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9 years ago
Actually I found my live blood cell analysis from the Hippocrates Health Institute to be quite helpful, and quite accurate on many levels. There will always be naysayers who wont entertain the possibility of the truthfulness and accuracy of such things because it is outside of their realm of belief...however for the rest of us who DO understand such things, we will continue to reap the amazing be
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
The folks that have been around the raw food community for awhile will know what Im talking about....it seems that even though the vegan movement is growing, the raw vegan movement is dwindling into *hipster meatavore* types who often become virulently anti vegan eventually. Many of the former raw vegan *gurus* in our community have dropped veganism....the Gianni's promote dairy and eggs (and I t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
I think colonics are essential when detoxing from the SAD to RAW diets....especially when dealing with autoimmune disorders, but once one is really healthy and has spent years of cleansing out...theyre not as important anymore...BUT we do live in highly polluted times...so...whos to say.....
The important thing is, to not become dependent on them, and take a good probiotic when doing them.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
John Rose, thanks for sharing. Ill read and respond more when Ive gotten some sleep. Id be highly suspect of any study showing that diet changed someones sexual orientation......
As for the *rawbrahs*...they are extremeley homophobic making both homophobic and cissexist jokes constantly, and clearly display discomfort with queerness (and studies do show the more homophobic the person, the more
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Yeah..I gathered as much. I just did a lengthy response to his article at
It starts with his article that Ive broken down paragraph, by paragraph...my responces being in between the ********
"Denise Minger says that “ethical vegans” should “consider shellfish” because they “aren’t sentient” and “don’t feel pain.” Even worse, she made this statement o
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
So..on facebook, in a gay vegan mens group, Im having a debate with a guy who claims there are no peer reviewed studies on raw vegan diets, and there are studies disproving them (which in itself is contradictory). He claims all evidence is anecdotal and theres no *real* evidence...only pseudoscience at best. I told him that there are some studies via Dr Cousens and Brian Clements, however I cant
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
So..I just heard my cousin was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and bipolar. Its no shock to me at all as she has grown up on junk food and loads of sweets, and has been battling drug addiction. I feel getting her diet in control and getting control of the hypoglycemia will relieve much of the *bipolar* symptoms....especially after lots of detox/cleansing.
Ive been reading up on hypoglycemia diets
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Jodi, I dealt with a similar friend. It was hard but she finally made it through and is doing much better. Just don't make yourself responsible for your friend. We can only help so much and in the end others make their own choices. Sometimes people also become psychic vampires and suck out all your energy with their codependent and woe is me attitude. Knowing when to let go or set bodies is impor
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
!00 Day Juice Feast COMPLETE! I just enjoyed a quarter of a super ripe Cherimoya! Taking a break to let the little bit digest, and going back for more later!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
thanks Jodi. LOL I dont know anything about some apparently crazy posts....I dont think Ive posted anything too outrageous in a few years! In any case...today is my LAST Day of juicing, Day 100!!!! Woohooo!!!! Video to come soon!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
Hooray for you and congratulations on juicing again! I know it feels AMAZING! Im just finishing an extended juice feast right now.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
Shower attachment, post filter!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
Vibrams don't fit my short wide feet. I wish they did!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Lol I haven't gone over the edge, been disgraced, or banned! Don't know why you'de have that idea! No joint passions...detox symptoms have been minimal. I do an enema every day.
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 12 years ago
Thats awesome, congrats! Not to be all gloom and doom, but I heard that many folks wont be deficient for at least 10 years....that it takes to work off their b12 reserves...but who knows. In the mean time AWESOME!!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
16. Re: 80/10/10
Yall anti detoxers need to fast...yall anti 80/10/10ers need to eat some fruit, and you 80/10/10 is the only way folks need to eat some greens n fat!
Yall need to take some deep breaths and settle down!!!!!!!!!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
how about a @#$%& Burger?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
18. Re: 80/10/10
Sheesh, so much drama!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
19. Re: 80/10/10
If 80 10 10 ppl are mineral deficient theyre probably eating under ripe non organic fruit and/or not enough greens...I think if the diet is done correctly and includes lots of exercise its totally doable for many ppl...but not if you're sedentary and if you dont eat enough greens...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
and even before the Vedas, were the ancient Sumerians.....
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
21. Re: 80/10/10
Im not yea or nei 80/10/10, but your statement that if ppl on the diet would have problems everyone would is not accurate. People are different and have different nutritional needs depending on their lifestyle, where they live, genetics etc. Some people function GREAT on a high fruit low fat diet...others do better on higher protein and fat......there is no one strict dogma within the raw vegan c
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 12 years ago
Mislu- at their core most religions teach variations of the same message, once you get beyond some of the dogma. While many forms of Buddhism dont have a separate direct Deity, they do teach a higher knowing through becoming one, open to nothingness, evolving up the karmic ladder, etc....its very similar in some ways to Essene teaching, and other s0 called christian faiths in many ways. The mysti
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
even a soft one with a solid top would be great!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
I have the same issues with my blendtec...hate that lid. I want to get the hard lid. It is true tho..you need to not fill it so high.....thats the only logistican answer I think...
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
thanks Jodi. Sorry its taken me so long to respond...I always forget about this forum...lol. I should come back more, its one of the few slightly more *respectable* forums LEFT! Im on day 77 now..and feeling GREAT!
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 13 years ago
I have a blendtec wildside with the bigger carafe and 4 inch blade. I LOVE it...just wish it had a tamper like vitamix. They did just come out with an additional carafe that has these rubber mixer things that spin while you're blending. I wanna get that too!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
27. Re: Banning DR
Ok...everyone...learn to play nice, or you're going to all get spankings!!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
28. Re: Banning DR
lol...this comment is not related to DR or the original post, but Jodi, your little quote reminded me of another *you cant polish a @#$%&*. LOL ...but on mythbusters they literally did and it did get shiny! LOL
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
As for the different Essene churches and programs out there...I USED to be affiliated with the Essene church of christ...but left years ago, as most of us have, because the founder has written his own book that contradicts the Essene Gospel of peace, and sounds like something out of star trek...and denies raw food and promotes getting stoned (high). so....Im now a solo Essene practitioner. (was f
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 13 years ago
There is no way to know if Szekely made it up or translated it, as he said. Dont make assumptions you dont truly know the answer to. No, we do not have a way to verify its ancient authenticity......maybe he did make it up, maybe he *channeled* it, or maybe he really did translate it from the vatican, and the fact that the writing is so opposed to the catholic doctrine and would shake the church t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |