clarity I needed when I read Hitler's own words in Mein Kampf. No one can claim that Mein Kampf is a hoax, right? Those were his words. The murders of Germans don't debunk the holocaust. I haven't studied that part of history, so
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
John Rose He observed with horror that "these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . . . They decline, where practicable, to use latrines, preferring to relieve themselves on the floor." Tai I don't know what Patton witnessed but to repeat this out of context is so defamatory. The Jewish people have long h
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
The raw vinegar with mother is highly medicinal. Combined with the right herbs, it can be an effective antibiotic; yet it is a substitute for alcohol to extract with and a preservative at the same time. For example, I make lobelia inflata extract with it. I've always used raw apple cider vinegar in herbal preparations. I haven't used it for food much. When I make food, I use fresh lemon. I l
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
Wow, Raw Practicalist. I clicked on your link under the picture of starving Africans and for the first time, I read about the German occupation in Africa. I never knew that before. The history after that was also eye-opening. Eight decades after the atrocities, the UN Whitaker Report determined that the atrocities constituted an attempt to exterminate the Herero and Nama people in Germ
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
I have been adding these to my fruit salads, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. They are very pleasant to eat like butter lettuce. They don't taste at all like hibiscus tea. That's because hibiscus tea, which is sour is a different plant: This hibiscus, including the leaves, has been used to treat anemia: Dr. Gregor has the wrong photo here:
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
The nurse said that in some cases, the Elmhurst hospital was treating patients, as if they had a DNR (Do not resuscitate), even though the family had requested full measures taken to save their lives. She caught this on her hidden camera. She was told the hospital staff was protected. How could this be possible? The PREP Act makes them immune to most lawsuits. The PREP Act
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
Wow, this is groundbreaking. Both Fresh and JR are behind a nurse who believes in covid 19 as a real virus and in nosocomial infections which prove the germ theory Raw Practicalist, I think both sides are right here in their own ways. She's right for reporting negligent/harmful acts. The other side is right in giving their own perspective on what happened and why they are innocent. These are
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
STUDY: Women Are More Likely to Be Bisexual Than Men Why? Jennifer: Thirdly - Duh! Of course women are more open to... Tai Jennifer, first of all, this is a PG board. I object to that language. I disagree with "Duh!" I disagree with "of course" Using your phrase, "To put it bluntly", you don't speak for other women, only yourself. I don't mean t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
I never knew about this brokpa tribe until recently. They have been vegan for many generations, according to PETA. I used to be so judgemental of non vegans, but the more I learn, the more I understand that not everyone can or should be the same. Not everyone can convert enough DHA from vegan omega 3, not everyone can convert beta carotene to vitamin A; some people are allergic
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
Fresh I'm not clear on how this proved germ theory Tai Because you can take someone who has healthy lungs and put them on a ventilator and they could get infectious pneumonia in a week from the germs entering directly into their bodies. some people who go on ventilators do so for other reasons, like alcoholism. Fresh nor do we know that these patients in the study had physical issues
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
John Rose I can just see rp, nn and tai sticking their fingers in their ears while they're listening to Dr. Buttar's Video singing - nana nana naa nah - nana nana naa nah - nana nana naa nah. We're NOT going to listen to you - nana nana naa nah! Tai It's the opposite John. I listen to both sides. I don't close my ears. I noticed that both you and Fresh conveniently ignored my post proving
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
4 years ago
Jennifer I think we'd all be in very fine health now with eating a 100% Raw Food Diet. Tai If that's the case, someone needs to inform Johanna Quass She eats fruits and vegetables but she's a cooked omnivore. Learning about Johanna really raised my standards. Before I was just admiring Robert Lockhart for doing a walking handstand and Charlotte Gerson for healing from a broken pelvis
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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