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8 years ago
Living Food
Banana who: I expected that kind of conduct from TSM because him and I follow the same spiritual/meditation practice which emphasizes being an exceptionally good person and thinking of others first, so of course he would apologize for his lack of tact and for upsetting you. But I want to say that I am VERY impressed that you also held yourself to that high standard...it says very good things abou
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 8 years ago
Living Food
QuoteTSM: I just want to apologize for my tone in my last post. I was a bit irked because I was inspired to post something positive after seeing a particular video and the response wasn't where I wanted to take it but that doesn't mean I should react like that.
QuoteI wasn't bothered by the tone of your post, but I feel l should apologise for spoiling all your fun and enthusiasm about these thi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Hi John,
I started replying to your post but quickly realized that the conversation would end up degenerating into the kind of argument I was just advising people not to get into Thank you for your response and for sharing your insights with me. I do not agree with everything that you said, but if we all had the same views we would miss out on the disagreements and conflicts of opinion that a
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteRaw black bean sprouts (as in cuban or brazilian, etc) make me sick to my stomach. I think the same can be said for raw kidney bean sprouts.
You never want to eat black beans or kidney beans raw. They contain various lectins and other toxins which can lead to severe stomach pain, nasuea and vomiting. Raw black beans and raw kidney beans are poison, not food. Some people can handle them muc
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
No human being is perfect. Every day, on this forum and in real life, I see imperfect people holding grudges against other imperfect people for their imperfections and then having vendettas against each other. When you are in the middle of it it is very hard to break free from. When looking on from outside the conflict it is easy to see the good in each person.
In terms of everyone I have met,
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteHow can you seek emptiness and nothingness while simultaneously seeking enlightenment?
You don't seek enlightenment, you gradually reach the stage of emptiness/nothingness and then attain enlightenment naturally without pursuit. Of course when people are just starting out, one of their motives will definitely be to seek enlightenment, but eventually you reach a stage where you have no moti
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Life is too beautiful to get upset
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteAs always Spoutarian's ego is completely out of control as the "spiritual" police and he uses his "friend" Living Food (himself) to try and fake some credability by having imaginary conversations with himself...
Hi NuNativs,
My spiritual practice teaches me not to argue with other people. I was originally going to write a fairly lengthy post thoroughly explaining how
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteWere the spirits helping him? In other words, did he seek to do this via mind intent and tap into the energy of those spirits? Hmmm. You know what l am getting at Living Food.
It sounds quite likely, but it may be best not to say too much about this on a public forum so as to avoid offending people. Whenever talk turns too much to the spirit world it seems to cause conflicts on this board.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Amazing changes are happening in the world, and while they may be scary to some, I say nothing could be more marvelous. What we are experiencing is the purging of everything wicked and degenerate and the return of the magnificent culture that humanity is supposed to have. Very few people get the opportunity to live in a time when humanity is renewed at the end of a corrupt civilization, but every
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
In the past when civilizations met with calamity, it was always when the culture had degenerated and turned corrupt, and people's hearts were full of wicked things. I say we have come to that period once again today. Today's society is full of base things, with people worshiping money and power above all else, crime and drug use rampant, degenerate lifestyles being glorified, and traditional mora
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteI do think that while his advice is good that we should calm down, I don't agree that we should relax 100%. It is okay to plan for emergencies, and then put your faith in whatever greater wisdom it is you believe in.
Being prepared is of course a good thing, and I didn't meant to imply that we should just all sit on the sofa watching TV because we have faith we will be OK. It is important
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
I am not at all worried about what might happen if/when society breaks down, because I know that everything that happens to me is a good thing. Even if society were to break down and I were to have a really tough time of it and suffer a lot, that would be a great thing because it would help me to temper and improve myself.
People get so worried about all sorts of things, and start planning and
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Quote I am going to talk to Vik about spiritual issues soon.
I was actually just thinking someone should do that while reading suvine's post.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteArron Russo talks about the Rockefella/illuminati plan to to completely enslave us in the near future just before he was killed.
I pity those people enforcing these evil things, because theirs is a fate I wouldn't wish on the most evil being in the cosmos. I shudder just thinking about it.
