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Results 6181 - 6210 of 6223
15 years ago
I don't see the point of adding MSG to a food that naturally contains MSG, like seaweed. So I don't worry about the Japanese government's covertly lacing my konbu with that : ) Liberation, you speak in riddles . . . what do you mean by, "how many billion years ago were future humyns last bio equipped to thrive underwater?" Heh? I'm not sure my primordial ancestors ate seaweed. I'
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Dear dave6, Howdy! Good luck with your journey, psychic and locomotive! Might I suggest looking up raw foods institutes online and asking whether they need volunteers? Please forgive me if you have already done so, as this seems pretty obvious. I believe quite a few in North America use people seasonally and operate cooperatively, i.e. your plumbing skills would be appreciated as much as an
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Ariel55, You may have misunderstood me. I maintain Shazzie is a pioneer in that a pioneer brings others out to the wilderness after their own success, so to speak. It's not a matter of quietly plodding along, noble though that is, but of striking a claim and publicizing one's success, yee-haw! Shazzie has achieved that, and without devaluing the work of her mentors, like David Wolfe. I thi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Suncloud, While I concede there may not be an abundance of studies proving empirically that seaweed and mushrooms may prevent or reverse B12 deficiency, neither is there an abundance of studies showing eating steak does. The information I'm going on I learned in cooking school, and was probably derived from USDA research. Also,there are new studies being conducted all the time, such as that
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I prefer the Tally Hall idea of Bananaman! But this is cute, especially if it encourages children to power up on the Yellow Wonders!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Seaweed! Dried wild mushrooms! Also, I think I posted elsewhere that many meat eaters are presenting with B12 deficiency because livestock animals no longer graze on open soil but are fed GMO grain feed. Their muscle tissue is deficient in B12, so the consumer of the muscle tissue can't derive sufficient amounts. The strategy of eating organic produce; sprouting barley in really humus soil, s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
MY*ID, If you don't have heartburn or ulcer symptoms, you probably don't have an overgrowth. In order to maintain proper functioning and acidity in the stomach, there should be a certain ratio of H. Pylori in the duodenum at all times--erradicating it causes an imbalance! Lollipop's suggestions seem REALLY comprehensive and easy. The herbs are all anti-fungals, too, so they should help keep
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Dear liberation Colin, Abjectly terrified though I am of incurring your wrath after reading your other post re: compassion toward animals/animal welfarists, I will reply anyhow. If one starting out in raw foodism stumbled upon Shazzie'sblog and read, nay, devoured it in one weekend, one would have found it tremendously inspiring. As I did. Have you read her blog, from start to finish? I re
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Colin, Regarding the U.K.: some people here may demand my head on a salver for suggesting this, but I'd go to Shazzie's site; I think it's Go to the Links or press release link and browse. I know there was supposed to be a good raw grocery opening in Norfolk a couple of years ago. It may be that you have to order stuff online here and have it Fed Exed to wherever you'll be in th
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
The canning process uses intense heat--you know, like home canning, which requires boiling filled jars of fruit or whatever in water to seal the jars. It's basically the same thing with canning in metal, but because the stuff will be sitting somewhere other than your basement, and for longer, the foods in a can must have the bejesus cooked out of them to "prevent" food borne germs from
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
If you have herpes zoster; and we all do pretty much from birth : ), it is dormant most of the time except when you are: a.) struggling with a sympathetic viral/fungal infection(it comes on and says, Hey herpes! Why are you just lying there? We're here to destroy this person's immune cells! Come join us!), or b.) detoxifying your spleen of anything horrid that lies dormant waiting to be revived
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Fantastic comprehensive instructions, baltochef. Thanks!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I am a big fan of Phil McClusky, the minus-200-pounder. He has a wonderful blog describing his transition to raw month by month. I think it's I thought it was hysterical that earlier in that episode of "The Doctors," the doctor who's a plastic surgeon commented that we don't need to detoxify our bodies because our food isn't that toxic! And then during the raw foods s
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
I understand what everyone is saying here and truly sympathize, being an unemployed Michigander. However, I think raw foodists are very lucky in that they can: avail themselves of things like sprouted seeds and beans, which you can grow yourself on the cheap as a good substitute for mature protein and carb sources that may be expensive or difficult to find; smoothies, which are very filling as w
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
LikeItOrNot and loeve, At the risk of veering into medical territory: The benefits of amygdalin as a cancer therapy in the form of Laetrile have been exhaustively documented. There were dozens of peer-reviewed papers published on the EFFECTIVE use of Laetrile as a cancer therapy, beginning in the 1950s.* The FDA finally felt moved to test the stuff in the mid-1970s. They used every formulati
