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14 years ago
Thank you so much everyone!!! You are helping me understand which juicer would be better for me and what I want to use it for.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
14 years ago
So I have been trying to join the raw lifestyle, but it has been rather hard. So I have decided to start with juicing since I LOVE JUICE. I don't really need solid food I just enjoy drinking juice a lot, and I would like to start the detox process as quickly as possible. But, I'm not sure what kind of juicer to get. I would like a juicer that does everything relatively well, but mostly hard fruit
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
15 years ago
I also have IBS or a type of IBS called crohn's disease. I'm not 100% raw either, but I can tell you that when I eat only fruit and veggies and nuts, thats the only time that I feel good. I have noticed that caffeine makes everything soo much worse for me, and have so stopped drinking it. I am still on medication for it, but only on one of them now instead of the many that i was on before. Y
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
this may be a not so smart question..but mono eating fruits...does that just mean eat the same fruit all day? and then just move onto another fruit the next day?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
thank you all so much!!! i really hope this goes away soon.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
So I have recently developed a large, painful, hard, red bumb on my buttocks. It has happened before, but not quite so badly. I also have Crohn's disease and I'm not sure if that is related to it. I haven't been eating so well over the past few days so I feel like that may be the cause of it. I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas of what I could do to get rid of it and stop the pain. It be
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Hey, Last week was horrible, I was sick, my Crohn's began to act up, I was dizzy, nauseous, lightheaded, and in pain alll week. I went to health center, had tons of tests done only to find out that i was fine, apparently. I think it just has something to do with what I am eating...or not eating. Maybe I don't have enough protein in my diet, or it could be that I haven't been following my plan
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
15 years ago
Hey Hey, So nothing new has really happened, I'm still eating like I have been since I got here...but I feel like I'm getting a cold. I don't want to take medicine for it because I don't like medicine. I don't know what I should do to stop this cold from getting worse. I don't really have the time to deal with a cold. I will stress too much and it will just become worse than it already is.
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
15 years ago
9. Tofu
Hi! So I was surfing around either here or some other raw food site quite a few months ago, and I read that Tofu and soy are actually not very good for us, or specifically women in general. I am trying to research this more just to see if it really is. And if it is so bad then why do so many people rely on it for their nutrition. I do not like tofu...this is just a point of curiosity for me. Any
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Hey! so its been a while I suppose. Well my summer went by very fast and for the most part it was pretty amazing! Towards the end I was very stressed out and went to the junk food vegetarian side of everything. I felt horrible the whole time and that prolly made everything worse. Now I'm in college, and it feels amazing! This place feels more like a home than my actual home. I love it her
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
15 years ago
Hey! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's been a very busy summer. I am doing ok, one raw meal a day...breakfast and i just try and eat lots of fruits and veggies with the other meals. I start college in the fall which means that this will become an even bigger challenge...but im ready for it Au Revoir. P.S. I am starting a new med tomorrow called Humira for any other crohns peopl
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
15 years ago
Wow, I havent written here in a while basically...I binged...badly. I'm trying to get back to where I all has to start somewhere right? I just have to become inspired and keep saying that this is really what I want, because it is. I really want to be healthy and happy and eat and do things for myself that are only good. It takes one step at a time, slow and work up to it. I'm a t
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Thank you so much Lizard! I really truely appreciate what you have told me. Reading that and rereading it has helped alot. It's great to know that someone knows how I'm feeling, even though they aren't really the best circumstances in the world. So, honestly, lately, I haven't been doing so good. I do wonderfully in the morning and during the day, but once I get home, jeez, the stress just se
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
hey, im simply not hungry right now, its very rare that i am hungry, and i find this strange. im afraid not to eat because my family and friends will worry. so i eat anyway...i feel gross and over full. but it seems that i could go days on end without eating and only drinking water. this seems so complicated. im very confused. to eat or not to eat? that is the question. i know that everyone
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey all! and Happy Mothers Day! Hmm...i dont really know how to start this one off today... I have a cold...a cold my sister gave me, and I dont know what to do about it. This is the first time I've been sick since I have started embracing this lifestyle. So far I have just laid around in bed drinking water...and a cookie, and a nutrition bar... cookies are one of my favorite foods, so i gu
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Thanks Lizard! I think I will try that and see how it goes. I have a feeling this may work really well for me. They teach meditation at karate, but we never really go that in depth into it. This book I read called Eat, Pray, Love was about this woman's year long adventure to find herself and to seek a higher power ('god'-like image). This woman actually went through this experience and she went v
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
hey all... this week has been an interesting one, im still struggling with the dairy thing and still looking for a good salad dressing. still stressed and worried, but i graduate june 6 and then its summer, with even more food temptations and all that stuff. hopefully i can do this. im sorry this is so pessimistic today, im not normally like this, im very tired and need sleep, but my he
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
hey, I just want to tell you that I have been there and I know what you are going through. I definitely think that sleep and plenty of water will do the best for you, with some fruits that you tolerate the most. This seems to work for me anyway, but like others have said, we all have different reactions to different things. I wish you luck! you will make it through!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hey! It's Friday!!! WEEEEE!! I'm soo excited for this weekend. After school I have karate and then I'm hanging out with some friends. But tomorrow is going to be a day spent in rest and relaxation, thank goodness. Hopefully the weather outside will be nice and warm . Yesterday I didn't do so well with my eating, I was having a particularly bad day and was very stressed and caved into that
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey! Thanks Lizard! I'm glad to hear that this has worked out for you! It gives me motivation to keep going with this. Sometimes it can be really hard today to not eat those 'comfort foods' when you get the urge. But each time I don't give in and eat some fruit, I feel wayyyyy better than if I were to have that ice cream or mac and cheese. It's only wednesday and I'm ready for this week to be
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hey! this weekend i did pretty ok, still having a hard time with dairy and pasta but i still eat my raw breakfasts and raw least im feeling better than before So today i realized that my 2nd dan black belt test is in eight weeks, boy, i freaked. since its the end of my senior year i just keep getting busier and busier, finals, ap tests, grad parties, prom, and just the anticipa
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hi! well, so far so good, no ranch dressing and today instead of a salad for lunch I brought a pear. I don't seem to be that hungry lately, which is kind of normal for me as I rarely actually feel hungry. This morning I ate a banana, I LOVE bananas, they are one of my favorite fruits, besides pears. Basically they are all I eat, these two fruits, but I love them! I also eat strawberries and b
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
Hi! OK, so I'm starting out on this raw lifestyle. I've been trying for about a month and a half, but I seem to be getting stuck and going back to cooked foods. I just thought that if I kept records and set goals somewhere that is concrete and not just in my head I would more easily reach my goals. I like keeping records of how I'm doing and hopefully this will keep me motivated. Thank you all fo
Forum: Raw Diary - Your Personal Experience
16 years ago
David Klein has a book out for the self-healing of Colitis and Crohn's Diesase. Neither of these were on your list of diseases but Crohn's is an autoimmune disease. Here is a link to his website for more information. I know this does not directly answer your question, but since starting this lifestyle (about a month ago) and trying to live by what this book suggests I already feel much be
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
thank you so much for the information, i really do appreciate it, but i wonder if anyone else has gone through college raw and what helped the most?
Forum: Meeting Place
16 years ago
Hi everyone! I'm slowly immersing myself into the raw community. I'm 18 years old and going off to college soon and I have decided to make this change in my life for my health. I have had bad health problems for the past few years and I decided it was time for a change. I'm making my transition very slowly, right now I only consider myself a vegetarian, but my food intake mostly consists of raw f
Forum: Meeting Place
16 years ago
Hey! I keep reading the posts and forum and everything and doing all of this research and I still can't seem to find the best way to start out with becoming all raw food. I just ordered the book "Self-healing for Crohn's and Colitis" as I have Crohns, But the second edition (the one I ordered) doesn't come out for a bit, so I've already kind of started. I only eat poultry now with two t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
thank you everyone for all of your great input!!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Hi everyone!!!! I'm new to raw foods and I am still learning soo much about everything involved with this lifestyle. I find this community to be fascinating and so helpful to each other I do have a few questions though... I am a huge tea fan, I drink tons of tea, not the bagged stuff but the fresh tea leaves kind of stuff. Can I still drink tea on this diet? and also, can I sweeten it wit
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
16 years ago
Thank you everyone for all the advice!!! I really do appreciate it. I'm so excited to live a healthier life.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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