I wish there was a way to save them, but they have gone too far I think.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Quote.We are the calmest forum out there. Dont believe me? Go on one thats cooked food heads.¥£"
I actually do find that rather hard to believe. I am a member of forums other than this one, including one that is made up almost entirely of people who are not even vegans, let alone raw vegans. However, the people on that forum behave FAR better towards each other than those in this forum.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteWhen a parent disciplines a child and provides rules of safety, it is out of true love. When a parent spoils a child rotten and lets them do whatever they want, many view that as not an act of love. Therefore, love and compassion are viewed differently based on perspective...the child that wants no rules may view the rules as lacking compassion, whereas the parent just wants the child to be
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
18. Re: Chakra test
Quote I like doing the chakra meditations with the mudras and sounds. It's oddly relaxing.
These things may seem completely innocent, but dealing with the spiritual world and spiritual energies is no light matter. Many people bring harm to themselves by doing such things.
Think about it - these sort of meditations are very prevalent in society now, yet how many people are acting like higher
Forum: Other Topics (not health related) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteTSM, if you are still here, do you have a link to that video that you referenced where clement was showing people's auras while praying and eating, etc? i can't find it.
Hi Fresh,
I'm not TSM but I remembered the title of the thread (because it's a beautiful title) so I figured I'd post it here for you. The link is below.
I can't comment on whether or not the video is genuine or
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteSo this is today's culture.
People spending their time watching videos about weirdos who make videos of themselves getting emotionally involved with the characters of, and the dramas of the characters of, and discussing the antics, social interaction, and verbal intercourse of YouTube 'Celebrities'
I guess I'm alone in thinking this is base.
You are certainly not. I would never cr
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Quoteit can be put in a light where it is truely an ultimate blessing in some cases, but l think it's best we keep things simple for now.
I would be interested in hearing more about this...you know how to contact me
I agree that there is far more to the autism story than commonly believed, and I believe it incorporates various spiritual issues as well.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteYou completely get it. Are you sure you are not an enlightened being?
I have just been reading some very very good texts recently...the best of the best Been reading them at every spare moment and am enlightening to many profound things on a regular basis
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
We must be very very diligent in safeguarding our peace of mind, because it is almost impossible to attain in this world without having very strict discipline. Even the most innocent things can impact your ability to be tranquil...the situstion is much worse than I ever knew, I always thought I was very calm and peaceful but once I started doing advanced meditation I realized that I still have qu
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteIt is very important to be kind to each other regrdless of how others treat us, that is the beginning of good things because it can pave the way for a higher level society.
As I was very briefly skimming this thread so as to try and avoid reading all the drama and pointless controversy, this sentence stopped me in my tracks because it is so true. People think in terms of social constructs
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteTotal innocence, purity, and holiness is a state of mind with or without clothes. Perversion, immorality, selfishness, lust and desire is a state of mind with or without clothes.
Beautifully said. We want to be full of light, not darkness. Full of purity, not immorality. These impure things will drag us downward, but we are here to ascend upwards by purifying our hearts and minds. There ar
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteI was born naked. I choose to wear clothes most days.
Honestly though having a bunch of people walking around naked all the time would not be such a good thing because it would stimulate desire and lust, and desire and lust have a way of lowering people's standards and morality.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Quote“Old age is not a time of life. It is a condition of the body. It is not time that ages the body, it is abuse that does.” -Herbert Shelton
“Aging is the result of Time poorly lived...whereas Time is the vehicle of aging.” -John Thomas
“Aging is not a matter of time alone; it is the rate at which we permit our bodies to decay over a period of time.” -Daniel Reid, “The Ta
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
QuoteSo you had a personal mystical revelation. Millions of people throughout history have had their own person revelations as well.
Many people have heard their god say that everyone else must worship him or go to hell and much violence ensues. Some people have experiences that says the earth must be healed. Some people hear that the end times will arrive on a specified date, etc etc.
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Quotethe OP sounds awfully new-age
New Age practices should be avoided at all costs for reasons too scary to mention. What I talk about is not new age, it is principles as old as the universe. Some Eastern religions talked about these principles thousands of years ago, so how could they be "new"???
As a matter of fact, even the Abrahamic religions and "pagan" religions si
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) 9 years ago
Living Food
Thanks for adding your perspective coconutcream. I was indeed too harsh on the subject of treating others, it is much more nuanced than I made it out to be and not as black and white. It does seem that treating others can be a very good thing under certain circumstances, and I appreciate everyone sharing their own perspectives on the issue. The important thing seems to be that the person is ready
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan) |