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
cocoa_nibs, One of the first signs of B 12 deficiency is hair loss. Please consider supplementing or eating more B 12 rich foods, such as sea weeds, mushrooms, and nurtritional yeast. This is a very SERIOUS disorder when it gets out of hand, and can lead to irreversible neurological damage. Don't mean to be so The-End-Is-Near about it, but attributing everything to "detox" doesn't
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Nutritional yeast and mushrooms, people! By the way, most B 12 is synthesized in a fungal medium because it has sympathetic metabolic chemicals to the intended vitamin. If you want to know more about vitamin synthesis, Google Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and Dr. Endre Szalay. Please remember that B 12 is a water soluble vitamin. Rawtarians consume huge amounts of water which encourages the flushi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
VeganLife, I have used Iosol; 1830 mcgs daily in a small amount of water. It's "non-toxic" in that it's water soluble, which means your body is supposed to flush out the excess in urine and sweat, as with C and B Vitamins. Lugol's is good, too. Iodine CAN be toxic in large amounts; your body needs only trace amounts for proper metabolic function, and an excess that isn't flushed o
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Wendysmiling, It could just be mixing cooked and raw. Also, as a few mention, bread that isn't sprouted, no matter how organic the ingredients, is very difficult for the body(any body, not just celiac) to digest. The amino sequence in glutenous grain is very, um, persistent--it wants to make a new grain seed, by God! Combining this feisty chemical mess with a raw produce food, which digests
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
loeve, The Hunza people grew apricots; it was their main crop. The apricots were eaten or processed for post-harvest use, and the pits that weren't used to propagate new apricot trees were cracked open for the seeds, which were then eaten the way Americans snack on peanuts. I don't know if the Dr. Krebs Senior and Junior ever partook of these themselves. I just know this food tradition, whi
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Choco, Those fruit and veg washes were proven by the labs at America's Test Kitchen, and Harvard's labs to not work! A 20/80 solution of white vinegar and water, used as a "bath" and rinsed off, was found to be more effective and cheaper. Wendysmiling, Unfortunately, most non-organic produce is genetically modified, and, alas, this means its evils are not limited to its having
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Yes, in the sense that one can monitor absorption. Typically, a 4" diameter circle of iodine is painted on a fatty part of one's body--inner thigh, belly--and left on over several consecutive days, unwashed. If one's iodine stores are depleted, the iodine circle should visibly diminish as it is absorbed. If it disappears, more iodine is painted on. Once the iodine circle ceases to dimini
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
It is my understanding(I think I posted on this subject elsewhere) that the cyanide amygdalin is activated only in the presence of the enzyme beta glucosidase, emitted chiefly by cancer cells. One's rhodinase enzymes then automatically neutralize the action of the activated amygdalin, which in any case is not particularly attracted to healthy cells, and macrophages take it away. The Hunza people
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
What kind of knuckle-dragging moron cannot recognize the scent of chocolate when he smells it?! Canadian members need to send this to Evan Solomon at the CBC!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Dear Wendy, Your original post was literary comedy. The part about stabbing yourself in the face if any more counting needed to be done--I HEAR you! All the advice you're getting is super. Just remember that, with this dietary regimen, you are replacing nutrient-poor or even nutritient-sort-of-rich foods with totally nutrient-rich ones. Once your body adjusts to foods that it can break dow
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Only water-soluble iodine is safe, and that in small amounts[1200-1800 mcgs/6-8 weeks]. The safest is that administered as a painted patch, rather than orally. And look into "safe" harvested wakame or alaria. Too much iodine can kill you! Please be careful!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
A B-12 deficiency is very difficult to correct without intensive intravenous treatment, and it usually takes four to six months for serious symptoms of neurological damage to manifest. By then you could be really ill. Also, many meat eaters are consuming meat from anaemic animals whose tissues are themselves deficient in B-12, so the meat eaters consequently derive no benefit from what they're
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
Ashlee, All of the advice here is good. I would only add that undigested food in your stool indicates insufficient digestive enzymes and/or yeast overgrowth in the gut. Combining your foods more carefully would help a lot, but I would urge you to also eat things like raw ripe pineapple, papaya, and raw kimchee or sauerkraut to help your stomach enzymes and intestinal flora to balance out. Goo
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
David Z Mason, Your counsel always rocks!
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
15 years ago
MY*ID, You seem to have a sensitivity to carbohydrates. This may indicate a candida problem. Everyone who has advised you to try more watery, less starchy, fruits, is very wise. These ferment in the gut less easily than starchy fruits and are easier to digest therefore. Be sure to eat lots of lettuces and mixed sprouts--they will provide you with water and alkalyzing minerals that should h
Forum: Living and Raw Foods Discussion (Vegan)
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