Results 121 - 144 of 144
15 years ago
Furthermore...if you read your post again...youre knocking me. Youre saying juice fasting isnt hard....and that someone who does it cant handle a water fast. Thats not fair. Juice fasting may not be hard for you, but it IS for some people. Im a compulsive emotional overeater. I have been my whole life. Eating in moderation is HARD for me...let alone consuming nothing but juice and water for a mon
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Jesus CHRIST! A juice fast IS a fast! It is fasting from SOLID Food! I dont give a flying rotten avocado if you think its a fast or not! Wah! Obviously you feel like you need to be *holier than thou* and *right*....otherwise you wouldnt have bothered posting over and over again. Its really irritating! Wah! All I just wanted to post about doing a fast and getting support...not to be belittled!(and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I got a 25 lb. bag or organic carrots some celery, cucumber, 2 kinds of kale (dino and regular) and have some in my garden too! ANd some ginger, garlic, parsley, apples etc...
I cant wait! I also got an intestinal drawing formula by the company that makes vitamineral cleanse my colon too....Ill also be doing daily pure water enemas.
I cant wait to feel all clean and hea
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Hmm...if youre starting to drop below 100, perhaps you need to eat more. Unless of course youre like 4 ft tall. ? I should be comfortable in your own body. Being healthy shouldnt make you oncomfortable.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I dont remember the name of the hotel. the cafe tho was El Loco Natural. They had some awesome hippy musicians there too!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Yeah....thats what happens when you get skinny....then after you get spanked...your ass hurts even more!
-Kinky John
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Thanks...Im gonna need it. Im gonna start getting some supplies today. im gonna try and make it mostly green juice, but I am gonna do some carrots with Im gonna go get a 25 lb. bag today! Ive also got some dino and other kale in my garden thats ready to pick and juice! I cant wait. Im still getting over what I believe is bronchitis (with copious amounts of phlegm that just wont stop)
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
In any know very well that *juice fast* is a vernacular term, that while not in the pure 100 perent literal meaning is a *true* fast....its still a valid term. One can fast from food and just consume juice. One can fast from food and water (a dry fast) One can fast from watching television, fast from too much sex...etc etc etc...
End of discussion.
I really dislike nitpicky literal
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Costa Rica is cheap! Ive been there twice myself. I stayed in a nice hotel with a private bathroom in my room for only 12 dollars a night (my friend and i split it, so it was 6. The room was clean. had a comfy bed...big airy screened windows...a nice ceiling fan and bathroom with shower. Very Very clean. with a restaurant below. Up the street was a place called El Loco something or other... (reme
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Honey....with the way I eat, trust me.... for me...ITS A FAST! LOL
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Hey folks...thanks for your supportive responces! I certainly dont expect everyone to fast with me! Im sure most of you are already in a pinnacle of health! :-) FFX, join whenever ya like....if ya like. Being a day off is no biggie. Im gonna start posting some videos on youtube about it every day further motivation to keep myself on track. I cant wait!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I think its ok to let yourself have something in moderation to *cheat* with once and awhile. Not fried cod tho...How did that even end up in this vegan forum???
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Anyone? Join me for a couple days, a week, the whole 30. Send messages of support? I see 38 views and not one response...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Guys like guys who can cook (or make raw food!) too!!!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Yeah....I agree with most here. People are WAY too brainwashed to think that the food they eat could POSSIBLY make a difference in their health..and theyre too scared to listen to someone else than their doctors...or rather....educate themselves and take responsibility for their OWN health. They want to say *woe is me*...I have this or that condition or disease....instead of realizing THEY CONTRO
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
136. Re: help!
Well...I know Frederic Patnaude would reccomend eating more fruit. Then after you have a high fruit meal (after its digested) have a meal of lots of dark leafy greens!
that might help!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Hmmm....I love garlic too....tho generally not that least not raw!
Maybe your body needs something in the garlic....or perhaps you instinctively know you need it to fight off some sort of infection?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Hey Folks!
I was hoping to get some support here...
I've been off and on raw foods for several years...but mostly waning the past few years due to lack of support/community (and the financial aspects of keeping up a raw diet without an ample garden)
My health has also been off and on the past couple years, and Ive been getting chronic bronchitis like I did when I was a kid as a result, every
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
I'm gonna try really hard to not sound sarcastic here but.......the part where you said 'dry roasted' should have been you first clue..........
Secondly...theytre not organic and are a source of aflatoxin and numerous pesticides! Not only that but they contain gelatin......not vegan....not even vegetarian. There are raw organic peanuts from natures first law and possibly other places. Truth be t
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
Yeah I heard about the tray/door thing. I contacted the good4u company...theyre coming out with spacers in a couple months to take care of that problem. Im still having a hard time deciding on a 10 tray or 6 tray tho...
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
141. Good4u dehydrator
Hey Folks...Ive been searching ebay for an excalibur dehydrator and came across the good4u. Ive decided Im gonna get one, but I cant decide if I should get the 6 or 10 tray. Its a 40 dollar difference....and Im not sure Id actually use all ten trays that often....
Does anyone here have any experience with it? And what did you think? Did you often use all the trays?
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 15 years ago
800 dollars!!!! WOW!
*thinks back to simple times when people just used their teeth to grind up things for FREE!!!
-Back to the garden of Eden, or exit to eden..hehe...
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 15 years ago
143. GE 800 Blender
So...since Im getting back into raw foods and don't currently have a blender I went shopping around for one. Of course Im aware of all the hype over the vitamix and blendtec etc...and Id LOVE to have one....but I refuse to spend 400 dollars on something that simply chews my food for me (in time Ill probably eat more natural hygeiene non processed/blended foods but for now..itll be nice to have so
Forum: Juicing, Juicers, Blending and Blenders 15 years ago
144. Re: Vow of Service
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely who is considered by many to be the modern founder of the Essenes (well..the Essene re-emergence) makes many connections to Zoroastrianism!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |