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12 years ago
I've had a flare up of hip bursitis for the first time since, well, I last consisted on nothing but raw foods. Doing a search on hip bursitis and raw foods, I've found many who claim to have cured their bursitis through raw foods, but the opposite seems to happen to me. Maybe, I wonder, because it's happening while I'm doing a detox. When I had it in the past, I can't remember if it was associ
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Hey Banana Who, we have the same plans, maybe we'll cross paths today... I lived in the gold coast area for about 8 years, then foolishly moved away from Chicago when I'd become self-employed and believed the cost of living would be less back in my old stomping grounds of Ann Arbor. I had to move away to realize how much I missed Chicago. Been back for about 8 months now and am still getting
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Perhaps we lost sense of heaven when we became civilized, becoming too disconnected from nature (losing our senses). Look to some indigenous tribes, which still worship their ancestors by worshiping nature, the place that absorbed them, instead of worshiping some abstract heaven from above. Would we cut down all the trees (heaven on earth) if we believed in the obvious, that we'll eventually be
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Welcome to Chicago. I used to live in the Gold Coast, but am now in Edgewater. I preferred the Gold Coast, partly because I used to live a short bicycle ride from the Green City Market, held every Wednesday and Saturday. It's the best farmer's market for organic that I have found. I still drive to it sometimes. I also still occasionaly go to the Whole Foods in the Gold Coast on Huron, or the
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Either that or it has selfishly seduced us for propagation…damn sinister seed…
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
My family eats about 7/50/43 7 being raw, 50 being cooked foods, 43 being nonfood laboratory concoctions. I figure that's about average...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Last time I visited family I took a fruit torte with me, making a crust out of nuts, dried coconut, and dates, filling it with a mango-banana puree, and topping it off with berries. As usual, my youngest sister arrived with her creative array of cheesecakes and pies and cookies, but I stuck to my torte, which was amazingly good. At one point I took a small sample of her desserts, and it definit
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Thanks for the comments, but they make me realize I didn't write my posts very well... I was trying to say that, after years of struggling to eat healthy, with a lot of ups and downs, I am finally succeeding, because the old me has been beaten down. But I'm still at the one-day-at-a-time phase because I know my history. I tread forward lightly. Must have been that title I used. It focu
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Tart cherries are huge in northern MI
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Yeah, for years I wondered why I couldn't stop stuffing questionable "foods" into my piehole, or why I'd sometimes get it under control only to eventually fall back to old patterns. Then one day, not too long ago, it became much easier and I wasn't sure why, before realizing that I had finally let go of an old identity, one that felt the need to fit in with what everyone else was doing
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
I know that for Michigan cherries, warm weather followed by a freeze caused a lot of damage.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Yeah, I can buy gourmet foods at a local raw food restaurant, and sometimes do. The above post was just a little creative writing exercise about trying to say goodbye to the old me I know, weird...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
You might be interested in the thread titled Oxalates, listed below.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
I'm no gourmet chef, so I consume a lot of salads and green smoothies, most of which are divine, but every once in a while, the thought of another salad or smoothie is about as appealing as a scalding bucket of black coffee on a hot humid day, and it's been years since I enjoyed coffee. I know what the problem is: it's my old self, my old identity, popping his head up from a shaded hammock -
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
The oxalic acid tale is an interesting one - good links from juicin john - but yeah, I think I'll take my chances and feel relatively safe by doing the opposite of my father, and if I still end up producing as many stony progeny as he did, well, I guess I'll have a reason to celebrate father's day...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
I had done a search on this site for oxalates, figuring it had been discussed a zillion times, but nothing came up. Oh well, maybe I'm not a good searcher. I did come across this statement on another green smoothie site, offering some peace of mind: "And the vast majority of people who suffer from calcium-oxalate kidney stone formation have never had a green smoothie in their life.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
As of late I've been hitting the green smoothies hard, then stumbled upon an article about how such imbibing can lead to kidney stone formation and other fun events from their high oxalate concentrations. As one who has experienced the pleasure of giving birth to a kidney stone in the past, I'd prefer to avoid such a party in the future. Once was enough. The article suggested supplementing wit
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
I used to have one and only used it a few times. Then I crawled away from raw foods and sold it to a raw friend, who got a better deal than he deserved. It now sits in his closet, sad and rejected like someone who never got picked to play on the team, with probably a few crumbs still stuck to its underbelly from my long-ago failed attempts at creating something resembling edible food. Now that
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
Enjoyed the video Panchito. Thanks for posting it. I wonder what the world would really be like if we could all shut down the left side of our brains. It all comes down to balance, in the end, doesn't it...
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
12 years ago
So dang, I guess I can't claim my thinking to be original, others have figured it out, too... Those are great quotes. "I find it very odd that we seek to illustrate our differences rather than finding common ground, we are more likely to find similarities than differences and yet, we place more importance on filing ourselves into categories." I see this as a fear-based issue.
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
12 years ago
51. Re: B12
pborst Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Was that the one with Daniel Day-Lewis and Wynona > Ryder? > > > Yes, that was the one. I can still picture her in my mind from that film, which is what my mind is good for - can't remember chemistry - but how she looked sticks with me...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
52. Re: B12
Thanks for all the details; much appreciated. Seems like you have to become a biochemist to fully understand the B12 issue - that class was a struggle for me, and I've done all I can do to repress those memories. Now the chemistry between Michelle and me, especially during her performance in The Age of Innocence, no doubt would light up the world...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
53. Re: B12
I read some of that thread. Personally, she still looks beautiful to me.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
That's the problem with labels - too many take them on as identities. I think of labels - whether they be raw foodist, christian, muslim, liberal, conservative, etc. - as boxes in which to crawl into, and if you're not careful, you're in danger of becoming blind to anything outside the walls of your chosen box. I keep coming back to raw foods, but like coco I'll never call myself a raw foodist
Forum: Other Topics (not health related)
12 years ago
55. Re: B12
Thanks all. rzmann, I assumed the shots were necessary for better absorption, since the supplements would wind up in the same unabsorbable area. But that's an assumption on my part, and you know what they say about those. Could you elaborate and enlighten me more? I admit I have lost confidence in this doctor - actually in all doctors, holistic and otherwise, and know I need to take control
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
56. Re: B12
Hi Jodi, Never ate any raw meats - I'm not that much of a heathen... Not sure if I will ever be a "raw foodist," but it seems as if, no matter how hard I try to stay away, I always come back. Maybe that should tell me something. The last time I tried I told myself I was going to go into it slowly, and within a week I was 100 percent raw. Within 2 weeks I was 811 and scolding my
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
12 years ago
57. B12
Can't tell you how many times I've heard raw foodists claim that meat eaters could also suffer from low B12, and have to admit I didn't really believe it, as I'd never known any meat eaters who had low B12. Well, call me the poster boy for the low B12 omnivirous croud. Why me, oh gods of the land of plenty, why me? I'd struggled to be a raw foodist many moons ago, but it never quite took. An
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
coco Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I really enjoy Jennifer Cornbleet's style I took a class with her in Chicago and enjoyed it. Unfortunately it didn't take. After a few years of not being into the diet, I forgot everything. I can't hardly remember a damn thing, though I still have her book. I think SAD eating erases your memories...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Does it involve a lot of roaring? No wait, I don't want to know...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
My drive never seems to change no matter what I eat...I always want in... Of course, if I tried to subsist on donuts and big macs, maybe my thoughts would turn to turtles and swampland and industrial sludge. Having said that, when times are good, if you ask me about details, especially about prowess, with a camera and microphone in my face, then it's time to clam up.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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