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12 years ago
Just wondering who else here is part of the LGBT Queer community? (and specifically in the SF Bay Area) I personally am queer and genderfluid, assigned male at birth, but blurring the gender lines and stereotypes.Id like to connect up with others. Im also planning for the future some kind of queer raw food event (of course it would be open to EVERYONE!) but...something with a queer focus...perhap
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Im sooo excited....yesterday was Day 50 of my 100 day juice feast! I stareted a vlog and a blog (tho Im doing more vlogging at the moment..... Who else here is juice feasting/fasting right now? Im on youtube at and at Woohoo!!! 39 lbs lost! Jobs gained, more clarity etc.....
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders
13 years ago
Now I just read about the inclean water gold system which apparently structures the water in a vortex removes flouride, but I watched another interview with Gabriel Cousens reccomending distilled with added salt and some other supplement. I just want easy tho. I dont want to have to lug water from here to there and do multiple things to it. Oh...I miss the days of having a WELL in the
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
veganreikiangel I was also thinking about zuvo but that doesnt take any flouride out. Crystal quest takes out flouride but uses synthetic aluminum oxide to do it (dont know if thats bad or not) and uses zinc which may be ok...but I heard can also put too much zinc in your body. Then again Im vegan and probably need more zinc so... hmmm
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
13 years ago
Im thinking of getting the aquasana shower filter for sure..but am not sure on the sink filter. I was going to get reverse osmosis but they need a plumber to install and I live in an apartment so Id rather have a counter top. I also considered a distiller which isnt that expensive...tho they take forever to make the water, and Im assuming use a considerable amount of energy...if you drink as much
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
What the @#$%& are anti-nutrients???
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Dry fasting should only be done by those who are very well experienced, and have done massive amounts of other cleansing. Basically a dry fast causes the internal organs to heat up and expel toxins......a good friend of mine used to dry fast....but he still did enemas in that time so he was taking water into his body, just not through his upper digestive tract.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
I dont think this particular business would go under if they didnt sell the pearl powder (thats a brand new addition, ala their most recent newsletter) or the fish oil. It just sucks.... Its crazy how these places will sell out. Even the Essene Church of Christ that I used to be associated with.....the founder Nazariah and his now Ex wife Pandora ran a health food store in Veneta Oregon, (which
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
yup happens to me too...especially with cell phones and bluetooth! yuck.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
14 years ago
Yeps...its been happening the past few years....but sadly, some people and raw food companies that supported all raw vegan living are no longer doing so. I was sad to find out that one particular website that also hosts a daily *tv show* and sells tons of raw lifestyle products now sells pearl powder (from oysters) and fish oil, while claiming to support a raw vegan/beegan lifestyle. When I wrote
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Are there any farmers markets??? My friend lived in Seoul for awhile and found TONS of fresh produce of all sorts...including lots of asian/tropical fruits!!!
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
raw makery is a company that makes dehydrated treats....
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
I bought the good4u dehydrator. It works as well as the excalibur, but its cheaper!
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
Tried it tonite...Ive juiced lots of ginger before, for the same purpose. Getting over a cold right now actually. Could substitute agave for the honey...
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
I was reading up on the histamine restricted diet. It listed bananas as one of the foods that can be eaten...
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
veganreikiangel I made the blended salad/stew...came out pretty decent. I did use 2 big cucumbers, a little box of cherry tomatoes, a whole avocado (which I guess the aforementioned veggie stews dont have, as theyre low fat...but since I dont have that *secret* ingredient...) then I added 3/4 a head of romaine, and a big handful of baby spinach, a pinch of sea salt, and a dash of cayenne. oh....and sever
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
Hmm...that is a challenge. I bet if he thoroughly cleanse on raw for awhile (perhaps even an extended juice feast) hed become more tolerant to some of those foods he cant eat now... Anyways...Id try a base of young coconut, add some raw agave or stevia, and whatever fruit he CAN eat. Or perhaps....some young coconut flesh with the coconut water blended with some locuma powder and durian! (is dur
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
Just wondered if anyone has tried roger haeske (is that the name/spelling?) savory veggie stews/recipies? hes selling a recipe book and apparently has a *secret* ingredient. I was kindof surprised I didnt find anyone who has spilled the beans on what this *secret* is yet. I know its only a matter of time. I thought Id try to make one tonite. Im sure I could perfect my own *secret* recipe eventual
Forum: Recipes and Food Preparation
15 years ago
I think debate can be quite healthy and enlightening if done right. Anyways on the subject of cheese. It could be considered a vernacular term only applying to dairy...and I'm not even gonna touch soy cheese....but there are cheeses made by fermenting nuts and seeds......sometimes aged for months just like dairy cheese. In fact rainbow grocery in sf sells it. Its raw. Its fermented. And even fin
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Well said plainlydressed! One of the things that has always irked me are the people that act all high and mighty about being 100 percent raw as if they're somehow better. Personally I think you don't need to be so strict. You ultimately need tyo do what makes you happy. If you don''ll be less healthy raw or not! plainlydressed Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Hey folks, just lettin ya know my friends doing all right. Were helping her get her situation together, and she's in a much better frame of mind now...tho were still keeping an eye on her. Keep the prayers coming...they're working! I'm doing ok as well but were all stressed. I had a banana and a salad last night which was too much....but I'm ok now. Excited to eat low fat and mostly raw! Thank
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I decided tonite to break my fast because my best friend tried to commit suicide. I had to have an intervention and had a mutual friend meet us. We got the truth from her....she had it all planned out. She was going to take some sleeping pills to get tired....then tie a bag around her head as she passes out. So we got her to cry in front of us for the first time ever which is let it out
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Over the years Ive seen many extreme opinions and *facts* on this and that,to do with how one should eat with raw foods....and Ive come to the conclusion that the concept of *moderation* is the most important. Eat with moderation, and eat certain types of foods in moderation. Of course I think we all can agree that fresh fruits and veggies are the most important staples of our diets, and that nut
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Thanks Tamukha! I remember one time I was staying with a friend who was making dinner. She made some kind of rice pilaf thing...and I made the kale salad to accompany it turned out everyone LOVED the kale salad much more than the pilaf! When you make delicious raw can one even compare? lol I did the same thing one Easter at my aunts house, and ironically, of all the peop
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Well....Id go ahead and give up the dairy, plainlydressed. That, after a few weeks should help a little bit...and if you have a steady cycle...plan ahead. Make some super nutritious foods ahead of time for those days. Especially lots of dark greens. Maybe make some yummy massaged kale salad with avocado and make it tasty with whatever seasonings you like...that way you get dark green nutritious a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Thanks for the support folks :-) Yeah..with the Essene bread...the reason I need to dehydrate it and then grind it, is because the grain mill works best with dry goods. If I had a vitamix, then Id actually prefer to do it while its still wet, but if I do it after theyre sprouted (and bone dry) I can make *sprouted wheat flour* and then make the bread from that. I'll let you all know how it comes
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
So...its now been 12 days since I started my juice cleanse...and overall Im feelin GREAT! Had a few roadblocks on the way (being sick before I started....which Im STILL recovering from a little just getting my FULL voice speaking voice is fairly normal now...but I want my singing voice back so I can go to karaoke! Blew out my back/neck the other day doing something stupid, but
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Fat people dont necessarily eat alot. Ive been fat most of my life, and when Im eating cooked foods, etc...over a whole day I dont eat much. I just lump most of it into the evening...that was my problem. Also lots of fat people eat high fat things, or they eat fairly small meals but dont get any exercise...etc...there are many reasons. Just thought Id point that out... John
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
15 years ago
They bashed raw veganism....and healthy raw eating...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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